Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Hann
    1 posts Member
    I had to create a login to comment after playing for months. Why did you make galaxy such nonsense? You are totally turning away players like me. I just lost 25 level 80 toons to one team that had Rey getting non stop bonus attacks. Who enjoys this? I regret ever spending a dime and will never make that mistake again
  • Roux
    90 posts Member
    i haven't looked at the reviews in the App Store for a long time on this game but should imagine the state of GW is giving lots of 1* ratings and negative comments.
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    Why does this thread still even exist? Clearly they don't care about the 65 pages of "constructive feedback" they've gotten in here lol
  • Dagobond
    134 posts Member
    Are the developers really that out of touch with reality? Do they not read the feedback or understand how incredibly angry the vast majority of the player base is regarding that last "adjustment" to the Galactic Chore?

    Seriously, whatever parties are responsible at CG for this **** should be fired and blackballed from the gaming industry. It is certainly clear these people have no clue about good user experience design or how to design a fun experience for that matter.

    As someone who has spent thousands of dollars on two different CG games I refuse to provide them another f'n dime until they get rid of the **** who are making the GW into a torture mechanism. I am a 70th level player with a few gear 8 characters and mostly gear 7s and my last node today is all 80s with gear 9 and 10 equipment! How the hell is that even remotely reasonable? CG will not get another dime from me until they reverse this dumb decision to make the GW impossible for all but the already maxed out whales.
  • Haloinreverse
    90 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The worst part of this is that It took me forever to be able to get my players good enough to finally be able to start beating GW. That was 6 weeks ago. Now that I finally got good enough they've moved the goal posts on me, made it impossible, and now I can't beat it anymore. It's absolutely ridiculous and despicable to do that to players, then say "yeah we know you hate that we purposely pulled one over on you but too bad we aren't changing it so deal with it". The devs have basically given us the finger and told us to bug off.

    You'll get no more money from me. Nobody should spend any more money on this game. Let's see how they feel when revenue drops considerably. Everyone needs to boycot spending with this game for it to work.

    As the post above mine says.......

    "so lets make life miserable for EA/CG as well, lets all keep talking about this and everyone tag the team in every post. maybe they will pay attention when they get a few thousand email notifications.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_Method @CG_NotReallyAJedi @CG_JohnSalera "
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    You have made GW impossible for f2p players, even though I spent probably close to 800 dollars on this game since Dec when I started playing. I will not being paying any more money to this game again, till I can complete the GW in 40 mins or less and not go through 8 of my own teams to still not beat it.

    Do you not read these comments, you are losing more paying players and f2p players then you can gain, and the game is going downhill quickly. Is this the result you want? Do you as the devs hate this game to the point you want to kill the player base so that you can just close up shop? Really if that is the point, find a new job and let others who want this game to succeed take control. Listen to your player base, before you have to find a new job because you were fired for poor management skills and you kill this game completely.

    At least before the 6/15 updates I could complete the GW, it was somewhat consuming, but not as bad as it is now. Now I cannot not even complete it. The run from 6/15 to 6/29 was wonderful, but I understand if you want it more challenging for some players. Though you could make it have a hard mode and an easy mode and scale rewards based on those. But who am I, just another player that is about sick of this gw nonsense and about ready to delete this game that I used to enjoy.

    You should also make some of the gear drops in the dark and light side missions drop more often. It is just **** to have to play though 12 times to get just 1 drop, especially when you need 50 items.

    This will not cause me to want to spend money to get crystals to buy refreshes and packs, instead it makes me want to delete this game.

    Also items that required 50 or more parts should always come in the shipments available and should have more available to pay for with credits (the same price range as what is there currently).

    Fix the real bugs problems and issues that the players are worried about instead of trying to add things first.

    But again, just my two cents, and I am just part of the player base that pays for your jobs.

    Well said man, well said. You're echoing the thoughts of many MANY players.
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    Congrats EA,

    You've managed to **** up Galactic war in an unprecedented way. You guys just turned a game that the free to play community could enjoy in a nightmare that only paying costumers can use. When you gather teams of 7* characters with all available level X gear in the slots and make them the challenge in galactic war you just managed to screw up the **** every Star Wars fan in the planet who can't afford to pay the price of a retail gaming system full game for some character shards or crystals.
    So I really think congratulations are in order as you've just became part of the problem of modern gaming.
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    medetec wrote: »
    Please consider revamping Galactic War entirely instead of tuning the random distribution algorithm. You guys (and gals?) seem to have a dedicated and talented team working on events, perhaps consider handing GW over to them as a major content block. They could craft preset themed campaigns that rotate each month, which allows the player access to new content and gives the developer the ability to fine tune the difficulty to an intended rather than random level.

