Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I understand GW is suppose to be hard but if you want us to use all of our characters can we at least get the option to change how our characters are sorted. Personally I just want to ability to put my weaker characters at the top of the list so I can use my lower power characters quickly for the easier parts of GW.
  • Nagje
    13 posts Member
    Nagje wrote: »
    Yadda_123 wrote: »
    Another day, another incompete GW. Pretty despicable that they fail to listen to vast majority of their players. Hate this game now.

    And that is how many great games go down. Hope EA ppl read this forum and listen to the ppl instead of going for quick money.

    The EA ppl do read this forum. I got a warning for one of my posts.
    So hopefully they do something with all the feedback here.
    Solution is quite easy I think....reset the characters after 24 hours so you can use them again.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    I just wish the power calculation that is used took full account of mods. My node 12 on paper is only 13% higher than my top 5, but the mods push the gap quite a bit farther.


    I sorta lucked out by getting this far and only losing Daka and RG in node 11. Unfortunately, they are the exact 2 toons I need to CC anything long enough to burst down Rey or GS. Nothing else can live long enough to scratch them.

    Barriss outside of lead is pretty terrible 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    eliza wrote: »
    Working as intended:

  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    If not making better rewards for GW, the devs should at least stop putting those meta teams on it and make a set of different teams... After all, we already got those meta teams in the arena so there's no need to copying it to GW. Maybe is just a code in the program, i actually now nothing about programming so can't say much, but it should be easy to change the matching codes or something, right?
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    tRRRey wrote: »

    Barriss outside of lead is pretty terrible

    She is a Tank and sometimes AI focused on her, so she can have a function outside lead.
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    Mullato wrote: »
    Yesterday I took my Cad Bane from..
    5* G5
    7* G8.

    Today my GW was **** hard lol. Harder than its ever been for me. Barely beat node 12. I sacrificed 2 teams of my best toons and got my opponent down to just old ben left.
    . With some lower lvl toons I luckily had left and 46 dodges later I somehow won. It was a very rewarding feeling lol.

    Cad Bane is what makes GW hard.

    Lol, but seriously i wish I understood exactly what affects GW difficulty, but t'is a mystery to me.

    Much love,

    just like what happen to me upgrade cad bane today from 6s g8 to 7s and out of nowhere overall gw became challenging but still 12th node with easy team
    the cake is a lie
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    Mullato wrote: »
    Yesterday I took my Cad Bane from..
    5* G5
    7* G8.

    Today my GW was **** hard lol. Harder than its ever been for me. Barely beat node 12. I sacrificed 2 teams of my best toons and got my opponent down to just old ben left.
    . With some lower lvl toons I luckily had left and 46 dodges later I somehow won. It was a very rewarding feeling lol.

    Cad Bane is what makes GW hard.

    Lol, but seriously i wish I understood exactly what affects GW difficulty, but t'is a mystery to me.

    Much love,

    just like what happen to me upgrade cad bane today from 6s g8 to 7s and out of nowhere overall gw became challenging but still 12th node with easy team

    @Casual_Player @Mullato It's all based on power level, folks. It's not Cad Bane, it's that his power level pushed high enough to surpass somebody else on your roster. Presto, that power is now reflected in your GW table.
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    I've finally reached a point with GW where it just isn't enjoyable. This is supposed to be a game, a chance to just unwind and escape and I spend my time angry at this game.

    This right here. A game! We play FOR FUN! GW is not fun right now.
  • RockHB
    10 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    GW is the most unenjoyable part of the game by a mile.
    Post edited by RockHB on
  • Heina
    110 posts Member
    Thanks for the fully geared / fully modded unbeatable droid team on node 6! GW is horrible. Absolutely horrible.

    same here but i beat it wiht my own droid team ;)
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    I don't mind the tough squads at nodes11-12, but why am i getting this squad at node 6? And then back to 60s&70s at node 7, then BACK to full raid gear/modded at node 10-12?


    I didn't see anyone answer you, so here you go;

    They used to have a steady progression from node 1 to 12.

    Now they have the GW set up like some of the longer PVE fights. You know the 5 battle ones, where battle 4 is almost always a joke with like 3 people in it, but one is often an Elite so they take a beating to bring down?

