Datacron Set 4 + Feedback Response Information [MEGA]


  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    Gale_Toral wrote: »
    I think a bit of RNG is fine, but the lv9 abilities need to focus more on uplifting lower units. The likes of Wedge, Second Sister, TIE Fighter Pilot - all great. Make them feel like they have omicron level abilities.

    I'm not gonna take my NS Initiate to R7 only to have her omi taken away 3-4 months later.
    I need a new message here.
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    Somehow cgs intentions are to make swgoh fun? Lol since when? What have they done to make it fun? No new content, nothing engaging. Lol their intentions are to squeeze us and make money

    No, as you say,"fun" is just a euphemism for money. Fun has nothing to do with it.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Gale_Toral wrote: »
    I think a bit of RNG is fine, but the lv9 abilities need to focus more on uplifting lower units. The likes of Wedge, Second Sister, TIE Fighter Pilot - all great. Make them feel like they have omicron level abilities.

    I'm not gonna take my NS Initiate to R7 only to have her omi taken away 3-4 months later.

    Not gonna lie, you have me on this one. At least some of the lesser units have relevant applications at r7, but only because they have ships.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    A vast majority of people, that I’ve seen, here, Reddit and on YouTube all hate datacrons. Where the response to that?

    They won't get rid of datacrons, they are here to stay

    Instead of asking for the impossible, you should focus on, "okay, what can CG do for us, to make them tolerable and acceptable?"

    If you gave feedback regarding that, you would've seen it this update, probably

    If a good amount of the player base ignores them and doesn't use them like myself I can guarantee you they'll go away

    Not really

    lets assume the following

    everyone but 10 players ignore it

    - CG chooses to get rid of them
    Nothing changes, everyone wasn't engaging except for 10 people, CG isn't making money out of datacrons

    -CG chooses to keep them
    CG is making a profit by having the 10 people spend on them

    Even if no one but 10 people use it, CG is still making some amount of money vs no money so why would they get rid of it?

    Wrong on that. The amount of money and time it takes to program the DC’s in and continuously edit and program new ones in will never result in a profit if only 10 people use it. Pretty simple stuff.
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    True though
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    Moving the reroll mats out of Cronquest to Territory Wars is the part which concerns me.

    The TW reward structure already encourages sandbagging and concentrating datacron reroll mats there further incentivizes it.

    The TW matchmaker is complete garbage, producing seemingly arbitrary matches even without sandbagging. The last thing you want to see when you are on a losing streak is a high GP opposing guild with low signups and a high win-loss ratio as your token "easy" match.

    Upgrade and reroll mats should both continue to be available from both Cronquest and TW. That way all players have reasonable opportunities to access both.

    And please do something about the TW matchmaker and reward structure. If you are seeing low participation in TW those are the likely reason why and moving datacron reroll mats there wont fix them.
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    The #1 problem with datacrons was them applying to GLs. That's not where they're needed. I heard this feedback presented loudly more than any other criticism levelled at datacrons. This #1 criticism was not addressed at all.

    The #2 problem is how OP they are. OP datacrons trivialize other investments in the game and lead to frustrating experiences. Many of these frustrating experiences are related to #1, because the combo of OP datacrons and their use with GLs makes for a lousy experience. This criticism was also not addressed.

    I don't have a problem with the temporary nature of datacrons, though I'm pretty sure those who do won't suddenly be satisfied that the timeframe was increased from 3 months to 4 months.


    "I never really understood where I got materials for Datacrons, has that been made easier?”

    That sounds so much like a planted question. Some companies do Q&A like that, where they generate their own feedback and questions and act like it was player-generated, when really they simply didn't want to deal with answering the hardball questions.

    The criticisms CG responded too were trivial.

    I suggested to my guildies to stick it out, wait the 3 months and see how CG adapted to the legitimate criticisms levelled at datacrons during the trial phase. Now I feel like I screwed those guildies out of 3 months of their life.
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    That alone will make the next 3 months absolutely miserable. Take one of the worst ingame mechanics and multiply the pain.

    Actually, they increased it to 4 months, because apparently that's something we wanted? Don't ask me who "we" are, because in all my interactions with players I've never heard a single one say the timeframe of datacrons needs to be longer.

    I agree, dodge is already the most frustrating mechanic in these types of games. Amplifying it is garbage.
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    It’s true for all of us. Maybe we’re on a good streak of success, but Right Now is always the time between your last mess and your next mess. Remember that and stay humble.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Only reason none of us have messed up merging a thread is because none of us have ever been in the position to merge a thread.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I'm confused as to why Datacrons keep being referred to as "fun", when the majority of the players on these forums, reddit forums, and other sources keep commenting on how NOT fun datacrons are, and how they're ruining the game for most of us?

    CG can say that "their data suggests otherwise" all they want, but when actual player feedback is mostly negative and completely contradicting CG's standpoint on them, maybe said data shouldn't be used to determine whether datacrons are here to stay.

