Feedback: Datacron Set 4 + Feedback Response Information


  • Pan2218
    496 posts Member
    I gave it a try & thought things might be better than expected. But I have to say, with all of the LS oriented & horrible break down mechanics. Wish Datacrons would go back where they came from.
    Hate to come on here to complain & know I will get a bunch of trolly responses for for it. So just Uhg......
    Happy for Krrsantan & GL Jabba tho.
    Also thanks for taking time to look into mod easement & updating.
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    horrible breakdown mechanics? lol wut?
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    DCs are here to stay. If you don’t like them to the point of disengaging from the game, that’s ok. Your spot at the top will be replaced by someone else who will engage with them.

    They aren't being replaced. The exodus and disengagement is real.
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    HokieFiend wrote: »
    DCs are here to stay. If you don’t like them to the point of disengaging from the game, that’s ok. Your spot at the top will be replaced by someone else who will engage with them.

    They aren't being replaced. The exodus and disengagement is real.

    Actually, they are. I see pretty much the same guilds within top 50 compared to pre-DCs. Sure, there’s been some disbanding and merging over the last month. But as a member of a guild in the lower third of top 50, we’re back to our normal spot; not much higher, certainly not lower.
  • Pan2218
    496 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    While the decrease in overall player participation in GAC is obviously notable, the most alarming numbers for them on there are going to be the massive drops in players within the upper Kyber divisions. Ouch.

    Any spot abandoned will be immediately filled. So how will that be noticable?

    Your guild must have players shuffling through the doors like the days of HSTR. If that is the case, excellent. But I have observered quite the opposite in most places. Atleast ones accomplished rosters & Zeta numbers.
    I hate to say this & didn't intend to be too negative, but wow would it be hard to start over or as a beginner. It is much better these days, but still I have a hard time believing that there are folks that can contribute to R9 mats & Cpit running around everywhere.
  • Pan2218
    496 posts Member
    Why are there no DS Datacrons for the next round also. I mean Jedi, Galactic Republic, Resistance already got these Crazy Data crons with mass offense & stun mechanics that completely break counters. & next series. Is Jedi & Rebels. Not even a DS bonus. Cumon now
  • Pan2218
    496 posts Member
    Aluxtu wrote: »
    Well, I'm just shy of 9 million gp myself. I think they ruin pvp as they take already crazy op characters and make them worse. This reminds me of the random tw buffs they use to give to different characters. They got rid of that because people hated it too. This is the exact same concept only they are trying to make money off of it.

    Lol I did kind of like the exploding droids & believe that they did away with those because of Captain Han Solo kept breaking it.
    But I do agree. What the heck did some of these squads need these kind of bonuses for. The Meta challenge was way hard before. Atleast theory craft with all of the new toons helped. Not its just ridiculous.
    Could give folks with these monster Datacrons included with Omicrons a brand new shard group, GAC Bracket & possibly a new tier of TW that has nothing to do woth guild work.
    It's straight up deflating & the new set doesn't even have a DS bonus.
    Anyway, glad someone shares similar thoughts. Good luck
  • Pan2218
    496 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    Degs29 wrote: »
    12thParsec wrote: »
    I put up See against Rey with 3 tanks and armour. Rey got 3 ults before see second turn. She’s literally unbeatable now. The only character I can think of that can beat her is JMK and even that is a stretch. I just don’t understand the thought process of who had the idea of DCs. It’s like you want this game to die and you want the player base to be **** at you. You have literally made unbeatable teams. 2 mandatory changes need to be made take away DCs from GLs and let us keep our DCs. I feel like crying every time I put crystals into dc materials because I know it’s all going to be on in 2 months.

    Frankly, I think making datacrons permanent would be worse. I have no problem with the temporary nature of datacrons. If you take away their temporary nature, you're left with some kind of hybrid mod/omicron, and if you're doing that, why have a different mechanism at all? Just release 7-star mods and some more omis instead. So I'd prefer sticking with how they are in terms of the 3-month window.

    However, these datacrons are overpowered, and also should never be seen on a GL team. Although we won our last TW, it was horrifically unfun because of datacrons. I've never seen so many in my guild disgruntled with something. I also won my first round of GAC, but it felt cheap. I have a killer Rey datacron, it is unbeatable to many opponents. Having a GA match dictated by a single team isn't balanced at all.

