Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    My A team was able to take out 2 characters. Rey and STH after 40 minutes of retreating. My B team was able to take out Rex and QGJ. Fives, by himself took out my Vader, Magmatrooper and daka. Once it was down to MEGAOMEGA Fives and Vader, he litereally countered 100% of the time, which was 2 attacks, then attacked 2 times making it a total of 6 attacks between my attacks. Vader with 30% protection got 2 turns.... At this point I only have 1 level 80 Kylo Ren and are few in the low 70s. There is no possible way I can do Node 12 unless it's 3* which it won't be. I can throw 40 characters level 50s and I won't kill one person....

    Would you look at that.... Node 12:
    G11 Anakin
    G10 RG
    G10 Fives
    G10 Ben
    G11 QGJ

    I have 3 G10 vader, Tarkin, Phasma and 4 G9 Ben, Kylo, Snowtrooper, Lumi to my name. BTW THEY ARE ALL ALREADY DEAD. So beating this team with a few level 65-74 level characters and about 20 in the 50s is literally mathematically impossible.

    I don't have a problem with GW being hard if it's possible to defeat. But even my best 5 characters couldn't defeat this team with full protection and if I got to use them twice.

    I enjoy playing this game because I used to be able to get throught everything in a totat of about 60-90 minutes over the course of the entire day. Now those same tasks are taking 3-4 hours of my day. I can't give that much time to a game, at least not on a daily basis. Bad form CG/EA.
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    Anyone think there's even a remote chance the devs are being told not to comment and then there's magically a fix in the update tomorrow?
  • Jayngo
    87 posts Member
    Jayngo wrote: »
    Scourge194 wrote: »
    Jayngo wrote: »
    So I am trying to complete the GW from yesterday and I am on the final node. All 80 team with TWO FIVES. How is this even possible?!?! LOL, I'm so done with GW...

    You sure? They are clones you know...

    LOL! Right?? I even cleared the cache on the game and same thing.

    Ok. So I completed that node (barely) and it was just one Five. But they had Echo, Rex, Clone trooper and RG.

    It appears the face portrait for Fives and Echo is exactly the same.

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    Another day, and the company is in its arrogance ignoring the feedback, and trying to tell costumers what they should like and should do. And players getting more and more bored, and more and more frustrated with the game. Mods is not going to solve the problem.

    Another day I do not put a single dollar in the game.
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    I just took the time to go and leave a 1 star review in play store. I also came across a few other games I may try instead.

    I left the Walking Dead game for this because I got tired of loading screens. Im considering leaving this for something that I can actually complete, particularly if I am spending money. I don't expect to be a top player here as I can't spend quite that much, but I don't pay $50 a month to play Destiny on Xbox let's just throw that out there, and they actually improve the game regularly.
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    If it's a chore your game is failing, and will bleed players eventually.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm in a clan that's been very consistent with members, little movement, and today four people including the 2 guild leaders quit the game. Other members are considering quitting as well. Issues...

    1. GW Takes too much time, too much of a grind for little reward
    2. Assuming Mods creating more ridiculous amount of grinding
    3. Raid reward system

    If EA thinks that making GW harder without increasing the reward is the right answer and adding more grinding to the game is the right answer, then they are completely out of touch with what their players enjoy. This has the potential to be a great game and have some legs. Look at "Hearthstone", its about 3 years and counting at this point; this game is on-track to be over by this coming November if things don't change.

  • EmperorsVoice
    27 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    good news. EA daily revenue for swgoh on iphone has dropped from $105k/day to $88k/day since july 2.
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    good news. EA daily revenue for swgoh on iphone has dropped from $105k/day to $88k/day since july 2.

    Yep, and it's only the beginning. They can blame themselves only.
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    good news. EA daily revenue for swgoh on iphone has dropped from $105k/day to $88k/day since july 2.

    Curiously enough their top grossing rank rose 1 point on google play, from #12 to #11.
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    This is why Galactic War cannot possibly work they way it's designed now:

    The devs clearly want this to be a sort of "endgame" where you need to use every single one of your collected characters to come together in new and interesting ways to overcome the the hordes of the war and collect their bounties! The idea being we need to have more then just a core set of 5 and this requires, basically, an army to win. It's an awesome idea!

