Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • ECovenantII
    48 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    If all you have is your arena meta team and no additional depth, yes, GW will be hard if not impossible. If you develop a bit of a more diversified lineup -- which you can over time -- it gets easier. GW is the long game not the short one (think arena and raid). You can own the arena with 5 maxed toons ... the GW is different.

    And it doesn't have to be time consuming. If you get stuck, just don't complete it. That's the choice you make, and the credit rewards are the sacrifice. You can still rule the short game.

    Finally, if you don't like the amount of time the game takes, yes quit. Frankly, EA is a company, and they are not in business to be charitable. They are in business to make money. If their gamers are spending all of their game time on SWGOH, then the customers A) don't have time to get hooked on other games and B ) focus their budgets on just SWGOH. It's pretty smart, really, even if you find it frustrating. That's how businesses operate. Gripe at it all you want, but this game doesn't exist out of the goodness of anyone's heart.
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    I really don't like to complain, and thus this isn't a complaint as such just my feedback for if the devs are interested.
    I'm all for making it a bit more challenging but you have made it impossible, how hard can it be to code in that you meet around the same power level, I mean seriously.
    At the moment I am frustrated, yes I am frustrated, a challenge great not able to finish because the challenge is so unbalanced not cool.
    Also the events are not possible unless i spent hundreds of euro's (and i spent a fair bit already) in the game, either not possible because just not the credits for it or just not able to gain these characters by playing.

    So for people who have some comments to stop complaining if it is working for you than no need for your comment, you probably have all the top gear and what not.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than 12 nodes.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • AndyChrono
    24 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    It's not impossible.... but it is substantially harder. I was on a roughly 180 day consecutive GW completion streak. Finally got landed my first loss in ~6 months on the final node a couple days ago. That team was:

    Rex (L)
    Sun Fac

    All with completely maxed out gear and packing 50-60k or so HP/Protection each. Unfortunately I had to burn the protection from my A-team on Nodes 10 and 11 so they were at a big disadvantage and weren't able to kill any of them considering the taunt rotation. And my B, C, D, and F squads couldn't even make a dent because they would start with disadvantaged TM. In retrospect, perhaps I should have sent in my B-F squads first in order to burn protection and then used my A-squad. Thankfully, I haven't run into that team again... *cross fingers*
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    bLz wrote: »
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    This is not a 40K team.
    It's not exactly in my range either is it. This is just what I got today. Stopped me from completing the GW again. :confounded:

    This isn't in my range either, my squad is 36k - 36.5K but it's still not impossible. It requires some work and little strategy. It also helps to put your best characters in early battles to get them TM so they can go first when you get these hard fights.


  • Glarus
    68 posts Member
    ...the silence from the devs is deafening.

    @CG_JohnSalera @CG_Conduit23 @CG_LucifersDaddy Somebody, anybody, please tell us you have heard our frustrations and will either leave GW as-is, or make some changes.

    It should be obvious by the activity on this board and in Reddit that you have an engaged and active community of players that all want the same thing, a great game!

    Ignoring this will not make it go away, it will just make the players go away. Nobody wants that.
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    This just in: "Changes in game were made to increase the activity on the forums"

  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    For me it's only become slightly more difficult. In the two weeks between the old GW and the easy one I was able to auto up to the 10 battle at which point I did a bit of manual selecting and would complete the even with still some protection in tacked. Since the June 29th update I get a so-so node six and a fair difficulty on node 9 and 11. The 12th node has been the easy 3* every time. The team I run is a nearly full geared droid team with HK Lead, 88, and 86. The last two slots I change out depending on what is needed (RG, healer, DPS) and usually only lose guys on the 11th node when I don't really care about min-maxing things.

    All that being said, a ton of my guild members are having a super difficult time, especially since they actually get a very difficult 12th node. So this is certainly not a case of L2P.

    The closest thing I can figure about the last node is a post I saw a bit ago that state nodes 6, 9, 10, 11, and 12 use a modifier of 95%, 100%, 105%, 110%, and 115% for each of the respective nodes to give you a team to fight. It uses the total power of your 5 highest powered guys (not guys you used in a team but just your straight 5 highest power). And because the game currently has a cap of about 42k being the highest single team power achievable, if your top 5 + the modifier exceeds this value the game can't give you a team and instead gives you the generic team for the last node.

    Not sure exactly how true this theory is, but so far when applied to those like me who get an easy node and those that don't, it seems to hold up.

