Game Freezes / Infinite loading screen glitch


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    Same boat here, tried to battle Mando BA lead with GAS, stuck on infinite loading. GAC is so bugged pull and try again once you have a fixed game. ok once this bug is fixed otherwise we'll never have a GAC again.
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    Just got the loading in Conquest ....
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    Same thing happened to me. I hate this game so much.
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    Same here. Two losses. One after I had 5-6 easy wins. Loaded the next match. Loading screen and music. And waiting. Took off wifi. Same....put on airplane mode....same...took off air plane....still. force closed and reloaded. Lost my team and lost my match. I won my next match against a different squad. Then tried SEE and misc vs an easy win.....waited and crash. I should have had a perfect clear and now I have two losses and two solid teams just wasted. This isn't even fun any more. It happened once during gac 3v3 but I was going to lose anyhow. At this point I mind as well set the highest d I can and hope for the best since I have zero faith that I can actually play battles to gain crystals.
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    Just happened to me twice in GAC. Probably cost me the match, yet I don't expect CG will give any compensation.
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    Congrats to everyone that happened to have BAM on defense. Free wins for you!
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    I just lost Grand Arena due to the infinite loading screen when starting my battle. Had to close the app AGAIN. And of course when I go back to my battle it shows I lost the attempt and my team is no longer available. How about giving us a game that works as intended?
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    This is happening to me and my partner every time we try a ship battle in the GA. Lost all my ships and probably the battle
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    Until the managers of the game fixes the issue with the game freezing when reinforcement ships come in?
  • Avinash
    168 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    Thanks CG.
    Can't do my GAC
    This is costing me crystals
    Too many losses trying to battle.
    "Infinite swirling" screen.

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    I was doing all my gac battles normally, until i try to take down dash/bam team, infinite loading screen, tried 3 times and lost 3 teams... and i will lost this gac round besarse of this
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    I just want a playable game. Been play since launch and it's quickly going downhill
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    Yup, just tried to go against a BAM team and the match wouldn't load. This **** has gone on for for too long.

    FIX YOUR GODDAMN GAME, CG. This bug is costing players time, in-game and real life money.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    Seighz wrote: »
    I was doing all my gac battles normally, until i try to take down dash/bam team, infinite loading screen, tried 3 times and lost 3 teams... and i will lost this gac round besarse of this

    Just happened to me in GAC...just lost my GAS team. This is getting REALLY old!!
    It was also a BAM team, no Dash though.
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    Its not worth tagging CG, they clearly don't give a crap anymore. It's been ehat 3+ weeks of this with no responses? How about some basic Customer service, just let the players know what's really going on and when we can expect this to be fixed.
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    So im at 5 crashes in gac only game mode it happens in for me
  • E3P0
    111 posts Member
    Just had this happen FIVE times tonight in Conquest. Han and Chewie were on my selected squad every time (mostly under a BAM lead, but once with CLS rebels) so one or both of them may also be related toons to this issue. Proceed with caution.

    FYI the closest I've ever come to quitting this game was dealing with a similar recurring freeze/crash issue. It appeared mysteriously one day after a game update, across multiple devices and accounts. I was dealing with multiple unexpected crashes a day (at least those ones gave an error popup though, rather than just a perpetual loading screen). I lost countless TB battles, squad/fleet arena fights, and many GAC matchups (though this was before the mode had crystals tied to it - still, incredibly frustrating to have all the effort sabotaged by something out of my control). And Answers HQ was next to useless, despite multiple people reporting the exact same issue. They never even responded to me, just merged my post with an older one marked "Solved" despite their only advice being to uninstall and reinstall - a step I tried probably dozens of times out of frustration. I was pretty well at the end of my rope after well over a year of dealing with this every day when it disappeared just as mysteriously.

    In any case, after experiencing the above, my expectations that this current issue will get resolved in a timely or player-friendly manner are essentially nil.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    TVF wrote: »
    Was it a pack to prevent freezes?

    Otherwise that doesn't make sense.

    Might have been.... who looks?
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Avinash wrote: »
    Thanks CG.
    Can't do my GAC
    This is costing me crystals
    Too many losses trying to battle.
    "Infinite swirling" screen.

    I read that as: too many losses trying to battle "infinte swirling" screen.

