Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Does getting your arena power up that high really work ? Or, is it a TRAP ! I have been playing Ewoks in the arena for months now. Afraid to raise the squad power any higher !
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    My god man...anything to avoid building a better roster..or specifically anything to avoid going better toons.

    It's an IDEA calm down.. breathe, I *HAVE* a good team, (27) 7*, thanks! I don't have issues, just ASKING.

    MY GOD MAN is there a PROBLEM making a suggestion? too much coffee or you always act like your dog died?

    Trolling. That's what he does.
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    My god man...anything to avoid building a better roster..or specifically anything to avoid going better toons.

    It's an IDEA calm down.. breathe, I *HAVE* a good team, (27) 7*, thanks! I don't have issues, just ASKING.

    MY GOD MAN is there a PROBLEM making a suggestion? too much coffee or you always act like your dog died?

    Trolling. That's what he does.

    But he was right in his last comment.
    I am close to the 150 gw achievement, 7 more wins!
    but if you see my stats i have 1997 gw wins so 166.666 i have not compelted gw every day.
    when the protection update came out it took me a week to get to fully clearing, had only cleared daily and with effort for about 10 days.
    now i clear it every day. if you look at may earlier vids (that hopefully wb did not copyright since its swgoh is using "their" music) it took a couple of squads to charge tm to get through the harder node 6/9/11
    now with only two hard nodes and modded ep, lando,ani,rey,rg; i can do it with one team no one even getting to yellow and if they do, they can self heal. ani is the weak link in that comp if he gets targeted too much hell die in node 11, i just switch to daka to stun even more/heal/rez.

    so the best strategy for GW is to raise your arena team.
    before the tuning update in june the one that made it easier i had a arena power below 30k
    once they made it easier, i went up to 36k
    mods came out and it went as high as 39k and got the easy node 12, until last week that i intentionally put my highest powered toons to get an easy node 11.

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    The problem is protection then mods added another layer of dislike upon a major issue that to me is still the biggest problem with GW. If our protection resets after each match the game would be much more enjoyable as it is now its just a chore that I am rapidly getting tired of day after day to the point of not caring, but the game is enjoyable enough because I am still here.

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    It does get easier guys once you get more power and a better roster (and adapt your team depending on who your facing!!) As an example, the last 3 days I've had 3 nodes of either 4 or 5 Jedi, and 2 of the nodes are usually 9 and 11. A Palp lead with DM destroys that with ease, but another Jedi team may struggle. It's all about roster depth I'm afraid and that takes time.

    I could never beat GW when I first started, now I beat it easily every day. I know that's no comfort to those who aren't beating it right now, I appreciate that, just saying that it does get easier/better, just keep plugging away :)

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    I finally thought I was able to handle GW, having carefully balanced a wide variety of characters (1 G10, 13 more G9). Until I hit this today:

    The total power of this team is 41,691. To compare, my best arena team is a little over 36,000 power.

    I am typically very good at GW, incorporating many tips such as retreating and pre-loading TM. This team does not allow me to take advantage of any of those strategies. Winning is just not possible. It is not fun.

    I am a spending player, though not a whale. I bought crystals last night. That will be my last purchase. Thank you, EA, for making this decision easy.
  • EchoAlphaFail
    46 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Comment removed - Personal attacks. :/
    Post edited by BentWookiee on
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    you tagged a mod again when he told you not to?
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    djvita wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Hellrider wrote: »
    Yeah EA since the 1. of September it is all the same Team in the Last Fight of GW. A Team with Skills no one can reach so far. Makes so much fun i can describe it anyway. everytime that you change the GW you make it even more boring. It is not the fact that every try should lead to Victory in the GW, but knowing the End even if you begin the fight is not a challenge only poor. i can't wait till October the First when there is a possibility that a new Team faces the Last Fight for the next 30 Days. Is it so difficult to do some Variation?

    Increase your overall power and you'll get freebies at last node. ;)

    Last week I faced an impossibly winnable node 12 team - barely made a dent with multiple teams of 7* lvl 80 toons (including my A team).

    The following day I got an easy node 12 team all being only 3* (never seen that before).

    The day after that I came across an insanely difficult node 11 team and couldn't pass node 11 (that has never happened to me before).

    Just to clarify - I have done nothing to increase my top 5 toons over the course of those days - nothing at all. SO how can GW be based off the power of your top 5 toons?