    For example, the Galactic War for August could be "A New Hope" with an Empire themed campaign, each day ending in a miniboss that changes on a weekly basis culminating in a raid like battle against the Emperor in week 4. This also gives the ability to show off new and upcoming characters in scheduled PvE content.

    Too bad these kind of awesome, constructive, thoughtful posts will get buried but would've never been read or regarded anyway. :/

    Great idea @medetec , I would thoroughly enjoy this. :+1:

    Agreed, that sounds great. If not GW, maybe 1 of the event spots they have yet to use
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    you've just became part of the problem of modern gaming.
    Seriously? You think they *just became* part of the problem? Have you googled EA in, like, ever?

    Hint: they're voted most hated company in America for a reason.
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    you've just became part of the problem of modern gaming.
    Seriously? You think they *just became* part of the problem? Have you googled EA in, like, ever?

    Hint: they're voted most hated company in America for a reason.

    Lmao... been that way for the better part of 2 decades
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    My favourite part of this whole debacle is the response from devs that they will be fixing the bug for high powered teams that gave them a joke final round. I have a decent roster but have had to throw a lot of them at the 11th node. If the 12th node is as hard I will have no hope.
    So after all the complaints, all the constructive feedback, the response is to fix the one thing that made it actually possible to complete.
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    Congrats EA,

    You've managed to **** up Galactic war in an unprecedented way. You guys just turned a game that the free to play community could enjoy in a nightmare that only paying costumers can use

    even the p2p like me are finding it a nightmare. but i will say this, EA killed my spending addiction. i havent spent since they announced the stealth patch. at my rate if spending, so far they have thrown away about $100. So maybe it is a good thing.
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    Burned through 40 toon on two nodes. Including 18 7* and 13 in purple gear. Most never even got a shot and when they did (dodge)

    This is silly. I'm close to asking for my recent crystal purchase back and closing my account. No credit increase and now it appears a credit decrease since I can't finish it everyday like I could since April

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    I paid a lot of money into a game I enjoyed. and i never thought twice about it. but now, i just can't spend money on it because i don't enjoy it enough to pay for it. However, i still do enjoying playing. I just won't throw money at it until it is worth something to spend money on.
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    Man these guys sure can't get nothing right with updates.
  • Voodoo
    12 posts Member
    So either node 11 or 12 is near impossible and takes hours to pass with many combinations of retreating and using various squads... When you have 1 high squad a couple decent squads and the rest of what you can throw out are lucky to even get a single hit before they are wiped out....

    This is severely messed up.

    Its time this was fixed... I'm just going to stop with gw... If it's not fixed soon I'll stop all together. Been waiting for the right pack to spend money on.. At this point I'm glad it hasn't come along yet.
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    gw was a total pain in the neck today. restarted on node 6 5 times until i switched to my a-team, lost one of my a-team on node 9 or 10 (restarted a few times though before i gave up and took the loss) the time consumption is enormous, I thought that was supposed to be addressed ? how about to make it easier but take away the ability to restart ? that would make it challenging and faster. this game is too much of battery drain right now.
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    I threw every single toon on my roster at node 12 last night, right down to the last 2* no gear scrubs, trying to get past a G11, 7* L80 Teebo lead, Dooku, Leia, QGJ and RG super stealth death squad

    Utterly ridiculous.
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    2000 players posts ignored and counting.
  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    I have nothing to add about the absurdness of the teams I have been facing that hasn't been already said by hundreds of equally disgruntled people above me, so I won't try. But what I can say is that initially my plan of action was to abandon the game altogether; on reflection I've decided I will still play, but I just won't spend any more. The GW farce means I can't earn enough credits any more so I can't promote my toons therefore I have no impetus to spend more to try to collect more and improve my current roster. So for me the game now enters phase II: the free phase. My arena rank will suffer and my overall progress will slow, but at least I will have a few hundred quid more to spend on other things, like days out, afternoon tea with my partner, trips to the cinema and the occasional nice meal at our favourite French restaurant. All of which actually sounds pretty appealing.

