[MEGATHREAD] Road Ahead: June 2022 - Datacrons


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    The overwhelming feeling I got was the value of my entire roster is now diminished (without these) compared to 30 mins ago before I read this. I’m tired.
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    God this is a **** update this is gonna suck so bad, so much for counters and planning for battles ect.
    Also wasn't there supposed to be a phase 2 for the gear crunch?
  • Tuddd
    1 posts Member
    "Where's the rest of ya?"

    Honestly a really disappointing Road Ahead. Datacrons seems like an interesting idea (although seemingly very complicated), and I think it has good potential to spice up meta's as long as the resources required are easily obtained. The LAST thing we need is another system that requires crunch.

    I think the biggest mistake with this post was the lack of recognition of player concerns. Gear crunch is still seriously bad, there are still cheating/hacking issues, lack of new ships, squad arena being useless, and NO COMMUNICATION ABOUT ANY OF IT. No "Hey we hear you" or "We are working on something" just a new system and a Territory Wars character (yay.....).

    Also no news of a new GL? No hints?? Nothing?? Been waiting for months for a new post. Not much of a "Road Ahead" considering everything they talked about is happening this month....
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    Apparently I'm the only one who thinks these sound fun and wants to play GAC again!

    Although really CG, you give the strongest characters in the game the datacron abilities? C'mon now. Abilities like Yoda and Ezra look cool and interesting. Galactic Legend datacrons just look ridiculous. Yay, let's use the exact same teams we were using before but let's make the ones that were already OP even crazy stronger!

    If you want to give meta toons datacrons, give them something that changes how they can be used. Not necessarily stronger, but simply a different look.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    It all looks very complicated in that post, but I think it'll be simpler once I play with it.

    Am I right to say that it's basically a mod that applies to the entire squad, but with one bonus that applies only to an alignment, one bonus that applies only to a faction from that month's list, and one bonus that only applies to a character within that faction?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    I wonder if these datacrons are gonna increase timeouts.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    This RA was garbage. You guys saw the blowback from DataCons and dug in and ignored the massive distain for them. On top of that there are ZERO QoL improvements planned. There was ZERO mention of the gear economy fixes that you guys promised to address in this RA. There was ZERO mention of any new GL or any of the new ships datamined. ZERO to look forward to. Unreal. @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Tusken_Meathead you guys are looking for feedback? Tell the team they get an F- for this RA and that the dev team are liars.
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    I'm excited! Seems like a fun way to bring underused squads and characters into the spotlight. As long as they don't just use them to push new factions (looking at you, inquisitors) and overpower galactic legends...

    that was the promise of Galactic Challenges and then it turned in to promoting the newest characters..

    CG, still not "engaged" with yourself game so no money from me
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    Chose to take a break from the game to decide if I want to continue playing. This made my decisions to stop the right decision. I’m so done with CG and the tone def decisions.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    So when will they address the fact that i cant get to gear 11 with ease?

    Example Raddus droped today but i need more carbanti materials to get him past gear 9.

    Can we get thr second wave of gear economy rework befoee we get new resource to do
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    CG you are an absolutely terrible company! This is total crap and you're just looking for more ways to suck money out of people instead of making features that the people will actually enjoy and want.
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    Importantly, Datacrons are intended to primarily be a separate and complementary economy, in parallel to the current set of progression systems without substantially interfering with a player’s existing resource management - in a way that gives more long-term value to your overall collection.

    Not gonna lie, this is impressive. You've managed to twist a complete waste of money with no permanent benefit whatsoever into "more long-term value". Didn't convince me to buy the bridge but still, that is some salesmanship right there.
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    I’m sure I’ll echo the sentiment of most people here is saying “But… why?”

    It serves no purpose but add an extra economy into the game. CG knows how unpopular the TW faction bonuses were back then, and they still think this new thing is something people want?…
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Apparently I'm the only one who thinks these sound fun and wants to play GAC again!

    Although really CG, you give the strongest characters in the game the datacron abilities? C'mon now. Abilities like Yoda and Ezra look cool and interesting. Galactic Legend datacrons just look ridiculous. Yay, let's use the exact same teams we were using before but let's make the ones that were already OP even crazy stronger!

    If you want to give meta toons datacrons, give them something that changes how they can be used. Not necessarily stronger, but simply a different look.