    But... the way it's designed now makes it so you either sweep through the whole thing with a core set of 5 or you lose because the reason you lose is those 5 aren't high enough, so none of your other characters are ever useful. Except in the rare occasion you need to fill a spot, usually that means you can only complete one or two more nodes though. The way it's designed now is contrary to what they are attempting to do, this is why it's a mess, this is why the tuning is more frustrating then anything else.

    I think they need to change the design in order to encourage new and interesting line-ups among the plethora of characters you have. Drastically lower the difficult and the beginning of the war you embark with only a small smattering of your characters. Maybe you start with a set of 10 random heroes and as you progress you unlock your other characters, maybe temporary currency to "buy" them as you go. This would definitely make the whole galactic war more immersive as well as more interesting, as well as automatically make the whole mode exactly the way the devs are trying to get it to do. And removes the flaw of starting with your highest 7* chars just sweeping through the whole thing.

    Course it would need to be much easier, or change the rewards to reflect the need to spread out resources. It's definitely fixable, I think this would be an awesome way to do that.
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    good news. EA daily revenue for swgoh on iphone has dropped from $105k/day to $88k/day since july 2.

    and it goes up with new mod modules.
  • Tybor
    2 posts Member
    When my top 20 pvp team can't beat more than two or three ai characters in node 6!!!!! Final nail in the coffin. So long ea
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    I'm on board with making it interesting but that being said how can I possibly compete when my highest damage character is 6742 and it has me facing 3 different nodes all level 80 with power on three different toons over 8000 damage. This (TUNING) has taken away my ability to make the extra currency as well as shorting me the extra 400 needed the gather the shards at a decent rate from the final battle.
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    Jayngo wrote: »
    So I am trying to complete the GW from yesterday and I am on the final node. All 80 team with TWO FIVES. How is this even possible?!?! LOL, I'm so done with GW...

    one of them is echo
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    There have been 55k posts on this issue, mostly negative. And the deafening sound of silence is all I hear in response. I know we probably won't get anything changed, but acknowledgement that we are upset and that we matter as customers would be greatly appreciated.
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    BMC_TYT wrote: »
    Wow..why is it that most players on this thread can't use this opportunity to get better? OK, listen, this game is obviously about to get more challenging than ever before. The teams we've been used to facing will seem semi-weak in less than 6 weeks from now due to Mods. These " super hard" teams that pop up in GW, (wait for it...) ARE DEFEATABLE! But you have to use strategy. And if you say ("well I am..) then tell me why you're on this post...U would consider training for when the update gets here. Have you ever gotten better at anything by playing someone weaker than you? No. You have not. So try learning something from being defeated.
    BTW: I have 4 lvl 80 gear 9 to 10 accounts and am having success on all of them. what about those of us that are not there yet and need the GW rewards to get there. I have just one gear lvl 9 toon, then rest are 8 and below, it took from when they added the guilds to just last week to get the equipment to move that first one to 9. Not all of us have the money to throw at a game. My highest lvl toon is my top 5 at 75. My next set of 5 are lvl 74. Then the rest of my 40+ toons are 70 and below. You say build them up, hmm how pray tell do you do that if you cannot even complete gw to get the rewards for the credits you need to build them up? They should make it to where you can do the entire GW in about an hour to any hour and a half. I finally beat my first one since the update and it took over 2 hours on the last node going though 55 toons. Not including the 11th node that also took almost 45 mins with 15 toons. How is that fun or challenging? I understand strategy and using in definitely in this game. But when you get all Meta lvl 80 7 * lvl 11 gear for the last few nodes, how is that defeatable when they kill everyone on your entire roster and you cannot even kill one no matter what setup, strategy, tricks anything? This is definitely broken and not fun. They said they would make it less time consuming, but now before 6/15 I could beat the entire gw in an hour and a half, then after 6/15 about 30 to 40 mins, now I am lucky to beat it, (only once so far) and that took 5 hours. How is that suppose to be fun, enjoyable or anything? It is not making it challenging, it is making it impossible, and then impossible to lvl up so you can get better. Then the rewards are almost not worth it anymore due to the difficulty.

  • V8tt
    35 posts Member
    I'm not normally one to pew pew on a forum when I disagree or dislike something, but GW is broken. I am not a big spender like some of you....500 in about 6 months of play. I have 15 lvl 80 gear 8 or 9 toons and I can't finish GW. When I get full geared Rey, RG, ST Han, both IGs by the 3rd to last node...I know I am done for. I am not as knowledgable as some on here about the intracacies of this game, but I know how to play my toons and GW is borderline impossible.

