Request from an unhappy player that will never happen: Give us back the omegas we used on fives


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    epeeist wrote: »
    The description clearly said it only took effect if attacked an enemy with speed down. Double attacks starting with the first attack was clearly a bug, which has now been fixed.

    No. That is not what his description said.
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    epeeist wrote: »
    The description clearly said it only took effect if attacked an enemy with speed down. Double attacks starting with the first attack was clearly a bug, which has now been fixed.

    No. That is not what his description said.
    Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict speed down for two turns. Attack again if the enemy is inflicted with speed down.

    For the people that can't read the description in game for some reason. Sure sounds like he inflicts speed down, and then if speed down is inflicted, attacks again. Says nothing about "next turn." We shouldn't have to read in between the lines
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    The change is hardly drastic, he now does what his description said he did. :|

    No. He used to do what his description said. CG has now introduced a bug where his actions do NOT match the description.
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    OwexBaill wrote: »
    Stop complaining about a small change that doesn't hurt the game or character at all. The description was clearly vegue so EA made it clear. Stop complaining about normal game development issues.

    That's easy to say. Wait until they nerf your Rey, or Leia, or whatever toon YOU invested time and resources in. Same happened to me with FOTP recently, too.
    It's just... frustrating!

    I know that we won't get anything back.
    But there is so much more to fix than a toon, that is somewhat useful due to a "bug". This just cuts his already pitiful damage again.

    Well about a month ago I went thought a substantial hit on my team. I was running an Akbar lead rebel team( HRS, Biggs, Luke, Lummi) when the speed balancing update hit my whole team became less powerful. I hadn't gotten them all to 7* or top gear and I was taking on maxed whale teams well above the level I should have been able too. This was before the Ackbar update or Leia. After reading the COMPLETED update notes from the devs the update made perfect sense. I adapted and build new toons and teams. That's the point of a game like this. Strategy not a race to max out toons. The biggest complaints come from folks who seem to derive some sort of life achievement out of a game. Guess what achievement in this game does not mean achievement in life. It's a game. It's not perfect and it never will be. Perspective is the key to this whole argument. Enjoy the good, positively promote good change and stop complaining selfishly.

    Strategy? Right. Dooku or Ben lead is a very good "strategy". And I don't seem to see where they nerfed your rebel team. It's not about beating teams far more powerful than yours.
    You just don't get the point, do you?
    I got Fives maxed and put all effort in him. This is by no means comparable to your toons, that didn't get nerfed and that you didn't even have 7 *ed.
    And please stop thinking you can judge about my life by just one forum post.
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    This is not a fix, this is a nerf. Also it's switch and bait just like the omega free event where they expect you to spend crystals on. They also expect you to drop fives now and work on someone else gear and omega wise. Yesterday I just gave him my first droid caller after the raid reward got me 25 unobtainable salvage (another disgusting stealth move). I equipped the droid caller on fives and BAM nerf.

    Next in line are Rey and Daka cause the kids will cry just long enough for them to get the nerfbat. This "company" is the worst when it comes to balancing. Nerf a toon that wasn't by far OP and let the Old Bens and Dooku's still lead 95% of Arena. Logic none.

    Bait and switch, they want you to spend money on new gear for a new toon, that's why they make him unviable.

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    Jedi_of_Oz wrote: »
    So people are upset they invested in a character because he provided considerable advantage because he was bugged.

    And when the bug is fixed they are outraged? Interesting.

    FWIW, I never lost a battle to a squad with Fives in it. Like other, always left him until last unless he was paired with Old Ben.


    Go meh yourself. He was working as described. CG introduced a bug now where his actions do not match his description.
  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    Since you never warned us that you were going to drastically change how the character worked, and his description clearly states that he gives a double attack if the enemy has speed down...he was working as his description said. You stealth nerfed an ability that I spent precious omegas on, completely changed how it worked, and in turn took away the only thing that made him somewhat viable in arena. I'm seriously ticked about this.

    Stop whining and actually THINK. Fives is still a **** good character and his nerfed omega basic is still stronger than almost every other omega.

    In the final phase of an arena fight (you know, when the enemy team actually attacks fives and probably has their healer/ stun dead) he will still double hit very very often - not the first time a character attacks him, but every other time after that.

