Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    GW is a broken mode. Over 120 pages of posts in the waste bin the devs call a "mega thread" can't be all wrong, can they?

    You're right... The posts that give you tips on how to play aren't a waist, the rest... Well, there must be a reason they haven't done anything yet to "remedy" GW isn't there?

    Uh huh, glad it's working for you brother. There are a lot of folks here that are having problems with it.
    As to the reason why they haven't done anything yet to "remedy" GW. That's why there is a forum for feedback, right? Again, glad it's sunshine and daisies for you, but there is a real problem here for a lot of this games core base. The blowout on the forums regarding this mode is evident that a lot of people aren't happy.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    So, *everyone has issues with credits. The best days for credits? Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Between those days, we have to gain credits through the infamous Galactic War! Now here's the thing, Galactic War is **difficult, and to beat it, you need better toons, and for better toons you need.... CREDITS. It's a very vicious cycle. But if you're not in the top 10%, your opinion doesn't matter.

    *Everyone being the average player, not paying money for credits.
    **Yes, you whales, despite how easy GW is for you, for the average F2P it's difficult.

    I have 8 f2p toons. Between gear 8-9. I cant finish GW. I wonder why?......
  • Wonder_breadz
    31 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Nobody wants to hear u whining and complaining. Gw is still a joke. Finish it in under 15 minutes, no retreats. And usually don't even have to use my A team. If u can't beat it maybe that's a sign u need to expand ur roster, instead of just making ur 5 strongest characters stronger...
    But I'm sorry the idea of a fun game, is just mindlessly autoing through all of GW.... gw is there to provide a challenge and make u use ur head. manage cds, swap rosters, sacrifice characters to waste cds. It's really not hard
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    So, *everyone has issues with credits. The best days for credits? Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Between those days, we have to gain credits through the infamous Galactic War! Now here's the thing, Galactic War is **difficult, and to beat it, you need better toons, and for better toons you need.... CREDITS. It's a very vicious cycle. But if you're not in the top 10%, your opinion doesn't matter.

    *Everyone being the average player, not paying money for credits.
    **Yes, you whales, despite how easy GW is for you, for the average F2P it's difficult.

    I have 8 f2p toons. Between gear 8-9. I cant finish GW. I wonder why?......

    I think u answered ur own question. maybe work on a bigger roster?
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    I remember going thru it before I powered up as 6, 9, 11, 12.
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    To the schadenfreude artists needing to come on this thread and call people whiners or tell them they suck for not being able to pass or enjoy a part of this game that is obviously broken: when you pass by a homeless person, do you also insult them and tell them to get a job? That's basically what you're doing. So you pass it everyday, good on you. But instead of feeling fortunate for either having figured out some part of the game to do so, or having the resources to do so, you felt like coming in here where people have legitimate gripes regarding this portion of the game and talking down to others to make yourselves feel better. You guys are such superior human beings, you feel the need to kick others while they're down. Your parents have taught you so well, that simple human compassion and understanding are beyond your abilities. Be proud of your accomplishments in this game, because you are worthless human beings outside of it.

    Oh, and @EA_Jesse? You're still horrible at your job of community management. I can't believe they pay you money to type one post a week. This is how Star Wars Galaxies died: not listening to the players.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I have easy teams in 1-5 and 7, 8, medium teams in 6, 9, and 10. Then 11 and 12 are baby gear 2/3 teams
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    GW is a broken mode. Over 120 pages of posts in the waste bin the devs call a "mega thread" can't be all wrong, can they?

    You're right... The posts that give you tips on how to play aren't a waist, the rest... Well, there must be a reason they haven't done anything yet to "remedy" GW isn't there?

    Uh huh, glad it's working for you brother. There are a lot of folks here that are having problems with it.
    As to the reason why they haven't done anything yet to "remedy" GW. That's why there is a forum for feedback, right? Again, glad it's sunshine and daisies for you, but there is a real problem here for a lot of this games core base. The blowout on the forums regarding this mode is evident that a lot of people aren't happy.

