Grand Inquisitor


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    CirdanTS wrote: »
    Just looking for an answer more informative than "be patient"

    How about this?
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    emoore123 wrote: »
    CirdanTS wrote: »
    Just looking for an answer more informative than "be patient"

    How about this?

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    Whats your Problem cg?
    Don't ruin this TB.
    Give us Gi Back.
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    At this point in time, I'm starting to think that GI might be dead...
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    Maybe CG is braindead?
  • mariogsh
    794 posts Member
    Make sense now, CG being CG like always lol
    I just realized now the reason why GI is not here yet: the TB

    CG will release after TB is over
    No Reva shards haha
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    Don't get that reasoning. Reva doesn't cost money.

    People who want to get Reva are most likely to have R7 for most of the GI requirements, keeping the gears and materials for GI.

    If anything it doesn't help CG does it?
  • Omilek
    19 posts Member
    Well people who are not ready would have maybe rush requirement for this tb but i guess they want us to unlock all the inqui f2p. They are nice thinking about our wallet :)
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    We've had it wrong the entire time. GI doesn't stand for Grand Inquisitor. It stands for Gone Indefinitely 😜
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    They should bring the Event live now.
  • OmegaIV
    110 posts Member
    khdelboy wrote: »
    Don't get that reasoning. Reva doesn't cost money.

    People who want to get Reva are most likely to have R7 for most of the GI requirements, keeping the gears and materials for GI.

    If anything it doesn't help CG does it?

    This is the reason we don't have GQ yet. Reva is too easy to get and they are likely giving those who whaled more time alone with her. I wouldn't be shocked if GQ returns at the one year anniversary of TB - which is December.

    If that happens, the 25 in our guild that have him, will have unlocked Reva for the 25 that didn't get him in time. LOL
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    Grand Quisitor?
    I need a new message here.
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    Regardless of specifics about when events and such will be on I think we can all agree that the lack of communication and transparency is the biggest issue here. I mean a lot of arguments, anger, and general complaints could be instantly stopped with a single message update.

    Doesn’t even need to be “this will be the date” but even a “we apologise for the delay, some technical issues have occurred and we hope to have them resolved by next week” or something. This game really needs a live calender or something. There is literally no benefit or positive outcome achieved from deliberately ignoring the obvious.
  • dogwelder79
    1505 posts Member
    It seems clear that they're waiting until this TB ends, to prevent us for getting reva shards.
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    It seems clear that they're waiting until this TB ends, to prevent us for getting reva shards.

    But that doesn't benefit them in any way. In fact, more people unlocking Reva benefits them greatly because it draws down gear reserves and/or encourages spending on kyro, signal data, and other gear to get her to relics. So this theory really doesn't make sense. Putting legendary toons on an irregular event cadence does however encourage spending through FOMO though - I have to wonder how many people are whaling on JKCK reqs now that CG has demonstrated that the event cadence for legendary characters is not as predictable as we thought a year ago.

    This is the only logical reason I can come up with for how the GI event has been handled. I don't like it - but from a business standpoint it makes sense. Purely speculation on my part of course.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Darth_Thanos
    5 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    I’m gonna let everyone in on a secret, CG doesn’t give darn about anything other than making money. They see our posts asking where Dark Times event is, they knew they were starting a TB while holding him out from us. If it’s a bug issue that would effect TB then I can understand, but the least this greedy company could do is give us an update but what else would you expect from a company owned by EA
    Post edited by crzydroid on
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    It seems clear that they're waiting until this TB ends, to prevent us for getting reva shards.

    But that doesn't benefit them in any way. In fact, more people unlocking Reva benefits them greatly because it draws down gear reserves and/or encourages spending on kyro, signal data, and other gear to get her to relics. So this theory really doesn't make sense. Putting legendary toons on an irregular event cadence does however encourage spending through FOMO though - I have to wonder how many people are whaling on JKCK reqs now that CG has demonstrated that the event cadence for legendary characters is not as predictable as we thought a year ago.

    This is the only logical reason I can come up with for how the GI event has been handled. I don't like it - but from a business standpoint it makes sense. Purely speculation on my part of course.

    Of course it benefits them. Next legendary event people will say: "I'll spend to get it as soon as possible, or I'll have to wait 6 months for the first come back and more than 1 year for it to become permanent in the JG". That's money.
  • herd_nerfer
    2021 posts Member
    It seems clear that they're waiting until this TB ends, to prevent us for getting reva shards.

