Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Back on topic, has anyone let their Arena standing fall and test GW results? I am at approx 500 or so and I can beat GW final node.

    Gonna test it, but trading crystals for credits seems wrong
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The best option is to push your arena team past 38/39k power and get easy teams in the last 2 nodes

    Of course this is all working as intended according to @CG_JohnSalera smdh.. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • SaKaEm3
    46 posts Member
    I am starting to think I'm nuts, but I actually like the current GW a whole lot more than the June 15th update.
    It's harder for sure, but I always thought it was supposed to be a challenge. You're not supposed to be able to finish it every day. Too much of this game is too easy. The daily challenges are a joke. The Yoda challenge was completely ruined.
    I like the Empire and Scoundrel challenges even though I cannot complete them, because now I have something to work on.
    Been playing since Dec and really into GW now. I hope they don't nerf it too bad next week.
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    It's back to taking a solid 30-45 minutes to complete. I only lost the first day of the reset since I was on auto and got smoked.

    Today I lost my A team and still finished. It's not impossible but it's back to really being annoying again. It should be hard but really wish there be like a 25% increase in payout at this point for Lvl80
  • Flave50
    33 posts Member
    Node 12 is always the hardest for me. It takes a full squad to kill one toon, so I need to have a solid 25 players by the last node to compete.
  • SaKaEm3
    46 posts Member
    They need to increase the payout and cut it from 12 nodes to 8. That would solve the time issue. Just make the last four nodes hard.
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    I wonder if John Salera can give me tips on how to improve galactic war for everyone.
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    Force Champions event:
    Most people liked it
    It wasn't too easy
    It wasn't too hard
    It gave us what we needed
    We didn't depend on it
    They got rid of it

    Galactic War
    Next to no one likes it (the way it is)
    It's not too easy
    It's exceedingly difficult
    It's our only real source of credits
    We depend on it
    It's BROKEN
    They keep it

    *slow clap*
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    You're right that it's not impossible, but at the same time your GW doesn't sound as bad as most others. I've been spending 30-45 minutes on individual nodes since the update. Today was the first day I didn't complete it, and it wasn't because I couldn't, it was because I didn't have it in me to spend another hour on node 11. I got there with half of my A team and most of my backup teams, and I just could not find the energy to retreat for an hour until I figured out how to beat it. As I've said before, I think making GW challenging is a great idea, but the extent they took it to in the last update is not enjoyable. I'll post a screenshot of the team that beat me today, and I'll say that this team is not even one of the hardest ones I've faced. For you it may be different, but imagine facing this team or harder 4 times every GW.
  • crixvane
    88 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Captainrrl wrote: »
    I wonder if John Salera can give me tips on how to improve galactic war for everyone.

    I don't think John Salera even plays this game.
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    crixvane wrote: »
    Captainrrl wrote: »
    I wonder if John Salera can give me tips on how to improve galactic war for everyone.

    I don't think John Salera even plays this game.

    Lol, if he did he'd be po'd as well
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    crixvane wrote: »
    Captainrrl wrote: »
    I wonder if John Salera can give me tips on how to improve galactic war for everyone.

    I don't think John Salera even plays this game.

    Didn't you know John Salera completes GW EVERYDAY with his F2P roster!! 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    I keep checking the forum for some type of (at absolute minimum) acknowledgment to this issue and keep being disappointed.
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    I keep checking the forum for some type of (at absolute minimum) acknowledgment to this issue and keep being disappointed.

    John is too busy trying to finish node 12

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    I think the problem is with scaling. I have almost 39k arena power so I am near the max. When the 6/15 update made GW 'easy', everyone said they were able to auto it with their toons still at half protection by the end. I'm sure there was exaggeration, but that was not my experience. I faced reasonable teams until node 10, and then I faced very hard teams, like the one I posted above. I still had to pay attention to my cooldowns and my health, and there was a challenge at the end. I found that in that time frame, GW was how it should be, not too hard, and not at all easy. I think that the problem is scaling because once you get over a certain threshold in arena power, GW becomes exponentially harder. It should be a gradual increase with arena power, not huge jumps that make people scared to upgrade their arena squad. The fact that at one point it was challenging for me, and people who had 3k less power than me were able to auto it shows that they need to alter the way enemies are chosen. And this is not a result of my roster not being good enough, I say that it was hard for me because i regularly face teams where 10 is the lowest gear.
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    I spent entirely too much time last night trying to beat GW for guild tokens, seriously sucking the fun out of the rest of the game, to the point where instead of buying crystal packs, I spent the money I would've used on SWGOH on Inside for my Xbox, instead. It's difficult but rewarding, challenging but fun. Sorta like how GW was until lately.
  • Whitchit
    186 posts Member
    Now it takes half the time cuz you can only do 6 nodes instead of 12.
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    truth LOL +1
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    Not only do they keep it, they actually defend it. They straight up lied when they said it's working as intended, yet I keep facing gear 3s at node 12. Not only is it actually broken, they made it so much harder for people with high arena power. I'm almost at 39k and the only reason I was able to beat GW since the update is that I get the glitched 12th nodes. If it weren't for those, I would have failed every day because the teams I face are just insane. It's not that it's too challenging, it's that it's not fun to retreat over and over for hours just to beat the sixth node.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    Captainrrl wrote: »
    I keep checking the forum for some type of (at absolute minimum) acknowledgment to this issue and keep being disappointed.