    You folks seem to think you were the only ones in the game that actually struggled with GW. News flash... WE ALL DID! The difference between you & me is, i actually tried to improve myself & fix what was lacking. As Wonder_breadz & so so so so so many other have said, it's about using your roster, head & a pinch of strategy. Without doing that &/or reading a few guides, you might as well just quit cause it ain't getting better.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Yeah that seems to be my GW, lately. I dont have the easy node 11, yet. Just 12. But dor sure it seems like as u go up in power u pass the hump. And u don't need tricks anymore. I didn't need to use any alternative toons today.

    But when 9, 11, and 12 were brutal (when I was sub 36k arena power?), I had to prep 4 or 5 alts.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Naw, work on gear. If u notice, Lvling and starring toons makes their power go up. Gear too, but gear 10 is soooo much better than 7th star - more than power lvl reflects, IMO. Also, abilities do not increase power at all. Hence if u level ur toons without raising their abilities, u are increasing your difficulty. If u wait to lvl until u have the mats to use, u will stay closer to the curve. If u have 8 g9/10 toons with 6 stars, and good abilities for their level, u probably win. All 7 star lvl 80 toons without full gear and ability.. that sucks for the GW power rating curve.

    More toons won't help u as much as getting gear. So stop refreshing cantina to get shards. Use the crystals to buy gear, ASAP. And u will beat GW.

    Also it goes without saying. Mods. No u cant get full mods overnight. But u need to set goals.
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    As someone who's been on both sides and been on the side of constantly losing up until recently I can tell you the ThewhiteonE & Wonder_breadz are absolutely spot on. If you're still struggling with GW then it's your approach to the mode that is the problem. I'm curious where your problem even lies, because none of you have stated, just that you hate it? Can't beat the last couple nodes? Well I'm sorry to say that if you're being beaten close to end (anything after node 6) then GW is working perfectly fine. If that's where you lose then that's just the point in the game you're at. Want to get better? Develop more characters, and I don't mean get as many to level 80 and g8, No. Work on getting a select few to g9 and g10. Join a t7 guild and reap better raid rewards (as long as you're active, pull in 600 coins daily and have 5-10 7* characters any heroic guild will be more than happy to have you), get some mods, you don't need to have 5dot maxed mods (I have about 3 completely maxed and every other mod is somewhere on the spectrum) and I do just fine. Utilise the gear exchange, don't just ask for the same raid pieces the rest of your guild are asking for, be clever about it. Ask for other pieces from other characters that can raise their gear level quickly. Yoda is a good example he doesn't require a lot of raid specific gear and I've just taken him from g7 to maxed at g10 in a couple of days (speaking of Yoda, like has been said before if you didn't play that very first iteration of the event, you don't know what difficult is, GW is an utter cakewalk compared to that).
    I've started completing GW everyday now and each day my roster gets that little bit deeper and I gain a more comfortable position to tackle the next day. It is going to take some time and you are gonna fail for a few days maybe even weeks but you'll get there. Just need a lot of patience. Once you have a roster and a range of characters for tackling the different types of teams you'll be coming up against you'll start to succeed, but you also have to be strategic in your approach, if you try and charge at it then you're gonna get knocked back
  • Burns
    32 posts Member
    Is it just me or is the game now really slow? It seems to be struggling, constantly saying it needs to restart, long load times, stuff like that.

    My connection is fine by the way and I've tried all that clear cache and restarting but it's still the same.
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    Against my better judgement, I decided to slog through GW today. First 11 nodes were manageable (as per usual), last node was completely and utterly ridiculous. I beat it, but holy crap, it wasn't fun. It was only marginally less worse than the squad I faced when mods were giving absolute stat bonuses.

    I got the credits to 7* Luke and I'll still attempt another soon (or another two tomorrow and get the achievement) since I'm close to bringing Ani to 6*. If I'm feeling masochistic.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.
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    Whiteroom wrote: »
    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.

    The teams you face on 12, we face on 6, 9 & 11... Your point is?
  • MarmotaMonax
    251 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    GW tries to match you with teams based on a percentage of your own power. The last nodes are supposed to have significantly higher power than your own team, but if you are already maxed out then no such team exists. Therefore you get some **** low level teams.