    But that doesn't benefit them in any way. In fact, more people unlocking Reva benefits them greatly because it draws down gear reserves and/or encourages spending on kyro, signal data, and other gear to get her to relics. So this theory really doesn't make sense. Putting legendary toons on an irregular event cadence does however encourage spending through FOMO though - I have to wonder how many people are whaling on JKCK reqs now that CG has demonstrated that the event cadence for legendary characters is not as predictable as we thought a year ago.

    This is the only logical reason I can come up with for how the GI event has been handled. I don't like it - but from a business standpoint it makes sense. Purely speculation on my part of course.

    Of course it benefits them. Next legendary event people will say: "I'll spend to get it as soon as possible, or I'll have to wait 6 months for the first come back and more than 1 year for it to become permanent in the JG". That's money.

    But they've already established that mindset with erratic cadence of the GI events up to this point. None of us will ever again feel sure about taking the position, "I'll just wait and get this toon when it comes back around in three months." We already know that's a danger. The idea that CG is delaying the event with the express purpose of preventing players from getting Reva shards comes off a bit tin foil hat, don't you think? If they wait until next week to run the GI event, how much have they delayed your Reva shards? Two weeks? Players have short memories - as soon as all the people screaming about the GI event have GI, they're going to forget all about the two week delay on their first Reva shard.

    This is also assuming that all those people that are currently screaming about the event being "delayed" are even going to bother with proper modding for the mission, which so far seems to be a huge stumbling block for lots of folks. I'd wager it will be a bigger issue for people that waited this long to put gear on their inquisitors.

    For the record, and just so there's no misunderstanding - I think the GI event should have come in the last update. I have guild mates that are waiting (and I'm waiting on them) to unlock GI - but the idea that it's some conspiracy to keep us from having Reva is just a bit over the top, I think.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    I’m gonna let everyone in on a secret, CG doesn’t give darn about anything other than making money. They see our posts asking where Dark Times event is, they knew they were starting a TB while holding him out from us. If it’s a bug issue that would effect TB then I can understand, but the least this greedy company could do is give us an update but what else would you expect from a company

    I need a new message here.
  • Jarov
    13 posts Member
    I got the essential inquisitors modded and R7, ready to get Reva shards (2nd at R5) for a few months now. I will not make that mistake again. They keep trying to get players to spend, but what if they don't spend enough? Who knows when they'll get the next chance at these characters, or if by the time they do, they're nerfed into the ground. Hope they're able to do well on whale money alone since they've discouraged every other kind of spender.
  • Whatelse73
    2201 posts Member
    Jarov wrote: »
    I got the essential inquisitors modded and R7, ready to get Reva shards (2nd at R5) for a few months now. I will not make that mistake again. They keep trying to get players to spend, but what if they don't spend enough? Who knows when they'll get the next chance at these characters, or if by the time they do, they're nerfed into the ground. Hope they're able to do well on whale money alone since they've discouraged every other kind of spender.

    It's totally a coincidence that Beyonce Cal is hitting right now, while everyone is waiting for the GI event and remembers well how long it took between events. This is why way more players than estimated will be upgrading, spending, burning resources to get him. I think before the event started someone was saying only about 2300 players were eligible to start it, I'm guessing way more than that will have Beyonce Cal before the event is over.
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    Beyonce Cal

    Is that supposed to be a little sexism joke? I don't get it.
  • Blubcop
    391 posts Member
    Beyonce Cal

    Is that supposed to be a little sexism joke? I don't get it.

    I think it's supposed to be a funny reference to the song survivor by destiny's child. It's just a bit far fetched.
  • MasterSeedy
    5126 posts Member
    Thanks, Blubcop.
  • SithAmer
    227 posts Member
    Perhaps they realised too many people were getting Reva too soon and want to slow things down.
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    SithAmer wrote: »
    Perhaps they realised too many people were getting Reva too soon and want to slow things down.

    That's not quite fair on their part, I took advantage of may the 4th quadruple drops. Gunned down inquiz shards that week, I should be rewarded not punished like many others who did the same as well
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    I doubt CG is that evil to hold back GI.

    It will happen eventually. The most evil thing they can do is to NOT release GI anytime, and I don't think they will fall to that kind of stuff.

    Let's hope CG will be explain why they can't release GI before the TB starts. And it better be a good explanation.
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