Datacron Set 4 + Feedback Response Information [MEGA]

11552 posts Moderator
One consolidated thread for the recent post by meathead today


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    I have a question regarding bonus mechanics at level 9. I have chosen bonus for SEE, now I have bonus HP and protection, but I want have the other one, bonus for ultimate. If I choose reroll, I can keep my bonus or choose another character. Is There any way to change the bonus mechanics for the same character?
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    You may get another SEE option- any character and any buff as long as it lines up with the earlier buffs on that datacron.
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    I have a 10m gp account , i dread to think how much i have spent on this game in money and in time . Spent hundreds on profundity then they put back release date so it was wasted money didnt need to rush. The crowning **** are these awful datacrons that are making my previous spending null and void as i bow cant beat a super crazy datacron. From today i am free to play won’t spend a penny more on this game . CG are THE worst game devs out there and just dont listen to feedback . RIP swgoh
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    Why create an account just to tell us that?

    They didnt set the release date back either, didnt they? They just never released one until now. But here, have my attention
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    exar_kun22 wrote: »
    I have a 10m gp account , i dread to think how much i have spent on this game in money and in time . Spent hundreds on profundity then they put back release date so it was wasted money didnt need to rush. The crowning **** are these awful datacrons that are making my previous spending null and void as i bow cant beat a super crazy datacron. From today i am free to play won’t spend a penny more on this game . CG are THE worst game devs out there and just dont listen to feedback . RIP swgoh

    1.) I don't believe you.

    2.) If you've spent all that money and have 10M GP and can't beat the competitor datacrons...git gud? I see people every week countering the "OP" datacrons that don't have any of the good ones themselves.

    3.) Wait and see what the actual landscape looks like? They've been pretty obvious that the current datacron cadence won't be the same forever and that they were expediting it for the release - I expect the length of time gets increased soon, which means you'll have longer to farm them up and get more of the ones you want.
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    I_JnK_I wrote: »
    Why create an account just to tell us that?

    They didnt set the release date back either, didnt they? They just never released one until now. But here, have my attention

    ok CG fan boy u embrace the datacrons i wanted to voice my frustrations at what they have done to people who have spent in the game i wont be spending again … my choice
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    exar_kun22 wrote: »
    I_JnK_I wrote: »
    Why create an account just to tell us that?

    They didnt set the release date back either, didnt they? They just never released one until now. But here, have my attention

    ok CG fan boy u embrace the datacrons i wanted to voice my frustrations at what they have done to people who have spent in the game i wont be spending again … my choice

    I agree. Datacrons are trash and we have seen a lot of long time players either quit or are just holding out hope for the next road ahead they actually listen and tone them down. I’m not investing in temporary garbage. Drop down and beat up some lower 7mill GP accounts and make them enjoy Datacrons as much you…
  • Gabriele_SWGOH
    71 posts Member
    edited August 2022
    I also agree with exar_kun22… datacrons are poorly designed, increasing GLs power where there was no need… but also the actual bonuses are ridiculously OP… just tone down the % stats increases and the stupid L9 bonuses and we’ll all embrace them, don’t allow for a 500% health steal and bonuses that make GLs virtually invincible.
    I saw a video where a r7 Nightsister Initiate becomes stronger than a GL with the right L9 bonus… really? I mean, how is that fun? How is that inviting players to be creative with their strategy (in GAC particularly)?
    Most players have learned to live with crons, I don’t really have come across many that like them, in fact most I speak to within the game don’t like them, certainly not the way they are designed now, and it’s not about the cadency or the fact that they disappear over time, it’s just the bonuses are too large making all the effort players put into gearing and modding characters virtually null. That’s why we are frustrated, this is not pushing us to work better counters but simply to bet more on an OP bonus roll on cron 🤦🏼

    Don’t make the cron THE ONLY deciding factor in a fight, reduce the stupid bonuses and let us theory crafting counters as we have done over the years.

