Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    This is my node 6 today. This is why GW is not fun anymore. All fully modded. All 7* level 80

    Can't figure out how to post the screen shot, but it's: Phasma (l) gear9, Royal Guard gear9, Rey gear10, Daka gear10, STHan gear10.

    Node 6. My best team is really good, but I'll lose several if not all of them in this battle and then node 9 or 11 will be impossible. My second and third teams are also really good, but not that good.
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    Sure enough. Lost my entire best team. Took out Rey, but at one point when I had four toons left, I didn't even get another turn because all my toons were stunned the entire time.

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    kamikazees wrote: »
    I finally thought I was able to handle GW, having carefully balanced a wide variety of characters (1 G10, 13 more G9). Until I hit this today:

    The total power of this team is 41,691. To compare, my best arena team is a little over 36,000 power.

    I am typically very good at GW, incorporating many tips such as retreating and pre-loading TM. This team does not allow me to take advantage of any of those strategies. Winning is just not possible. It is not fun.

    I am a spending player, though not a whale. I bought crystals last night. That will be my last purchase. Thank you, EA, for making this decision easy.

    I know that team from my server.Rank 1-5 everyday, incredibly fast and strong.

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    I face that team (or similar) on node 6. I'm not saying that to be an @**** mate, just to say that the stronger and better you and your toons get the easier it'll be. Once you get about 2.5K or so more power N12 will be a freebie.

    The above isn't me saying that's fair or that GW is 'WAI', just that that's how it is. It gets better/easier mate, just need to keep going.

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    I love what you guys did with GW I like the challenge, it was getting old just walking through the it everyday
    Line ID: Fish Bones SH
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    Goldy wrote: »
    I face that team (or similar) on node 6. I'm not saying that to be an @**** mate, just to say that the stronger and better you and your toons get the easier it'll be. Once you get about 2.5K or so more power N12 will be a freebie.

    The above isn't me saying that's fair or that GW is 'WAI', just that that's how it is. It gets better/easier mate, just need to keep going.


    I'm around 39k in arena power and node 12 is a piece of cake. But now I'm getting impossible teams on node 6. I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. I don't mind a challenge. I don't even mind not winning it every day. But I'd like to win sometimes. Or at least make it to node 11 or 12.
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    The problem with GW is that they aren't effectively taking mods or enemy team makeup into consideration. It's just based on total power. I ran into a node 9 team that was 38k power the other day but was harder than 90% of the node 12 42-44k teams I've faced. There was no point in wiping my best teams on that node to get rolled on node 11/12. It was solely due to Palp and mods in general. We all know what the great mods are but that isn't taken into the GW power equation correctly.

    You could say... well just get those same coveted mods. Well no...I can't. I've simmed 5* mods since the beginning and have yet to get one primary attribute speed mod. Not one. I've got one crit damage primary att mod...yay! Oh I'll keep trying...and keep getting the same mod slots over and over without the right attributes. I'm certainly not paying 2000 crystals for one in the mod store... sure seems, conveniently, like things make us consider it though doesn't it?

    I think GW is actually pretty close to being right in terms of the fixes necessary. Take mods and toon types into more consideration and most of the people complaining on here will be happy.
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    Galactic War makes me consider quitting the game every time I play it. By far the most frustrating feature of a game I've ever played. Congratulations, ****. Way to alienate your customer base.
  • Ron_Burgundy
    40 posts
    edited September 2016
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    As a level 59 now, been playing for a month and a half or so I find GW enjoyable. I have completed it 3 times total now. The first day I unlocked it I won with the same 5 all the way through. I usually get to node 9-12 and then come across someone who is about 10 levels ahead of me and characters that are about 1k more than me in power so I have no chance no matter which characters I use. Very unfair to match me with them, especially considering my main characters are all maxed out with gear for their level and decent levels on the abilities, but that is part of the game and it is fun when I down someone that is stronger than me. The balance doesn't need changing from what I have seen so far in my opinion.
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    Welcome to the sweep it under the rug megaforum!
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    HokieFiend wrote: »
    The problem with GW is that they aren't effectively taking mods or enemy team makeup into consideration. It's just based on total power. I ran into a node 9 team that was 38k power the other day but was harder than 90% of the node 12 42-44k teams I've faced. There was no point in wiping my best teams on that node to get rolled on node 11/12. It was solely due to Palp and mods in general. We all know what the great mods are but that isn't taken into the GW power equation correctly.

