[MEGA THREAD] February Road Ahead 2024


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    Ultra wrote: »
    So let me get this straight: after years of the community asking you to provide a way for guild mates to donate hard to farm G12 materials, zetas, omicrons (although they're a bit newer), currency, etc. to fellow guild mates, the devs translated that into -
    "create a PURCHASE ONLY "gift" giving function/UI, that allows users, who are just so generous AND wealthy, who also have, in excess, real world money, that not only do they want to spend money on themselves, BUT ALSO, perfect strangers that they communicate with using the lousy in-game messaging system that we provided, free of charge. Boom! Here yousa go!"
    - CG_JarJarPoodoo

    PS - pretty sure that we just asked for you to create a guild donation box that allows guild members to donate the aforementioned resources to requesting guild mates. Maybe collectively we all forgot to mention "for free".
    Gear donation was always an unreasonable request

    1. Donating gear can be abused by having burner accounts just to feed the main unless the limit is like 1 or 2 gear scrap per gear request
    2. With the introduction of gear scrapping for relics, donating gear actually hurts your own account and progression and doesn't make sense anymore
    3. This is a good solution to prevent abuse from having alt accounts to gear farm but not really exciting or feasible for most because it is better to spend on yourself than others

    The guild donation feature would either be get 1 or 2 gear salvage and that's not really a great addition to look forward to and that's like 1 or 2 sims of a node which is nothing to get upset over

    If you wanted to pay money to gift something to someone then you already could, just not so directly. I agree with the alt point but maybe some exchange thing, I give you 100 this kyro you give me 100 that one. Ok, maybe open to alt abuse but much less so as recipient would have to give something up. Or maybe they could just widen the request stuff.....

    Anyway, this is nothing but another way to spend money when you could have just wired them the cash or bought a google gift card.
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    I'm hoping for Padawan Kenobi, who'll have Unique Synergy with Qui-Gon Jinn, as well as a new Droid leader, OOM-9, Captain Panaka who'll work with Queen Amidala, and a new ship in the N-1 Naboo Starfighter
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    thomssi wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    So let me get this straight: after years of the community asking you to provide a way for guild mates to donate hard to farm G12 materials, zetas, omicrons (although they're a bit newer), currency, etc. to fellow guild mates, the devs translated that into -
    "create a PURCHASE ONLY "gift" giving function/UI, that allows users, who are just so generous AND wealthy, who also have, in excess, real world money, that not only do they want to spend money on themselves, BUT ALSO, perfect strangers that they communicate with using the lousy in-game messaging system that we provided, free of charge. Boom! Here yousa go!"
    - CG_JarJarPoodoo

    PS - pretty sure that we just asked for you to create a guild donation box that allows guild members to donate the aforementioned resources to requesting guild mates. Maybe collectively we all forgot to mention "for free".
    Gear donation was always an unreasonable request

    1. Donating gear can be abused by having burner accounts just to feed the main unless the limit is like 1 or 2 gear scrap per gear request
    2. With the introduction of gear scrapping for relics, donating gear actually hurts your own account and progression and doesn't make sense anymore
    3. This is a good solution to prevent abuse from having alt accounts to gear farm but not really exciting or feasible for most because it is better to spend on yourself than others

    The guild donation feature would either be get 1 or 2 gear salvage and that's not really a great addition to look forward to and that's like 1 or 2 sims of a node which is nothing to get upset over

    If you wanted to pay money to gift something to someone then you already could, just not so directly. I agree with the alt point but maybe some exchange thing, I give you 100 this kyro you give me 100 that one. Ok, maybe open to alt abuse but much less so as recipient would have to give something up. Or maybe they could just widen the request stuff.....

    Anyway, this is nothing but another way to spend money when you could have just wired them the cash or bought a google gift card.

    yes but there is no guarantee someone who was given the gift card would've spent it on the game anyways
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    Ultra wrote: »
    thomssi wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    So let me get this straight: after years of the community asking you to provide a way for guild mates to donate hard to farm G12 materials, zetas, omicrons (although they're a bit newer), currency, etc. to fellow guild mates, the devs translated that into -
    "create a PURCHASE ONLY "gift" giving function/UI, that allows users, who are just so generous AND wealthy, who also have, in excess, real world money, that not only do they want to spend money on themselves, BUT ALSO, perfect strangers that they communicate with using the lousy in-game messaging system that we provided, free of charge. Boom! Here yousa go!"
    - CG_JarJarPoodoo

    PS - pretty sure that we just asked for you to create a guild donation box that allows guild members to donate the aforementioned resources to requesting guild mates. Maybe collectively we all forgot to mention "for free".
    Gear donation was always an unreasonable request

    1. Donating gear can be abused by having burner accounts just to feed the main unless the limit is like 1 or 2 gear scrap per gear request
    2. With the introduction of gear scrapping for relics, donating gear actually hurts your own account and progression and doesn't make sense anymore
    3. This is a good solution to prevent abuse from having alt accounts to gear farm but not really exciting or feasible for most because it is better to spend on yourself than others

    The guild donation feature would either be get 1 or 2 gear salvage and that's not really a great addition to look forward to and that's like 1 or 2 sims of a node which is nothing to get upset over

    If you wanted to pay money to gift something to someone then you already could, just not so directly. I agree with the alt point but maybe some exchange thing, I give you 100 this kyro you give me 100 that one. Ok, maybe open to alt abuse but much less so as recipient would have to give something up. Or maybe they could just widen the request stuff.....