    IF the Devs have changed it back to this insanity for a reason...please share. Again...not a baller like some of you, but my money will no longer be spent on this game until it is fixed.

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    Jayngo wrote: »
    So I am trying to complete the GW from yesterday and I am on the final node. All 80 team with TWO FIVES. How is this even possible?!?! LOL, I'm so done with GW...

    Are you sure it was not echo and fives since their pictures look almost exactly alike and it is hard to even tell? I thought that a few times till I targeted them in battle and saw one was fives while the other was echo

  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    My most recent GW had a team at node 12 with three GL11 characters and a pair of 10's, full Omegas (Anakin, QGJ, STHan, Leia, RG), with a combined power of over 40k.

    My top 5 characters barely clear 35k fully fresh, and of course they'd already been worn down by the journey (nodes 6, 9, and 11 were plenty challenging, as is now the way). Couldn't do it. Threw every last suicidal team I had at them to soak up cooldowns and deplete some of their protection, and they still murdered my best crew (well, what remained of it) barely trying. At best, after numerous attempts, I was able to kill off a single character, and the other 4 violated what was left of my team after doing so.

    That's not a 'just change your strategy' situation, that's a team my "top 200, sometimes top 100" crew would pass on without even thinking, and I was expected to beat it to finish a slog of a GW? Yeah, not happening.

    It seems the GW is having a bit of an identity crisis. It's expected that we beat hundreds of them (there's an achievement for doing at least 150, if not more, I'm at 135 done) eventually, but lately I'm lucky to complete 1/2 of them, maybe 1/3 or less. They allegedly want to speed them up (having 'heard our complaints') and yet it takes just as long as when they introduced Protection, if not longer now, and at least with Protection I could still complete them for the rewards necessary to improve my bench; now it takes forever and I miss out on at least 1-2 of the best nodes while falling behind (or at least dragging things out unnecessarily in comparison to before). They want to make it a battle of attrition, but doing dozens of battles (even auto'd suicide squads) is vastly more time and attention than I want to be putting into what was supposed to be a quick little mobile game.

    It seems to me that they should change the mechanics drastically if they want to mix fun, challenge, and attrition. I've been brainstorming ideas along those lines for a few days now, some things that came to mind were;

    - Have the player's character pool shrink each day over the week, while similarly reducing the difficulty formula for the teams we face, perhaps starting with the most powerful character in the pool and taking one more away per day for the week. This would require players to shift their strategies as powerful character were no longer available (temporarily). Yes, some characters hit well outside their 'weight class', but I imagine by the time 4 or 5 of the best were out of the pool many players would feel the challenge and be left trying out new teams and strategies.

    - Have a 'bidding' system; let players rewards be a bit more variable (but not by a lot, GW being one of the few places a good number of credits come in, let's not make this even more of a 'rich get richer' situation) by having a target point value for characters brought (X0k worth), and going significantly under that increasing the rewards *a bit*. Becomes a question of whether or not players just want to bring their best squad(s) and a few backups, or maybe just the A-Team with a bunch of chaff to eat up cooldowns/protection on a few of the tougher fights.

    - Have a "point buy" system; similar to above, but simply having X points to build the team, without the changed rewards.

    Or some other idea; I'm not a professional game designer, so while I respect if people wish to discuss some of these or propose their own, I'm simply spitballing ideas here, because what we have is a game mode that's allegedly supposed to be fast, challenging, and fun, and it's arguably one of the above (zero if one goes far enough past "challenging" to "banging head on wall levels of frustration"). It was fine as a simple 30-60 minutes while winding down for the night diversion, ideally on the short end of that (between GW, Arena, auto-ing challenges, Raids, and whatever else they have coming, do we really need to spend 1-2+ hours on a single daily chore?).

    I'm definitely no whale, but I've bought my share of multi-week crystal packs, and that's definitely done while the developers are so transparently trying to milk me for cash to keep up with their laughable idea of 'challenge'.

