Pre craft= severe advantage (raid/guild update didn't fix but made it worse)


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    Lambi wrote: »
    So umm, our server wrecks precrafters daily... Your argument is false. All this does is fuel ignorance to the game mechanics. Most of us at the top who have to deal with these people have figured out how to win, why can't you do the same instead of asking for a free win.

    Finished #1 yesterday... Your argument is invalid. Just because we can still manage to trounce pre crafted teams does not excuse the fact that they still have a distinct advantage. If we all were allowed to craft our droid callers and furnaces it would not give the other players a better chance at scoring better rewards.

    I used to place top 5 everyday at payout with no refreshes. Now because I don't have pre crafted toons I'm a big target and drop into the 50-60s overnight. Use the refresh, still get top 5 but there's no doubt it's more difficult and upsetting that the only reason I have to spend an extra hour climbing the ladder is due to this issue.
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    To be fair CG should just zap everyone's account and make them start from scratch...............yeahhhhhhh.
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    After a great Update I feel that this is the only problem that the Dev's need to address.

    Has any Dev spoke on this issue?? This has been going on for to long now.

    There has been some fantastic, fair and easy to implement solutions put forward in this thread.

    This is a great chance to show the community that you do care and listen guys!
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    It is freaking insane!!! Good for the precrafting crowd to get a jump on everyone else! Good for them, I mean that! They should have an advantage BUT not a freaking near-PERMANENT advantage! Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible for EA and the Devs to allow this advantage to linger on for months! It is disgraceful!!! If they would just make the gear pieces available and farmable AT THE LEVELS THAT THE PRECRAFTERS obtained their gear to fill those same slots, then we can all just move on with our lives!!! Not doing this is absolutely disgusting! Eventually they will likely make the gear pieces available at a much more expensive energy cost and then combine that with the fact that these developers have not clue how to program a random 33% drop chance with a MINIMUM drop rate included (like 20%) is beyond me! If you need a programmer worth anything, let me know! I could have programmed this in 1999 via VBScript and Active Server Pages for the web! Allowing this disgusting gap grow is terrible and needs to be addressed before anything else. Fix It and Fix It Right or you will see more people leave the game!
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    Imo worse than not fixing it is just no statement fro a topic that got a lot of attention. I would be happy with something like "yes we know it is not good, but we can't change it".

    My fear is, that until you can get gear in satisfying amount, we are still weeks away.
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Lambi wrote: »
    So umm, our server wrecks precrafters daily... Your argument is false. All this does is fuel ignorance to the game mechanics. Most of us at the top who have to deal with these people have figured out how to win, why can't you do the same instead of asking for a free win.

    Finished #1 yesterday... Your argument is invalid. Just because we can still manage to trounce pre crafted teams does not excuse the fact that they still have a distinct advantage. If we all were allowed to craft our droid callers and furnaces it would not give the other players a better chance at scoring better rewards.

    I used to place top 5 everyday at payout with no refreshes. Now because I don't have pre crafted toons I'm a big target and drop into the 50-60s overnight. Use the refresh, still get top 5 but there's no doubt it's more difficult and upsetting that the only reason I have to spend an extra hour climbing the ladder is due to this issue.

    You just went against your own argument... Precrafters dont reign supreme or even a tenth of the power you say they have....

    50-60 is more than enough room for rank one in a single refresh....
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    Lambi wrote: »
    Lambi wrote: »
    So umm, our server wrecks precrafters daily... Your argument is false. All this does is fuel ignorance to the game mechanics. Most of us at the top who have to deal with these people have figured out how to win, why can't you do the same instead of asking for a free win.

    Finished #1 yesterday... Your argument is invalid. Just because we can still manage to trounce pre crafted teams does not excuse the fact that they still have a distinct advantage. If we all were allowed to craft our droid callers and furnaces it would not give the other players a better chance at scoring better rewards.

