Mods Update II: It's Another Mega Thread!!


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    terrible idea to not make them drop 100% I don't think you get what people are upset about. The mods are fine. The fact that someone is soloing a rancor raid is not. The GW being unbeatable is not. It's pretty obvious what people are upset about.
  • bluenqm
    172 posts Member
    Decrease the drop rate?
    I have to say that this is not the solution. NOT AT ALL.
  • Azgadil
    226 posts Member
    There is an accuracy stat. Interesting.
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    There's no way they'll do a roll back or massive nerf or all the players that dropped cash the last 24 hours would be demanding their money back and I have a feeling that's a fairly large amount by now.

    You're thinking of this selfishly, not from EA or ptw customers. I do understand the frustration but what's done is done, all that can be done now is make adjustments going forward.

    Even the update post says they knew people would feel sticker shock from the increases in power.

    They're just trying to meet us half way now, which makes good business sense.

    Major nerfs and/or roll backs are not a sound business decision.
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    I cannot see any upside whatsoever to the reduction of the mod drop rates. Difficult enough that we are spending precious cantina energy to obtain these mods, and precious credits to level them up, as well as wasted resources working on specific character types just so that we can unlock higher tiers of specific mods. The least, LEAST, you can do is retain the 100% drop rate so we are certain to get something every time we spend. No matter how high the new drop rate for mods will be, if it is anything less than 100% it has no justification whatsoever unless (a) each mod that drops will have amazing stats and (b) mods can be sold for at least 200k each. Not exaggerating because the paltry sum that one might receive from selling a mod is no compensation at all for being unable to get a mod in the first place. And I am absolutely certain that it will be far less than that.

    Also, at this point why would anyone sell a mod? Even the T1 and T2 mods will provide some boosts to my benched characters, and a modded character, all other things being equal, will always be superior to a non-modded one.

    RNG in all other aspects of game collection has been awful enough, with gear and shards. Is this a way of punishing the community for complaining about the mods? Should everyone just have been quiet about it? I speak as someone who welcomed the mods and had faith that things would balance out in a couple weeks, and had nothing negative to say about them. And now I stand to be slapped in the face just the same.

    Seriously. This one thing, I ask you do not change.

  • papnwors
    749 posts Member
    terrible idea to not make them drop 100% I don't think you get what people are upset about. The mods are fine. The fact that someone is soloing a rancor raid is not. The GW being unbeatable is not. It's pretty obvious what people are upset about.
    I honestly don't think they really care, it's just another scam/con/abuse or whatever you'd like to call it. Another precrafting debacle.

    Another yeah we hear you but we're not listening to you.
    Alternatively it's their QA dept. reading the forums and in this case I can fully understand why they cannot grasp the simple concepts in the 100s of complaints which the same thing has been complained about in 1000 different ways.
    Perhaps there just weren't enough bananas going around to keep their attention?
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    EA, why you keep working so hard to make us all quit?
  • KooTan
    6 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Harmonica wrote: »


    I see on my server the player on rank 1 a whale with Sun Fac at 80k protection and 40k hp...and its just one char of the 5 ...try to attack him now...and defeat him in under 5 min...thats about 3.5 times the stats of the char before the totaly a joke related to the gear sistem
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    Hybridplug, without immediate action, they are having whales (some massive whales) quit or massively change their spending habits. They could easily rollback and still credit players with the spent crystals. They should do something immediately. Any further delays will see an increasing overreaction until the game is hurting.

    I'll throw out the easiest example j have for spending habits. I was planning on getting Cody. Due to the mod issue (which is upsetting my guild and causing player loss) and the current state of arena (quitting players are making this less fun) and my credits going heavily to mods, I will probably not be buying Cody. And most of my guild who would have stated similar feelings.
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    the game just killed. developers, first time I encounter this indifference to the players
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    What a mess ya'll are in. I would start by firing ALL of your play testers, and perhaps a few demotions if not firings at HQ. This will equal the loss of millions in revenue and thousands in player base no matter how much you try to recover.

    The damage is done, know that ya'll are walking on very thin ice, but please salvage this game, if it is even possible.

    For the most part, I Imagive, the majority of us, upset and ready to quit player base, will wait to see how you recover, before leaving forever, but I'm sure ya'll will be the first to see it on your revenue and activity - a massive cliff drop.
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    I doubt anyone complained about the 100% drop rate and really don't understand why you would want to change the drop rate. The drop rates in other battles are already irritating enough. More irritation?
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    Look. Two things.
    One, I'm fairly certain that CGs stats on spending are showing a massive upturn. This is probably due to a combination of factors (players quitting and spending before they leave, players thinking we're having precraft 2.0, and players who want mods). Please do not assume that this panic/leaving spending is players being ok with all of this patch. That is short sighted thinking that I know the devs can avoid.

