
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    Is it so hard to just add one "0" on every credit income ingame ? There you go, the simplest possible way of fixing this credit mess.

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    Jesse after spending millions of credits in MODS the aprimorandos, vc will only provide better improvements in MODS q still be purchased that is dirty with your customers and still sends only 350,000 daily credits, this is buffoonery is going to improve the new MODS acquired these event time interval, do the same with what we have now is aprimorandos after spending millions and millions of credits.
  • licky
    112 posts Member
    kejmo wrote: »
    Is it so hard to just add one "0" on every credit income ingame ? There you go, the simplest possible way of fixing this credit mess.

    i really like this idea.

  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    wow... just wow "but hey, by the new galactic pack".
    in 7 days this is all they can come up with? that's the nail in the coffin for me. horrific response it's like they haven't even heard us! And it's clear that if they have then they turn a blind eye to everything wrong with the game, only the parts that make $$$$$ are the ones that matter and work.
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
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    It looks like I'm done spending for good now. I haven't spent a cent since they nerfed mods that I used millions of credits on, some of which I replaced since I consider them worthless on certain characters now. I'm simply out all those credits.

    And this is their answer. The good thing is it's teaching me how to be more conservative with my resources. I guess I should thank the devs for that.

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    @EA_Jesse Thanks, the effort is appreciated. Can I suggest looking into some of the tiered mod challange tables as I find some of the team comps a bit strange. There are 3 tables that in order to complete tier 3 which is the only one worth doing you need 5 characters and with the first order, Resitance and jawa characters of which there are only 5 of each available. I am a big spender but even I don't have the likes of Finn, First Order Stormtrooper, Datcha etc maxed because they are useless in every other game mode so by having the tables set to these factions it's basically forcing me to farm these useless characters that I'm never going to use in order to unlock these mods. Other factions such as droids, have more characters that people are more likely to have because they are useful. Also if we are going down the faction specific route then every character should have a faction. The likes of Gamorrean Guard, Couruscant Police etc do not currently have one.

    Also my biggest gripe is that mods need their own energy. It is impossible to farm both character shards from cantina and mods because in order to unlock and 3 star the mod tables you need decent characters and the place to farm many of these is from cantina battles so please I urge you to look into this and consider giving mods their own energy

    The other thing that needs addressing is the drop rate of mods because hundreds of people got hundreds of tier 5 mods when the drop rate was 100% and that has left the rest of us miles behind. The drop rate should be put back up to 100% for the challenge tables because whether or not you want to address the GW issue or not 75% of my guild now cannot complete it every day due to facing fully modded teams from node 6 onwards and because they did not take advantage of the 100% drop rate they are now falling even further behind because they cannot get the credits they need to advance every day. At least with 100% drop rates you could pretty quickly get 2 or 3 decently modded teams together to give half a chance of completing GW whereas at the moment for many players there is zero chance of completing it

    Thanks for reading and I hope you take the time to consider the points I have made.
  • dbraba01
    268 posts Member
    I paid to redo all of my mods yesterday.
    Broncos Forever in the game
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    Free credits are nice, but just make the mod drop rate 100% and lower the price to level mods like they were before
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Thank you,


    Is there an exclusive challenge Event that drops Mods or is it the 3 days of inbox reward?
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    I've never been so disgusted with a company than I am with these two.
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
  • Options
    I'm starting to think the mod stat and drop nerf was a punishment for the tone of the original histrionic feedback, and that the punishment simply hasn't ended yet.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    And I have no Catina energy for this
  • Clone
    20 posts Member
    It looks like I'm done spending for good now. I haven't spent a cent since they nerfed mods that I used millions of credits on, some of which I replaced since I consider them worthless on certain characters now. I'm simply out all those credits.

    And this is their answer. The good thing is it's teaching me how to be more conservative with my resources. I guess I should thank the devs for that.

    Yes. That teaches us a lot. They are into extra money grab for 1 week.
    I'm going to pretend nothing changed and take that free credits and be done with this.

