Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I don't think a level 69 should face that kind of group
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    Re re re re re re REEEEE MIX!

    P.S. mix = fund
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    For the most part I like the updates that seem to mix leaders so we don't fight the same teams over and over. But If the last node gets updated to be a difficult team I'm going to have some trouble finishing GW going forward.

    I like the challenge and understand the logic behind GW but it should not take an hour to complete.
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    Fix it so I can FINISH it EVERY DAY. Fix it now or I'm done with your game
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Scourge194
    390 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Scourge194 wrote: »
    Fix it so I can FINISH it EVERY DAY. Fix it now or I'm done with your game

    I don't pay you people money just so you can irritate me

    Edit: removed language
    Post edited by J0K3R on
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    Is GW broken? yes? Am I angry? no. I'm saving a ton of $$$. I can't justify spending on a broken game. I'm fine knowing that I can, on most days, finish node 11. I'm fine because I know that I get what I pay for. Paying to make it to node 11 on the other hand is a bitter pill to swallow knowing that the f2p people are accomplishing the same.

    So, I can either pay and finish node 11 or I could NOT pay and finish node 11. I choose the cheaper route.
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    I appreciated that last few nodes of GW are there to provide a challenge but as a F2P its really disheartening to have your entire list blown away by a super squad that dosnt let half your toons even get a shot off. There's no stratagy when your toons don't get to take a turn.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Just checked google play Top Charts, SWGOH is at 84...(Posting for reference later)

    Now at 202. They moved up to #11 for Top Grossing they were previously #12


    $88,130 Daily Revenue Estimate - down from previous 92k

    9,261 Daily installs estimate - down from previous 10k+
    Post edited by Rumpelstilzchen on
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    So this is still the hottest topic on the forums after 2 weeks, more people are here complaining than there are people talking about mods the new hotness.

    And yet we cant get any response from the dev team other than them telling jesse to tell us its working as intended, except we plan to make it harder (for those with a creampuff ending)

    Great job team great job.

    Sorry to all those on the team who wish they could change this.
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    I must say it has gone very quiet on any dev communication front about anything quite frankly
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
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    If you were wearing milk bone underwear would you visit the pound on petting day?

  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    If you were wearing milk bone underwear would you visit the pound on petting day?

    No, but when the dogs are all starving and angry something has to be done, so I would put on one of those dog attack suits of armour, bring a big bucket of good food, and try to get them all settled...
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    Why even ask us for our feedback if all you do is give us a big middle finger anyway? Don't even bother setting up megathreads... Stop pretending like you care about us and that you want to hear our feedback, because clearly you don't... @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    JPBrunel wrote: »
    Why even ask us for our feedback if all you do is give us a big middle finger anyway? Don't even bother setting up megathreads... Stop pretending like you care about us and that you want to hear our feedback, because clearly you don't... @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    I've asked myself the same thing over the last few days. The only answer is EA pushed for the changes. CG had no choice, cannot comment, and has to sit there reading all this hate and anger and cannot explain. The devs I have talked to at CG (albeit a handful only, at HoDA) are pretty nice people.

    I just have the feeling there are things we don't know, that would help us understand. I'm a programmer, things that do not flow logically aggravate the .... out of me. It's in our nature to try to think logically.

    And none of this, NONE OF THIS, makes any sense.
  • KelEl85
    158 posts Member
    As others have speculated i really have to wonder if the devs are trying to weed out the long term players and especially whales. I mean if you've dropped $1k, $10k, $30k (please tell me no one has done more) how likely are you to spend more? You see the mods as a cash grab. You realize that the money pit will never be satisfied. You are angry about it. You will tell everyone you can not to fall into the same trap. You are now a liability. They have milked you as much as they can. Its time to send you to the slaughterhouse and let some fresh cow take your place.

    What better way to do that then to make one of the most important game modes so incredibly impossible and unfun that you quit? Notice that GW defies all reason and everything that we have come to expect from a game in that it gets harder the more time and money you put in without any corresponding increase in rewards. And what better time to do it then on the eve of a major update release that will put this game on the front page of the app/play store where new players will wonder, "What's this? Seems like fun. Maybe i should spend a little."

    Working as intended indeed
  • Trindor
    13 posts Member
    Today i had to fight several nodes with old ben as leader. This is a pain!
    Almost every second hit will be dodged by the opponents.
    Not to mention, that this killed my whole team because i couldn't kill the high damage chars fast enough.
    Please reduce dodge in GW
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    I hate the current GW. As previous posters have said, even though my bench is deeper than it ever has been and I have much higher geared toons, it just gets harder and harder but the rewards stay the same. It was fine when it was adjusted to 10 pretty easy nodes and the last two being tricky. You could need three teams to get through it - a C team for the first ten then perhaps a B for node 11 and then A for node 12. Why keep messing with it? It was fine and now you've made it worse than ever. Whoever decided to make these changes, hold your hands up, admit you were wrong and make it an enjoyable and lucrative part of the game. What's the point of unlocking new toons if you never have any credits to level or star them?