    Anything thinking that having an omega doubling his damage output was intentional must be pretty naive.
  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yarzahn wrote: »
    Since you never warned us that you were going to drastically change how the character worked, and his description clearly states that he gives a double attack if the enemy has speed down...he was working as his description said. You stealth nerfed an ability that I spent precious omegas on, completely changed how it worked, and in turn took away the only thing that made him somewhat viable in arena. I'm seriously ticked about this.

    Stop whining and actually THINK. Fives is still a **** good character and his nerfed omega basic is still stronger than almost every other omega.

    In the final phase of an arena fight (you know, when the enemy team actually attacks fives and probably has their healer/ stun dead) he will still double hit very very often - not the first time a character attacks him, but every other time after that.

    Anything thinking that having an omega doubling his damage output was intentional must be pretty naive.

    His damage output is barris level now. it needed to be doubled. He's now useless outside a clone team. He was no where near OP, and I didn't fear him in arena. He is very easy to stun, and has low potency. And in that final phase of an arena fight where fives has been left, he's likely against 4 orr 5 due to the fact he we will not have killed everyone thanks to his low damage. Then 4 toons will most likely get free hits on him. Chances one of those doesn't interrupt his next move or stun? Slim. I think you are just happy that they nerfed a toon you couldn't figure out how to beat
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    wrilley wrote: »
    It's saying you attack again if the target is inflicted with speed down when you attack.

    Not if speed down lands.

    That is not what the description says.
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    Chasing meta just to get NERFED farming for purple gear that rarely pop up wasting omega mats, spending hard to get credits -making my head spin
  • Lauwanhoi
    78 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    BradBread wrote: »
    ichotolot wrote: »
    Reading ability descriptions always helps. It was never intended that he double attacks without applying speed down first.

    It says inflicts speed down, and then double attacks if speed down has been inflicted.

    The way this is worded, if he inflicts speed down, he will attack again. Reading the description always helps

    I have a theory. Everyone in here thats for this change either doesn't know how to beat omega fives, or doesn't have him

    Eloquent as usual.

    Anyways, yes that is one interpretation of it. It is a poorly worded description but that's pretty much the standard for the dev team here. I saw another post that basically illustrates how you are interpreting the description.

    If by inflicting you mean applying, then yes you are correct, however, a character already suffering from speed down would not get double attacked if 5s doesn't re-apply or inflict speed down again.

    It's true you can't have it both ways. But by your interpretation, even if the character was already afflicted (a better term to distinguish players already suffering from speed down or having it initially applied) with speed down, if 5s doesn't inflict it again, then the condition of the description has not been met. This he would fail to double attack toons who already have speed down quite consistently.

    Really good point actually. The way I was interpreting the wording, he would in fact not double attack someone who was already inflicted with speed down (unless he inflicted it again).
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    wrilley wrote: »
    I doubt they'd set that precedent. They'd have to deal with refund requests every time a bug fix changed something negatively relative to player's expectations. The extra omega event is likely the best they can do without creating a cumbersome situation for their workers.

    This was not a bug fix. He was working as described. In order to do this nerf they introduced a bug where his actions do not match his description.
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    Algren wrote: »
    Sorry, but if you wasted an omega on a toon that devs themselves said was bugged, purely because he was good at that time, you're just shortsighted and deserve to be out an Omega. I understand they don't fix half the bugs (still waiting on EE guys), so you took a gamble they wouldn't fix this one, and you lost. Suck it up. BUG FIX IS NOT A NERF.

    please link to the post where anyone from EA said this was a bug they were going to fix.
  • Algren
    306 posts Member
    epeeist wrote: »
    The description clearly said it only took effect if attacked an enemy with speed down. Double attacks starting with the first attack was clearly a bug, which has now been fixed.

    No. That is not what his description said.
    Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict speed down for two turns. Attack again if the enemy is inflicted with speed down.