    Anyway, this is nothing but another way to spend money when you could have just wired them the cash or bought a google gift card.

    yes but there is no guarantee someone who was given the gift card would've spent it on the game anyways

    If you had that concern, you shouldn’t be buying that person the pack anyway….
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    Typho isn't TPM. That would be Panaka.
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    Hey meathead! Super excited for this, been waiting for gungans for years, with that being said, what's the situation on heroes of middle earth?
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    All sounds lovely but can you bring back all the light speed bundles for those of us that never got the chance to buy them :)

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    FFS stop going back on the raid timelines. Immediately before the release of Endor we were told we would have a year of a raid being featured. We can’t even get one release out of this? Your already shorting us on this? Well get 7-9 months out of Endor at best. Stop lying and stick to what you say or don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.
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    Super excited for Jar Jar! I think the Gungan faction will be super fun. Hope Jar Jar has the sith tag. He doesn’t need any synergy, just the tag. Please CG. It wouldn’t hurt the game but would be funny.
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    FFS stop going back on the raid timelines. Immediately before the release of Endor we were told we would have a year of a raid being featured. We can’t even get one release out of this? Your already shorting us on this? Well get 7-9 months out of Endor at best. Stop lying and stick to what you say or don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.

    The timeline was 7~8 months not a year

    look it up
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    I might have missed where in the road ahead there would be some priority put on doing better quality assurance so not everything released is buggy and/or broken?

    The queen seems interesting though, having a free tank ought to be fun.
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    Where is CAL :'(
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    Road ahead? More like "spending ahead". Nothing really exciting, just the same stuff that is expected but is now named. New characters, new zone, new raid, and new way to spend. New characters are cool, but it doesn't feel like players are gaining anything. Lightspeed bundles were great because of the inherent value, but it's completely obliterated F2P. CG should be throwing players a bone, perhaps accelerated ship shards or adding Wat/KAM to proving grounds. Something that helps players engage with a game that literally asks/expects them to play every day for years to come.

    Also pretty sure that's now what people meant when they requested "gifting". They want to be able to donate their excess resources.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    FFS stop going back on the raid timelines. Immediately before the release of Endor we were told we would have a year of a raid being featured. We can’t even get one release out of this? Your already shorting us on this? Well get 7-9 months out of Endor at best. Stop lying and stick to what you say or don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.

    The timeline was 7~8 months not a year

    look it up

    Even still, June 16th will be 7 months of Endor. The end of summer would put us on the cusp of what the stated time frame would be, which was 8-9 months after a second glance at the announcement. Just not setting a good precedence imo. Time will tell. If they hit August, I’m good with it.
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    Yeah cool stuff at the end of the day… but what about the TW rework we all looking for?
  • DarthDarknut
    79 posts Member
    edited February 17
    Would be cool if one of those new Republic characters to synergize with Queen Amidala was Gavyn Sykes.
  • ๐LiZn๐
    8 posts Member
    edited February 17
    Guild gifting will benefit hackers like crazy, allowing them to hack and send stuff to another account without the worry of getting banned since the receiving end did nothing wrong. If you try to penalize the receiving end then the hackers can destroy the game by trolling, getting in guilds sending gifts to everyone (hacking) and get everyone banned.

    Reconsider this system please, since we still have hackers running around in squad arena and fleet arena in almost every charts and even in GAC nowadays. If you cant control them then dont feed into them.
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    Jar Jar is the worst character they ever introduced in the Star Wars universe. He shouldn’t have had 5 minutes screen time. Bad enough you bring him to the game at all but making him a GL is beyond being a poor decision.
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    Stokat wrote: »
    Jar Jar is the worst character they ever introduced in the Star Wars universe. He shouldn’t have had 5 minutes screen time. Bad enough you bring him to the game at all but making him a GL is beyond being a poor decision.

    Or is it just legendary and not galactic legend? Would be a bit better at least even if the character itself is still despicable
  • Lumiya
    1576 posts Member
    Stokat wrote: »
    Jar Jar is the worst character they ever introduced in the Star Wars universe. He shouldn’t have had 5 minutes screen time. Bad enough you bring him to the game at all but making him a GL is beyond being a poor decision.

    Jar Jar will be a Legendary Character, not a GL
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Starslayer
    2421 posts Member
    edited February 17
    You forgot to talk about this new game mode under the ‘celebrate Phantom Menace’ topic:
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    Love the update!
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    So... no love for ugnaught?
    He is still the only character in the game that cannot be used in anyhow or that doesn't have any interactions with other characters built in his kit (don't tell me to use him in a padme team, even CUP makes more sense with padme).
    For once i'd like to use this character in battle and feel like he's been useful, instead of putting him a platoon slot, then forget about it.
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    So does anyone know if the packs shown in the images are going to coming too like the aphra pack for example? Or are these just placeholding?
  • Zumwan
    362 posts Member
    edited February 17
    That's a lot of new characters to farm if you want to do well on the raid: STAP, 5 gungans, Amidala + the 2 other GR, maybe Beq
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    New content is great but I hope we get some QoL updates, the UX is really lacking behind other games.
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    Chancellor Palpatine... neutral... please
  • petersphilo
    93 posts Member
    edited February 17
    Any chance for a return of the JKCK event soon?
    Post edited by petersphilo on
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