    If I wanted to fight top 10 Arena level teams, I'd push to get into the top 10. Being top 200 and expected to fight multiple high end teams as we are is obnoxious, frustrating, and absurd.
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    Forar wrote: »
    My most recent GW had a team at node 12 with three GL11 characters and a pair of 10's, full Omegas (Anakin, QGJ, STHan, Leia, RG), with a combined power of over 40k.

    My top 5 characters barely clear 35k fully fresh, and of course they'd already been worn down by the journey (nodes 6, 9, and 11 were plenty challenging, as is now the way). Couldn't do it. Threw every last suicidal team I had at them to soak up cooldowns and deplete some of their protection, and they still murdered my best crew (well, what remained of it) barely trying. At best, after numerous attempts, I was able to kill off a single character, and the other 4 violated what was left of my team after doing so.

    That's not a 'just change your strategy' situation, that's a team my "top 200, sometimes top 100" crew would pass on without even thinking, and I was expected to beat it to finish a slog of a GW? Yeah, not happening.

    It seems the GW is having a bit of an identity crisis. It's expected that we beat hundreds of them (there's an achievement for doing at least 150, if not more, I'm at 135 done) eventually, but lately I'm lucky to complete 1/2 of them, maybe 1/3 or less. They allegedly want to speed them up (having 'heard our complaints') and yet it takes just as long as when they introduced Protection, if not longer now, and at least with Protection I could still complete them for the rewards necessary to improve my bench; now it takes forever and I miss out on at least 1-2 of the best nodes while falling behind (or at least dragging things out unnecessarily in comparison to before). They want to make it a battle of attrition, but doing dozens of battles (even auto'd suicide squads) is vastly more time and attention than I want to be putting into what was supposed to be a quick little mobile game.

    It seems to me that they should change the mechanics drastically if they want to mix fun, challenge, and attrition. I've been brainstorming ideas along those lines for a few days now, some things that came to mind were;

    - Have the player's character pool shrink each day over the week, while similarly reducing the difficulty formula for the teams we face, perhaps starting with the most powerful character in the pool and taking one more away per day for the week. This would require players to shift their strategies as powerful character were no longer available (temporarily). Yes, some characters hit well outside their 'weight class', but I imagine by the time 4 or 5 of the best were out of the pool many players would feel the challenge and be left trying out new teams and strategies.

    - Have a 'bidding' system; let players rewards be a bit more variable (but not by a lot, GW being one of the few places a good number of credits come in, let's not make this even more of a 'rich get richer' situation) by having a target point value for characters brought (X0k worth), and going significantly under that increasing the rewards *a bit*. Becomes a question of whether or not players just want to bring their best squad(s) and a few backups, or maybe just the A-Team with a bunch of chaff to eat up cooldowns/protection on a few of the tougher fights.

    - Have a "point buy" system; similar to above, but simply having X points to build the team, without the changed rewards.

    Or some other idea; I'm not a professional game designer, so while I respect if people wish to discuss some of these or propose their own, I'm simply spitballing ideas here, because what we have is a game mode that's allegedly supposed to be fast, challenging, and fun, and it's arguably one of the above (zero if one goes far enough past "challenging" to "banging head on wall levels of frustration"). It was fine as a simple 30-60 minutes while winding down for the night diversion, ideally on the short end of that (between GW, Arena, auto-ing challenges, Raids, and whatever else they have coming, do we really need to spend 1-2+ hours on a single daily chore?).

    I'm definitely no whale, but I've bought my share of multi-week crystal packs, and that's definitely done while the developers are so transparently trying to milk me for cash to keep up with their laughable idea of 'challenge'.

    If I wanted to fight top 10 Arena level teams, I'd push to get into the top 10. Being top 200 and expected to fight multiple high end teams as we are is obnoxious, frustrating, and absurd.

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    Devs are getting crushed in here. These stupid Megathreads are just a way to file all the complaints and concerns of the games core base away so they do not have to be bothered by them. GW is BROKEN. PLEASE, listen to your base! I really don't get it, last node or two is impossible.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
  • kalidor
    2125 posts Member
    I have to congratulate the devs, they've managed to make GW more challenging and less time consuming for me, as they promised.
    Unfortunately, that's because I can breeze through the first 5 nodes, play 6 at a normal pace, then breeze through 7-9 again. Tonight node 10 was a complete showstopper. Couldn't make a dent in them with any of my remaining heroes (squad was Ben lead, Rey, QGJ, RG, Han; G9-11). So I played a couple of squads against them, realized I had no chance, and quit.
    Is that what the devs want GW to become? It's so ridiculously unbalanced from node to node that it might as well just give me a random squad. There's no strategy to facing an overpowering squad, just as there's no strategy to squashing an underpowered one.
    I'm glad to here that there will be new ways to earn credits, because GW is now officially the worst part of the game.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    DakRalter wrote: »
    Anyone think there's even a remote chance the devs are being told not to comment and then there's magically a fix in the update tomorrow?

