Krayt Dragon Rewards Need an Overhaul


  • Gawejn
    1129 posts Member
    It was obvious that there will be huge nerf. People called employees in Capital Games knows what they do. They decided to nerf all rewards from raids. Simple. Why? Maybe Product Manager has % from sale? So he decided to milk as much money as possible? Maybe Capital Games isnt interested in keeping this game alive and wants to slowly shut down the game?
    Doesnt matter. Who cares. Players will decide what to do with this.
  • nottenst
    709 posts Member
    Zehava wrote: »
    And no one is bringing up that they completely shut raids off for an entire week before this update, and all we got was refilled launch tickets.
    I thought we were supposed to get some gear package for the shut off raids.
  • GaiserickThorkhal
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    how could such a fiasco have happened?

    - a catastrophic update in terms of Bugs. CG announces a new double drop and 1000 crystals... oh... thank you so much... but it's not enough!

    - a raid blackout for several days... no real compensation while CG announces that we won't lose anything.

    - a new raid, accessible and pleasant certainly, more "difficult" to perform than on the Sith raid.. but laughable rewards compared to the rewards of the Sith raid PitRancor. Knowing that many guilds including around 400M PG will not reach the level of 130M points on the Krayt... In truth, you let the trainee decide what to do? although the trainee would probably have done better...

    what should we understand CG?

    you take us for 3 week old rabbits?

    really disappointed :(
    Post edited by GaiserickThorkhal on
  • hsv216
    41 posts Member
    Torindale wrote: »
    Now I know it's new but you are looking at 400 mil guild for relic 8 mats now. Your progression has a major flaw. Please do something because what you did NOT COOL

    Probably need to add about 100m to that number, i.e. only the 500m GP guilds will get anything near the 130m crate or beyond. With that you can get a whopping 2 aeromagnifiers! Ahnalhdt had a vid up a little while ago, and think his guild is only approaching the next crate beyond the 130.

    @CG, this is just dumb. I think someone earlier in this post suggested that the rewards should be similar to what you did with conquest, i.e. max crate at normal is about equivalent to crate 1 in hard. This is made even worse when you can only run one raid at a time. Launch Krayt and you are locked in for 3 days. I thought the reason behind cpit was so that playuers could actually get r8 materials, but that is now gone. Since you effecively need relic 8's to get aeromagnifers in the new raid, what do they do? Only option is to buy with crystals, which means even longer to get anywhere.

    I have enjoyed the new raid, but you have effecitvely locked out a vast majority of your player base from really competing in the raid. if you don't have those high relic toons, you are contributing nothing to the overall guild progression. Your personal track is netting you next to nothing. My main has 10.5m so I can do ok. My alt is 7.5m, and does next to nothing. Not getting nearly the same rewards as it was previously, so guess you are looking to widen the gap even more, not closing it.
  • Options
    The biggest disappointment is just how bad the rewards are in comparison to the old CPit, and HSith even with not considering the 2 previously simmed raids of HPit and HAAT. Making the R8 mats impossible for so many guilds is absurd. So many guilds that were able to easily clear CPit, without many people even needing to try in the guild, are just seeming to be locked out of R8 mats with more people in the guild trying in comparison to what was needed for CPit. Going back to Sith raid in the new system will give more G12 pieces than the Krayt raid would, if you arent able to get to the 130mil guild reward for the MK3 tokens then there is no reason to be doing the Krayt raid. This is extremely disappointing to have the Sith raid be the raid that many guilds should continue doing if they cannot reach the 130mil guild reward, when we have been doing the Sith raid for such a long time already. Please at the VERY least consider putting the MK3 at earlier stages in the Krayt raid. I do not think that would solve the rewards issue, but it would at the very least not be absurd of locking people out of R8 mats when before they were perfectly capable of earning R8 mats.
  • el_mago
    753 posts Member
    Fieldgulls wrote: »
    Just to let folks know, I am reading through these and reporting feedback to the rest of the team.