    I had to pull teeth to get folks participating this last TW & we were on a 4 War winning streak before it. So to make things worse, we faced a 450mil guild vs our 360 mil. Lol out larger account would've been the 49th lowest in that guild. Thats upward of 11 mil. Datacrons on everything.
    Stun ones one JMK wall & funky ones on SK wall below.
    I mean thats not fun nor right & people want to stop playing TW because of it (well that & TW format needs a facelift)
  • Pan2218
    496 posts Member
    DCs are here to stay. If you don’t like them to the point of disengaging from the game, that’s ok. Your spot at the top will be replaced by someone else who will engage with them.

    I really like your confidence & been around for a bit to see what has worked & what has not.
    Changes that needed to be made.
    We are certainly in a beta test & have to say that it is worrisome for me. But I hope that you are right
  • Pan2218
    496 posts Member
    Riffinator wrote: »
    4 LS factions bonuses and only 1 DS faction bonus being Inquisitors. Yep you've definitely been listening to us.

    Great way to shove it down our throats though. Got a DS leaning roster? Here, have a bonus for a relic team most reasonable folk don't have..

    Very much this^^
    Lol it doesn't take listening tho, just balance! Like ****
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    a request would be to be able to label the DC so i can find them quicker
  • Whatelse73
    2203 posts Member
    Pan2218 wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    4 LS factions bonuses and only 1 DS faction bonus being Inquisitors. Yep you've definitely been listening to us.

    Great way to shove it down our throats though. Got a DS leaning roster? Here, have a bonus for a relic team most reasonable folk don't have..

    Very much this^^
    Lol it doesn't take listening tho, just balance! Like ****

    The sad thing is, even IF you do have inquisitors built and have the datacrons for them, inquisitors still suck. They are that bad even datacrons don't make them better. (I have R8 GI and R7 ninth sister)

    CG, when the Jedi are hard counters to the "Jedi Hunters", it means they didn't get built right and you should go home and re-think your life.
  • jurian
    52 posts Member
    Capital Games;

    The SWGOH community doesn't like Datacrons, please remove them from the game.

    The community thinks pvp battles should be decided on gear/relics,zetas, omicrons, mods and player skills and not by some random 'temporary' extra stats called datacrons that the community can acquire by gambling on a slotmachine. Also the community dont like temporary stats that they have to spend resources on.

    The community thinks its better to come with actual new content, for example;

    -New PVP format
    -New gamemode
    -New TB template
    -New Raid

    I am sure you will use this feedback to get things back to normal and give 90% off the swgoh community their fun back. Thank you.

    Best regards,

    The SWGOH Community

  • Rius
    382 posts Member
    Actually some in the community do like datacrons and I am sure it’s more than 10%
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    Rius wrote: »
    Actually some in the community do like datacrons and I am sure it’s more than 10%

    I use them even without liking them, sometimes it gets me the win. But it makes every possibility stale.

    So my +1 to this topic. Cg either need to keep all gls out of the equation, or completely remove them.
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    I'll chime in on the 90% side..
    Rius wrote: »
    Actually some in the community do like datacrons and I am sure it’s more than 10%

    Many have pointed out the downside, it killed the upper end guild I was in. No upside to them that I can see.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • jurian
    52 posts Member
    Rius wrote: »
    Actually some in the community do like datacrons and I am sure it’s more than 10%

    Ask the top 200 guilds, you will not get passed 10%
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    Get rid if ´em
  • Aluxtu
    420 posts Member
    Datacrons as they are need to be redone. No bonus should exceed 10%. The abilities themselves should be removed and replaced with potential team speed bonuses, not to exceed 10%. This would make them worthwhile but wouldn't kill possible counters for teams equipped with them.
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    As they stand, I’m with the 90% that do not approve. 👎
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    I’m with the 90% that don’t approve of the datacrons 👎
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    I’m with the greater than 10% of the player base that either likes DCs or doesn’t mind having them in the game. Here are some reasons why:

    1. Whales can now pay for temporary power. If I am a competitive F2P or light spender, this is a good thing because now I can better catch up in the long run on a power per $ spent basis.

    2. So many players with better rosters than mine can’t handle DCs for whatever reason, and are now quitting. That’s ok with me because I get to move up just by sticking with the game. Thanks quitters. 😛

    3. I like that DCs have made the same old battles more interesting while opening up new counters that work for just a limited time. CG has finally shaken up the squad arena and TW meta without invariably increasing power creep in the long run.

    4. I like that they’ve made L9s reasonably accessible with Set 2’s Conquest. In fact, it may be too generous imo, but I’m not complaining.

    So there you have it. A perspective from a top 50 guild player who doesn’t hate DCs. 😛
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    Antario wrote: »
    Your spot at the top will be replaced by someone else who will engage with them.

    Rather replaced by someone with bigger wallet...
    You mind tell me how I as F2P- player can compete against such an opponent like below in GAC, even if I want to engage with datacrons?


