[MEGATHREAD] Road Ahead: June 2022 - Datacrons

685 posts EA Community Manager
edited August 2022
Post edited by UdalCuain on


  • Zaph0dd
    185 posts Member
    Ill read all that torrent of datacron stuff after the promise of Gearcrunch is addressed
  • Vengence
    1116 posts Member
    We need a thumbs down
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    So that's the road ahead? No GL's?
    "You're All Rebels, Aren't You?"
  • wildnz
    258 posts Member
    This seems to be another general move to horizontal expansion rather than vertical growth. What does this mean for GLs? Are we we seeing the end of GLs and "single meta" or will this return at some point.
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    Will these datacrons be usable in assault battles?
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Vengence wrote: »
    We need a thumbs down

    use me as a thumbs down button

    i want more forum likes
  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    Tone deaf CG strikes again. Complete trash.
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    lets see if i got this... introducing a new idea that gives temporary upgrades, using gear that we are complete short of. why would i want to invest in this idea?
  • Gurken
    59 posts Member
    How about fixing all the bugs and addressing all the quality of life concerns the player base has, and give us the gear improvement we've been asking for instead of doing stuff like this!
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    We need to help the gear crunch before we add more things to have to collect and upgrade!
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    I can only imagine this was decided by some tone-deaf 'higher-ups'...
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    So after all these months.. all they have to show us are datacrons??
  • strafeSS
    201 posts Member
    CG, read the room. Nobody wants this.
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    that post is way to **** complex
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    Seriously?! Only TWO things in a Road Ahead post?
    What about the part 2 of the Gear changes promised almost a year ago?
    What about quality of life stuff? No more mod limit on the inventory, pre-set fleets?
    A new raid for ships?
    A New Game mode maybe? A new map for Territory Battles, like Endor, Coruscant, Scarif, the bathroom in the Death Star, for God sake...

    Sometimes I wonder why I keep playing this

  • Gurken
    59 posts Member
    Imagine how many new ships we could have gotten if they weren't spending time on this? We might actually have some completed fleets

    Or imagine if the improvements to the mod interface we could have gotten!

    Or better yet the ability to finally leave battles outside of our turn *mind blown*
  • feelycr
    35 posts Member
    This is incredibly complicated nonsense that doesn't excite me about playing the game, doesn't make me want to open my wallet, and in fact makes me consider deleting my account and never playing again. Incredibly tone deaf and greedy, CG. You continue to be a disappointment to your players and you continue destroy the Star Wars IP. Can't wait for another developer to put out a different SW mobile game...CG, thanks for treating us all like $$$ instead of dedicated and loyal fans.
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    I'm excited! Seems like a fun way to bring underused squads and characters into the spotlight. As long as they don't just use them to push new factions (looking at you, inquisitors) and overpower galactic legends...
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    How about CG fixes the rampant cheating currently going on in Grand arena and TW's instead of covering it up with Datacrons, i will not spend a dime on this until you invest in catching cheats
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Vengence wrote: »
    We need a thumbs down

    use me as a thumbs down button

    i want more forum likes

    I don't want to thumbs down you. It feels wrong somehow.
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    how many times can this game Jump the Shark, We get your main purpose is to generate cash flow, but how about addressing the customer concerns for a change so we dont feel ignored.
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    Booooorrrrring. What do these guys do with all their time?
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    I mean today is trash day but wasn’t expecting this to be in the dumpster too.
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    So if I’m reading this right the only characters that get specific bonuses in the first set are:

    Characters Specific Bonuses: Fifth Brother, Second Sister, Jedi Master Kenobi, Grand Master Yoda, Aayla Secura, Rey (Galactic Legend), Finn, Resistance Trooper

    And second set

    CHARACTER SPECIFIC BONUSES: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi (Old Ben), Mon Mothma, Commander Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger

    That’s a lot of ls toons with the only ds being inquisitors. Obviously makes sense considering the factions are gr, inq, resistance and rebel Jedi in set 2. Not sure why the most useful and powerful gl was chosen to be in the first set if we’re trying to shake up the meta temporarily.

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    Wow, so 20 pages of pictures and text to talk about 2 things and not address all the needed updates and improvements like gear 1.0 phase 2, let alone part 2.0 and no HSTR sim, QOL updates in general, really sad. Glad my company doesn’t run this way with respect to customers needs.
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    This would be less irritating if it datacons were usable in Conquest or if this road ahead came with some gear change updates. So far the last update we've had on the multi-part gear changes is a rumor from the SW Celebration saying they're done and bailing on their promise. The last official update was what, nine months ago? Come on...
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    Where is the Rest ? where are the new Galactic Legends ? Ships ?
    what is going on ?
  • Jwags11
    21 posts Member
    I can promise you NO ONE wants this. Light spenders, heavy spenders or F2P. No one. So unoriginal too…you literally just combined mods, relics and discs from conquest for a cash grab. We want content not this crap
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    The next few weeks in forums will be (more) fun (than the game).
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