    GW just seems completely random to me.

    its based off arena power, check in your guild arena power. check which characters correspond to that. most likely you dont use top 5 as an arena team.

    Thanks for the input - truly great to see your roster.

    I actually beat GW today - albeit extremely (and I mean that word) challenging.

    Thanks again!!
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Mol_Blades wrote: »
    This might have already been mentioned, but it would be a great addition if on the character screen there was a way to filter by teams for example: rebel, scoundrel, empire etc... Especially with all the new team based events!!

    Please and thanks!!

    Mol Blades

    I think so too - I've asked for this repeatedly on the forums.
  • Moicaliss
    992 posts Member
    edited September 2016
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    In june the devs said this in their announcement:

    As always, we will continue to monitor the data and player feedback and determine if further tweaks to the tuning are needed.


    And has gw been tweaked yet?
    Probably not. Worst dev team and customer service all time.
    Just my 2 cents.

  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Boo wrote: »
    djvita wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Hellrider wrote: »
    Yeah EA since the 1. of September it is all the same Team in the Last Fight of GW. A Team with Skills no one can reach so far. Makes so much fun i can describe it anyway. everytime that you change the GW you make it even more boring. It is not the fact that every try should lead to Victory in the GW, but knowing the End even if you begin the fight is not a challenge only poor. i can't wait till October the First when there is a possibility that a new Team faces the Last Fight for the next 30 Days. Is it so difficult to do some Variation?

    Increase your overall power and you'll get freebies at last node. ;)

    Last week I faced an impossibly winnable node 12 team - barely made a dent with multiple teams of 7* lvl 80 toons (including my A team).

    The following day I got an easy node 12 team all being only 3* (never seen that before).

    The day after that I came across an insanely difficult node 11 team and couldn't pass node 11 (that has never happened to me before).

    Just to clarify - I have done nothing to increase my top 5 toons over the course of those days - nothing at all. SO how can GW be based off the power of your top 5 toons?

    GW just seems completely random to me.

    its based off arena power, check in your guild arena power. check which characters correspond to that. most likely you dont use top 5 as an arena team.

    Thanks for the input - truly great to see your roster.

    I actually beat GW today - albeit extremely (and I mean that word) challenging.

    Thanks again!!

    RNGesus smiles on those that pray for it!
    keep up the good fight.
    you'll see it gets easier. 2 months ago gw was a headache for me.
    retreat, tm advantage and stuns are your friends.
    farm b2 hes the gw king. the sthan-rg cobo posted above is toast after mow down.
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    Nagje wrote: »
    In june the devs said this in their announcement:

    As always, we will continue to monitor the data and player feedback and determine if further tweaks to the tuning are needed.


    And has gw been tweaked yet?
    Probably not.

    Where is the problem? They monitor it and there obviously isn't any issue so they determined that tweaks are not needed. Probably enough people are finishing GW every day so they don't see problem in difficulty.
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    Comment removed - Personal attacks. :/

    why you gotta be so mean wentbookie?
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    djvita wrote: »
    you tagged a mod again when he told you not to?

    i told them to fix GW. they didnt. so somebody telling somebody really doesn't matter here, does it?
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    GW is fixed. this version is easier pre june update. you have easy nodes 12345 78 and a medium 10
    only 6 9 11 12 are hard and if you go really high in arena power only 6 9 are hard.
    how easier do you want it?
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    djvita wrote: »
    GW is fixed. this version is easier pre june update. you have easy nodes 12345 78 and a medium 10
    only 6 9 11 12 are hard and if you go really high in arena power only 6 9 are hard.
    how easier do you want it?

    uhhhh... wow... just.... wow... there are no words.

    see what i mean wentbookie? please close this thread.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    djvita wrote: »
    GW is fixed. this version is easier pre june update. you have easy nodes 12345 78 and a medium 10
    only 6 9 11 12 are hard and if you go really high in arena power only 6 9 are hard.
    how easier do you want it?