    That’s the neat part, you don’t. For the majority of this game, that’s how it’s been for most F2P/low spend when they face a whale (the arenas and some TWs). I find it rich that just because CG allowed you to hang with the whales in a relatively even basis for a while now, should mean you can remain so in perpetuity.

    That's real sad. Being able to compete in GAC with game knowledge and modding was pretty much the only reason which kept me playing this game for many years. Like many other F2P players I might not generate much to CG's direct revenue , but just think how much we indirectly contributed to this game's popularity and success. If CG think it's time to venture on into the despicable realm of P2W mobile games, where you can only have fun in certain game content when you pay big money, then it's ultimately doomed to die in the long run.
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    3. I like that DCs have made the same old battles more interesting while opening up new counters that work for just a limited time.

    I wonder what fun you are referring to going up against a Rey with 1 mililion dmg per ult or an JMK/Aayla perma stun combo, where your team hardly take a turn.

    I don't think you understand why people hate datacrons. It's not because they don't know how to use them. They hate them because they know too well how datacrons can be used to manipulate game balance, which was built more free-to-play friendly on things like modding and game knowledge.
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    I’m with the greater than 10% of the player base that either likes DCs or doesn’t mind having them in the game. Here are some reasons why:

    1. Whales can now pay for temporary power. If I am a competitive F2P or light spender, this is a good thing because now I can better catch up in the long run on a power per $ spent basis.

    2. So many players with better rosters than mine can’t handle DCs for whatever reason, and are now quitting. That’s ok with me because I get to move up just by sticking with the game. Thanks quitters. 😛

    3. I like that DCs have made the same old battles more interesting while opening up new counters that work for just a limited time. CG has finally shaken up the squad arena and TW meta without invariably increasing power creep in the long run.

    4. I like that they’ve made L9s reasonably accessible with Set 2’s Conquest. In fact, it may be too generous imo, but I’m not complaining.

    So there you have it. A perspective from a top 50 guild player who doesn’t hate DCs. 😛

    You live up to your name, the ultimate fun would be if everyone else quit and you would be the undisputed number one player in this game.
  • Options
    I’m with the greater than 10% of the player base that either likes DCs or doesn’t mind having them in the game. Here are some reasons why:

    1. Whales can now pay for temporary power. If I am a competitive F2P or light spender, this is a good thing because now I can better catch up in the long run on a power per $ spent basis.

    2. So many players with better rosters than mine can’t handle DCs for whatever reason, and are now quitting. That’s ok with me because I get to move up just by sticking with the game. Thanks quitters. 😛

    3. I like that DCs have made the same old battles more interesting while opening up new counters that work for just a limited time. CG has finally shaken up the squad arena and TW meta without invariably increasing power creep in the long run.

    4. I like that they’ve made L9s reasonably accessible with Set 2’s Conquest. In fact, it may be too generous imo, but I’m not complaining.

    So there you have it. A perspective from a top 50 guild player who doesn’t hate DCs. 😛

    Concerning point one, yes and no. Clearly, any money/crystals/ssc etc. spent on DCs instead of gear, omicrons, characters or anything else not “temporary” might allow you to close the gap. However, there is a reason why we say whales are going to whale.

    At the same time, datacron power isn’t temporary completely. Jmk stunning will be temporary and when that goes away those that “engaged” with datacrons are going to get more back than those that don’t. Now we haven’t seen the impact of this advantage in the dc system yet, but it’ll definitely give heavy dc guilds/players a significant advantage in the first two tws/week one of gac each month as those engaging with dcs at higher rates are going to be able to setup the new set faster.

    Point 2 is kinda self defeating if you aren’t on the way out of the game. While it certainly alright to disagree with the majority and be happy with the short term advantages it provides you, I don’t think anyone should be okay with cg driving away players with their decisions.

    Point 3 is part eye of the beholder/part continuation of point 1. The eye of the beholder part we can agree to disagree. Particular battles might be more enjoyable to some and not others. But once again dc power isn’t as temporary as both you(on the positive side) and almost all on the negative side believe. It’s still power creep with a built in depreciation mechanism to that power. As well as a built in changing of how that power is expressed.

    Point 4 I mostly agree with. It is now more accessible but that begs the questions is it fun? Are players sufficiently rewarded for engaging with datacrons? For me it isn’t fun, and the roi is terrible. But that’s just me and mileage will obviously vary.
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    1. Get rid of datacrons.
    2. If 1 isn't happening then tone the stats right down.
    3. If 1 or 2 isn't going to happen then exclude them from GLs.
    4. If we really have to have them, then for PvE only.