    If EA's intention with this ridiculous GW model was to disenfranchise the community into the cessation of spending, then I think they have accomplished their objective.
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member
    Dabro11 wrote: »
    Wonder if the developers know that bait and switch tactics are illegal? Especially when a publicly traded company! I guess they think most of their customers are kids.

    What is the bait and switch? Are you sure you know what you are saying is illegal. Bait and switch, as far as the law goes, has a very specific definition. I do not think anything the game developers have done here meets that criteria. That being said, most of what they do is despicable.
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    After a couple of days when I was able to beat it now again joke teams. Problem is since im not that high lvl (63) I know what to expect when i see node 6. If nood 6 is easy I will probably finish gw. If not. There is no point in trying. Today I somehow managed to get to node 12 but I lost 3 of my best toons on node 11. Mostly thanks to Sidious and healing immunity which is completly pain in gw. And most squads run him
    Node 11 was more than 1000 more power than my best team and after I loose 3 toons now I face almost 4 k more power from my best team. Over 6k from a team i can actually run. No point in trying
    Devs really seem that they are unable to get the right difficulty. Why they are no easy, medium, hard choices or lvl based.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    Mods were definitely an idea from the very genesis of the game. So is the mods for mods that will come in at one point.

  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    please see below for my findings from yesterday, seems to be a double edged sword unless you have a silly deep geared roster of toons.
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Aniema wrote: »
    I have an idea but it will take every single person on this game. Also it will take people who give ZERO thought or care about their arena rank. Here it goes....

    Everyone and I mean everyone should switch their arena squad from their highest toons to their weakest and lowest level. Since GWs is based on arena squads I'd be willing to bet changing your squad to some level 1s would greatly effect who you face in GWs.

    Actually I'm just joking, but not really but I kinda am, just not so much.

    It's not arena squad, its your character roster and gear power. Please see below for something I took 6 hours testing yesterday.
    Yes I swapped characters on one of my accounts from 58's to all level 1 toons and left them in arena for 2 days, it made no difference in the rest of GW two days after I did this even being nearly rank 2000 with level 1 toons in arena with a team power of 989.
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Apologies if this was already worked out but I wanted to see it for myself.