    There is no official source for this but I read it somewhere on the forum and I think it makes sense.
  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.

    The teams you face on 12, we face on 6, 9 & 11... Your point is?

    Exactly. If people who get the 3* teams on node 12 switched GW draws with people who get the hard team on node 12, those people complaning about node 12 wouldn't even make it to node 12 and would get less rewards than they're getting now.

  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member

    The posts that give you tips on how to play aren't a waist

    I think it's about time you look up the definition of both "waist" and "waste"
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    Sikho wrote: »
    The posts that give you tips on how to play aren't a waist

    I think it's about time you look up the definition of both "waist" and "waste"

    I thought I saw a reply to my comment... I must be going crazy but I see nothing of any real consequence in this empty space... Hmmm, weird!?
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    Whiteroom wrote: »
    Simple thing. How can it be working as intended if top teams face joke teams on Node 12, but lower power players have to face fully maxed teams??

    That can't be intended surely.

    The teams you face on 12, we face on 6, 9 & 11... Your point is?

    My point is having node 12 a team that a lvl 50 could beat on auto looks like it is a programming error rather than an intended system. Therefore GW is NOT working as intended.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Been calculating my node 12's all week. I came to the same conclusion that others have.

    Here are the powers of the squads last night....

    Arena squad - 31,599

    My top 5 Strongest toons - 32, 038

    Node 12 - 36,284

    So pretty much 112-115% increase. Just hard to tell from what for my GW because my arena squad, and 5 Strongest in my roster are so close in power.
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    Err, Devs, please give them the node 12 easy mode, seeing as it's not working as intended & let the ones currently experiencing the easy 12, get the hard 12. That way we (easy 12) get an even easier GW & you folks can have a reason to cry over not being able to complete node 6. I think that's a fair trade.

    On a serious note. If this easy node 12 is what was intended & the Devs have confirmed that GW is working as intended... I don't see how your view on how it's not WAI is valid? Did you program GW for you to be able to say that? If not... Well...
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i wouldnt mind a top tier node 12, but i also dont mind joey greenback.
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    If people who get the 3* teams on node 12 switched GW draws with people who get the hard team on node 12, those people complaning about node 12 wouldn't even make it to node 12 and would get less rewards than they're getting now.

    Maybe if you have a high enough powerrating to get greengear at node 12, node 11 will be more difficult than the 12th node people with lower powerratings get, or maybe not. If that isnt the case, its better to have greengear on node 12. If that is the case its better to have a unbeatable 12th node.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    i wouldnt mind a top tier node 12, but i also dont mind joey greenback.
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    If people who get the 3* teams on node 12 switched GW draws with people who get the hard team on node 12, those people complaning about node 12 wouldn't even make it to node 12 and would get less rewards than they're getting now.

    Maybe if you have a high enough powerrating to get greengear at node 12, node 11 will be more difficult than the 12th node people with lower powerratings get, or maybe not. If that isnt the case, its better to have greengear on node 12. If that is the case its better to have a unbeatable 12th node.
    Lmao.. Joey greenback. Yeah jegelt pride is my rival, homie needs to step his game up tho. The point of this thread is, if a large portion of your player base really dislikes something, maybe somethings wrong with it.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    i wouldnt mind a top tier node 12, but i also dont mind joey greenback.
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    If people who get the 3* teams on node 12 switched GW draws with people who get the hard team on node 12, those people complaning about node 12 wouldn't even make it to node 12 and would get less rewards than they're getting now.

    Maybe if you have a high enough powerrating to get greengear at node 12, node 11 will be more difficult than the 12th node people with lower powerratings get, or maybe not. If that isnt the case, its better to have greengear on node 12. If that is the case its better to have a unbeatable 12th node.
    Lmao.. Joey greenback. Yeah jegelt pride is my rival, homie needs to step his game up tho. The point of this thread is, if a large portion of your player base really dislikes something, maybe somethings wrong with it.