    I really enjoyed some of the abilities for non-meta toons

    Ezra's datacron ability makes me think what his relic ability would be like

    Gaining % damage per allied Relic Level is super cool
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    ShaggyB wrote: »
    So when will they address the fact that i cant get to gear 11 with ease?

    Example Raddus droped today but i need more carbanti materials to get him past gear 9.

    Can we get thr second wave of gear economy rework befoee we get new resource to do

    Apparently we can't. Gear situation must be fine. In their opinions, at least.
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    hey what if we took our complicated wall of text abilities and added more walls of text...1oVF91E.jpg
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Apparently I'm the only one who thinks these sound fun and wants to play GAC again!

    Although really CG, you give the strongest characters in the game the datacron abilities? C'mon now. Abilities like Yoda and Ezra look cool and interesting. Galactic Legend datacrons just look ridiculous. Yay, let's use the exact same teams we were using before but let's make the ones that were already OP even crazy stronger!

    If you want to give meta toons datacrons, give them something that changes how they can be used. Not necessarily stronger, but simply a different look.

    I really enjoyed some of the abilities for non-meta toons

    Ezra's datacron ability makes me think what his relic ability would be like

    Gaining % damage per allied Relic Level is super cool

    Haven’t looked at Ezra’s options specifically but this highlights a significant problem with the system. It really only benefits the characters you already have at relics and more likely already at r5/7. Unlike omicrons where the investment is permanent, if you see a cool datacron for a character you don’t have relic’ed it’s just not worth it. It might not even be worth taking a character from r5 to r7.
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    Only constructive criticism eh? Okay. It would be an amazing and game changing thing if the devs listened to the fan base for once, starting with not implementing this hot garbage. Never thought I’d miss Carrie
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    My biggest concern is actually not how the datacrons are supposed to work, but the fact that each datacron life cycle is only 3 months. Given CG's track record, there is a fair chance they'll mess up the coding somewhere, every time they release a new datacron. If it's a toon, it's relatively ok to fix it in, say, a month. Not for a datacron.
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    Why aren’t you addressing the key issues that the community have been discussing and asking for?

    - clarification on the gear crunch and your plans for stage 2, 3, 4, etc.
    - Clarification around ships (load outs), characters and GLs for the future (didn’t see a single mention of this)
    - also the game isn’t in a state to handle Datacrons, so why now?

    Sorry but honestly this is a waste of a road ahead since 99% of it is a feature that was dreaded and thought of as a “not any time soon” feature. Even if it is in fact good, you’re not addressing concerns. It feels like you’re not listening at all and you’re giving no inclination for us to believe you are. Just please respond for once. I don’t want to get to next month, next year, etc and you’re still not showing us anything.
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    My biggest concern is actually not how the datacrons are supposed to work, but the fact that each datacron life cycle is only 3 months. Given CG's track record, there is a fair chance they'll mess up the coding somewhere, every time they release a new datacron. If it's a toon, it's relatively ok to fix it in, say, a month. Not for a datacron.

    This is actually a very big concern, especially given recent history with GAC bugs, having to be cancelled and restarted, and TW bugs. There's several big bugs in the game atm that CG hasn't fixed, and everything new they introduce tends to break something else. Conquest breaking GAC & TB, and even Squad Arena once.

    Is the game even stable enough to handle this rotation?
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Literally no one:
    CG: 8 trillion words
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    CG didn’t deliver on many previous Road Ahead posts such as simming the Sith Raid, Gear Crunch alleviation, cheaters, bugs and so much more.

    How can we ensure we get that same level of commitment on this Road Ahead for Datacons?
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    This is quite possibly the thing that finally gets me to quit. Another farming, rng, ecosystem within a farming rng ecosystem, that goes away after a certain time.

    Who in their right mind thought this would be a good idea or even remotely close to what they community wanted??

    What I literally learned today is CG has absolutely no idea how to monetize any new concepts or game modes in this game. They only knew how to re-skin game modes, and now they learned how to reskin characters. I really don't have any desire to learn any of this new sh...tuff.

    Thanks for the memories, and a long long long 7 years, but I think I am finally out. This isn't remotely close to fun anymore.