    My 2pence worth.
  • exar_kun22
    6 posts Member
    edited August 2022
    I am not going to quit the game i love star wars but my obsession with having the latest stuff is going to have to go . I like the idea of dropping down a league to kyber 2 😂. I recently faced an opponent that was poorly modded and no R8 or 9 and had crazy datacrons on about 8 teams they were turn meter crazy i wasn't getting a turn . If thats peoples idea of fun then great but its just a cash grab to bridge the gap to those that have funded the game . I will enjoy it free to play from now on somehow. oh and to the guy that said the release wasn't pushed back 20th august was mentioned i am sure
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    exar_kun22 wrote: »
    20th august was mentioned i am sure
    you would be wrong about that
    I need a new message here.
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    They never set a date for Profundity’s release until their most recent dev post telling us…
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    exar_kun22 wrote: »
    I_JnK_I wrote: »
    Why create an account just to tell us that?

    They didnt set the release date back either, didnt they? They just never released one until now. But here, have my attention

    ok CG fan boy u embrace the datacrons i wanted to voice my frustrations at what they have done to people who have spent in the game i wont be spending again … my choice

    I do like datacrons but that doesnt change the fact that you claimed an imaginary release date for profundity as a reason to rant. Also fanboying is really something else than not disliking the newest change even if the number one content creator told you otherwise. But do as you please
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    There's a lot of this here. One person vents and a group gleefully jump on them like vultures. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

    Lots of clear mistakes in the post, yes. However, the title 'CG doesn't listen' is true enough. Also looking at the OP's page, they've dropped near on 200 points since datacrons were introduced.

    Less ranting and less vulturing please.
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    I've joined the F2P bandwagon too, so there's no bashing from me.

    I keep a spreadsheet of every GAC battle, including relic levels, counter team and the result. I find it insanely helpful in planning my GAC strategy because it tells me what "my roster" is capable of and where I might need to focus my attention. However, with datacrons, that spreadsheet is becoming pointless. Based on the datacrons equipped by me, and my opponent, the battle can be vastly different. And it's not like there's one datacron option either, the way the abilities get paired together causes a vast number of different interactions. How many? Example.... At level-3 there's 5 different options, 10 if there's both a LS and DS choice. Right now, with the 3 different datacrons sets active, making 25 different Level 3 abilities that could be in play on their team and yours.

    I'm certainly not a fan of how the right datacrons can virtually obsolete an opponents roster. Are there counters? Sure, if you have the right datacrons and if you happen to come across a similar set-up in Arena so you can practice that counter.

    Another thing to consider, which we haven't experienced yet, is the fact datacrons don't all expire at the same time.

    Let's say a team using a Phase-2 datacron is countered by a team using a datacron from Phase-1. If the Phase-1 datacron expires and the Phase-2 datacron is still in the game, you may suddenly be left with a team that's nearly impossible to beat

    Then again, we all knew we were in trouble when CG said that they had no plans on fixing datacrons that were unexpectedly OP, they'd just wait for them to go away on their own.
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    This is how much CG listens

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    "Datacrons are a fun and exciting way to adjust meta and give new life and purpose to characters who may no longer be in your rotation. "

    A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth — Joseph Goebbels
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    they can be fun, from what i've seen

    like BAM datacron, and SEE datacron
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    Ultra wrote: »
    they can be fun, from what i've seen

    like BAM datacron, and SEE datacron

    Fun is a point of view Anakin
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    It's not clear to me what exactly this new cadence means. For starters, it hasn't been farm for 1 use for 2. It's been farm for 1, use for 3 with the latter 3 overlapping with the former 1. I assume they aren't going to handicap whales by not letting them use what they bought on day 1 for another 2 months, right? So I assume what they mean is that they are extending the farm period to 2 months and the use period to 4.

    Since the farming period has been doubled, does that mean we will get twice as much of each set (i.e. same acquisition rates) or have the acquisition rates been halved such that we get the same amount of materials in 2 months that we used to get in 1?

    If the former, cool, I think. Whales will still have all the goodies before f2p, but f2p will be able to get a fair number of goodies before the farm period ends. Probably a slight leveling of the field relative to now.

