[TNR] The New Rebellion


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    Still recruiting..only a few spots left!
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    Still recruiting..only a few spots left!
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    Forum username : Papichewl0
    game username: Papichewlo
    Player level: 74
    Ally code: 313-975-122
    Main team: 7* Dooku, 7* Luminara, 6* FOTP, 7* JC, 7* Sid (or Res Pilot)
    Everyday player
    line id: Papi
    would like to join TNR First Order
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    @Papichewl0 we're currently not accepting applications
    "...I think I just blasted it." | Ally Code: 183-341-914 | Member of The New Rebellion | Youtube
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    Will you be accepting at any point in the near future?
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    I would like to join your guild.

    Forum username : BanissDuron1
    game username: Baniss Duron
    Player level: 70
    Ally code: 864-885-929
    Main team: 7* darth 7* qgj 7* lando 7* konsul 6* kit 6* Bane 6" Leia
    Player everyday 2 hours
    Spend a lot of money in game


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    I would like to join your guild.

    Forum username : BanissDuron1
    game username: Baniss Duron
    Player level: 70
    Ally code: 864-885-929
    Main team: 7* darth 7* qgj 7* lando 7* konsul 6* kit 6* Bane 6" Leia
    Player everyday 2 hours
    Spend a lot of money in game
    Area Rank: 10 at the moment



  • Nickielll
    195 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi guys, if there is one more free spot you can add me, im 35 years

    In-game player name: Movan Lipost
    Player Level: 75
    Ally Code: 736-214-887
    Number of 7* Characters: i have 7
    Number of Gear 8 14
    Galactic War Wins: 49
    Arena Wins: 315
    Typical Arena finish rank at payout: top 50, and top 30 lately
    Days per week you are active: everyday
    Timezone : utc -3:00
    Line apps : nickiel
    Main team: Sid7*/Lumi7*/FIVES 7* GEAR 9/ LEIA 7* DARTH MAUL 7*
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    Id love to apply for membership here on TNR if youre still accepting.

    Forum user name: Fuyham
    In-game player name: Fuyham
    Player Level: 76
    Ally Code: 521-725-682
    Number of 7* Characters: 13
    Number of Gear 8 Characters: 16
    Galactic War Wins: 102
    Arena Wins: 617
    Main team: Dooku, Genosian Soldier, RG, Rey, QGJ
    Typical Arena finish rank at payout: Rank #1 everyday since Jan 2016 end
    Days per week you are active: Everyday
    Timezone: 6am EDT
    Screenshots: i can send them via line app
    Line ID: fuyham
    Player type: Competitive F2P player since Dec 2015

    Additional info:
    Ive been F2P since day one
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    Not sure if you guys are full but here's my application.

    Forum user name: Franco22
    In-game player name: Franco22
    Player Level: 75
    Ally Code: 242-877-231
    Number of 7* Characters: 14
    Number of Gear 8+ Characters: 16
    Galactic War Wins: 97
    Arena Wins: 837
    Main team: Dooku, Yoda, Poggle, Daka, Han
    Typical Arena finish rank at payout: Top 10
    Days per week you are active: Everyday
    Timezone: MST
    Player type: Competitive F2P player since Nov 2015

    Additional info:
    Ive been F2P since day one

    Looking forward to hearing from you
  • MasterSeedy
    5135 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So I was put on the wait list a long time ago, but I couldn't get Line to work.

    I've got Line up and running now, LineID: Seedy

    I tried searching for "aspenstar" in Line and got nothing. Is there something else I need to do?

    ===> Also, when I originally gave you my application a couple weeks ago, I was level 49 and the level minimum was 50. I am now level 61 and achingly frustrated that I'm going to end the day about 800 xp away from level 62... Sunday is my big day to collect gear from challenges and I'm 800 xp away from getting ***much better gear***.


    Oh, well. I'll take this as the last drop at the old challenge-level.

    My First 15 toons are all 4 & 5 star except QGJ @3*. He'll be 4* by Tuesday. Lumi will be my first 6* on Wed or Thursday...then I plan on just powering through with her until I hit 7* before improving anything else through the GW shipments.

    I am hoping like heck we get Aayla in the Guild Shipments, because I want to build a team of Dooku, Fives, Aayla, GS, & RG. GS is already a complete beast at 5*, g8, level 61. My RG is a couple days away from 3* (I saw the value of consistently plugging away at limited farming opportunities much later than others did), and I don't have Dooku, Fives, or Aayla, so it's a long term project, but I think that they would work wonderfully together, so that's where I'm putting my resources for the next little bit.