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    Ryuseiken wrote: »
    Seriously?! Only TWO things in a Road Ahead post?
    What about the part 2 of the Gear changes promised almost a year ago?
    What about quality of life stuff? No more mod limit on the inventory, pre-set fleets?
    A new raid for ships?
    A New Game mode maybe? A new map for Territory Battles, like Endor, Coruscant, Scarif, the bathroom in the Death Star, for God sake...

    Sometimes I wonder why I keep playing this

    A Death Star bathroom map would be kinda sick ngl
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    DMG_SW wrote: »
    Lol @ everyone saying this is too complicated. What is confusing about it? You get boosts. You can reroll the boosts. I'd hate to see your ACT scores if you're getting confused by the road ahead.

    The only confusion is from you thinking that the concern is not understanding how this works rather than this being added to the game in the first place. Always a pleasure seeing you infect threads with condescending remarks trying to derail them
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    Sure seems like when we look back at what finally killed this game, this is it. Gigantic power creep from a slot machine and massively increased time sink if you somehow manage to still care about the outcome.
  • Dianora
    125 posts Member
    Teron wrote: »
    Dianora wrote: »
    Teron wrote: »
    second. all guys, who want more gear for free.. well, you miss a point. this game IS bottleneck. if CG increase amount of gear in ten times(for example) in couple of years almost ALL players will have nothing to gather. just ask yourself: Will u continue to play it after everything is unlocked and when every character is released u can instantly max it and almost every player will be doing the same? well, some guys will continue. most won't. so..yeah they want bottlenecks to be present. yeah, they want u to donate. nothing new here. yeah, they have promised increasing of gear. yeah, nothing is done and it is bad to break a promise. but nothing devastating happened. CG should watch, what they promise (mb that's why there is almost no information about future plans?)))
    in less then two years: they gave conquest (u may like it or not, but it is resources. a lot of them), they increased gear amount from challenges, they doubled income of shards for characters, they increased income of crystals for most of the players. it is MUCH easier to develop a character from scratch, then it was before.yeah, when some bottlenecks are removed, then new ones are appearing , because one more time: this game IS bottleneck.

    That's not quite how it works. As you keep adding more gear/relic levels you need to make the old stuff easier to obtain so that new players don't see an insurmountable wall and quit immediately. If you look at MSF, Purple gear was very hard to obtain until they added Orange gear and then it became much easier and Orange was the wall. Now Teal is the wall.

    The past year has made a lot of purple easier to obtain in general but Kyros are still a huge bottleneck and then there's another painful bottleneck with Circuit Boards and Wiring. There's not even any story in the game (okay, you do feud with the Hutt guy at the fleet table but other than that) so it would be simplicity itself to just add another tier to one or more of the existing tables and toss some Circuit Boards there along with some of the newer characters instead of removing double nodes from JKR requirements for some bizarre reason.

    why it isn't how it works?
    I tell you this: mk5 stun guns were worse, than kyros for me. they gave me mk5 from challenges -> kyros are problem now. and kyros aren't needed(except for 100 from g12 to g13, which isn't a problem really) for a lot of characters. yeah, they split content a bit, trying to control how new players develop. I don't see any harm here, to be honest. ccb also was never a problem for me, but they gave me conquest, where I can grind g12. now I relic characters faster. now I need more mats. now I have problems with ccb, cos I need more of them. and so on and so forth.

    if u remove bottleneck from kyros and low relic mats, than main problem would be mk3 carbanti. what's next? remove it as well? a lot of guys ask for it even now.. remove? than one probably will be able to get character to r5 from scratch within a week, while logging once a day for less then half an hour.honestly, I may be mistaken, but this doesn't sound like a right approach for me.

    100 kyros from g12 to 13? I don't know what game you're playing but I wish. Mon Mothma alone requires 500 kyros from g9 to 13.

    Like I said in my post which maybe you weren't able to read, you remove the bottlenecks in steps. Currently the top gear level is relic 9 which no one is even bothering with. Ideally, the bottleneck would be somewhere around r7 at this point. If/when they add r 10 then the bottleneck would move to r8. That's how better games handle it.

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    Thought of another question (though my first post has like 800% more priority for me to get an answer): The re-roll mechanic wasn't entirely clear. If I reroll, am I just able to select the one I want? The image makes it seem as though this is possible, with the refresh button in the lower right. Is this the case for each level (i.e. I can pick the stat boosts, and the LS/DS buff, and the faction, *and* the character) with a single reroll?
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