    Thanks….but huh? They had to know that the rewards were a giant step back. You are going to provide feedback on what? That the player base is unhappy? How could they have not know this before release? We all know the did or they would have released the reward structure in advance…we all knew why. They know why…and surprise here we are. This is seems very disingenuous…but I guess par for the course.

    Simmer down, sir....don't shoot the messenger. No need to villainize him for doing his job. I mean, he could've not posted at all and we'd be angry that they're not listening. At least we know that they know we are highly agitated with the rewards (and those stupid currencies looking so similar).
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    CG, clear up this mess.
    Also I want tools to see how many teams my guild has on which equipment level.
    Do it either as an API or in game option.

    Best greeting, drill officer from a 450m guild
  • NixSW
    5 posts Member
    As I see it, one major problem. I'm intentionally ignoring the quantity question, others are doing that analysis much more effectively.

    Gating everything behind high level performance of a select group of squads is the problem. I curated my roster for the other raids, as of my first Krayt attempt, my 7.5M roster caps out at the 1.34M individual track reward. Because I don't have Jabba. My results are due to decent Mando/OR, not great. I'm not even able to get 5 mk12 gear pieces under the individual roster. Overall, my 411GP guild, will not be even close to the 130M mark, simply due to not hitting critical Jabba mass in our roster.

    Writing off Mk1. I'm not upset with how its working and think it's mostly equivalent to Pit/HAAT, except for shard income (Solo/Traya/GK Shards). Major problem is the other 2 raids equivalence and mk2/m3. It feels like they are gone entirely.

    Case studies as to why this is a problem for mid-range guilds:
    Individual: I can solo HSTR with both my JMK and SLKR, and have done so repeatedly. According to basic progression mechanics, I expected to retain at least the simmed level of HSTR rewards (aka,significant mk1 and mk2 tokens, assumed at a low progression level of Krayt). I'm now getting effectively zero g12 pieces when I was getting 100-200/week from raids, plus GET2 conversion.

    Guild: We've farming cpit on cooldown, I regularly contributed at what could be considered a reasonable individual level (6-10M). Based on communicated statements, I expected to retain modest mk8 mats(mk3), in line with communicated equivalence statements. As a guild, we're now at zero for mk3. Our entire guild should not be entirely losing this resource stream, and they should be at the guild level.

    Due to the lower barrier to entry for krayt, I don't see easy solutions other than removing the faction gating, or having a completion flag in place for legacy raids that triggers inclusion of all listed rewards at low guild levels (i.e. PIT/HAAT included at 10M, HSTR at 34M).

    Please take the time to get this right and don't bandaid it. It's a massive departure from prior raids that allowed every character to be used (or relic level in the case of cpit). I'm shocked that the smart choice is to go back to HSTR for us right now, when it's basically been a race to solo it every time it launches (to the point of the guild asking people to wait to turn in results).

    Everything going on is indicative of a massive failure of design regarding the rewards structure, which is incredibly unfortunate, because I really am a huge fan of the asynchronous model and no longer competing against guild members and think this update is fundamentally a good change for the game.