    Your data may be showing that the majority of whale/kraken accounts are actively taking part in buying, leveling up, and using datacrons, but what your data doesn't show is why. Your data doesn't show that datacrons are being interacted with solely to remain relevant and competitive in the game. Your data doesn't show that F2P players are trying their best to buy and level a few datacrons a month, in an attempt to sort of, kind of, not really stay competitive as well, only to run into kraken accounts in GAC with 27 level 9 datacrons, compared to their 1 level 9, and 6 - 7 level 6 and belows. Your data doesn't show how much datacrons are being spoken of in a negative manner by whales and F2P players alike. Your data doesn't show how it's making this game unfun, and how most players would agree with this.

    Forget your data, and listen to your playerbase.
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    well if they hadn't merged it to begin with, there wouldn't be a mess now would there?
    Yes there would.

    The forums are frequently flooded by dozens of threads all saying the exact same thing. It’s good that moderators try to keep the place tidy, even if occasionally they merge threads that aren’t completely identical.

    Why have 20 threads saying “DaTaCrOnS iS hOrRiBlE” when we could just have one?
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    everyone doesn’t need to feel special by having their own thread to post something

    they could post in someone else’s thread that already is about that topic
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    Ultra wrote: »
    everyone doesn’t need to feel special by having their own thread to post something

    they could post in someone else’s thread that already is about that topic

    But how would I get enough attention unless I start my own thread and tag every CG_ name I know of.
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    But data is how they listen to the player base. Data is pretty much the only way to listen to a large group of people on any topic really. Sampling social media posts does not yield more accurate results because they are inherently skewed towards the negative side. Happy or content people tend to stay silent. When someone feels it's worth the time to make a post on a video game forum, it's usually because they want to complain about something.
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    Degs29 wrote: »
    The #1 problem with datacrons was them applying to GLs. That's not where they're needed. I heard this feedback presented loudly more than any other criticism levelled at datacrons. This #1 criticism was not addressed at all.

    The #2 problem is how OP they are. OP datacrons trivialize other investments in the game and lead to frustrating experiences. Many of these frustrating experiences are related to #1, because the combo of OP datacrons and their use with GLs makes for a lousy experience. This criticism was also not addressed.

    I don't have a problem with the temporary nature of datacrons, though I'm pretty sure those who do won't suddenly be satisfied that the timeframe was increased from 3 months to 4 months.


    "I never really understood where I got materials for Datacrons, has that been made easier?”

    That sounds so much like a planted question. Some companies do Q&A like that, where they generate their own feedback and questions and act like it was player-generated, when really they simply didn't want to deal with answering the hardball questions.

    The criticisms CG responded too were trivial.

    I suggested to my guildies to stick it out, wait the 3 months and see how CG adapted to the legitimate criticisms levelled at datacrons during the trial phase. Now I feel like I screwed those guildies out of 3 months of their life.

    The post from Meathead I think said "this is what we heard". So in other words, didn't actually listen and only heard what they wanted to hear. Or just did stuff they were going to do anyway. At no point was it acknowledged that Datacrons seem pretty unpopular. But no apparently they are 'fun'.

    It was pure gaslighting nonsense.
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    LittleSoka wrote: »
    I'm confused as to why Datacrons keep being referred to as "fun", when the majority of the players on these forums, reddit forums, and other sources keep commenting on how NOT fun datacrons are, and how they're ruining the game for most of us?

    CG can say that "their data suggests otherwise" all they want, but when actual player feedback is mostly negative and completely contradicting CG's standpoint on them, maybe said data shouldn't be used to determine whether datacrons are here to stay.

    Your data may be showing that the majority of whale/kraken accounts are actively taking part in buying, leveling up, and using datacrons, but what your data doesn't show is why. Your data doesn't show that datacrons are being interacted with solely to remain relevant and competitive in the game. Your data doesn't show that F2P players are trying their best to buy and level a few datacrons a month, in an attempt to sort of, kind of, not really stay competitive as well, only to run into kraken accounts in GAC with 27 level 9 datacrons, compared to their 1 level 9, and 6 - 7 level 6 and belows. Your data doesn't show how much datacrons are being spoken of in a negative manner by whales and F2P players alike. Your data doesn't show how it's making this game unfun, and how most players would agree with this.

    Forget your data, and listen to your playerbase.

    Because it's intellectual dishonesty and gaslighting.
    57 posts Member
    Speaking solely for myself, datacrons are just a part of the game I have no real interest in. I don’t think they are necessarily a bad idea, it’s just more than I want to invest (mostly in time) for a mobile game. When I get them and the materials to upgrade/use them, I will; but I’m not going out of my way for them and certainly won’t spend real money on them. I do agree that if the much improved gear economy were improved even more so that the climb to relic level wasn’t as arduous, I might have more interest. But as it stands, I don’t really need or want them so currently don’t see any reason to engage more than peripherally with them. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    But data is how they listen to the player base. Data is pretty much the only way to listen to a large group of people on any topic really. Sampling social media posts does not yield more accurate results because they are inherently skewed towards the negative side. Happy or content people tend to stay silent. When someone feels it's worth the time to make a post on a video game forum, it's usually because they want to complain about something.