    Two, INRAJ, the patch seems... Weird. Whatever. Can, and does CG even have the capacity to, you do an immediate thing to halt the unintended negative side effects of mods? Right now, a 1-2 day delay could prove fatal due to the... volatile nature of the playerbase. Likewise, the longer something exists, the more likely that players will feel entitled to that as the norm. Taking this away later could result in just as negative a backlash.

    Examples for solutions could be:
    - a complete pre-patch rollback.
    - a complete mod "nerf" (reduce numbers immediately) with an announcement about future retuning.

    Right now, asking an online community to "wait and see" or to have faith in developers that have burned them (precraft, GW feedback, etc) in the past is a very dangerous game.

    Please consider more immediate action. Thanks.

    Edit: edited for clarity on entitlement phrase and INRAJ misspelling.

    +1 I would do anything for a pre moded SWGoH
  • QGJesus
    93 posts Member
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    QGJesus wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »

    Thanks EA for the changes, while not received well by most, I'm sure after a month or so things will calm back down like they usually do.

    It'll calm down all right...

    Yeah when most of the playerbase is gone.

    I honestly think, unless CG is in the studio at 10 pm their time pulling an all night er with red bull, with someone being fired or suspended and them approaching this from a player view not a Dev or executive view, within 3 days with the rise if Pokémon Go, this game is dead

    I'll be sticking around because of my love of SW but I'm definitely not happy anymore. I'm also playing Pokemon GO...right now! lol
    I completely understand why others are leaving the game. We've had 10 long term/launch members leave our guild(mix of whales and F2P) over the past 2 weeks. Things just keep getting worse.
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    3. Reworked Mod Drops in Mod Battles and Mod Challenges
    Battles will no longer just drop Mods 100% of the time. Instead the drop rate will be higher than Character Shards on an equivalent Squad Cantina node. Challenges will also drop at the higher rate

    Whales are now refreshing at an unprecedented rate
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    They just seem completely clueless to the problems in the game.
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    I told guildmates not to panic and quit since they could earn a certain number of mods each day meaning they would eventually catch up to those who spent crystals and/or cash. They are not upset about lack of credits. You will make them quit with this change.
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    how can you release a product which no test?
  • Nodisintegtations
    226 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    If those droids arent in the fields by noon day there will be hell to pay. You need to crush mods better then the empire ever crushed the rebels.

    Everything aside from this is just a bandaid. And how many bandaids will you try to use before you realize its doomed to fail.

    Post edited by Nodisintegtations on
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Excuse me, and how this 'solution' even works? There was no complaining about 100 % drop.
    Actually, it was the only thing literally noone was complaining about...

    So, you just make situation even worse: now you need MORE energy to get needed mods. Are you guys nuts?

    It is like 'great' decision with gear, 'great' solution to gear problem, when you tried to correct first decision - and again you goofed!

    Guys, are you duff? Are you blind? Are you mad? Every your 'solution' get the problem even worse. I think you should fire the resposible man/team
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    I nothing here addressed any of our concerns.

    Is the community speaking Japanese?

    I speak fluent Japanese and let me tell you, this update sucks even in Japanese. Who wanted mods in the first place? Goodbye CG. Plan to give my entertainment money to company that deserves it.
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    As everyone already said, this so called fix will increase the gap between P2P and F2P players, since we'll get now even less mods per battle.
    I think we also need a different kind of energy for the mods battles, because now we cannot farm cantina shards in order to keep up with the mod system.
  • Nodisintegtations
    226 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Now matter how much they try tighten their grip the more players will slip through their fingers. I imagine this game's revenue is in between 100 to 300 million, it will be lucky to bring in half to a quarter that after D Day, I mean, Mod Day.

    Its as if millions of people suddenly cried out in terror, I fear something terrible has happened.

    I fear they are only digging them selves a deeper hole - quite the tragedy.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    Dropping mod rate is the worst idea ever...
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    When people rush to the forums and make "I quit" posts that's a dead giveaway you're not really quitting. Yes maybe for a few days but then you'll be back. I'm not buying it and I have a feeling EA isn't either.