    P.S. Reward tracks are going to be seen as terrible design in under 5 years, just like loot boxes. Paying money to then spend time earning rewards is not going to survive the 2020s, too many other more popular games doing it better at this point.
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    Dianora wrote: »
    It's a brand new raid so I'm not trying to be overly negative but hopefully we'll see some changes.
    What I like: The art is very cool and the overall feel of the raid is very different from previous raids in a good way. The damage caps are good, in theory, and I like that everyone needs to pitch in.
    What I dislike: The reward structure and payout are all terrible.
    If we look at the Title Update Post, Meathead said
    By completing up to just individual Milestone 5 and Guild Milestone 3, players will obtain a significant portion of tokens to purchase early stage gear. This quantity of currency can be used to obtain items consistent with the previous reward value.
    Taking him at his word, that means that you need 1.7M individual and 73M across the guild to hit those milestones which is one R7 team, two R3 teams, or one R5 + one R1 team in the required factions (assuming they can hit the damage cap... looking at you, Jawas) just to get back to where you were last week if your guild was clearing all the available raids. Even if that's not a major ask, any new requirement just to get the same rewards you were getting before is ridiculous.
    Except that quote is not even correct. If you look at the great analysis done by Dolphin Buff Man on Reddit, you need the 7th personal box and 5th guild box just to break even on purple gear and aeros and even maxed out on both tracks (more on that in a second) you're way behind on G12 gear, guild tokens, GET 1 and 2, and ship credits compared to previous rewards. The guild token loss, in particular, really hurts newer players and their ability to star up and gear up characters. It's 2.55M for the 7th personal which is most of an R8 attempt, an R7 + an R3, two R5s + a bit... just for reference.
    The counter argument is that you get more choice of what to spend on, which completely ignores the loss of GET but is anyone really happy with "instead of random gear you can get half as much gear of your choice if you invest in these specific teams"? And the bloated shipment page is a pain to navigate.
    Finally, the final chest requires 520M which is 10.4M per player or 2x R8 runs and 3x R7 runs. Leaving aside whether some teams (Jawas, Tuskens) can even max those runs at those relic levels, that's a pretty huge ask for a raid model that is designed to be frequently updated (12 months? 18 months?).
    You can't just raise the caps because some teams (BAM, Jabba) can max whatever cap you put out while others can't even hit the current caps. So I would suggest cutting the point requirements for the individual and raid tiers by quite a bit.

    I agree the raid is beautiful and I thought quite enjoyable and had fun! But losing one of the undercurrents of my progress is a huge morale blow, I'm disappointed severally with the rewards. This seems like it will be more annoying then farming kryotech. Like I was hoping for a way to grow not shrink. And it is very hard to keep my guild motivated. I'm just lucky I sprinted for Jabba the rest of my guild was not so lucky and no one is breaking 1m so far for the raid. Overall it's beautiful kinda fun but Ultimately a bit disenfranchising.
  • Whatelse73
    2201 posts Member
    Seighz wrote: »
    And no kyros in the get store, before you could get sometimes some pieces of kyrotech or even 50 if u were lucky, now i havent seen them in the store, neither my guildmates

    Players in my guild ranking in the 10s and 20s were regularly getting full kyro pieces from the CPIT, or 25 and 25, and so on. I got them a couple times in the top 10, but mostly they were 10s, 20s, etc.

    At the end of the day, we should be seeing full kyro pieces a couple times a week in the guild store for 100 currency. Along with that, full G12 pieces or finishers for G12 just like we got from CPIT.

    That's not to mention all the extras we got from HSITH and simmed tank and rancor raids roughly twice a week each. I look forward to seeing the actual math some of the number wizards come up with to show what we're actually getting and how much less it is compared to doing 4 raids a week.
  • Fredy5
    328 posts Member
    CG = Capital of Greed ...
    As always ...
  • Jed_Eye
    176 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    The only good thing about the raid is the artwork...

    Limited teams forcing you to play with select factions eliminates all theory crafting. The runs already have a damage limit and a 5 attempt a day limit so limiting players from using their whole roster is about forced farming select toons for 75% less rewards than we used to get in the old system..

    The limited roster was sold to us as a control to eliminate overpowered, unintended interactions. Well having a score limit along with relic gating already does this.

    This raid was maybe fun for one attempt but we are looking at this just one phase with no real goal of beating a raid, no sense of accomplishment, just a joke of a scoring bracket.

    This has to be the worst new content released in the history of gaming...... If it wasn't for the art I would say it is worse than the atari ET game.
  • Phoenixeon
    1843 posts Member
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    I finished my 5x with max 300k per try, the raid has 2 days remaining and the guild is struggling to log in at the time.

    And ppl are complaining about the reward of the raid that havnt finished.

    You can literally see exactly what the rewards will be. It isn't like it is some RNG chest you need to open before you know if it is good or not.

    If l am going to complain, i will at least wait until the first raid finish.
  • osbourne
    34 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    nottenst wrote: »
    I thought we were supposed to get some gear package for the shut off raids.

    I thought so too. I could have sworn they said they were going to give everyone top rewards for all the raids we were missing out on.
  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Anyone crunched the numbers / data yet on how much rewards is lost and how much increase needs to be done to match or increase the raid rewards?