    That's a chance to catch your breath, figuratively. To let healers go to work, to let cooldown abilities recharge, to let you get ready for the finale.

    Here, the only battles that really pack any punch are (*GENERALLY*) 6, 9, 11, 12. As such, 7, 8, and 10 (*USUALLY*) are much weaker. For me, 6 is generally a nasty'ish team, then 7 and 8 are jokes, then 9 is a brutal fight, then 10 is easy, then 11/12 are obnoxious top tier meta teams.

    SOME people are getting stupidly easy battles for their final nodes (some allegedly fighting like level 80's in greens for node 12, even 11, some supposedly even earlier). The theory I've seen thrown around is that whatever formula the game is using to find opponents for us 'breaks' at a high enough level, and starts looking for teams that don't or can't exist. So it loops around and finds ridiculously easy teams instead.

    Not sure what the breakpoint is, but as I'm fighting 40k monster teams (I'm a top 200 arena player, nothing special or absurdly powerful/built in terms of roster or mods), I have no interest in bumping them higher and making it worse.

    It's obnoxious that this doesn't scale. People are claiming that node 12 seems to be 115% of the power of your highest powered arena team with a win. Mine was 35k, and I'm facing 40k+ teams, so that basically fits, but the thing is I can only improve my roster so quickly. Am I really expected to fail to complete the GW for months until I have a second/third/fourth+ badass mega team built just to be able to throw at these insanely powerful final battles just to eat up some protection/maybe kill one character so the others can finish it off?

    Working to get even a regular top 100-200 ranking is, again, nothing special, but I feel like I'm being *punished* for having built up that team. If I'd known this would be the outcome, I would've happily sat in the top 500 with a team significantly less powerful, and raking in a lot more credits with vastly less frustration for my time/effort.

    By 'scale', I mean that if you fail to complete the GW, the next one should be easier. 114% at node 12, maybe 110%, whatever. And yes, if they want to provide a 'challenge', bump it up a bit for each consecutive win, or at least if they could do it without breaking the GW entirely and having people face teams full of level 1's.

    In the last 5 weeks I've completed *2* GW's. I started July at 134/150 on the achievement, and I'm now 136/150. And I can't foresee having enough credits or shards to substantially upgrade my roster for weeks, if not months, if ever.

    This is obnoxious, a chore, and not remotely fast, fun, or 'challenging'. Impossible fights are not 'a challenge', they're 'a waste of our time'.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    five2zero wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »

    Barriss outside of lead is pretty terrible

    She is a Tank and sometimes AI focused on her, so she can have a function outside lead.

    Eh I'd rather use a tank that actually has a taunt if I need someone to absorb damage.
    Also you don't want Barriss taking damage cause you need her health pool to be high for her health equalization. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Daddyl
    46 posts Member
    Node 11 - three level 80, gear 8-10 teams seven stars - one attack. Absurd. The game is broken - this is not a challenge it's boring - get off your **** and address the issues here
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Daddyl wrote: »
    Node 11 - three level 80, gear 8-10 teams seven stars - one attack. Absurd. The game is broken - this is not a challenge it's boring - get off your **** and address the issues here

    U have to use ONE team to beat or cripple that node. If u can't do it, u messed up before u started the node. To be more specific, u messed up before u completed the previous node. Don't complete node 10 without having a way to beat node 11.

    If u got in one attack... dude, what the heck did u do in node 1 through 5? Scratch your ****? You didn't fill phasma, rg, poggle, han, poe with 90+ TM in your prep stages, now did u?
  • boellefisk
    331 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    The easiest way to make sure you finish GW every day is to not upgrade your arena squad way beyond your other toons that you use in GW. I have a lot of raid gear I don't use because GW is so broken that I don't want to upgrade before I can upgrade 10 toons at the same time. Basically, I suffer 10 places in arena (I could be in top 10 but I'm only in top 20) to be able to complete GW every day.

