[MEGA THREAD] February Road Ahead 2024


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    Guild donations... Was it really necessary to waste time and resources on something nobody will use? Even if I were rich, I wouldn't spend real money on strangers. I don't see how this can be useful.
    On the other hand, we'll finally have gungans! Yay!
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    Any chance of lightspeed bundles maybe not gl but for some other teams that the average player is so far behind on maybe raid specific targets or something?
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    Chancellor Palpatine... neutral... please

    I’m sorry but neutral? He was very clearly a Sith manipulating the republic the entire time
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    Any chance of lightspeed bundles maybe not gl but for some other teams that the average player is so far behind on maybe raid specific targets or something?

    LSB for teams that require lots of kyros would be very successful. I'd become p2p for a cheap bad batch LSB, since they are required for LV.
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    >> Guild Gifting <<

    Glad you finally bringing in some form of update and connectivity.
    Sad that you picked GUILD GIFTING over BONUS CODE INPUT FIELDS

    CG has been against DigitalBonusCodes for years due to fraud and now they implement a system that can be used even easier... welp
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    Once upon a time, CG banned players for using black market (stolen credit card), now with GIFTS buyers would not fear being banned ?
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    Jar Jar is the worst character in canon. I refuse to play a game where he’s featured.

    If he was introduced as a marginal toon that could be completely ignored (say, like Eeth Koth) maybe I would tolerate his presence.

    But the day Jar Jar debuts as a legendary character that’s required for success in a raid is the day I quit the game.

    I’ve been playing since launch week and put up with a lot (including, right now, the no-button freeze in Levi vs Levi mirrors that has been plaguing my arena climb since the beginning of the month) … Despite the hiccups I’ve played every day because of my love for the franchise, camaraderie with guild mates and moments of fun the game has brought… but this will be the end of the run for me.
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    GavSaxon wrote: »
    Chancellor Palpatine... neutral... please

    I’m sorry but neutral? He was very clearly a Sith manipulating the republic the entire time

    This is Darth Sidious but I'm fine with DS too
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    Hm, seems I’ll be looking forward to this Phantom Menace celebration.
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    Jar Jar and Gungans as new toons is fun..
    Jar-Jar as Galactic Legend is a little too silly..
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    I am hoping for some sort of option to mask or otherwise obscure the Gungan characters so i never have to see or think about them again. Gungans = the Clown Faction of SW. Bold move introducing the most contentious content into this game.
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    JazVundaru wrote: »
    Jar Jar is the worst character in canon. I refuse to play a game where he’s featured.

    If he was introduced as a marginal toon that could be completely ignored (say, like Eeth Koth) maybe I would tolerate his presence.

    But the day Jar Jar debuts as a legendary character that’s required for success in a raid is the day I quit the game.

    I’ve been playing since launch week and put up with a lot (including, right now, the no-button freeze in Levi vs Levi mirrors that has been plaguing my arena climb since the beginning of the month) … Despite the hiccups I’ve played every day because of my love for the franchise, camaraderie with guild mates and moments of fun the game has brought… but this will be the end of the run for me.

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    Jar Jar and Gungans as new toons is fun..
    Jar-Jar as Galactic Legend is a little too silly..

    He isn't a GL, just legendary. Like CLS or Aphra.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Stokat wrote: »
    Stokat wrote: »
    Jar Jar is the worst character they ever introduced in the Star Wars universe. He shouldn’t have had 5 minutes screen time. Bad enough you bring him to the game at all but making him a GL is beyond being a poor decision.

    Or is it just legendary and not galactic legend? Would be a bit better at least even if the character itself is still despicable

    Agreed. Disgusting that CG would celebrate a racist stereotype. Can't wait for Watto next.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Sweet, new fuel for ne'er do well's to come in and hack your account and buy "gifts" for themselves. New flood of "I was wrongfully banned for..." in 3...2...1...
    So... no love for ugnaught?
    He is still the only character in the game that cannot be used in anyhow or that doesn't have any interactions with other characters built in his kit (don't tell me to use him in a padme team, even CUP makes more sense with padme).
    For once i'd like to use this character in battle and feel like he's been useful, instead of putting him a platoon slot, then forget about it.