    Lol and i agree
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    This just highlights why we need in game messages regarding high priority bugs like this. Far too many people are losing their GAC’s because they weren’t aware this was going on.

    CG has been against general compensation for sometime now regarding bugs but I think this is far too widespread at this point.
  • Justokay
    94 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    Hot fixing it mid GAC battle only exacerbates it for those that already attacked when BAM was not beatable. Wasn’t there some issue like this previously where either attacking before or after a hot fix changed the playing field? And compensation promised that never came despite a lowered skill rating and GAC payout?
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    This just highlights why we need in game messages regarding high priority bugs like this. Far too many people are losing their GAC’s because they weren’t aware this was going on.

    CG has been against general compensation for sometime now regarding bugs but I think this is far too widespread at this point.

    I’m surprised basic in game compensation isn’t a standard. Marvel Strike Force does this rather well, one of my friends had a small issue where the store didn’t work for 30minutes. So they gave him 15k energy plus power cores and gear.

    Yes, 15k energy plus more. Now I don’t need that level of compensation and wouldn’t complain, but this is a basic thing they do right.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    This just highlights why we need in game messages regarding high priority bugs like this. Far too many people are losing their GAC’s because they weren’t aware this was going on.

    CG has been against general compensation for sometime now regarding bugs but I think this is far too widespread at this point.

    I’m surprised basic in game compensation isn’t a standard. Marvel Strike Force does this rather well, one of my friends had a small issue where the store didn’t work for 30minutes. So they gave him 15k energy plus power cores and gear.

    Yes, 15k energy plus more. Now I don’t need that level of compensation and wouldn’t complain, but this is a basic thing they do right.

    CG has been anti-compensation since Carrie left it would seem. Compensation is such an easy win too. I will never understand why CG never takes the easy layups. Goodwill goes a long way.
  • tile
    53 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    This just highlights why we need in game messages regarding high priority bugs like this. Far too many people are losing their GAC’s because they weren’t aware this was going on.

    CG has been against general compensation for sometime now regarding bugs but I think this is far too widespread at this point.

    I’m surprised basic in game compensation isn’t a standard. Marvel Strike Force does this rather well, one of my friends had a small issue where the store didn’t work for 30minutes. So they gave him 15k energy plus power cores and gear.

    Yes, 15k energy plus more. Now I don’t need that level of compensation and wouldn’t complain, but this is a basic thing they do right.

    Cg used to do that when they screwed up. "Here are some items to help you on your way" are words we will never hear again...
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    This just highlights why we need in game messages regarding high priority bugs like this. Far too many people are losing their GAC’s because they weren’t aware this was going on.

    CG has been against general compensation for sometime now regarding bugs but I think this is far too widespread at this point.

    I’m surprised basic in game compensation isn’t a standard. Marvel Strike Force does this rather well, one of my friends had a small issue where the store didn’t work for 30minutes. So they gave him 15k energy plus power cores and gear.

    Yes, 15k energy plus more. Now I don’t need that level of compensation and wouldn’t complain, but this is a basic thing they do right.

    CG has been anti-compensation since Carrie left it would seem. Compensation is such an easy win too. I will never understand why CG never takes the easy layups. Goodwill goes a long way.

    All things considered, there is actually no issue with giving compensation. Meaning it won’t break the game, it won’t harm the player base and it won’t hinder progress. It does the opposite, it gives a replacement for lost resources and time whilst also uplifting the player base. There’s only positives so I’m surprised it’s such a demonised idea.
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    Is it safe ro llay GAC yet... or is it just going to be....q6s94qflpm39.gif
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    Happened three Times today for now.

    Would be nice to know if you would ignore this when it happens to buying crystals!!!!

    Just make sure your game runs clearly. Its expensive enough.
  • wharp
    223 posts Member
    Hello Holotable Heroes,
    We are investigating an increase in soft locks when entering Fleet battles in any mode since the Update earlier today. We are in the midst of determining the root cause of this issue and will let you know more information as soon as possible.
    Edit: This also appears to impacting some squads with The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor)

    But the patch added 1 omicron, 1 TB battle and 2 fixes (mod crash and incorrect art).
    I am curious how these few modification can increase the soft lock in Fleet battles or with BAM....
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