    If the latter, then DCs are going to increase the competitive edge gained by whaling on DCs relative to now. And since I'd argue that edge is already massive, I don't think that is needed.
  • yolkywareagle
    1016 posts Member
    edited August 2022
    exar_kun22 wrote: »
    dont believe me ?

    i don’t wanna be mean but r u just in a rly bad guild or did u edit this pic bc it shows that your guild is doing a hoth tb.
  • Lumiya
    1545 posts Member
    edited August 2022
    I am sorry to say but after I read the new announcement my first thought was: They didn't even have one of those 3 points they made/used that was voiced by the community the most.

    - DCs are still active on GLs
    - they have still overpowered stats(especially for toons that don't need them)
    - they are still active in pvp but not pve

    Those are only 3 points that I know have been mentioned almost from everyone/ were the most agreed upon. If they would have listened, these would have been the very first points to address.

    Edit for typo
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    We asked time and time again, if CG could please implement some changes, then take away these crazy bonuses for GLs… GLs do NOT need to be boosted, they already are by their very nature…

    Did they listen?

    And rectifying some terrible flaws in their designs that were brought up by players in the past doesn’t mean they had listen, be careful, it simply shows their lack of investment in testing new content and the impact of new features on existing game modes. Just coz we pointed out something was blatantly wrong and they went on to fix it doesn’t make them good listeners.

    Having said all that, the changes that they are making do seem logical, at a first glance at least, but the bonuses from set 4 appear just as OP as those of predecessor sets unfortunately.
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    Datacrons are not a fun and exciting way to adjust meta and give new life and purpose to characters who may no longer be in your rotation. Through our data and your feedback that we ignored, we will continue to look for more ways to make Datacrons less interesting to use. For the past 6+ Years, our ultimate goal is to create a fun experience and we’ve done a great job at ruining that experience by adding Datacons.

    There, I fixed it for you CG.
  • sigsig
    236 posts Member
    Lumiya wrote: »
    I am sorry to say but after I read the new announcement my first thought was: They didn't even have one of those 3 points they made/used that was voiced by the community the most.

    - DCs are still active on GLs
    - they have still overpowered stats(especially for toons that don't need them)
    - they are still active in pvp but not pve

    Those are only 3 points that I know have been mentioned almost from everyone/ were the most agreed upon. If they would have listened, these would have been the very first points to address.

    Edit for typo

    Those 3 points are the only reason anyone would spend on them
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    The mechanics are absolutely broken.
    Implementing Dodge chance as a stat is the first big FU.
    That alone will make the next 3 months absolutely miserable. Take one of the worst ingame mechanics and multiply the pain.

    Dash lvl 9 bonus turns are absolutely broken. Same as the 8% stat increase. Dash deals 15 crits and 15 debuffs on his first move. Thats a boost of 240%.

    LV lvl 9 where he stacks 4% mastery for every DOT applied on the enemy team is absolutely broken.

    Empire lvl 6 will result in endless Mercyless Massacre loops. which applies even more dots.

    Not sure who you listened to for feedback, but if that was someone with a DB query analyzing who bought what: sales going down is due to players quitting not enjoying DCs.
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    When Set 1 goes away and we get Set 4, are they going to use the same upgrade materials? So if we had leftover materials without Datacrons to upgrade (say if we stupidly dismantled a bunch), are those roll over, or are we starting completely fresh?
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    I’m okay with almost everything in the set besides the dodge/deflect stat increase. This is without doubt the dumbest mechanic to add. It pushes back skill, and leaves battles up to rng which we already have enough of in the game. No one asked for this, no one uses accuracy arrow mods they throw em away.

    I’ve always said I’d quit if they make a dodge/accuracy meta. These guys really don’t play the game and understand how frustrating dodges are..and to increase the odds of that is just outright dumb and does not make the game more enjoyable.

    One other thing they need to do is stop making DCs for GLs. They claim DCs supposed to make toons we don’t use much more useful, but that’s obviously not the case with all these OP GLs
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