    I used to place top 5 everyday at payout with no refreshes. Now because I don't have pre crafted toons I'm a big target and drop into the 50-60s overnight. Use the refresh, still get top 5 but there's no doubt it's more difficult and upsetting that the only reason I have to spend an extra hour climbing the ladder is due to this issue.

    You just went against your own argument... Precrafters dont reign supreme or even a tenth of the power you say they have....

    50-60 is more than enough room for rank one in a single refresh....

    You are clearly missing the point. Despite the fact that it is possible, this shouldn't even be a conversation. Let's get back on track Lambi. Answer this since you are so pro precraft: Once a standard is set why add additional gear requirements? Why not put the raid gear in gear tier 10?

    Give valid reasons why this is acceptable. I don't want to hear things like "it's still possible to compete" or "just find a way to strategize around the issue."
    Personally I would rather strategize against the game itself rather than strategize from a disadvantage that was not created by my own choices. An example to make it more in perspective for you:

    "All players whose gamer tags start with the letters A-M will automatically have all of their 7* toons upgraded to 8* where there will be a minimum 600 power increase as well as hp, dps, and protection. All players N-Z will need to earn the additional 200 toon shards exclusively from the raid. Sorry for the inconvenience but we could only program this change for half of the gaming population."
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Lambi wrote: »
    Lambi wrote: »
    So umm, our server wrecks precrafters daily... Your argument is false. All this does is fuel ignorance to the game mechanics. Most of us at the top who have to deal with these people have figured out how to win, why can't you do the same instead of asking for a free win.

    Finished #1 yesterday... Your argument is invalid. Just because we can still manage to trounce pre crafted teams does not excuse the fact that they still have a distinct advantage. If we all were allowed to craft our droid callers and furnaces it would not give the other players a better chance at scoring better rewards.

    I used to place top 5 everyday at payout with no refreshes. Now because I don't have pre crafted toons I'm a big target and drop into the 50-60s overnight. Use the refresh, still get top 5 but there's no doubt it's more difficult and upsetting that the only reason I have to spend an extra hour climbing the ladder is due to this issue.

    You just went against your own argument... Precrafters dont reign supreme or even a tenth of the power you say they have....

    50-60 is more than enough room for rank one in a single refresh....

    You are clearly missing the point. Despite the fact that it is possible, this shouldn't even be a conversation. Let's get back on track Lambi. Answer this since you are so pro precraft: Once a standard is set why add additional gear requirements? Why not put the raid gear in gear tier 10?

    Give valid reasons why this is acceptable. I don't want to hear things like "it's still possible to compete" or "just find a way to strategize around the issue."
    Personally I would rather strategize against the game itself rather than strategize from a disadvantage that was not created by my own choices. An example to make it more in perspective for you:

    "All players whose gamer tags start with the letters A-M will automatically have all of their 7* toons upgraded to 8* where there will be a minimum 600 power increase as well as hp, dps, and protection. All players N-Z will need to earn the additional 200 toon shards exclusively from the raid. Sorry for the inconvenience but we could only program this change for half of the gaming population."

    The answer to your question is that I don't care, it doesn't affect me getting rank 1 consistently. So why bother. It's like getting a bruise on your skull that is covered by hair and doesn't bother you. Why worry...
    Clearly you only want to cry about it as it doesn't affect us at all... So I'll leave you to your vice.
  • Serya
    334 posts Member

    Imo worse than not fixing it is just no statement fro a topic that got a lot of attention. I would be happy with something like "yes we know it is not good, but we can't change it".

    My fear is, that until you can get gear in satisfying amount, we are still weeks away.

    I agree. At this point I don't expect them to make it right, or else they would have already removed the requirements. But it's sad that this issue doesn't even get a response in all the updates we have been getting.

    Some players needing 50 less purples for gear sucks when you put this much time and money into a game.
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    Weeks away? The raid comes in less than a week. Don't get why everyone is whining.

    The guilds start this week. We dont know how fast you can start raide, what the rewards are and how fast you get the gear. It is 50 per piece after all.... So just getting 5x50 for your arena will probably not be something that is done in a week.