    Datacrons are introduced -> huge amount of long time players leave the game -> CGs data say „datacrons“ are fun. Yeah seems like a good method to me.
  • wharp
    222 posts Member
    But data is how they listen to the player base. Data is pretty much the only way to listen to a large group of people on any topic really. Sampling social media posts does not yield more accurate results because they are inherently skewed towards the negative side. Happy or content people tend to stay silent. When someone feels it's worth the time to make a post on a video game forum, it's usually because they want to complain about something.

    Data is just data, numbers, just an indicator, you can't trust data alone. Yes, there is lots of critism and less praise, this is the only way to understand what the community want by talking, not hiding behind a screen looking at numbers.
    For example, if you are a competitive player, you will get any datacron even if you dislike them because you don't want to fall behind other competitive players.
    Getting data alone is an easy and wrong way to get things done, you don't have to interact with people or community ...
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    i like that they are making them longer, but I think 6 months would be better and have it "relate" to conquest units. meaning for 3 months in conquest while we farm for let's say Snoke we get datacron set 5 in conquest, then when Snoke is the minor unit in conquest that's when the "battle time" for datacron set 5 is; meanwhile we start farming General Koda from conquest we start getting datacron set 6. after that we farm Proxie and set 7, but set 5 ends at that time, etc.

    and I still dont want datacrons to be allowed on GLs way to broken to allow both to mix, and datacron s should not relics anymore, maybe g12 minimum but not relic minimum. plus some less super broken lv 9 abilities would be nice.
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    Just make sure that it hasn’t been an undefined amount of time since the last time someone posted in the thread.
    If so it will be closed and you’ll be chastised for necro-posting, and told to start a new thread on the same topic.
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    wharp wrote: »
    But data is how they listen to the player base. Data is pretty much the only way to listen to a large group of people on any topic really. Sampling social media posts does not yield more accurate results because they are inherently skewed towards the negative side. Happy or content people tend to stay silent. When someone feels it's worth the time to make a post on a video game forum, it's usually because they want to complain about something.

    Data is just data, numbers, just an indicator, you can't trust data alone.

    Yes you can, it depends on the accuracy and the relevance of your data. Going door to door to talk to people about how they feel about a subject is just another way to collect data.
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    If we don't like datacons, don't use them. I gave them a shot and I hate them.
    I've boycotted them for the last 6 weeks and couldn't be happier. I was kyber 1, 9.4M gp. Yes I'd like to stay competitive, but I refuse to use, pay or play with something I don't like and isn't "fun".
    If we all want to send a message to CG STOP using datacons in any way shape or form! Or just quit. It's the only way we'll get through to them
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    I don’t like the move of re-roll materials to tw only. We need less pressure driving people to higher gp guilds not more. We need less pressure on high gp guilds to shift the guilds focus to primarily tw not more. Not everyone enjoys pvp stop making decisions that make pvp more important.

    If you insist on continuing down this road than normalize the rewards. The same re-roll materials should be awarded regardless of gp or win/ loss. There is enough emphasis on tw through brains and other rewards. The strength of a guild shouldn’t help or hurt an individual in gac more or less than their opponents based on the strength of their guild.

    Oh and something pve related being developed would be great like a tb, raid, ab, or a game mode that doesn’t overly impact pvp modes.
  • wharp
    222 posts Member
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Yes you can, it depends on the accuracy and the relevance of your data. Going door to door to talk to people about how they feel about a subject is just another way to collect data.

    I agree at some point but data without context is just numbers, the way CG collected data is shady, they didn't reveal their source, we don't know where it come from, if you are using data as proof, then reveal them or nobody will trust you.
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    wharp wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Yes you can, it depends on the accuracy and the relevance of your data. Going door to door to talk to people about how they feel about a subject is just another way to collect data.

    I agree at some point but data without context is just numbers, the way CG collected data is shady, they didn't reveal their source, we don't know where it come from, if you are using data as proof, then reveal them or nobody will trust you.

    The whole post was shady. Data-free assertions that are not supported by any tangible evidence. Meathead asserted that Datacrons are "fun" - based on what?
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    wharp wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Yes you can, it depends on the accuracy and the relevance of your data. Going door to door to talk to people about how they feel about a subject is just another way to collect data.

    I agree at some point but data without context is just numbers, the way CG collected data is shady, they didn't reveal their source, we don't know where it come from, if you are using data as proof, then reveal them or nobody will trust you.

    The whole post was shady. Data-free assertions that are not supported by any tangible evidence. Meathead asserted that Datacrons are "fun" - based on what?

    I find it fun to count money and I am sure CG feels the same way….
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    wharp wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Yes you can, it depends on the accuracy and the relevance of your data. Going door to door to talk to people about how they feel about a subject is just another way to collect data.

    I agree at some point but data without context is just numbers, the way CG collected data is shady, they didn't reveal their source, we don't know where it come from, if you are using data as proof, then reveal them or nobody will trust you.

    The whole post was shady. Data-free assertions that are not supported by any tangible evidence. Meathead asserted that Datacrons are "fun" - based on what?

    Based on what They wrote When introduced it. I never saw a single user using those same words to define it.
    They claim to use the feedback but that Never happened, because since the leak the feedback remains almost the same.
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