    We also dont like taxes, they serve a purpose though :D
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Err, Devs, please give them the node 12 easy mode, seeing as it's not working as intended & let the ones currently experiencing the easy 12, get the hard 12. That way we (easy 12) get an even easier GW & you folks can have a reason to cry over not being able to complete node 6. I think that's a fair trade.

    On a serious note. If this easy node 12 is what was intended & the Devs have confirmed that GW is working as intended... I don't see how your view on how it's not WAI is valid? Did you program GW for you to be able to say that? If not... Well...

    So because they say it, must be true. You do get people can lie right? No I didn't programme it but it is pretty obvious it wasn't supposed to happen but they can't be bothered to reprogramme it.
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    Over time I am increasingly suspicious that node 12 difficulty falling off a cliff is intended.

    It's an indirect manner of rewarding veterancy.

    If your roster is wide and powerful enough, you basically make the hardest node become the easiest one, with the best rewards.

    IT'S NOT A BAD THING for progression.
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    Over time I am increasingly suspicious that node 12 difficulty falling off a cliff is intended.

    It's an indirect manner of rewarding veterancy.

    If your roster is wide and powerful enough, you basically make the hardest node become the easiest one, with the best rewards.

    IT'S NOT A BAD THING for progression.

    Easier than the 1st node of a lvl 60?

    I think it is more that they have done scaling from node 6 so you face team 5% higher than your value, 7% next etc or something like that. Get to Node 12 and there arent any higher so it goes back to the start.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    ThewhiteonE, DarthBisharp and whoever else, they ones complaining about not completing GW will never understand that the ones who do had to go through the same struggles. I remember when I was at 60 and the level cap was 70, I was facing level 70 g8, g9 if it was GS teams. The fact that these players are playing toons ten levels up and properly geared/modded doesn't surprise me. I don't know what they're complaining about.

    Maybe node 12 isn't working as intended. But that's not the argument, is it? The argument is they can't complete GW and the easy 12 is just an excuse. But let's do this, just in case. Let's call to have it changed to everyone gets pounded in node 11 and gets the free node 12. That way, those that have it that way already get what we want and those complaining about not having it face that super hard team one node earlier and then won't be able to complete nodes 11 and 12, therefore getting less rewards. Don't like that idea complainers? Fine. Change it to everyone doesn't get the super hard node until 12. We'll still complete GW and you get what you want. But you still won't be completing GW because this isn't really the problem.

    The problem is, you're not listening to the advice given by those that are completing GW. Or maybe you are and after a week of working on your rosters you give up and say we're all crazy. Sadly, your argument to that is going to be, "well how am I supposed to work on my roster if I don't get all the credits from GW?" They'll ask that and not realize that if all they miss out on is the credits from 12 then they are getting the same amount of credits most of us got before the increase. We dealt with limited credits. We figured it out.

    I wrote three paragraphs and you're still going to complain about what's wrong with GW not realizing it's not GW. An easy node 12 is not the real problem. As stated, you're still not going to complete GW if you get the easy node 12, or if it gets taken away from those that have it. If you're not completing it, read the forums for tips. There are lots of posts. I even hear there's one mega thread about GW. Stop complaining about it and start doing something with your roster and your playing style to fix your problems.
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    I can beat GW every day so that's not an issue for me. The bottom line is even with GW credits it just isn't enough. As of right now, if I were to do no more farming other than credit farming, I need about 1 years worth of credits to level and promote my toons AND THEN I need more credits to level up some mods.

    Part of the fun of this game is actually getting the shards for toons AND being able to then use those toons. They've stripped all the fun out of this game by not allowing us to ever max toons we have farmed.

    I can concede that gear will always be an issue and that g8 will be maxed gear for most of my toons. But it is super painful to either g8 a few toons OR level, gear and promote just one toon. I spent almost 10M credits today pushing a few toons to g8 and I can't even remember the last toon I maxed out. Fun factor has seriously dropped and with what now looks like a level cap increase within the next few weeks I'm afraid fun factor is going to be nil....
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