    Fun fact, Ugnaught was my first R7. I'd love to see an Ugnaught faction, full team like Jawas, murder bears, or bugs. We need some Kuiil love.

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    Will we able to gift with crystals? or will packs eligible to be gifted only be done with real money?
  • ZubenX
    8 posts Member
    edited February 17
    Not sure where all this hate for Jar Jar is coming from.
    I for one think that any new team or mechanic that is added is a plus to the game.
    And a chancellor Palpatine is not a bad choice for a GL if we go that path :smile:

    PS: I concur with a guy above, a BB lsb would be more than welcome.
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    Thanks for your grand contribution to the topic!

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    ZubenX wrote: »
    Not sure where all this hate for Jar Jar is coming from.

    There’s a couple of decades worth of discussion about that.

    The entire Gungan faction is deeply cringeworthy, and Jar Jar in particular was probably Lucas’ biggest mistake of the entire franchise. There is no reason to celebrate a character that was universally panned at the time of release and has been broadly despised in the decades since.
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    JazVundaru wrote: »
    ZubenX wrote: »
    Not sure where all this hate for Jar Jar is coming from.

    There’s a couple of decades worth of discussion about that.

    The entire Gungan faction is deeply cringeworthy, and Jar Jar in particular was probably Lucas’ biggest mistake of the entire franchise. There is no reason to celebrate a character that was universally panned at the time of release and has been broadly despised in the decades since.

    There was a small, extremely vocal community that hated JarJar and another that loved him. He's already being planned to be added to the game, there isn't really anything to discuss. If you don't like a cartoon character and are going to uninstall because of it, that's your business.
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    JazVundaru wrote: »
    ZubenX wrote: »
    Not sure where all this hate for Jar Jar is coming from.

    There’s a couple of decades worth of discussion about that.

    The entire Gungan faction is deeply cringeworthy, and Jar Jar in particular was probably Lucas’ biggest mistake of the entire franchise. There is no reason to celebrate a character that was universally panned at the time of release and has been broadly despised in the decades since.

    There was a small, extremely vocal community that hated JarJar and another that loved him. He's already being planned to be added to the game, there isn't really anything to discuss. If you don't like a cartoon character and are going to uninstall because of it, that's your business.

    What source do you have to show that it is a small community that hate him?
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    JimmerHart wrote: »
    Road ahead? More like "spending ahead". Nothing really exciting, just the same stuff that is expected but is now named. New characters, new zone, new raid, and new way to spend.

    So what did you expect to be announced? This game follows a cadence.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    --Guild gifting--

    Community: Can we donate our excess shards (like Reva, Kam, & Wat) and gear to guild mates?

    CG: Not unless we can make money and open the door for hackers to destroy the guild system!

    We waited this long for a RA and this is the pile of $#!7 you gave us?? Cool, 2024 is going to be a boring year for the game.

    P.S. We've had a hacker in fleet arena for over a year. He's been reported by everyone in the top 20. Great to see how diligent you guys are about protecting your game from people who already abuse your system!
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    Stokat wrote: »
    JazVundaru wrote: »
    ZubenX wrote: »
    Not sure where all this hate for Jar Jar is coming from.

    There’s a couple of decades worth of discussion about that.

    The entire Gungan faction is deeply cringeworthy, and Jar Jar in particular was probably Lucas’ biggest mistake of the entire franchise. There is no reason to celebrate a character that was universally panned at the time of release and has been broadly despised in the decades since.

    There was a small, extremely vocal community that hated JarJar and another that loved him. He's already being planned to be added to the game, there isn't really anything to discuss. If you don't like a cartoon character and are going to uninstall because of it, that's your business.

    What source do you have to show that it is a small community that hate him?

    What source do you have for the alternative except for "my feelings"
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    --Guild gifting--

    Community: Can we donate our excess shards (like Reva, Kam, & Wat) and gear to guild mates?

    CG: Not unless we can make money and open the door for hackers to destroy the guild system!

    We waited this long for a RA and this is the pile of $#!7 you gave us?? Cool, 2024 is going to be a boring year for the game.