    For the people that can't read the description in game for some reason. Sure sounds like he inflicts speed down, and then if speed down is inflicted, attacks again. Says nothing about "next turn." We shouldn't have to read in between the lines

    Regardless of how you read it, it was clear from the start that some people read it the other way. I myself took to the forums to investigate when he double tapped me because I thought it was bugged, and saw people saying both sides. Thus anyone that Omega'd him and uses the forums really must have seen the other side of the read, and should have taken that into consideration before using something they were so protective over they would want a refund if they wasted it. To then use the Omega they were either blinded by the damage, or took a risk that they were right. Either way, you have every right to be upset, but no right to ask for a refund in an investment that did not pay off, when you had ample reason at the start to wonder if it would pay off.
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    Algren wrote: »
    Sorry, but if you wasted an omega on a toon that devs themselves said was bugged, purely because he was good at that time, you're just shortsighted and deserve to be out an Omega. I understand they don't fix half the bugs (still waiting on EE guys), so you took a gamble they wouldn't fix this one, and you lost. Suck it up. BUG FIX IS NOT A NERF.

    When did the devs give warning that fived was not working as intended? Fives was working exactly as his description said. Now he does not.
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    Algren wrote: »
    epeeist wrote: »
    The description clearly said it only took effect if attacked an enemy with speed down. Double attacks starting with the first attack was clearly a bug, which has now been fixed.

    No. That is not what his description said.
    Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict speed down for two turns. Attack again if the enemy is inflicted with speed down.

    For the people that can't read the description in game for some reason. Sure sounds like he inflicts speed down, and then if speed down is inflicted, attacks again. Says nothing about "next turn." We shouldn't have to read in between the lines

    Regardless of how you read it, it was clear from the start that some people read it the other way. I myself took to the forums to investigate when he double tapped me because I thought it was bugged, and saw people saying both sides. Thus anyone that Omega'd him and uses the forums really must have seen the other side of the read, and should have taken that into consideration before using something they were so protective over they would want a refund if they wasted it. To then use the Omega they were either blinded by the damage, or took a risk that they were right. Either way, you have every right to be upset, but no right to ask for a refund in an investment that did not pay off, when you had ample reason at the start to wonder if it would pay off.

    I have every right to ask for a refund. The people that made this either mistakenly, or intentionally worded it so there would be ambiguity. The ability should do what it says, it should not have ANY interpretation.

    Its false advertising.
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    Algren wrote: »
    Sorry, but if you wasted an omega on a toon that devs themselves said was bugged, purely because he was good at that time, you're just shortsighted and deserve to be out an Omega. I understand they don't fix half the bugs (still waiting on EE guys), so you took a gamble they wouldn't fix this one, and you lost. Suck it up. BUG FIX IS NOT A NERF.

    A best practice for any game is to not hop on the bug exploit wagon. You won't be happy with its destination.

    Maybe you recognize a bug and hope to wring advantage out of it while you can. Or maybe you're just blindly following those who do. Either way, devs won't have much pity for you.

    Odd statement. Previosly fives was working as described. Now fives is bugged becsuse his actions and descriptions do not match.
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    Cry me a river thats how Jawa ALWAYS worked. Please learn from how other things in the game work.
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    Algren wrote: »
    Sorry, but if you wasted an omega on a toon that devs themselves said was bugged, purely because he was good at that time, you're just shortsighted and deserve to be out an Omega. I understand they don't fix half the bugs (still waiting on EE guys), so you took a gamble they wouldn't fix this one, and you lost. Suck it up. BUG FIX IS NOT A NERF.

    A best practice for any game is to not hop on the bug exploit wagon. You won't be happy with its destination.

    Maybe you recognize a bug and hope to wring advantage out of it while you can. Or maybe you're just blindly following those who do. Either way, devs won't have much pity for you.

    Odd statement. Previosly fives was working as described. Now fives is bugged becsuse his actions and descriptions do not match.

    Its my theory that everyone in support of this nerf is one off two people:

    They don't have him and are jealous of those that do

    They can't figure out how to beat him
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    Cry me a river thats how Jawa ALWAYS worked. Please learn from how other things in the game work.

    Yep, and that is worded properly. Fives is worded to make it sound like he inflicts speed down, and if it is inflicted, he attacks again
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    Cry me a river thats how Jawa ALWAYS worked. Please learn from how other things in the game work.