    CG sure did and this is what they came up with
  • Xhedao
    209 posts Member
    Drim wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Anyone crunched the numbers / data yet on how much rewards is lost and how much increase needs to be done to match or increase the raid rewards?

    CG sure did and this is what they came up with

    First post:
    Deeper analysis:

    To make it short: massive increases
  • Xhedao
    209 posts Member
    Reward System sucks.

    According to math we have now to playthe HStR again, to get better rewards. And this is still a huge amount less then prior the new raid rewards.

    Feels pretty good getting less rewards for the same time spend. Hope you meant in the release stream with your comment, that "the rewards are not final", that you will adjust them in the next days or weeks and not that you just wanted to adjust them in the left half workday until release.

    Same time, massively less rewards. Yeah, that is fun
  • osbourne
    34 posts Member
    Xhedao wrote: »
    Reward System sucks.

    According to math we have now to playthe HStR again, to get better rewards. And this is still a huge amount less then prior the new raid rewards.

    Feels pretty good getting less rewards for the same time spend. Hope you meant in the release stream with your comment, that "the rewards are not final", that you will adjust them in the next days or weeks and not that you just wanted to adjust them in the left half workday until release.

    Same time, massively less rewards. Yeah, that is fun

    another annoying part of having to return to the Sith raid is that in my guild there were only around 10 of us who could be bothered to actually do the raid and the other 37ish people would sit back and just collect free rewards for doing nothing. that was fine because the 10 of us doing the raid were rewarded for our effort by getting better rewards. none of us were particularly greedy about it (going hard at it sometimes to get top 5 and laying back sometimes to give other people top 5) so everyone had a fair chance of getting top rewards and it worked out pretty well for everyone involved. Now, however, there will be no extra rewards (no personal reward track) for the people who actually participate in the raid and we'll be getting the same rewards as the people who sit out and do nothing. not much incentive to be one of the ten people clearing that raid a couple times a week.
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    The new raid is trash

    I'd say the worst thing they added to the game

    only the top guilds will be running it
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    Just to let folks know, I am reading through these and reporting feedback to the rest of the team.

    Thanks Meathead for at least making us feel like we're being listened to, even if we're all incredibly skeptical that we'll see any positive change as a result of our complaints. There's definitely a pattern of CG implementing hew changes without apparently considering the outcomes, people getting massively **** at you for doing so and CG basically thumbing their noses at our complaints. It's fairly obvious from reading this forum that your playerbase is massively underwhelmed and disappointed by the new raid. Well, maybe not the raid itself but certainly the rewards. For something that was supposed to increase engagement with the game I think you'll see a lot of guilds going back to the old raids, which is a shame because the new raid looks really good. I also like the fact that there's a bigger window for participation, rather than the old HSTR situation where if you were 20 minutes late to the party you missed out.

    If I could ask for one thing to be reported back and acted one it would be a simple, small change. As someone who is partially visually impaired I'm really struggling to differentiate between the new currency icons in the Guild Activity Shipments store. Different colours or shapes for different currencies would be a massive help. Or maybe different stores instead of one massively bloated store.

    Thanks for listening and hopefully our feedback will be considered and we'll see the reasonable changes that people are asking for.

  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    I will just add that CG is the complete opposite of a gaming company. They seem to not understand the basic idea of what it is to be an entertainment company. The fact they report they are reviewing our posts and reporting back the feedback is a tone def response. I want the penny pitcher to report back to us
    Post edited by Drim on
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    osbourne wrote: »
    Xhedao wrote: »
    Reward System sucks.

    According to math we have now to playthe HStR again, to get better rewards. And this is still a huge amount less then prior the new raid rewards.

    Feels pretty good getting less rewards for the same time spend. Hope you meant in the release stream with your comment, that "the rewards are not final", that you will adjust them in the next days or weeks and not that you just wanted to adjust them in the left half workday until release.