    Working as intended. Yep. Make sure people don't upgrade with their earned raid rewards. Best game mechanic ever made. The best part is, even if they change GW to be easier I can't upgrade my squad with a good feeling, because they have shown to revert or even completely change GW on a whim, and without notice - and totally without thought in regards to the effect of those who do not have 5 or 10 g11 meta toons.
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    Well, I made it through 10 nodes today. Node 9 was geared and modded to the teeth and cost me my best team (and effectively ended my day). What I saw on Node 9 is what I used to see Node 11/12. But with my roster, I expect to get to 10-11-12 each day, so at least today GW "met expectations".

    Regardless, it's still extremely frustrating and not fun. Even on days like today when I make it as far as I expect to with my roster.
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    The changes in this patch that makes mods now reflect power of a toon, is potentially the biggest change of the entire patch. It could make node 12 much much easier, since fully modded g11 toons should have a lot more power than before, and your own toons probably aren't are heavily modded as the node 12 whale teams.
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    HAHAHAHA another update and another pie in the face for F2P
  • OGrebelscum
    155 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Edited because I care as much as EA...
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    boellefisk wrote: »
    The changes in this patch that makes mods now reflect power of a toon, is potentially the biggest change of the entire patch. It could make node 12 much much easier, since fully modded g11 toons should have a lot more power than before, and your own toons probably aren't are heavily modded as the node 12 whale teams.

    I REALLY hope it works out this way. I was struggling to beat GW prior to the mods patch, but with effort and a lot of time I could usually/sometimes do it.

    Since mods dropped, I have beat it exactly ONCE, and I believe it's directly related to the power rating not being adjusted for mods.

    This is yet another example of why people truly believe nothing gets tested prior to release. How could they not have realized (even without testing, but by simply THINKING about it, that mods could drastically alter your toons power rating?)

    At any rate, I'm really hoping this will serve to balance out the real trouble some people have had since the mods implementation and douse at least some of the flames toward GW.
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    Since a few weeks the gw is really not cool. Doesnt make few anymore. I have no chance to finish the last fight. Tried it every day. Even if i got all of my chars... that cant be the sense of a game that u got no chance to win it...
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    Honestly I don't mind the extra challenge of GW. But it doesn't seem like the final reward is worth the effort. If I didn't work from home there is no way I would have time to do GW with all of the retreating that is needed. Give GW a carton of smokes and some gatorade because it must be wiped out from screwing me repeatedly.

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    I understand that Capital Games wants to make Galactic War a challenge, but the difficulty has been seriously overtuned to the point it's ridiculous. At the 6th battle I shouldn't be fighting level 76 to level 80 characters.

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    I got today in node 12:

    Anaking as leader fully mode and omega with over 8K power at 196 speed
    3 clones all of them fully mode and over 8K in power plus Ayala at 7800 power fully mode and omega

    I needed a Rancor team with the tank from the new raids plus 4.5 to be able to win that one ... Maybe
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    I just want to hop in really quick to say this: the way GW is tuned can be exploited and you can make single teams that can get through and destroy the entire thing getting attacked only in the last few nodes.

    I wouldn't know what it's like without such a team, as I have always used turn meter Rebels (I know Droids do it too,) and just a simple farming strategy is likely not what you want to hear, but GW is beatable WITH EASE if you get the right characters. Assuming or expecting it to be easy with the characters you have is quite presumptuous. Instead of trying to figure out how to make Rey live through all that, expect RG to do much to actually clear those nodes, or hope to dodge enough attacks through it all farm Droids or Rebels and fly through the thing!

    That's only 3 or 4 more characters than you probably already have so it's not too crazy to do. I went through about a month of not doing it because I just thought it took to long, but you can use the month of you not completing it to farm the characters you need to do it!
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    Gw is possible to beat, but it just takes soo long now, especially the last few nodes. I feel like i have to retreat so many times just to find the right combination, even then i still feel like a portion of it depends on luck. Its definately not worth it for the amount of time one has to put into it. The problem is not completing it, the problem is the amount of time and luck that you actually need to finish it.
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    Also, its not really the beginning thats problematic, its the end, when there is always a huge power spike in the last few nodes
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    I have a nice squad i beat galactic war may e once a weak depending on the nodes of 11-12. If i see a anakin B2 bomber type squad i am done. But a normal arena squad around my rank 48 currently. Its never that bad
    Yes Yoda is worth farming
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