    BTW, I'm 100% F2P and just happened to focus on droids a ton which are super effective in GW. The same droid team also lets me completely auto both tiers of the current Ewok event. I got lucky.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Nos402
    11 posts Member
    Two words: Galactic Chore.
  • Metroway
    35 posts Member
    I believe GW is harder because before this latest update, devs made GW easier. By doing so, many of us put in our HIGH POWERED lineups which lead to us auto playing GW. Now that its changed back, because we put in 40000 power lineups, we're facing Very Hard nods now. Doesn't GW get HARDER based on the last highest team power we used? That really hurt a lot of people.
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    wrilley wrote: »
    Information request from players BELOW level 80:

    What player level are you?
    What are the highest LEVEL teams are you facing in GW?
    What is the highest GEAR you are facing in GW?

    Lvl 78 player with only one toon at gear 9. Node 12 today on my second run had gear 11 QGJ, Gear 10 Fives and RG, and Gear 9 Phasma (L) and Yoda. Not the worst matchup I've had this week, as it only took one squad to drop QGJ and RG, then I managed the other three with one toon lost from my second squad.
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    Metroway wrote: »
    I believe GW is harder because before this latest update, devs made GW easier. By doing so, many of us put in our HIGH POWERED lineups which lead to us auto playing GW. Now that its changed back, because we put in 40000 power lineups, we're facing Very Hard nods now. Doesn't GW get HARDER based on the last highest team power we used? That really hurt a lot of people.

    There is some of that to it. Many folks avoided gearing up their arena team because at a certain level it made GW take forever pre-15th. Then they did the adjustment that made GW easier and possible with higher arena teams. Hearing this we all started gearing up. Two weeks later they 'tweaked' it again, sending us like the Event Horizon into a hellish dimension.

  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Players that are successful at Arena are essentially punished with a ridiculous GW?
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    "Retreat" button is actually a great thing, you can endlessly and useful to use it to try different strategies. You do not even need a special training table. Lol
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    This gw crap all started with the awful protection add-on. I am curious to see if this current dumpster fire is put out with another dumpster fire.
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    Says something when I spend more time on this forum than the actual game itself
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    Today in GW I went up against a fully gear lvl 9 6 star team at the end of GW. I am only at lvl 63 GW needs to be fixed if it is possible. GW has become the biggest waste of time and it had to happen when i was so close to my first 7 star. I would rate 5 stars if GW is fixed to be fun.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I finally beat my ridiculous GW today and honestly I am close to quitting the game. These junior devs need to be fired plain and simple. They don't understand the player base and have no idea what to do.
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    Players that are successful at Arena are essentially punished with a ridiculous GW?

    I rank between 200 and 50 daily, I wouldn't say that's overly successful.
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    Gankak wrote: »
    I finally beat my ridiculous GW today and honestly I am close to quitting the game. These junior devs need to be fired plain and simple. They don't understand the player base and have no idea what to do.

    I am very very close.
  • crixvane
    88 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Stop blaming the devs! It's unfair. Management is to blame. Devs only implement decisions made by management. Junior devs, Senior devs, etc. are not the matter and this incident is in no way telling of their skill level, so stop.

    Management made these awful decisions and it's shameful that they haven't done anything about it yet. I share in everyone's frustration here. I'm at the point where if I can't complete GW, there's no point in even playing this game anymore because GW was the only way to have meaningful progress in this same, albeit **** because of low rewards. No GW Completion = no progression = no reason to play anymore.
  • Dagobond
    134 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I wanted to provide my feedback as someone who works in user experience design. One rule that most companies I've worked for in the past followed is that experiences should be designed for the majority of your users; ideally 80 percent or more. Certainly with the volume of complaints contained in this thread that goal is not being considered with the Galactic War.

    Another thing that the team should keep in mind is that behavioral psychology has demonstrated that when you make a task too difficult or unrewarding for a subject then they will cease to engage in it. That principle is called extinction and it certainly seems to describe the lack of enjoyment and participation that I've seen with the Galactic War within my own guild.

    Personally I enjoy this game for the most part. That said every day I dread the Galactic War as I know that I am going to have to spend one and a half to two hours or more retreating, throwing characters into the meat grinder and retrying. Some days I simply cannot get past the last couple of squares and that is with a roster with which I have spent quite a bit of money building. Admittedly I am only 68 level (about to reach 69) but still when I am consistently seeing 80th level characters completely geared out in things I simply cannot attain or equip then it is downright frustrating and unfair.

    Perhaps the team should reconsider making this part of the game so difficult. Something that is a core part of one's daily activities and achievements should not be barred from the bulk of the player base who simply cannot spend the time or money to acquire the roster needed to trudge through. Maybe the team can save the tougher challenges for raids and special events?
  • Metroway
    35 posts Member
    Thsnks! I meant to say Arena power.
  • Lillegre
    253 posts Member
    As with any game that has a developed player base, content creation is focused on the end game, to keep those p(l)ayers interested, however this is really frustrating to people who are not there yet. I appreciate there is a carrot and a stick approach and that you are encouraging people to spend time and / or money to develop more than one super squad.