    You could say... well just get those same coveted mods. Well no...I can't. I've simmed 5* mods since the beginning and have yet to get one primary attribute speed mod. Not one. I've got one crit damage primary att mod...yay! Oh I'll keep trying...and keep getting the same mod slots over and over without the right attributes. I'm certainly not paying 2000 crystals for one in the mod store... sure seems, conveniently, like things make us consider it though doesn't it?

    I think GW is actually pretty close to being right in terms of the fixes necessary. Take mods and toon types into more consideration and most of the people complaining on here will be happy.

    Agreed 100%. Some mods are certainly more powerful than others, but that just doesn't seem to be taken in to consideration with total power.
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    I guess no one from EA is listening to this discussion anymore. Or maybe they don't care that so many people are unhappy with part of their game. I guess if the point is to make money, this is a gamble on their part. Either we'll get fed up with GW and spend money to get better mods and level up our entire collection, or maybe we'll get so frustrated that we'll throw our phone across the room and break the thing.
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    You all should know by now you need a deep balanced roster to be successful in galactic war and can't depend on just 1-3 squads. If you can't win, it's a you problem.
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    Winstar wrote: »
    You all should know by now you need a deep balanced roster to be successful in galactic war and can't depend on just 1-3 squads. If you can't win, it's a you problem.

    I've got a pretty deep collection, but there are certain toons that are better than others at certain things. Once teebo and QGJ are toast, I don't really have anyone to dispel taunts when I face the third STHan/Rey team in a hard node that day. If the devs could somehow make sure you didn't see this team over and over in the same run, I would be much happier.
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    White_Door wrote: »
    Winstar wrote: »
    You all should know by now you need a deep balanced roster to be successful in galactic war and can't depend on just 1-3 squads. If you can't win, it's a you problem.

    I've got a pretty deep collection, but there are certain toons that are better than others at certain things. Once teebo and QGJ are toast, I don't really have anyone to dispel taunts when I face the third STHan/Rey team in a hard node that day. If the devs could somehow make sure you didn't see this team over and over in the same run, I would be much happier.

    theres also mace, assaj, b2 and plo.
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    djvita wrote: »
    theres also mace, assaj, b2 and plo.

    So the only ones that should successfully finish GW are the whales?

    Nice one.
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    djvita wrote: »
    theres also mace, assaj, b2 and plo.

    So the only ones that should successfully finish GW are the whales?

    Nice one.

    where did i say that
    i am far from a whale, b2 is farmable now, you can 7* him in 1 month if you have a crystal sub.

    game's changed, you can't plow through every game mode with 10 characters anymore.
    3-4 good teams are all that's needed. cycle them though, save specials so you have tm advantage and use them for the hard nodes 6/9/11/12.
    if too much protection is lost in a battle, retreat, if one dies, retreat and put another character.
    this is basic gw strategy. ive said this over and over again if you want an easier gw, raise your arena power. it has the double benefit that if its the right toons you will go up in rank, and with an easier gw it will snowball.

  • HokieFiend
    445 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    That's not going to help you with 3 teams of gear 10/11 maxed out Palp, STH, RG, Rey and QGJ or similar decked out with extreme speed/crit dmg/potency mods on nodes 9/11/12. I'd have an easier time with the top 10 teams on my arena shard than I would with most of the teams I get on the hard nodes in GW.

    The coveted mods have extremely low drop rates. One does not simply walk into the mod battles, sim for a few weeks/months and come away with them. Oh, but you can conveniently buy them for 2k+ crystals each!
    djvita wrote: »
    djvita wrote: »
    theres also mace, assaj, b2 and plo.

    So the only ones that should successfully finish GW are the whales?