    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    good news. EA daily revenue for swgoh on iphone has dropped from $105k/day to $88k/day since july 2.

    I feel a disturbance in the Force
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    The biggest issue here is that it appears that GW difficulty is based on either your top 5 or your arena team (for a lot of people, their arena team is their top 5). I've been getting my arena team up from g9 to g10 over the past week. As I've gotten them stronger, so has the last few nodes on my GW. When my team was all g9, my node 12 was mostly g10 and maybe a g9. Now that I have four members on g10, my node 12 is usually four g11's and maybe one g10 if I'm lucky. I've had some guild members say that they've intentionally kept their arena team somewhat weaker so that they can still complete their GW runs.

    So pretty much it's as if we are being punished in GW for trying to stay competitive in the arena
    . That is extremely poor game design if you ask me. If people are busting their butts in raids for better gear or saving/buying crystals for gear in the shipments, we are pretty much being given the finger in the GW for doing so.

    Somewhere down the line, someone came up with the idea to include raid gear (either components or full pieces) in the shipments, meaning that we could buy it without having to wait it out in raids. From a business perspective, smart idea. Offer people the means to purchase the stuff they would normally have to wait for. It's been the model since micro-transactions became mainstream in gaming.

    Then not too long later, someone came up with the genius idea to ramp up the difficulty of GW to the point of being practically impossible based on how strong their arena team was. These two ideas conflict with each other!!. If being more powerful equates to being less successful in GW, then why on earth would people spend to become more powerful?

    But wait! We have the solution! MODS!!! Having a hard time in GW? Need that extra oomph to even consider trying to battle that last node? We have just the thing for you! Buy some mods at your local shipments dealer today!

    Back to being serious, people are very unhappy with GW. It's not just a few, but it is very widespread. Going by the most recent developer update, it seems like there is no intent on changing GW in the near future. If you guys are okay with this poor conflict in design, then so be it; great job giving us the finger. However, if you are going to keep GW 'broken' to incentivize people to invest in mods as a hope to make it beatable, then you are just adding insult to injury and pouring salt on the wound.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Adding insult to injury...they announced more credits will be collected in Galatic wars this week after the update goes live. Lotta good those extra credits does for the people who can't complete it.
  • Orba
    63 posts Member
    The only way I can see to resolve the current situation is not to add more credits to the GW, its to move most of the credits OUT of the GW. As it stands about 90% of the daily credits come from the GW, in a game with a massive credit crunch this has an effect of making the GW a must have, something that has to be completed each day in order for people to continue to progress.

    This is at odds with the Dev's new plan to make the GW an activity that people should not be completing each day. And the only way to resolve this situation is to stop the GW from being an event that has to be completed each day, and the only way to do that is to change things so that it is no longer the main source of daily credits. If the bulk of the credits were to be moved out of the GW (added to daily achievements for example) then that would take the pressure off. Instead they could perhaps up the shard rewards from GW to compensate.

    With the pressure to complete the GW removed then people would have far less issues with the difficulty level (and tediousness) of the daily GW grind. This would in turn remove most of the current anger among the players.

    Adding more credits to the GW just makes the issues worse, the GW just becomes more of a "must complete" activity, and the tension between the players and Devs rises.

    I don't expect to see things change happen but I thought I should get it out.
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    I have just about had it. I've been playing GW for 3 hours.....3 hours!!! Is this not supposed to be a mobile game that you play a few minutes here and a few minutes there?

    I can't even beat node 11! How ridiculous is this. I have seriously just about had it! Anybody that actually has a life does not have the time to play 3 straight hours only to get to node 11 and not being able to beat it.

    I am just about to redeploy back home and I can honestly say I won't have the time required to play GW and it doesn't look like I'll be playing much longer. Seriously at my breaking point.
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