Request from an unhappy player that will never happen: Give us back the omegas we used on fives


  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Did you buy it?
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I agree that this change was uneeded. He was fine. Whiners win again. Anyway...if it's going to have to be interpreted this least make his slow stick more than once every 7-8 shots. Jesus. Raiding this morning I couldnt get a slow on the rancor for anything. And in arena? Forget about it. The only time he applied slow is if he countered. Stupid.
  • Fitz
    302 posts Member
    Cry me a river thats how Jawa ALWAYS worked. Please learn from how other things in the game work.

    Good catch dude!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    WE reported it as a bug.

    They fixed what we reported.
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    What is next to nerf? Rey? QGJ? RG?
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    ichotolot wrote: »
    ichotolot wrote: »
    Reading ability descriptions always helps. It was never intended that he double attacks without applying speed down first.

    It says inflicts speed down, and then double attacks if speed down has been inflicted.

    The way this is worded, if he inflicts speed down, he will attack again. Reading the description always helps

    I have a theory. Everyone in here thats for this change either doesn't know how to beat omega fives, or doesn't have him

    "Multiattack against targets suffering Speed Down".
    First they need to suffer the affect. Then he can double attack.
    Read the in game description, then get back to me. You are wrong

    Actually, that's what it says pre-upgrade, which is quite clear, and then they couldn't be clear...

    I feel this is how it was meant, due to that pre-upgrade description, but they made the post-upgrade description unclear, and not too many read the pre-upgrade and remembered it, I guess. I clearly remember because I noted it read the opposite of how it worked.

    I did like how it did work, but this seems how it was intended. And now is a reason to use Phasma's AoE, and makes his Assist more strategic, to pick off someone not slowed.
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  • OniRenkai
    103 posts Member
    Yes. Refreshing the event with crystals.
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    They probably seen that video of Fives soloing some challenges and said "nope, we can't let this happen".
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    Made an account to reply to this thread.

    As a mostly F2P player (I bought the Dark Side starter and a packs of crystals for refreshes) I find this change to Fives to be slightly disheartening. This is mostly because of the length of time his Omega ability has been 'incorrect' (they could have easily fixed it before now) and the strangely-convenient release of the Clone Trooper Echo at the same time.

    Putting aside my paranoia for a moment, a happy resolution for me would be to have Fives' basic ability returned to the pre-Omega level and have my Omega mats refunded. I don't think this is a big thing to ask, particularly as other games (such as Hearthstone) allow you to 'refund' cards that have been changed (in a manner of speaking; in Hearthstone you can disenchant cards for their full value).

    This may seem like a minor issue to a lot of people, and I'm sure that I'll get a few derogatory posts aimed at this, but this event has caused me to re-evaluate whether or not I wish to continue playing this game. EA are infamous, and so far I've tried to ignore that reputation because 1. Star Wars, 2. this is a decent game, but people have limits, and I may have reached mine.
  • Skammadix
    207 posts Member
    "Please give us back the 5 Omega mats that took literally 0 amount of effort to earn. I mean those Omega challenges were so hard the first time around and I think I spent hours trying to beat them! I mean I had such a hard time beating them all with 3 of the 5 required toons being under leveled!"

    That was sarcasm for those who aren't well versed in the language.
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timesink wrote: »
    Putting aside my paranoia for a moment, a happy resolution for me would be to have Fives' basic ability returned to the pre-Omega level and have my Omega mats refunded. I don't think this is a big thing to ask, particularly as other games (such as Hearthstone) allow you to 'refund' cards that have been changed (in a manner of speaking; in Hearthstone you can disenchant cards for their full value).

    The problem with this is that people have used Omega Fives to be at the top of their shard for weeks now. They already got a big benefit from this 'bug'.

    This is no different from leveling up a character or gearing up a character who gets nerfed. Once upon a time I invested a lot into Poe. He helped me maintain top-3 standing for a month+. He was nerfed. Do they refund me all the mats/credits I spent on him? If not then why should they do it just for the Omegas? They're actually easier to get once you hit lvl80 than most of the gear pieces needed to get past G8. So if anything people should be complaining about those.

    Considering how much discussion was going on here and elsewhere related to Fives basic being OP I have trouble believing people are really surprised by this.
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    Since you never warned us that you were going to drastically change how the character worked, and his description clearly states that he gives a double attack if the enemy has speed down...he was working as his description said. You stealth nerfed an ability that I spent precious omegas on, completely changed how it worked, and in turn took away the only thing that made him somewhat viable in arena. I'm seriously ticked about this.

    +100 Also seriously ticked! Wasted omegas. I ranted in another thread.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • MLGebra
    343 posts Member
    They shouldn't have had to tell anyone that his basic wasn't working as intended. Not their fault you didn't pick up on an obvious bug.

    If they had released his omega working as intended then everyone would still see him as relatively strong. Instead you all got a taste of a broken mechanic and now that it's gone it's whine city all over these forums.

    If they aren't responsible for balance changes affecting individual players (which they aren't) then there's no reason they should be responsible for bug fixes. Bug fixes are good things.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    <MelGibson> GIVE ME BACK MY MATS! </MelGibson>
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    MLGebra wrote: »
    They shouldn't have had to tell anyone that his basic wasn't working as intended. Not their fault you didn't pick up on an obvious bug.

    If they had released his omega working as intended then everyone would still see him as relatively strong. Instead you all got a taste of a broken mechanic and now that it's gone it's whine city all over these forums.

    If they aren't responsible for balance changes affecting individual players (which they aren't) then there's no reason they should be responsible for bug fixes. Bug fixes are good things.