    And I have precrafted items, and I am on a highly competitive leaderboard (started in November), so I know what the influence on precrafting is. Thos people without precrafted Items just disappearded from the Top 10. I will take them a long time to catch up the difference that precraftets had.
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse Can we get some response on this? Even if it's "sorry your out of luck deal with it".
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    I think the reason many of us still play actively is the competitive aspect. Thats why pre-crafting sucks.
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    So some people have to farm an extra 50 pieces of gear while others didn't have to. Sounds completely fair. I'll just work on my 50 pieces of gear on Sunday to get my first character to lvl 9 ( besides Yoda/Vador) while pre-crafters are working on there 6th. That definitely fixes the issue.
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    Some have even more than 5 ;)
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    Some have even more than 5 ;)

    Lol well lucky you =P
  • Delmon_Ciiidrr
    504 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    But as mentionend before, I think it is not good. My assumption after the announcement was, that the precrafted gear would be decrafted so everybody starts at the same point.
  • BamBam
    280 posts Member
    Sn0wblood wrote: »
    I think the reason many of us still play actively is the competitive aspect. Thats why pre-crafting sucks.

    Everyone had months to pre craft.

    You could see what components your toons needed. Having them ready it just smart planning.

    I started playing day before the level cap increased to 70. From that point to the most recent update I was able to deduce that having precrafted items (for the purpose of appyling them once my character hit the level required) would be the best option for my top 5. I figured that that would be the best way to get an edge on my peers. I, like most people, didnt realize they would add another requirement, like they did. Even so, most of the population had the opportunity to precraft. Why you wouldnt precraft is, imo, not a very good strategy. You saw that there was a slot missing and you knew that they would increase the level cap, like they do in every RPG, it only makes sense to do so.

    A few more details, I have spent about $11 on this game so I'm not a whale, more like a tadpole. Second, I've already precrafted 4 items for my characters. 3 of them will be unlocked at 80 and the last at 77. This would allow those characters to reach G10 at level 80- I did so for the exact reason why I precrafted a month ago.

    Though, it seems unfair, every person who has played this game for more than 2 months before the update would have had ample time to precraft and the only reason why you didnt is because you didnt want to-probably because it seemed like a waste to do something that didnt benefit you in the present.

    In fact, you could even say that those who precrafted spent their time and resources (preupdate) to do so and fell behind those who instead used that time and resources to better their current characters.

    I would say the only thing that is unfair is that you are currently blocked from obtaining the extra 50 that have adorned the same pieces that I precrafted. But, I'm assuming that that will be fixed this Sunday-meaning, they will no longer not allow you to obtain them. This means that a precrafter would have had 10 days of bonus time(14th-24th).

    Anyways, that's my rant.
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    I am surprised to see this debate is still not answered by the officials yet.
    I guess the reverse is not possible because monitoring the data of who crafted the gear 9 is hard or time consuming. in addition, this is not only about 50 gear 8 update pieces, but also the reverse of gear 9 piece, which double the difficulty.

    To reduce the unbalance, my suggestions would be:

    1. Reduce the gear differences of Gear 8 and Gear 9, and YES, i mean the protection.
    2. Make the gear 8 update pieces easier to get in Guild so people will complain less about that they are weeks behind those who pre-crafted gear 9.
    3. Most importantly: OFFICIAL ADDRESS THIS PROBLEM.
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    I give up.. No dev will reply :(
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    Thos people without precrafted Items just disappearded from the Top 10.

    Not calling out to you alone but I'm thinking most of the shards have only a few or no precrafters. My shard had only 1 g9 RG so I wasn't using my droid caller on my RG. His payout is different but for whatever reason he was still riding up to no 1 around my payout one too many times. It's difficult (not impossible, I learned how to beat my opponent) to get around a good squad with g9 RG without a tank so I finally bit the bullet and took my RG to G9 yesterday. I'm just of the opinion that probably a very small percentage of top 10 in a smaller percentage of all the shards have a real (unwinnable) problem with precrafters. I still dropped, around the same as earlier.