    A guy can dream I suppose.
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    Antario wrote: »
    3. I like that DCs have made the same old battles more interesting while opening up new counters that work for just a limited time.

    I wonder what fun you are referring to going up against a Rey with 1 mililion dmg per ult or an JMK/Aayla perma stun combo, where your team hardly take a turn.

    I don't think you understand why people hate datacrons. It's not because they don't know how to use them. They hate them because they know too well how datacrons can be used to manipulate game balance, which was built more free-to-play friendly on things like modding and game knowledge.

    The specific fun I and some of my guildmates are having, is finding out the lowest econ JML-riposte squad to beat fast ult JMK L9s. We’ve got it down to no JKR and no JKL needed. I fully expect more such scenarios to come up in future months, which shake up historically settled counters.

    You can counter Rey ult damage L9 with the mirror very easily. You can easily beat Aayla L9 with JML, can’t chain infinite stuns into turns if you can’t stun a taunting GL. If you didn’t build up the right DC to counter those specific DCs, so what? It’s only game, you’ll get the next one.

    I know full well why certain endgame players hate DCs. Yes, they invalidate your past investments in modding and counters at the top end, on a variable basis. I’m telling you most players don’t give a ****, including some endgame players like me who are willing to deal with the uncertainties around DCs. Players like me will happily move on up if you feel that badly enough about DCs to quit. I’m just honest enough to tell it to your face.
  • Options
    I’m with the greater than 10% of the player base that either likes DCs or doesn’t mind having them in the game. Here are some reasons why:

    1. Whales can now pay for temporary power. If I am a competitive F2P or light spender, this is a good thing because now I can better catch up in the long run on a power per $ spent basis.

    2. So many players with better rosters than mine can’t handle DCs for whatever reason, and are now quitting. That’s ok with me because I get to move up just by sticking with the game. Thanks quitters. 😛

    3. I like that DCs have made the same old battles more interesting while opening up new counters that work for just a limited time. CG has finally shaken up the squad arena and TW meta without invariably increasing power creep in the long run.

    4. I like that they’ve made L9s reasonably accessible with Set 2’s Conquest. In fact, it may be too generous imo, but I’m not complaining.

    So there you have it. A perspective from a top 50 guild player who doesn’t hate DCs. 😛

    You live up to your name, the ultimate fun would be if everyone else quit and you would be the undisputed number one player in this game.
    I’m with the greater than 10% of the player base that either likes DCs or doesn’t mind having them in the game. Here are some reasons why:

    1. Whales can now pay for temporary power. If I am a competitive F2P or light spender, this is a good thing because now I can better catch up in the long run on a power per $ spent basis.

    2. So many players with better rosters than mine can’t handle DCs for whatever reason, and are now quitting. That’s ok with me because I get to move up just by sticking with the game. Thanks quitters. 😛

    3. I like that DCs have made the same old battles more interesting while opening up new counters that work for just a limited time. CG has finally shaken up the squad arena and TW meta without invariably increasing power creep in the long run.

    4. I like that they’ve made L9s reasonably accessible with Set 2’s Conquest. In fact, it may be too generous imo, but I’m not complaining.

    So there you have it. A perspective from a top 50 guild player who doesn’t hate DCs. 😛

    You live up to your name, the ultimate fun would be if everyone else quit and you would be the undisputed number one player in this game.

    World class burn. The type of reasoning listed out there is why the US is being flushed down the toilet. Luckily in that case people aren't going to let it happen.
  • Options
    I’m with the greater than 10% of the player base that either likes DCs or doesn’t mind having them in the game. Here are some reasons why:

    1. Whales can now pay for temporary power. If I am a competitive F2P or light spender, this is a good thing because now I can better catch up in the long run on a power per $ spent basis.

    2. So many players with better rosters than mine can’t handle DCs for whatever reason, and are now quitting. That’s ok with me because I get to move up just by sticking with the game. Thanks quitters. 😛

    3. I like that DCs have made the same old battles more interesting while opening up new counters that work for just a limited time. CG has finally shaken up the squad arena and TW meta without invariably increasing power creep in the long run.

    4. I like that they’ve made L9s reasonably accessible with Set 2’s Conquest. In fact, it may be too generous imo, but I’m not complaining.

    So there you have it. A perspective from a top 50 guild player who doesn’t hate DCs. 😛

    You live up to your name, the ultimate fun would be if everyone else quit and you would be the undisputed number one player in this game.

    Nah, that wouldn’t be fun. What would be fun is the small, small subset of my competition quitting over a new game mechanic they refuse to adapt to. The reality of the situation is much closer to the latter than your absurdity in the former.
This discussion has been closed.