    Except that's their job to tell us if something isn't working as intended. In fact people did post on these forums if Fives' omega basic was working as intended and no response was given by the devs. No acknowledgment whatsoever that it was or wasn't a bug.
    There was no broken mechanic present because the ability was working exactly as described in the description. If they're going to give us the excuse of a "bug fix" then at least change the ability description to complement this no so subtle nerf.
    At no point did they say that they would look into how Fives' basic was interacting with itself and out of the blue they implement this nerf? That's what I call poor communication on EA's part, something that's become synonymous with them. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    <MelGibson> GIVE ME BACK MY MATS! </MelGibson>

    HA. Thanks I needed some humor
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    People just want more free stuff, and I cant really blame them.

    The pattern has been established, so people will continue to complain until they get a handout.

    Just give everyone 5 Omegas, so we can move on to the next thing.

    Soon people will complain Omegas are useless because their 5 Arena guys are maxed.

    We get crystals for outages, Omegas for nerfs, and we can ask for credits with the next outcry.
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    Skammadix wrote: »
    "Please give us back the 5 Omega mats that took literally 0 amount of effort to earn. I mean those Omega challenges were so hard the first time around and I think I spent hours trying to beat them! I mean I had such a hard time beating them all with 3 of the 5 required toons being under leveled!"

    That was sarcasm for those who aren't well versed in the language.

    Funny guy but not wise. Please note that I used crystals for Omega event refreshes.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Bon_El wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    <MelGibson> GIVE ME BACK MY MATS! </MelGibson>

    HA. Thanks I needed some humor

    @Bon_El - I try to do what I can in "crisis times" such as this one! :)
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    I don't even have any omega ability mats and this will still be my first one. You really don't lose a ton on this. I can't believe the amount of people that scream to high heavens because of one tiny adjustment to make a balanced game.
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    Bon_El wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    <MelGibson> GIVE ME BACK MY MATS! </MelGibson>

    HA. Thanks I needed some humor

    @Bon_El - I try to do what I can in "crisis times" such as this one! :)

    I like it. I even have the hall monitors chasing me with their little red sash & ticket book.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • Skammadix
    207 posts Member
    Artas wrote: »
    Skammadix wrote: »
    "Please give us back the 5 Omega mats that took literally 0 amount of effort to earn. I mean those Omega challenges were so hard the first time around and I think I spent hours trying to beat them! I mean I had such a hard time beating them all with 3 of the 5 required toons being under leveled!"

    That was sarcasm for those who aren't well versed in the language.

    Funny guy but not wise. Please note that I used crystals for Omega event refreshes.

    Oh, so you have an even greater advantage over those of us that didn't!

    I'm failing to see your point here. Are you more entitled than someone who didn't use crystals for refreshes to being "owed" the 5 omegas back that you used on 5's basic?
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Bon_El wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    Bon_El wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    <MelGibson> GIVE ME BACK MY MATS! </MelGibson>

    HA. Thanks I needed some humor

    @Bon_El - I try to do what I can in "crisis times" such as this one! :)

    I like it. I even have the hall monitors chasing me with their little red sash & ticket book.

    @Bon_El - Hall monitors need a nerf.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    I have Omega fives, I have never used him in Arena, i just put it on him since i would need it in coming weeks (since he's 50/85), since this change i feel without clones he has little value to me.

    From the description my immediate thoughts weren't "oh, thats obviously not working as intended, I will stop farming asap".

    It doesn't make a big difference in the long term, but Echo was clearly weeks/months in planning, it would have been helpful to have gotten 2 weeks ago it be mentioned somewhere by a dev that it would be changed in coming weeks.
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    Yeah, I'm getting really tired of the devs "making the game better" by nerfing characters unannounced after we've spent time and resources on them. This is why I will no longer pay a penny for any ea product.

    Devs, fix the game all you like. I'll keep my money in my wallet until you quit taking away what I've worked to achieve. It's your profit you're throwing away.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @LaLiam You missed out imo. The only teams i had problems with were teams with Fives in them. Yea i stunned him, yea i used all my heavy attacks on him, still...he was a rock! I think he is still fine, dunno for sure yet.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    @LaLiam You missed out imo. The only teams i had problems with were teams with Fives in them. Yea i stunned him, yea i used all my heavy attacks on him, still...he was a rock! I think he is still fine, dunno for sure yet.

    Oh definitely missed out, he was 3-4* when the hype really started, Hrs to 7 was a bigger priority. In hindsight i shouldnt have given a balanced toon an omega, Op seems more reliable.
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    Skammadix wrote: »
    Artas wrote: »
    Skammadix wrote: »
    "Please give us back the 5 Omega mats that took literally 0 amount of effort to earn. I mean those Omega challenges were so hard the first time around and I think I spent hours trying to beat them! I mean I had such a hard time beating them all with 3 of the 5 required toons being under leveled!"

    That was sarcasm for those who aren't well versed in the language.

    Funny guy but not wise. Please note that I used crystals for Omega event refreshes.

    Oh, so you have an even greater advantage over those of us that didn't!

    I'm failing to see your point here. Are you more entitled than someone who didn't use crystals for refreshes to being "owed" the 5 omegas back that you used on 5's basic?

    nope, everyone should have the right to ask their Omegas back. I just wanted to say that those Omegas were not for free for me personally. I refreshed the event with Crystals and I paid money for Crystals.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    I would be annoyed if I had leveled up 5's, Omega'ed him, Droid Callered him, etc, but I saw the basic as a bug from the first time it came up on the forums. I knew the fix/nerf was coming. Everybody is rightly annoyed that their exploit was removed, your compensation was that you got to use a very powerful character for awhile. Now can we move on?
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