    That means I'll be a great contributor to 4* raids, but won't be able to add much to 5* to 7* raids for a while yet.
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    I've downloaded the updated client, but I can't get anyone on Line or in the Guilds section.
  • Chaz
    7 posts Member
    Hey guys I have a friend currently in your guild ( wedge star killer). And he had nothing but fantastic things to say about you guys! I would really like to become a member of your team! I am an extremely active player. Also I make a point to have an extensive familiarity with the heroes in this game and thier abilities to say up to speed on team builds and effective comps and counters.

    In Game Name: Compensating

    Level: 76

    Ally code: 168-971-219

    Every day I complete all activities and wars. And whenever I don't have work I get 1st in pvp. ( so about 4 times a week)

    Team comp varies but when I play:
    Duku: lead
    Geonosian soldier

    I pretty much always win with this comp even with most recent changes. All characterS are max star, level and gear.

    I'm trying to figure out how to post characters but I have enough for 4 7 star teams and Comps all max tier gear. ( excluding Omega)
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    Forum Username: BeepBeep
    In Game Username: BeepBeep
    Player Level: 74
    Ally Code: 548-869-182
    Main Team (usually): Luminara, Darth Sidious, Old Daka, Jedi Consular, Count Dooku
    How often do you play: Every Day
    Line ID (mandatory): BeepBeep_StarWars
    Arena Rank: 300-400 every day

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    Hey guys, I joined up with some guys from my shard without thinking. If it doesn't work out for some reason I will come straight here. I've been friendly PVP with these guys for months and don't want to be rude.

  • Dred
    19 posts Member
    Lvl 75 with 9 7* and 19 6*+, all gear 7+. Complete all dailies and gw, top 20-50 arena. Currently in a guild but send ally request if you have room

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    Forum Username: Z3roFlaw
    In Game Username: Z3roFlaw
    Player Level: 60
    Ally Code: 542-561-825
    Main Team (usually): Phasma (L), Kylo, lumi, GS, sidious, and QGJ
    Screenshot of character screen (if possible, not mandatory): https://imgur.com/gallery/abyPY
    How often do you play: Daily
    Line ID (mandatory): Z3roFlaw

    I'd like to join TNR First Order of there are openings.
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    Forum Username: Valentino
    In Game Username:Valentino
    Player Level:75
    Ally Code:167-345-494
    Main Team (usually): phasma, poggle the lesser, luminara, yoda, darth sidious
    Screenshot of character screen (if possible, not mandatory):
    How often do you play:everyday
    Line ID (mandatory):Valentino
    Im wanting to join the best guild and meet new people.
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    This guild is amazing. 10/10 would join again
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    Forum username : Lorelei
    IGN : Lore
    Player lvl : 74
    Ally code : 441-813-388
    Team : lumi, bariss, phasma, sid, gs, savage, qgj
    Play every day
    Line id: lorelei4
    Hope i can join you soon guys ;)
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    I'm one of the TNR leaders TNR Knights. We just cleared out an inactive and I'm looking to fill the slot with a very active, team oriented, friendly person. PM me here for details. Give me Level #6*, #7* and #gear 8,9,10 please. Also will need to have Line chat as raid announcements are all done there.
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    LINE ID- Ladystorm1
  • ThePixie
    98 posts Member
    We are still looking for new members to join our community.

    If you are Level 70+ are looking at doing top tier raids feel free to apply.
  • MasterSeedy
    5135 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm level 69, and just a few hundred experience points away from level 70. It's going to be very close, but it looks like the math says I get to level 70 tonight, with the free energy I get in 4-6 hours. Otherwise, I get to level 70 tomorrow morning.

    I don't know what "Top Tier" is, but b/c I've been leveling fairly quickly, I don't have nearly the # of characters promoted & leveled as some other people of my Player Level.

    I had been accepted before when there was going to be a level 50 minimum, but then that changed.