    Take the current assault battle, I am L70.5 and no matter how much (within reason) I spend, I just will not be able to get there in time to play, despite having a solid Droid / Empire team. Hell had a grind been attainable, I would have done it.

    However, this current GW stuff is off-putting. I have no issue finishing it on my main, but the alt (L62) forget it! Simply because of the team compositions always put forward, it seems that you need alpha strike to win. (Main = Fast Droid / JE team, with Talia / Vader backup, Gear 8), Alt = Nightsisters 6*, Gear 7)

    There are several threads on how the "game" is manipulating players toons and their stats, removing the true "PvP" grind element of this exercise, so I would suggest the following.

    6 events, Mon - Sat:

    Jedi & Coruscant Police

    Nightsisters & Nightbrothers

    Yavin IV
    Ewoks & Rebels

    Tuskens & Jawa

    Scoundrels & Droids

    Death Star
    Empire & Sith

    Assign (static) each one to a day of the week. On Sunday, random pick for 3x the rewards (bonus day), but each pick locks out for 4 weeks thereafter

    Each event has L40, 50, 60, 70, 80 versions, 12 rounds per event (same as current GW). Challenge level set slightly easier that current difficulty as extra challenge is introduced by locking out any toons that that you would face on that day. Usual mini boss at 6, sub boss at 11 and boss at 12

    Rewards scale appropriate to level.

    I believe the above would encourage people to play and develop different toons and a diverse collection, but removes the current barrier of sub level 80's whose alt teams are L50-ish, but are always challenged based on the 5 best toons they have.

    Just a thought?
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Nothermike wrote: »
    wrilley wrote: »
    Information request from players BELOW level 80:

    What player level are you?
    What are the highest LEVEL teams are you facing in GW?
    What is the highest GEAR you are facing in GW?

    Lvl 78 player with only one toon at gear 9. Node 12 today on my second run had gear 11 QGJ, Gear 10 Fives and RG, and Gear 9 Phasma (L) and Yoda. Not the worst matchup I've had this week, as it only took one squad to drop QGJ and RG, then I managed the other three with one toon lost from my second squad.

    This i don't understand and should be fixed. The power of the 11th node in GW shouldn't exceed yours. That team clearly outpowers yours my many thousand.
  • Glarus
    68 posts Member
    crixvane wrote: »
    Stop blaming the devs! It's unfair. Management is to blame. Devs only implement decisions made by management. Junior devs, Senior devs, etc. are not the matter and this incident is in no way telling of their skill level, so stop.

    Management made these awful decisions and it's shameful that they haven't done anything about it yet.

    Except one of the devs admitted the Node 12 bug is a real thing. So yeah, the devs do own at least some responsibility for the fact the whales get an easy node 12 while I get a brick wall to bang my head against.

    The rest of GW being near impossible starting with node 6 also feels like a bug. Not like a well thought out, well implemented plan from management. Is management to blame for the targeting going nuts on auto too? How about all the bugs with abilities?

    Tell you what, I'll let the real spokesmen/spokeswomen tell us what's up. Oh wait, they are hiding in their office and not helping the situation.

    I never wanted to be this upset with a game, but jeez, it has such potential and is being destroyed.
  • Lillegre
    253 posts Member

    Once you start a level (say L40) you're locked out of all others until reset. This way auto grinders can take a level down for lesser rewards or lower level alt teams can play at an appropriate challenge level or go up to the next tier for better loots, but risk of failure.
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    I just want to point out the reason I am concerned with completing GW everyday is that there is an achievement that requires you to win a TON of GW to unlock Vader shards, which I would really like to accomplish. It's going to take me months just to get the next teir. Now it's going to take me many many months more. Since their is an acheivment requiring so many GW victories, then why can't I actually grind that out?
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Jay21 wrote: »
    @Big_Boss my arena teams power is 29000 and I have not used a team higher than that yet in the guild stats it says I have an arena power of 30949 so that's a lie right there screwing me already and most of my toons are stuck behind the furnace wall and below level 75......My raid team is the only team that is gear X yet I don't use them for anything else but the raid when I put them in for the node 6 they get wiped because of full TM the other team starts with.... Makes me want to throw my phone at my tv while yelling at my mom to make meatloaf!!!

    Jajajajajajajjaajjajaja @Jay21 that made me lol so hard
    Meatloaf thats so classic.
    Man I have same feeling right now
    Im literally facing my mirror arena squad in node 11 may I add that team is #1 at payout almost every day.......
    OB lead
    ST Han
    God have mercy on my soul
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