    Same time, massively less rewards. Yeah, that is fun

    another annoying part of having to return to the Sith raid is that in my guild there were only around 10 of us who could be bothered to actually do the raid and the other 37ish people would sit back and just collect free rewards for doing nothing. that was fine because the 10 of us doing the raid were rewarded for our effort by getting better rewards. none of us were particularly greedy about it (going hard at it sometimes to get top 5 and laying back sometimes to give other people top 5) so everyone had a fair chance of getting top rewards and it worked out pretty well for everyone involved. Now, however, there will be no extra rewards (no personal reward track) for the people who actually participate in the raid and we'll be getting the same rewards as the people who sit out and do nothing. not much incentive to be one of the ten people clearing that raid a couple times a week.

    Good news on that front at least.... If your guildies dont do anything, they won't get any rewards....
  • Koren_Dar
    16 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    I worry wirh everyone saying going back to HRST is going to have CG lower the HRST rewards... before many guild events have it. I understand why the lower levels of Krayt can't be better than Hrst, but maybe add some guild tokens and credits to Krayt at lower levels as those are really missing now and guild tokens are needed for people to build accountsnfor GL like Jabba.

    And if the rewards for KRAYT are slightly different then guild would likely mix in doing Krayt in with HSRT.

  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    vormir wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    Why is it that 1 solo SLKR squad earns the guild more from Sith raid than 50 x Jabba AND 50 x Mandos all at R5? Looking at Conquest, once you hit 4M and earn first crate on Hard mode your rewards are better. Why isn’t the first crate in the Krayt raid worth more than max crate Sith raid?

    You are giving them ideas ! Clearly they won't increase new raid rewards but lower sith and any other legacy raid rewards !

    Lol, I am CERTAIN they didn’t need me for that idea of decreasing raid rewards (as evidenced by lower raid rewards)! However if they do lower Sith rewards from here, it would definitely be time for me to move on. Thanks for the laugh though!
  • Whatelse73
    2201 posts Member
    Mtbninja wrote: »
    These rewards are just absolute garbage. If you cannot fix it in like a day or two, let's just roll it back. It's that bad. I am a guild officer and everyone is **** on discord. I have personally suspended all spending on the game until the issue is resolved. To be clear; we were told there would be BETTER payouts, but what we got was WORSE payouts. At least until we have an average guild GP of 11 mil.

    I'm sure some CG lawyer wrote somewhere in a micro-font, "*better rewards for the top ten guilds who's players can each do 10 mil total damage to the Krayt." The rest of us are irrelevant.

    I'd rather go back to hitting the HRS with a solo team, doing sims each week, and doing a CPIT once a week that I did 10 mil in, even if quite a few in my guild got rewards without doing anything but joining.

    According to those numbers on reddit, my guild is going to get a fraction of what we were getting before, though it seems most guilds will be.

    If all we're getting is currency, then CG needs to reduce the prices in the guild store big time because I got far more for 20 minutes of my time from HSR or CPIT than I'm getting waiting three days for these currencies, that can't buy anything I was getting as a reward for other raids for a paltry amount of effort.

    I think your bean counters either don't know how to count beans, OR their guidance is to significantly reduce giving players ANYTHING without an excessive amount of effort. Or both...
  • Dmitry_M81
    459 posts Member
    It was a bad idea to cut rewards SO HARD on May the 4th :wink: It's like telling kids there's no Santa on Xmas :smiley::smiley::smiley:
  • Shadowscream
    971 posts Member
    edited May 2023
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    @Ultra Is there anyway to feedback that missing out Credits & Fleet credits in particular is a pretty hard downgrade (also Mod materials from HSTR and Guild tokens…..not sure if guild tokens are factored into the new currency though)?? I’m guessing this reverse “credit crunch” is an oversight rather than a nerf??
  • Dmitry_M81
    459 posts Member
    @Ultra Is there anyway to feedback that missing out Credits & Fleet credits in particular is a pretty hard downgrade (also Mod materials from HSTR and Guild tokens…..not sure if guild tokens are factored into the new currency though)?? I’m guessing this reverse “credit crunch” is an oversight rather than a nerf??

    You can buy credits with mk1 though...
  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    edited May 2023

This discussion has been closed.