    The advantages are there, the unfairness is there but maybe it just doesn't affect the majority and thus the devs. However big an issue it might be for you. They rushed to fix the difficulty in the challenges, didn't they?

    I really think at this point, with such a heavy update coming along, a wait and watch is better. It might never get fixed if only the smallest percentile are affected according to the data the devs have. Or maybe they already have a good enough, if not perfect, solution with the Guilds update.

    On a side note, a few of us who precrafted did participate in a thread about how G9 might be game breaking before it actually happened. Too bad we didn't get much support then.
  • Delmon_Ciiidrr
    504 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Great post, @Azraelrulez. I don't disagree with you.

    They advantages/disadvantages may be different from server to server. Mine has quite a lot, and fully G9 teams even versus teams with one or two G9s make a lot of difference because of the protection. Competiton is an important part of Arena, so it is a little bit sad that there are unnatural differences which not depend on your strategy / investment but just on precrafting, which imo is more luck than RNG ;)

    I agree that with a heavy update before us, there are higher priorities than this. That is why I mentionend several times that just something like "We know this is not good, but we cant change it, sorry" as a comment from the devs would already soften the emotions. That's it.

    Even when the gear becomes avaiable, we dont know, how easy/difficult it will be. I hope it will be fair, so people can start to overcome the g8 hurdle fastly, but I don't have too much hope at the moment.

    Most of all, I think it is just a very bad decision from a game-design point of view. "Here is the l80 update which opens new gear and ability levels, but the necessary items will be avaiable somewhere in the future". With the Omega they at least introduced some events, but the handling of gear leaves a bitter taste behind.
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    The devs won't answer because they already said guild events will provide access to the gear needed for g9
  • Delmon_Ciiidrr
    504 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    We all know that they said that. With your argument, they would answer much less generally or clarify things in the forum that they already do.

    In the game/newletter often there is a comment that people should join the discussion or let the devs know what they think in the forum. This seems to be a topic where a lot of users are unsatisfied, so why not explain a little bit more to the community. Just as thought.
    Post edited by Delmon_Ciiidrr on
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    Up! We want a solution before sunday
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    Trust me I would have pre crafted if I could of. At the time I could only do one piece. But now 4 of my arena team are stuck at level 8 and I will need 200 more purples to get them to level 9 than other players who could pre craft more.

    I just want them to admit that adding the gear to early was a mistake and they will take the requirement out and move it to level 10 or 11 gear.
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    We all know that they said that. With you argument, they would answer much less generally or clarify things in the forum that they already do.

    In the game/newletter often there is a comment that people should join the discussion or let the devs know what they think in the forum. This seems to be a topic where a lot of users are unsatisfied, so why not explain a little bit more to the community. Just as thought.

    Of course people are not satisfied. It's been a couple of weeks now that many are stuck because of those extra requirements. CG diluted existing content and confused this with adding new content in their announcement which is very much like showing the finger to the players who give life to this very game.
    And the frustration is amplified with on one side those trying to complain and ask removal of this extra gear requirements that are not getting any answers from the devs, and the pre crafting dbags who praise the necessity to read the forums 24/7 to be part of their club, post taunts to non pre-crafters, insulting their intelligence and pretending that non pre-crafters are as competitive, non pre-crafters are not targeted first, 40K RG or Fives are **** easy to cope with, etc...
    It is clear that people who post here are concerned by the Arena because they are competitive players and that's what they like in this game. So no matter those some dbags arguments, there is no fair competition when you are participating to a 1000m race with a penalty of having a caravan attached to your butt and being asked to pay extra to get a pair of shoes.

    CG have to communicate on this by respect for their consumers. The current line saying it will be part of an incoming content is not a proper answer simply because they should never have modified existing content with non yet implemented requirements.
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