    Really dissappointed.

  • DarthRevan
    12 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Robhar3187 wrote: »
    Free credits are nice, but just make the mod drop rate 100% and lower the price to level mods like they were before

    That would be a great start. And refunding all in-game curriences spent during that 3day window to everyone.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I think I need another Black and Mild and an adult beverage right now.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • QuiteDrunk
    188 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Karfax wrote: »
    wow... just wow "but hey, by the new galactic pack".
    in 7 days this is all they can come up with? that's the nail in the coffin for me. horrific response it's like they haven't even heard us! And it's clear that if they have then they turn a blind eye to everything wrong with the game, only the parts that make $$$$$ are the ones that matter and work.

    this is what is happening @ EA right now.

    EA/CG made several rapid changes that all appear to have backfired spectacularly, and are engaged in what my company calls "circling the wagons" while they try to recover from a very public ****-show.

    This means that comms go dark, changes are frozen until a concise and effective fix can be delivered, and the customer/community is given time to absorb what has already been done and "cool off" while they find a way to address the elephant(s) in the room without impacting profitability or long-term plans.

    I believe that they are reading everything posted both hear here and over on the official forums. I believe that they are working towards a solution that will address some part of the issues that were introduced with Mods. I believe that they will say exactly zero things until their communication plan is established, ratified, and approved by senior management.

    edit: I hate typos that make it through spellcheck

    coppied from reddit OP ReverendSaintJay.

  • Options
    I'm starting to think the mod stat and drop nerf was a punishment for the tone of the original histrionic feedback, and that the punishment simply hasn't ended yet.

    If punishment is causing people to close their wallets, it's actually a reward. I wish I had every dime back I spent in this game.
  • marydare
    117 posts Member
    I appreciate the effort and thought that went into this event, thanks @EA_Jesse for finally breaking the silence with a little fanfare.

    Some feedback: I have spent millions unequipping & rearranging mods since the stats were changed. At least 300k this morning in fact. Why not also make an adjustment to the credits we all spent on unequipping mods thus far? The 350K feels less like a gift and more like a drop in the bucket toward lessening the economic burden on the player base caused directly by mod rollout issues.

    I'm glad the cost of mod upgrades will have an RNG element potentially lowering the overall cost, and that unequipping will have no cost. Please consider making these changes permanent.

    One thing not addressed is the use of very expensive and slow to refresh cantina energy for mod battles and challenges. Is this still being reviewed, and if so when can we expect information about that? I was hoping to see free bonus cantina energy added, the cost of refreshing lowered, extra cantina energy given out to the player base, or all of the above.

    Thanks, hope to see more info about the state of mods in your responses on this thread.
  • DrD
    91 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Daker wrote: »
    DrD wrote: »
    I'd like to strongly request the increased chance of instant upgrade and especially the free mod removal be permanent changes. It really wouldn't hurt your bottom line that much and would go a long way towards showing people some good will.

    I mean, you said it yourself, free mod removal allows people to experiment. Isn't that something mods should be encouraging all the time and not just for a 3 day period. Please, I implore you, get rid of the mod removal cost for good.

    Unfortunately, they will never let that happen. Free mod removal means that you only need one set of 5 mods for ALL of your characters because you can only play 5 at a time. Run a character until he dies, move his mods to another modless character for free and go again. They want you to level for all of your characters.

    There are other ways to encourage people to get more mods than to make removing them cost credits. If anything, I'm afraid to use the mods I have or try for new ones because I know it will cost me to remove them later. Almost all the mods I have currently are not currently equipped to anyone, and I don't really have any encouragement to get more mods to sit unused.

    Besides, even trying to max out your 5 characters will provide plenty of incentives to go for more mods, and then at least you can use the ones you replace. Plus, not all characters will want the same mods, so you'll want to try and get maxed out sets of each type of mod.