    I've dropped quite a bit of money into this game and I am reconsidering whether any more will be parted with on this game.

    I am getting bored and frustrated! I think the message from the user base must be clear by now!
  • Mynd
    233 posts Member
    I actually cringe every reset now, because GW is back up. It's too frustrating. I can just barely scrape by, and when they fix node 12 for people like me that get 3* garbage, I won't be winning it every day.

    BTW - I have 30 7* G8 + heroes between 70-80. And I struggle. Cool right?
  • Orions
    269 posts Member
    Maybe they will leave GW Enemy Teams Mod free when released? Then we can farm all sorts of mods to get our GW teams strong enough to complete it daily again, until the next change...

  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    Do you guys experience a change in GW? Usually, in node 6 I face a team of 80, gear 8. But now I face easier enemy at node 6 (around lvl 76), and the difficult node 6 moves to node 9.

    I face easy enemy at node 10 and 11 relative to node 9. In node 12, I meet the usual Meta team but no gear 11.

    Does the dev team make a stealthy adjustment like previously?
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    Super123 wrote: »
    Do you guys experience a change in GW? Usually, in node 6 I face a team of 80, gear 8. But now I face easier enemy at node 6 (around lvl 76), and the difficult node 6 moves to node 9.

    I face easy enemy at node 10 and 11 relative to node 9. In node 12, I meet the usual Meta team but no gear 11.

    Does the dev team make a stealthy adjustment like previously?

    With the ire they have incurred, I would say yes to stealth updates. They can also do "Hot updates" that do not require client updates or game restarts. But "Hot" updates are small and do not normally effect the grand scheme of things.

  • Jayngo
    87 posts Member
    So I am trying to complete the GW from yesterday and I am on the final node. All 80 team with TWO FIVES. How is this even possible?!?! LOL, I'm so done with GW...
  • DakRalter
    17 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Ok, this game. Couldn't even get past node 9 because of a god damned maxed RG. Get two turns before I'm utterly destroyed

    Edit: removed language
    Post edited by J0K3R on
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    DakRalter wrote: »
    Ok, **** this game. Couldn't even get past node 9 because of a god damned maxed RG. Get two turns before I'm utterly destroyed

    Oh, also a maxed Rey, QGJ, GS and lumi for good measure. Cause it has tk
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    I generally jump on 3x a day. Morning- buy gear, spend my DS/LS pts & Cantina pts & knockout challenges. Afternoon/evening Ill log on to play more rounds, buy gear & the COMPLETE GALACTIC CONQUEST. This part used to take me about an hour or two & was probably the least favorite part of my Heroes day...tho I still enjoyed mixing up teams & trying new strategies, but whatever. NOW, I simply despise having to start GC. I've grown to dread it like getting outta bed to brush my teeth after I'm seconds from Sleepyville. I've grown to regret strategizing throughout GC, trying to get into a better position to face battle 11 or 12, (only to get squashed) then I simply stop mid-battle, exit and sprint to the "restart" round button like it was the last bus outta Florida. I literally enjoy quitting GC more than I do beating it. WOW. You all have somehow created a whole new type of gaming experience. A rage-quit simulator. If thats what youre going for, you are the pioneers of this genre, hands down. Anyway, I jst wanted to thank you for the memories & also a huge "thanks" for making this game one of my least favorite parts of my day. Now what's the story on this new Pokémon Go game? Maybe I'll look into that since an extra hour in my day has opened up.
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    Jayngo wrote: »
    So I am trying to complete the GW from yesterday and I am on the final node. All 80 team with TWO FIVES. How is this even possible?!?! LOL, I'm so done with GW...

    You sure? They are clones you know...
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Jayngo
    87 posts Member
    Scourge194 wrote: »
    Jayngo wrote: »
    So I am trying to complete the GW from yesterday and I am on the final node. All 80 team with TWO FIVES. How is this even possible?!?! LOL, I'm so done with GW...

    You sure? They are clones you know...

    LOL! Right?? I even cleared the cache on the game and same thing.
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    I am on yesterdays Node 11. Fully geared and maxed Clone team.
    Rex, Fives, QJG, STH and Rey. If I deal with rey they own me, if I target rey and kill her, the clones and STH just own me. How am I supposed to deal with three clones? Gear 11 already at node 11. How is this even remotely possible.

    They said that they didn't want GW taking so long when people complained about 45 minutes. Now it takes 2x as long AND you can't complete it.

    Look if they want us to not be able to finish, at least not make it take 2 hours to get obliterated.
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    I find the last fine tune ridiculous. I have tried to get to the end, used every character I own and cannot. So frustrated.
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