    P.S. We've had a hacker in fleet arena for over a year. He's been reported by everyone in the top 20. Great to see how diligent you guys are about protecting your game from people who already abuse your system!

    The store thing is strange but i am very excited about everything else. i wish they made it easier to help other guildmates f2p like giving recess shards etc
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Stokat wrote: »
    JazVundaru wrote: »
    ZubenX wrote: »
    Not sure where all this hate for Jar Jar is coming from.

    There’s a couple of decades worth of discussion about that.

    The entire Gungan faction is deeply cringeworthy, and Jar Jar in particular was probably Lucas’ biggest mistake of the entire franchise. There is no reason to celebrate a character that was universally panned at the time of release and has been broadly despised in the decades since.

    There was a small, extremely vocal community that hated JarJar and another that loved him. He's already being planned to be added to the game, there isn't really anything to discuss. If you don't like a cartoon character and are going to uninstall because of it, that's your business.

    What source do you have to show that it is a small community that hate him?

    What source do you have for the alternative except for "my feelings"

    They didn't make a claim at all. You did.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    LordClay23 wrote: »
    --Guild gifting--

    Community: Can we donate our excess shards (like Reva, Kam, & Wat) and gear to guild mates?

    CG: Not unless we can make money and open the door for hackers to destroy the guild system!

    We waited this long for a RA and this is the pile of $#!7 you gave us?? Cool, 2024 is going to be a boring year for the game.

    P.S. We've had a hacker in fleet arena for over a year. He's been reported by everyone in the top 20. Great to see how diligent you guys are about protecting your game from people who already abuse your system!

    The store thing is strange but i am very excited about everything else. i wish they made it easier to help other guildmates f2p like giving recess shards etc

    And that's what players asked for, just a way to help guildmates with certain requirements. Especially since the "proving grounds" is a pile of garbage that takes 17? months to 7* a character with.

    But don't worry! I'm sure EA will increase their budget significantly to improve their help / answers ticket system to ensure any issues with the gifting system, or any frauds are handled immediately, right CG?

    No updates about all the bugs you keep releasing. (There are more bugs in new releases than new releases at this point.) No updates to TW that has a years old reward system. No updates to GAC using 20-25% of our rosters. No new systems or events. No fixes for months long cheaters (as was previously discussed), or maybe because those cheaters spend too much money so you don't want to ban them? Yes, you've been banning cheaters, that's a plus, but it seems some still get ignored?

    This raid is just one more "phase" in a typical raid. Krayt was Phase 1, Endor Phase 2, Naboo Phase 3, so what will be Phase 4? (Whatever faction players ignore building the most! so we can make them build crappy characters!)

    Fix your game. Stop releasing buggy crap. Hear us, don't just listen to us. Do better, or you'll turn into EA.
  • JazVundaru
    9 posts Member
    edited February 18
    There was a small, extremely vocal community that hated JarJar and another that loved him. He's already being planned to be added to the game, there isn't really anything to discuss. If you don't like a cartoon character and are going to uninstall because of it, that's your business.

    To claim that “a small, extremely vocal community hated JarJar” is truly ridiculous. The character was universally panned for being horrifically unfunny and steeped in the racist traditions of Stepin Fetchit. Google it, why don’t you, or just go to the wikipedia page. CG is, of course, fully aware of this, as is anyone paying the slightest attention over the past quarter century.

    One does not have to sheepishly accept a planned character release that’s months out … or anything else in life for that matter.

    The community that plays the game does and should have a voice in shaping a game that depends entirely on its player base.

    If you love the character and choose to overlook how cringeworthy it is, or are oblivious to it, you’re entitled to your opinion. And everyone who vehemently disagrees with having a despicable character elevated to ‘legendary’ equally has the right to express our opinion and hope that CG hears us. As they repeatedly say, nothing is finalized with these road ahead plans.
    Post edited by JazVundaru on
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    White knights are awesome lol. We're supposed to be offended by Jar Jar because some guys tell us to? He was still a character throughout several seasons of Clone Wars. Not having him in the game even at this point is wild.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    White knights are awesome lol. We're supposed to be offended by Jar Jar because some guys tell us to?

    No, that's not why
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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