    Nice one.

    where did i say that
    i am far from a whale, b2 is farmable now, you can 7* him in 1 month if you have a crystal sub.

    game's changed, you can't plow through every game mode with 10 characters anymore.
    3-4 good teams are all that's needed. cycle them though, save specials so you have tm advantage and use them for the hard nodes 6/9/11/12.
    if too much protection is lost in a battle, retreat, if one dies, retreat and put another character.
    this is basic gw strategy. ive said this over and over again if you want an easier gw, raise your arena power. it has the double benefit that if its the right toons you will go up in rank, and with an easier gw it will snowball.

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    Who on Earth is paying 3200 crystals for a single mod?? That's $32 in the real world! Have you no sense of value, Sir?!
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
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    Exactly. If the mods were 1/10th the crystal cost of what they are trying to ram down our throats I might consider it for a "perfect" mod. With the gear effectively paywalled on top of it, I'd still probably not use any hard-earned crystals for any mods through the mod store.

    Eventually something might give. I imagine the rich are just getting richer while F2P and lower end P2P players continue to drop like flies.
    Who on Earth is paying 3200 crystals for a single mod?? That's $32 in the real world! Have you no sense of value, Sir?!

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    there are enough whales
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    Good Afternoon,

    Long time FTP player, first time poster. Just kid of curious why my GW is suddenly getting, well, kind of stupid based on what others have reported.

    So, after the June updates were reversed, I found myself just like a large number of other players being unable to complete GW, after having done it for quite some time. I would run into a super powered Team on Node 12 that would obliterate all of my toons. It was annoying, but I realized there was nothing I could do about it expect improve my roster and hope the RNG would eventually be kind to me.

    Over the last couple of months, I've geared up my primary Arena team and actually hover around 60th or so on my shard. Sometimes if I am lucky, I can get as high as 20, which I think is decently good for a FTP player who has never spent a dime!! I also found that I was able to, now and then, beat GW even with an extremly tough Node 12.

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I guess I hit that magical threshold where I was starting to get that "Weak" Node 12. I would have hard teams on 6,9,10 and 11 but 12 would be a cakewalk. I figured it was a gift because, well, the struggle was real!!

    Starting last week, my GW changed again, and for the worse. Now, I was getting harder 6,9,10, and 11 Nodes. The 11th Node would be what I'd used to see at Node 12 back when I couldn't complete it. But, I still managed to get past it. Node 12... no longer contain a weak team. It contained a monster team that one of the other forum posters who encountered before:

    Lugal Kelim
    G11 JKA Lead
    G10 5's
    G10 Sun Fac
    G10 IG
    G11 QGJ

    Fully 5 Dot Modded, 8900 power each. It was a MONSTER team... I managed to beat it a couple times ONLY if the previous nodes didn't deplete me beforehand. But it seems a little unfair to me considering the monster teams I had to beat to get to this point to have this thrown at me, hense my post.

    My current Arena Rating is 38638 (Rank 25 currently). Anyone have any idea how I managed to knock myself off the "Easy 12th Node" train and into the hell I'm seeing now? I am so confused.
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    five2zero wrote: »
    there are enough whales

    You can see them on nodes 11 and 12 :D
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    Oh, and that Lugal Kilem team.. It's been my Node 12 for over a week. Same team every time. Doesn't seem right IMO
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    push to 39k power
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    this is from @EventineElessedil
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    push for 39k power if you can @Chimley
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    djvita wrote: »
    push for 39k power if you can @Chimley

    I doubt that matters that much.

    Over 39-40k power you get the easy teams on node 12 because no team has gathered enough power to get in the +130% over your power. When a team reaches that level you start getting that team. And only that team until there are more teams in the same power area. Until you overpower yourself again over another threshold.
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    djvita wrote: »
    push for 39k power if you can @Chimley

    I doubt that matters that much.

    Over 39-40k power you get the easy teams on node 12 because no team has gathered enough power to get in the +130% over your power. When a team reaches that level you start getting that team. And only that team until there are more teams in the same power area. Until you overpower yourself again over another threshold.

    You will never face a team at 130% your max power under the current GW algorithm.
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