    Yep, and that is worded properly. Fives is worded to make it sound like he inflicts speed down, and if it is inflicted, he attacks again

    They are worded the same....
    Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to inflict speed down for 2 turns. This attack deals 35% more damage to enemies suffering from a negative status effect.

    Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict speed down for 2 turns. Attack again if enemy is inflicted with speed down.

    Deal damage, Apply Debuff, Do something if target has debuff.

  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    The change is hardly drastic, he now does what his description said he did. :|

    Usually I agree with your posts. English is difficult.
  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Its my theory that everyone in support of this nerf is one off two people:

    They don't have him and are jealous of those that do

    They can't figure out how to beat him

    Or just people who common sense who don't blindly chase FOTM meta, and know omegas aren't supposed to double the damage output of a tank and give him damage rivaling most "attacker" characters.
    And no, I can beat him just fine I lost ONCE to a fives team (the first time i met him after omega, because i wasn't expecting the change and my daka + lumi had died).
    After that i had zero problems with him because my arena comp happens to counter him and i'm not stupid enough to leave him alone for last and keep 1-2 other toons around to attack while fishing for stuns on him.
    1) I run a stun comp with dooku, royal guard and daka - stun, stun, stun.
    2) Royal guard also absorbs the counters on characters that go under 50%
    3) I have a rey who gets foresight often which prevents the first hit and speed down from applying (and hits hard with specials, and no longer gets countered multiple times on her multihit ability).
    4) I have a second healer (lumi) to soak his counters.

    So literally my team is DESIGNED to counter fives (by pure chance). I don't give a **** about fives enemies. That doesn't mean i'm silly enough to think a 25000 hp character should have his damage doubled like that for the cost of 5 pretty golden mats.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Calling this a bugfix after Fives has been like this for months is laughable.
    Switching now to the word "bug" just because he synchronizes a bit too much with Echo is still not making it a bug. It's a nerf, period.

    A bug is when a toon flies off screen when it's not supposed to. Not a skill that has been like this for months and now with the addition of a new toon, it suddenly get's labeled a bug. This game is very flawed on the bug section but don't defend the devs because they make Echo OP for chromium buyers and Fives unviable for FTP.
    This is another disgusting money grab fixing nerf.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    This is moot. Least that could be done is correcting his desc now as it's incorrect as written.
  • DieRebelScum2467
    73 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Big_Russ wrote: »
    epeeist wrote: »
    The description clearly said it only took effect if attacked an enemy with speed down. Double attacks starting with the first attack was clearly a bug, which has now been fixed.

    It does not:

    Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict speed down for two turns. Attack again if the enemy is inflicted with speed down.

    It was working exactly to description before

    To me that could be read two ways. Idk how it works. Is speed down applied before attack or after attack? That could also reflect in how that statement reads. If it's after then the attacked toon would not have speed down at the time of the initial attack.

    This is the main problem. It COULD be read two ways, and for months this very thing was a hot topic on the forums. With something as ambiguous as the choice of words here, the devs chose to ignore it. There were daily posts on the matter and the silence from the devs implied that it was not a bug. Even if you think it was a bug, you have to admit that if an issue is not mentioned for months, and I could be taken either way, it is very strongly implied that the issue is not a bug.

    Yep. But they are only too happy to make us waste precious omegas. When you make a drastic change to an ability that is not a bug fix, you should refund the points spent

    You should take something for all that butt hurt.. Jesus ****.

    If the Anakin folks didn't riot, we have no right to.
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    Asic wrote: »
    This is moot. Least that could be done is correcting his desc now as it's incorrect as written.

    Now that fives is actually bugged by having the wrong description, how long will it take CG to fix it.
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    I don't understand the complaining in this thread--you get a unique skill that he didn't have before and even with the bug fix he's still got one of the better omegas out there. Why do you want your omegas back, so you can spend them on someone like Luminara and her 15% evasion up chance?
  • OniRenkai
    103 posts Member
    Im not going to cry about 5s "bugfix", so as a consumer, i request my omegas back since CG allow a buged hero be upgraded with this high interest material.
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    OniRenkai wrote: »
    Im not going to cry about 5s "bugfix", so as a consumer, i request my omegas back since CG allow a buged hero be upgraded with this high interest material.

    Good joke
This discussion has been closed.