    Palpatine, Lando, and Anakin make gw an absolute cakewalk 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Well it let me win the last 2 days. Now I'm back to getting my butt handed to me. LOL. Oh GW, you so crazy
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    facing palpateam at 11th node, aint cake walk. burn 36 toon still those 3(palp,vader,sthan) survive, i found no other way to beat it so i hit restart, then pulling thin blanket close my eye and wetting pillow with tears.....#grin
    by A team manage to ko single anakin. though usually face akbar lead on that node which somehow quite trivial.
    the cake is a lie
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    facing palpateam at 11th node, aint cake walk. burn 36 toon still those 3(palp,vader,sthan) survive, i found no other way to beat it so i hit restart, then pulling thin blanket close my eye and wetting pillow with tears.....#grin
    by A team manage to ko single anakin. though usually face akbar lead on that node which somehow quite trivial.
    You have no Yoda? (Rex in case of P2P)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Achilles wrote: »
    facing palpateam at 11th node, aint cake walk. burn 36 toon still those 3(palp,vader,sthan) survive, i found no other way to beat it so i hit restart, then pulling thin blanket close my eye and wetting pillow with tears.....#grin
    by A team manage to ko single anakin. though usually face akbar lead on that node which somehow quite trivial.
    You have no Yoda? (Rex in case of P2P)

    Or je whit droids, or daka or or or
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    Got a Palpatine, Rey, GS, SF, RG... all maxed out over 7k power each... I threw 3 full groups of modded out lvl 80 toons at them and only managed to kill Rey. My best team maxes out at ~30k power...

    It's frustrating, because I go weeks on end being able to clear node 12, even if it takes 2-3 teams... but then 2 days in a row I see just impossible teams with 2 tanks and characters with more health than my entire team.... then Rey attacks first and lands a 40 crit.... fml.
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    PC still gets a ridiculous dodge rate as well... You would think in nodes 1-2 when I'm facing level 68-70 toons that dodging would be negligible... they still dodge at a 50% rate... it crazy.
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    got yoda g9 4/6 7star 78 in later team, fully demolished let alone able to use ten up buff.
    thanks for in.....for asking anyway.
    the cake is a lie
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Boo wrote: »
    djvita wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Hellrider wrote: »
    Yeah EA since the 1. of September it is all the same Team in the Last Fight of GW. A Team with Skills no one can reach so far. Makes so much fun i can describe it anyway. everytime that you change the GW you make it even more boring. It is not the fact that every try should lead to Victory in the GW, but knowing the End even if you begin the fight is not a challenge only poor. i can't wait till October the First when there is a possibility that a new Team faces the Last Fight for the next 30 Days. Is it so difficult to do some Variation?

    Increase your overall power and you'll get freebies at last node. ;)

    Last week I faced an impossibly winnable node 12 team - barely made a dent with multiple teams of 7* lvl 80 toons (including my A team).

    The following day I got an easy node 12 team all being only 3* (never seen that before).

    The day after that I came across an insanely difficult node 11 team and couldn't pass node 11 (that has never happened to me before).

    Just to clarify - I have done nothing to increase my top 5 toons over the course of those days - nothing at all. SO how can GW be based off the power of your top 5 toons?

    GW just seems completely random to me.

    its based off arena power, check in your guild arena power. check which characters correspond to that. most likely you dont use top 5 as an arena team.

    Thanks for the input - truly great to see your roster.

    I actually beat GW today - albeit extremely (and I mean that word) challenging.

    Thanks again!!

    Well it was insanely impossible again today - it really does seem random and I really am not tweaking my top 5 at all in anyway. I guess eventually everyone beats it once, it seems that GW just lets you beat it after x amount of fails.
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    facing palpateam at 11th node, aint cake walk. burn 36 toon still those 3(palp,vader,sthan) survive, i found no other way to beat it so i hit restart, then pulling thin blanket close my eye and wetting pillow with tears.....#grin
    by A team manage to ko single anakin. though usually face akbar lead on that node which somehow quite trivial.

    I use only one team: Dooku (l), daka, RG, QGJ, Rey. That's all you need. Heavy stun. Never got hit before 6th node, never loose Protection before 9th node.
    You can also use as B team: Chirpa (l), Teebo, ES, EE, Chewie team or droid team. You won't need anyone else
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    GW continues to be ridiculous. It seems only the folks dropping $$$ are beating it everyday. I'll say, I finish it more times than not, but it takes hours and most of my roster. Thanks for catering to the payers like almost every other good FTP game has done. It continues to be a breeze for them while the restimate of hit brick walls
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    check out this monster
    double stun jedi, shock rg. with tm gains all of mine went first. speed mods made them go more times. a team that should be hard made cake walk with the ep/aoe meta.

    never seen a g10 sid? here you go

    blue/green easy team
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    where node 11 team?
    the cake is a lie
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