    My current stable is far inferior to the average player at TNR, I would assume, but Here are my top 15 characters:

    NS Initiate, 6*, Level 65, Gear7 PWR: 4999
    Asajj, 6*, Level 68, Gear8 PWR: 4982
    Lumi, 7*, Level 65, Gear7 PWR: 4959
    Geonosian Soldier, 5*, Level 63, Gear8 PWR: 4773
    Talia, 5*, Level 64, Gear8 PWR: 4619
    JediCon 5*, Level 65, Gear8 PWR: 4570
    Fives 4*, Level 63, Gear8 PWR: 4517
    QGJ 4*, Level 63, Gear8 PWR: 4401
    Old Ben 5*, Level 65, Gear7 PWR: 4216
    IG-86 5*, Level 61, Gear7 PWR: 3809
    Old Daka 4*, Level 63, Gear7 PWR: 3682
    Vader 4*, Level 62, Gear7 PWR: 3669
    Ashoka 4*, Level 60, Gear7 PWR: 3272
    Royal Guard 4*, Level 56, Gear7 PWR: 3242
    MagmaTrooper 4*, Level 6, Gear6 PWR: 3005

    QGJ is 2 shards away from 5*. It sounds crazy, but I'm actually planning on getting those 2 shards from the Shard Shop if I can, because otherwise they only come in lumps of 5 from CB Shipments...and I need every one of those I can get if I want to see Ahsoka at 5* within 6 days.

    And why is that important?

    If I can get QGJ and Ahsoka at 5*, then I can unlock Yoda. Right now I've beaten the first 4 stages of the Yoda challenge. Ashoka needs 35 shards for 5*. With 100 crystals/day on the CB refresh, I can get 6 shipments for her in 6 days. That's 30 shards out of the 35 I need. But She's got 2 hard modes. If I play those every day, I should get at least 5 shards (since average would be 2/day or a total of 12, I feel 5 shards is safe...but 10 shards, while likely, is too risky to assume).

    That means that Fives won't be getting a 5th star any time soon, but QGJ, Ahsoka & Yoda will all be 5* toons for me in less than a week. At the same time, I should open up Barriss & Ima-Gun Di.

    Asajj will get a 7th star in 2.5 more days worth of Arena rewards. Ig-86 has to wait for me to earn Lumi shards for the shard shop to start collecting on GW again, but '86 already has 48 of 85 towards 6*. So five or so days to a 6* IG-86.

    After the Yoda event & IG-86's 6th star, I'll be working GS to 6* in Cantina Battles (after I get Barriss open @4*), either Fives or Old Daka in CB shipments, Biggs Darklighter & Resistance Pilot to 5* each in GW, and Ima-Gun Di in the Guild Shipments.

    Anyway, that's the plan. I play every day & am currently in a small guild of people that I mostly don't know. I've only been there for a few days, but I'm consistently at or near the top when it comes to Guild Activities. My raiding rank is kind of irrelevant, since it would change quite a bit in TNR with very different competition.

    I won't be ready to raid Tier 6 consistently for a while yet, but I'm ready to raid Tier 5 right now, and I don't mind being last place in a Tier 6 raid. I'm in pretty desperate need of gear right now!
  • ThePixie
    98 posts Member
    @MasterSeedy thank you for posting. We have a great bunch of players would are willing to help you progress and maybe steer you in the right direction so you are not bloated with loads of lower level characters.

    Do you have LINE? if so can you add me, my id is thepixie86

  • ThePixie
    98 posts Member
    Still looking for new players :)
  • ThePixie
    98 posts Member
    We have a few spaces left. We do tier 6 raids with tier 7 coming soon
  • ThePixie
    98 posts Member
    We have a few spaces left. We do tier 6 raids with tier 7 coming soon
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    TNR now has some open slots!!! We are looking for active players, level 70+. We use Discord for guild communication, raid coordination, learning groups, etc.

    Feel free to contact @aspenstar or @ioniancat21 for details and with your information. You can also contact me - although I am not on the forums as much as I used to be. ;) I have more fun hanging with my guild mates!

    We do primarily T6 raids, as Pixie said. TNR has two "wings" - one is based on EST, the other UK. Both are great fun and work together to make a strong guild.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    It's been a tough road trying to keep our members happy working with what EA has given us but we have endured and continued to be successful.

    As you can see above, there are a few slots open for players looking for a team that focuses on teamwork and friendship, you are at the right place!! Our Guild groups are doing very well and I have to commend the membership for continuing the mantra we've had since Day 1, playing together in order to achieve our goals.

    TNR is one of the older Guilds in the game, come join us!!!
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