    I bet they have made a ton of cash the last 24 hours. This is not a free game, this is a business and if you are truly are f2p, then EA isn't losing anything except word of mouth if you do truly quit, which I do admit has a monetary value but I don't see this game being a cash cow 3+ years from now.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    It is precraft two. and guess what. we paid for it whilst you guys got it nerfed. so.... unlucky. im sure we will enjoy our smaller advantage for longer than we would our week long advantage if everyone didnt whine and moan. The mods are awesome, and now it will take longer to find out how awesome they are. I just hope they don't nerf them too much if at all. I know some characters are now pretty much invinsible i.e sun fac and that the change seems huge to those who havent maxed out. But it is/was an easy grind costing 7.5 mill credits to max out a squad along with about 8-10 cantina refreshes to get to max level. Small price to pay for the ability to turn your favourite dps into a tank or your favourite tank into a hard hitter. The ability to switch things about and try new tactics is imo great. To say my rey is better than someone elses when both are maxed is awesome.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • KingPin
    522 posts Member
    Krey wrote: »
    I'm sorry...but how exactly do you get over the "sticker shock" of soloing an entire T7 raid?

    How do you get over the "sticker shock" of rediculously unbalanced "haves and haves not" in GW? I mean, we have to have multiple fully modded teams of characters because it is a "war of attrition" and everyone else just has to have one modded arena team to make you GW a nightmare.

    How do you get over the "sticker shock" of stripping away at least 50% of the individuality of every character?

    Who are these mysterious testers? How do they always miss blatantly obvious bugs like screwed up teams on the final GW node?

    Who is green lighting the "go" decision guys ... They need sacking in all honesty thier focus on revenue is skewed

    Call me sceptical by now but it sounds to me like the testers weren't listened to, the Dev team are taking the heat from everyone and being professional about stabilising this awfull update, but in truth this was a strong arm from the publisher because they saw revenue starting to drop

    And when that happens bad decisions start happening, because they cut Dev budget to compensate or people leave cause they see the sinking ship

    Listen to your players guys roll this lot back... The damage is done to a large degree, you have lost more players in one day than I've ever seen....keep what you have left and actually listen to us

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    These mods completely broke the game for me. If it wasn't unbalanced to begin with, it is now. You know things are wrong when you mod the defense of your TANK character, and you come across an IG-88 who has a higher protection than your tank. :-) I'm done with this game. I've been wanting to quit this piece of trash for months. But I thought it couldn't get any worse. Well I was wrong. I don't know why I can't have nice things in my life. I'm glad I didn't spend a dime on this game. You clearly don't deserve it, for continually ruining the game, making it unbearable. I hope the majority of the players feel this way, and you'll have to think of what you've done to your player base. Maybe you should think how to fix this.
  • tmntguy86
    447 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Come on @CG_NotReallyAJedi

    That said, we have heard you—both good and bad.

    Clearly you have not been listening. Pretty sure almost everyone I've heard from and seen post on the forums have been asking first and foremost... Why don't mods have their own energy? Sharing with cantina is a terrible idea that massively hurts f2p players as we now have to choose between mods and growing a larger team with cantina node shards. And we have to go mods bc if we don't, we are getting our tails whipped. And the refresh rate and cost for this is way to high on both. Especially if they are sharing the same energy.

    BUT! The only thing that matters, at the end of the day, is how it affects you and your enjoyment of the game.

    If the only thing that matter, at the end of the day, is how it affects us and OUR enjoyment of the game... How do you listen to the masses of your game?

    3. Reworked Mod Drops in Mod Battles and Mod Challenges
    Battles will no longer just drop Mods 100% of the time. Instead the drop rate will be higher than Character Shards on an equivalent Squad Cantina node. Challenges will also drop at the higher rate.

    This is BEYOND baffling. As stated above, how is this listening to your players and how is this on par what the most important thing at the end of the day all about our enjoyment of the game? There are days I spend 150-225 cantina energy and be lucky to get a single shard out of it. Now not only do I have to share my shard farming energy that takes ages to refresh, but now I'll be lucky to get 3-5 mods in a day? If I'm really lucky? And on top of that you are reducing the rate of the bonus effect mods as well?

    And let's not forget that GW has gotten insanely worse with this. F2p can only get these so fast. Whales have 15+ toons fully modded with Mk5 and lvl 15 already. Most f2p have maybe 5 I'm guessing MK5 lvl 15 on their toons. So we maybe have our "A" team modded so far. Might not even be full of MK5s either. And we run into multiple teams in GW that have fully modded teams now.

    Come on man. Things like this are why people keep reporting their guilds mates are leaving the game. There's 0 chance to win against that. Especially when you hit that in node 6 and use 100% of your toons and don't take out 1 of theirs.

    And last point... Where are the credits we were supposed to be earning with this that @EA_Jesse wrote about on July 11th stating we would be receiving a "large amount of credits" in these battles?

    I don't understand this at all. I am so confused by this message.
    Post edited by tmntguy86 on
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    Chiquard wrote: »
    Salera needs to go...

    He needs to turn up first...
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