    TL/DR - The GW teams you will come up against will be created from the top 5 characters and there stats in your roster with every bit of gear taken into consideration as power. They are not created from your player level or arena ranking, its total team power plus gear. - I have bought only 1 £14.99 crystal box once in 7 months in case im called a whale, i prefer squid.
    Ok so for the past 6 hours I have been playing through 4 of my accounts to see if I can make head or tail for what the situation is with the GW table and me since the stealth patch. I literally made a note of all the nodes, team powers, synergy teams, arena groups both before and after my upgrades of my current teams to see why the 6th and 12th node are such a pain *in brief below). I would have to say that the 3rd, 6th and 9th node prepares you for node 12 as they contain high team power characters also with node 12 being the hardest of them all.
    I found a rarity in synergy teams, a lot of Lumi and Sidious in some though but not a lot that you would see in the arena rankings, I even saw an Ugnaught and a random Plo Koon in one.
    None stood out to me as possible arena teams though, they almost looked "made" for GW only.
    you could be number 1 on your arena shard or number 2000 and you will still get a destroyer team on node 12 regardless of where you are.
    The most common factor like I said are nodes 3, 6, 9 and 12 will be the hardest with the ones in the middle being a bit of "fluff" as it were. Also the most common thing is character levels/gear in the teams fluctuate in level they do not play by any "escalating in level rules", just as you think the next node will be harder it may be easier than the last minus 3,6,9 and 12 of coarse. One last thing, Node 12's team will almost always be between 2k and 4k power higher than yours dependent on your gear I.E if you have 5 high geared characters then your last node could be up to 4k or even 5k higher than what you currently possess in your roster with omegas.
    To work it out I used the following accounts.
    A First order account
    A Sith account
    A Jedi account
    A rebel account
    My main account from Jan this year before I started experimenting with synergy teams.
    Full First Order Account - player level 58
    Phasma, Kylo, FOST, FOO, FOTP
    All level 58 had a Team power of 13k - Rank 1699 in arena
    node 1 - level 44s 3 blue geared and 2 green
    node 6 - level 56s 5 blue geared
    node 9 - level 54s 5 blue geared
    node 12 - level 58s 1 purple geared 16k team power
    **Thats a 3k team power increase on node 12, no protection and no suicide squads**
    Full Jedi Account - player level 58
    Ben, Bariss, Lumi, QGJ. Ahsoka
    All level 58 had a Team Power 17.7k - Rank 1400 in arena
    node 1 - level 50s 2 blue geared 3 green
    node 6 - level 60s 3 purple geared characters
    node 9 - level 64s 3 purple geared characters **I'm only level 58 remember**
    node 12 - level 65s all purple geared 20k team power
    **Thats a 3k team power increase on node 12, no protection and no suicide squads**
    Full Rebel Account - player level 68
    Leia, St-han, Biggs, Hoth Scout, Lando
    All level 68 with a team power of 18.5k - Rank 1380 in arena
    node 1 - level 47s all blue geared
    node 6 - level 65s all purple geared
    node 12 - level 66s all purple geared 22k team power
    **Thats a 4k team power increase on node 12 alone, no protection**
    Full Sith Account - Player level 72
    Savage, Dooku, Vadar, Sidious, Maul
    All level 70 with a team power of 25.1k - Rank 476 in Arena
    node 1 - level 57s 1 purple geared
    node 6 - level 71s all purple geared
    node 12 - level 78s all purple geared 29k arena team
    **Thats nearly a 5k team power increase on node 12, I only have 25k**
    My Own Account - Player level 78
    Lumi, 5's, GS, HK, Sidious/86 (both have same amount of power)
    All level 77 with a team power of 31.3k Rank 171 in Arena
    node 1 - level 58s 4 purple geared 1 blue
    node 6 - level 74s all purple geared
    node 9 - level 80s all purple geared, 7 stars and 31k Team Power
    node 12 - 80 all epic 7 stars 2 omega maxed 36k Team Power
    **Thats a 5k team power increase on node 12 plus omega maxed**
    So there you have it, just a little research I did today to find out what was affecting the difficulty of GW and most importantly the nodes that have decent stuff even though most of us dont need some fo it. I hope this helps, Im certainly not whining and thought I would offer some other kind of diplomatic response to findings I have found today, I do hope they can sort something out with the GW table as if these character power and gear power combined node teams are indeed true then why are we upgrading our roster only to encounter even hard/impossible teams in the GW table? it doesn't make sense and defeats the object of collecting gear and making our characters stronger? as once we go into GW we are only beaten by better and stronger ones? and what with the mods coming this week what will this really accomplish apart from $$$$ for EA. Just frustrates us more and hurts the reputation of the company and unfortunately the game but I hope not the name.
    It's true, if this was any other game not branded with "Star Wars" then people would have fled in there droves. I grew up on SW since I was a small boy and I don''t want to see this great "app" game ruined by sillyness, I won't be purchasing any crystals in the future as I had a personal of getting General Grevious, which I did yesterday so I i'm happy but not with the state of the game I may add.
    Thank you :- )
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    Very interesting today in GW table on my First order Account, levelled up and so levelled my toons as well. upgraded FOO with 1 piece of gear and also Kylo Renl went into GW and the results are as follows with NO movement in Arena ranking I may add.
    **yesterdays numbers on the left, todays on the right split by / ** my team power today 15.6k **
    node 1 - 44 3 blue / 49
    node 2 - 44 5 blue / 47
    node 3 - 45 5 blue / 50
    node 4 - 47 5 blue / 48
    node 5 - 42 4 blue / 46
    node 6 - 56 5 blue / 60
    node 7 - 50 5 blue / 50
    node 8 - 48 5 blue / 50
    node 9 - 54 5 blue / 60
    node 10 - 52 5 blue / 54
    node 11 - 53 2 epic / 60 2 epic
    node 12 - 58 1 epic 16k team power / 60 2 epic 17.8k team power

    thats rather a jump in team power and levels as I only upgraded to toons with one piece of gear each and levelled them up one level.
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    You think you got hard time?

    Check this out. Mind you i'm level 69. Thats right 11 level difference

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    level means nothing
  • drmz87
    11 posts Member
    Been playing this game since softlaunch , average moneynspender havent complained much over all the changes that have been made till now , but this is ridiculous !
    what hurts the most is the attitude even after all the complaining that has been going on

    a few of our guildies have actually left and i didnt think it would come to this but it has!

    Remember there "was" a game called star wars galactic defense ... more stress on was
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