    Honestly, if the removal cost was free, I could live with the upgrade cost being as high as it is (though I still think it should be lowered or at least have this increased instant upgrade chance retained). At least then, once I finish paying all that money to max out the mod, I'm free to use it as I will.

    I mean, when you finish spending all the resources to max level, max star, and max gear a character, it's not like you get charged every time you want to use that character in a different team. That would be ridiculous. And charging to move around mods you've spent so much to max is basically the same thing.
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    Cpt_Krob6 wrote: »
    "Here's 350k as if that'll help you upgrade 1x Mod 5* to shut up and start spending money again."

    It costs more than 350 mate.
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    I just upgraded 3 MK5 mods and re-tweaked all my mods on my characters this morning, before the announcement.

    Why don't you give a bit of a heads up for this kind of stuff?! You did the same thing with the double cantina rewards. Seriously, do you just decide on these things at the last minute or something? Couldn't you have posted this yesterday for a start day of today?
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    This is absolute Bull-feces!!! It's wrong on so many levels. I CanNot believe you think this is any sort of solution WHATSOEVER. A temporary event? 350k + a credit heist?

    Then not only to top it all off, but you also note that you're doing a "Summer Special" event to buy crystal packs for 25% more crystals!?!??!???
    1. If this were really a "Summer Special" this would've been implemented the BEGINNING OF SUMMER.
    2. If you honestly believe that worthless incentive will con us whales into spending more money again, you are sorely mistaken. You haven't addressed our prior issues. Stayed silent all this time. Then spring on us this ludicrous event that if you had at least told us switching mods would be free, no one would've wasted precious credits switching the now worthless mods so many of us blew money, crystals, and credits upgrading in the beginning. It's such a spit in the face, there are no words for how angry this makes me.
    3. Stop having your moderators post "positive" feedback in these threads as if they're just regular players. As well as stop having them threaten us in private messages for doing EXACTLY what EA told us to do which is post ALL complaints in these forums.
  • Options
    QuiteDrunk wrote: »
    Karfax wrote: »
    wow... just wow "but hey, by the new galactic pack".
    in 7 days this is all they can come up with? that's the nail in the coffin for me. horrific response it's like they haven't even heard us! And it's clear that if they have then they turn a blind eye to everything wrong with the game, only the parts that make $$$$$ are the ones that matter and work.

    this is what ioos happening @ EA right now.

    EA/CG made several rapid changes that all appear to have backfired spectacularly, and are engaged in what my company calls "circling the wagons" while they try to recover from a very public ****-show.

    This means that comms go dark, changes are frozen until a concise and effective fix can be delivered, and the customer/community is given time to absorb what has already been done and "cool off" while they find a way to address the elephant(s) in the room without impacting profitability or long-term plans.

    I believe that they are reading everything posted both hear here and over on the official forums. I believe that they are working towards a solution that will address some part of the issues that were introduced with Mods. I believe that they will say exactly zero things until their communication plan is established, ratified, and approved by senior management.

    edit: I hate typos that make it through spellcheck

    coppied from reddit OP ReverendSaintJay.

    Sounds like a strong possibility. That and with all the new job postings onto this forum. LOL some heads rolled for dropping the ball in the biggest way possible.
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    Give us credits and raise the cost to upgrade mods. That's brilliant will surely calm the uproar over mods and credits that way.
  • IdraRage
    259 posts Member
    Mod removal should not be free. This game already takes too much time.
  • Csaka
    25 posts Member
    I assume that there will still be more discussion of the future in the Community Update right?
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    Saraleb wrote: »
    Not sure what people were expecting... millions of credits ?? Cmon reality check

    Best part of this is the free mod removal... wanted a full refresh as most of mine were rushed... also we dont know what day 2 and 3 rewards are... people are assuming 350k again...

    Mods are dirt cheap to remove regardless. 28k for a full reset is not a ton.
  • YubNub81
    148 posts Member
    Please make the extra 350k credits a day permanent
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    TBH, I find this insulting.
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