    John is too busy trying to finish node 12

    Ho ho ho
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    Agreed. I don't actually time myself. I've had more than my fair share of retreats, suicide squads, wanting to throw my phone and take a 20 min breaks as well. I've had some pretty bad ones though I've seen really bad ones too. I'm at 37k power and have had some tough ones and seen bad ones too
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    people will never be happy, whats too difficult for the one, is too easy for the other. The best part is that everyone thinks they are right, and anyone who thinks differently must be experiencing a totally different GW.
    whine whine whine, less difficult GW, much less whining after that, still the difficulty got turned up agian, aaaand whine agian. The forums on GW in a nuttshell, great fun :)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    LMFAO! so true!
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    The best option is to push your arena team past 38/39k power and get easy teams in the last 2 nodes

    Of course this is all working as intended according to @CG_JohnSalera smdh..

    Eh, that assumes you can get to the last 2 nodes, it seems a lot can't. Node 12 is now a joke node for me but nodes 9 & 11 come disturbingly close to beating me. The weak end nodes really don't seem like a bug, unless they intended for only those with 4+ top tier arena teams to be able to complete GW.

    Interestingly the difficulty seems to have increased since I stopped working on my arena team. My D-team used to be able to get to node 4 or 5, now they can't can't get past node 3 even though they've risen in level. Could be coincidence, maybe just unlucky synergy against them, but it suggests that total power influences your draw not just arena power.

    Anyway, it still needs a temporary fix to precede a pretty significant overhaul. Until then, CG, second verse same as the first...
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    leef wrote: »
    people will never be happy, whats too difficult for the one, is too easy for the other. The best part is that everyone thinks they are right, and anyone who thinks differently must be experiencing a totally different GW.
    whine whine whine, less difficult GW, much less whining after that, still the difficulty got turned up agian, aaaand whine agian. The forums on GW in a nuttshell, great fun :)

    That's why I said the scaling is bad. It's too easy for players with low arena power, but too hard for those with high power. It's not whining, it's just being exasperated that they could turn one of the most enjoyable parts of the game into the most dreaded part of everyone's day in the game.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    people will never be happy, whats too difficult for the one, is too easy for the other. The best part is that everyone thinks they are right, and anyone who thinks differently must be experiencing a totally different GW.
    whine whine whine, less difficult GW, much less whining after that, still the difficulty got turned up agian, aaaand whine agian. The forums on GW in a nuttshell, great fun :)

    That's why I said the scaling is bad. It's too easy for players with low arena power, but too hard for those with high power. It's not whining, it's just being exasperated that they could turn one of the most enjoyable parts of the game into the most dreaded part of everyone's day in the game.

    call it constructive complaints for all i care. my point remains the same. Seeying that you think its the most dreaded part of everyone's day pretty much says it all.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    people will never be happy, whats too difficult for the one, is too easy for the other. The best part is that everyone thinks they are right, and anyone who thinks differently must be experiencing a totally different GW.
    whine whine whine, less difficult GW, much less whining after that, still the difficulty got turned up agian, aaaand whine agian. The forums on GW in a nuttshell, great fun :)

    That's why I said the scaling is bad. It's too easy for players with low arena power, but too hard for those with high power. It's not whining, it's just being exasperated that they could turn one of the most enjoyable parts of the game into the most dreaded part of everyone's day in the game.


  • x72821
    46 posts Member
    Well, in case you were wondering, the difference between 35 and 36 arena finishes, apart from whatever the last node would have dropped is 48 Guild Tokens, which happens to be just enough to buy the gear that I wanted, thanks EA, "really love the new tweak". I wish there was a way to cancel my crystal subscription so that I could recover the last $10 I will ever spend on this game
  • AlwaysABigerFish
    1175 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    people will never be happy, whats too difficult for the one, is too easy for the other. The best part is that everyone thinks they are right, and anyone who thinks differently must be experiencing a totally different GW.
    whine whine whine, less difficult GW, much less whining after that, still the difficulty got turned up agian, aaaand whine agian. The forums on GW in a nuttshell, great fun :)

    That's why I said the scaling is bad. It's too easy for players with low arena power, but too hard for those with high power. It's not whining, it's just being exasperated that they could turn one of the most enjoyable parts of the game into the most dreaded part of everyone's day in the game.

    call it constructive complaints for all i care. my point remains the same. Seeying that you think its the most dreaded part of everyone's day pretty much says it all.

    I'm not wrong, everyone hates it. This megathread is less than a week old and it's already more than half the size of the dodge megathread which is over 2 months old. It's clear that everyone hates what they did to GW. in fact, I do call what I said a constructive complaint. I mentioned what I believe to be the source of the problems. I don't know how to fix it because I've never coded anything, but if I'm right about why GW is such a mess, it shouldn't be too hard to fix.
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    -It takes 3x longer than it did before 6/15. (2+ hours)
    -Whales are experiencing Green Nodes 11 and 12(continue to get more GW coins)
    -Anyone 31-36K power is getting completely pounded(Not completing and getting less coins)
    -Facing multiple teams in a row that are from 5K-7K power higher(they can't figure out that power increase isn't linear when using the 115% multiplier)
    -Only those with massive benches can complete GW
    -or those with low arena power
    -or top arena power
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