Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    i'd love it if the people who complain about GW would list their rosters instead of just saying its too hard. If you have one team and are expecting to win GW you are the problem not GW.

    If anyone who complains about GW being too difficult doesnt have 2-3 solid teams then they need to stop complaining about GW and see how it is after they get 2-3 solid teams, its not mean to be beaten every day or at all until you progress that far

    I agree 100%. All teams don't even have to be maxed or modded. You just need to follow the tips posted on other threads, like TM manipulation, retreats, etc. If you don't have a well built roster, then you will struggle. For me, it's a boring 30 minutes of the same thing every day. Prep toons on node 1-5, match my team to node 6 (counters get Teebo, DPS gets a QGJ lead so with TM manipulation it is 5 on 3), refresh cooldowns on 7 and 8, play 9, 10 and 11. Nerf node 12. Rinse and Repeat.
    Do or Do not.

    DarthBarron (Kevin, aka KevWalker)
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    i'd love it if the people who complain about GW would list their rosters instead of just saying its too hard. If you have one team and are expecting to win GW you are the problem not GW.

    If anyone who complains about GW being too difficult doesnt have 2-3 solid teams then they need to stop complaining about GW and see how it is after they get 2-3 solid teams, its not mean to be beaten every day or at all until you progress that far

    I agree...sadly long as new players dont progress the right way they will continue to post angry rants on GW and cry for nerfs.
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    malkin wrote: »
    It's not very hard if you use a reasonable strategy. Nodes 9, 11, and 12 are challenging, but the rest are kind of recuperative.

    Yeah ok whatever, I have faced Emp Palpatine, RG, ST Han, Rey and RG on Node 6! So much for your theory eh?

    Good luck beating THAT group. Then you get Wedge, Lando, ST Han, Han Solo and Hoth Rebel..

    Yeah try those back to back.
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    Aniema wrote: »
    i'd love it if the people who complain about GW would list their rosters instead of just saying its too hard. If you have one team and are expecting to win GW you are the problem not GW.

    If anyone who complains about GW being too difficult doesnt have 2-3 solid teams then they need to stop complaining about GW and see how it is after they get 2-3 solid teams, its not mean to be beaten every day or at all until you progress that far

    I agree...sadly long as new players dont progress the right way they will continue to post angry rants on GW and cry for nerfs.

    Its not crying GW is a joke, they SAY its working as intended, some people get widly different results on 12 than others... That's not consistent.

    Call it whining or whatever, I am not a new player, and I don't give a RIP what the DEVS say these teams in GW are BUFFED!

    So stop defending them, because GW is broken, HAS been broken for quite some time just because YOU have not seen it does not mean its not.

    I bet you have you are just not admitting to it.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    malkin wrote: »
    i'd love it if the people who complain about GW would list their rosters instead of just saying its too hard. If you have one team and are expecting to win GW you are the problem not GW.
    ^^This! It even says in its description that it is meant to be a battle of attrition. Being able to swap out different toons for different battles is part of the game mode.

    Yeah and when some people see different meta teams in 12 than others? Like not a little but a LOT different, like scrubs vs All 80 G10/11 .. its not progressive, and its not based on Arena score, its just random..

    Battle of attrition..ok whatever, its not attrition when my Arena team hasn't changed in a month I get VERY different GW each day, I should get similar results. I have to throw multiple teams of 7* at nodes and some days I can use 1 for all 12. You can defend the DEVS at CG all you want, but bottom line is GW is broken its not the way its "intended" despite numerous posts.

    They haven't finished the new RAID when it was announced like a month ago, they haven't fixed Teebo, Other bugs in the game and now you TRULY believe GW is working?


    OK, what's the weather like on your planet?
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    I actually went from a reasonable node 12 back to super hard node 12. Never thought that was a possibility....
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    I finish maybe 9 out of 10...occasionally run into a team I cant beat...ok it takes a few retreats for me and a rethink but isnt that what its about ??

    I dont think it needs changing I think the people who whine about it need to stop whining and start working on ways to beat it
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    If you need 25 toons to defeat the Galactic War you probably suck.
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    Nerf Cup, hes to weak!!
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    Changing the position of a toon in this game is considered strategy. We're not exactly searching for Bobby Fischer.
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    OP, you just need to have some patience and keep farming. I used to think it was hard. Now I beat it in 15 minutes or so with one team. Palp (L), RG, Lando, GS, Daka.
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    How does this even get justified, I am all for a chalange but since level 65 am getting fully maxed level 80 teams to face... That's not a dificulty spike, that is just pure gating your player base, looking at over an hour to complete gw now, it doesn't even feel worth it anymore when you are sent in against teams that can one hit your line up lol, then there is a fail somewhere...
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    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    i'd love it if the people who complain about GW would list their rosters instead of just saying its too hard. If you have one team and are expecting to win GW you are the problem not GW.

    If anyone who complains about GW being too difficult doesnt have 2-3 solid teams then they need to stop complaining about GW and see how it is after they get 2-3 solid teams, its not mean to be beaten every day or at all until you progress that far

    I agree...sadly long as new players dont progress the right way they will continue to post angry rants on GW and cry for nerfs.

    Its not crying GW is a joke, they SAY its working as intended, some people get widly different results on 12 than others... That's not consistent.

    Call it whining or whatever, I am not a new player, and I don't give a RIP what the DEVS say these teams in GW are BUFFED!

    So stop defending them, because GW is broken, HAS been broken for quite some time just because YOU have not seen it does not mean its not.

    I bet you have you are just not admitting to it.

    GW isn't as much of a joke as the people's roster that complain are the real joke here. I'm not defending the devs I'm going with my own experience which is..I haven't lost a Galatic war in 6 months..surely if it was broken I would have had at least one day where I didn't finish it..but since I beat it everyday for the last 6 months..obviously I'm doing something right. Maybe just maybe your roster/squad/gear/mods/strategy isn't as good as you think it is.
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    At least 6 or 7 people and my guild complete 36 nodes of GW every week for the guild challenge. Most others do 24 or better. That wouldn't happen if no one could complete it.

    TM loading your toons on the easy nodes makes things very easy.

    There are so many strategies on how to complete GW.

    I get the absolute toughest nodes.

    Droid teams on node 3.

    Meta teams on node 6, 9, and 11. Puff node on 12 just because my toons be hella strong.

    It's time to GIT GUD.
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    Just get your Arena squad to 37k and exploit the Node 12 bug like everybody else. Sound strategy.
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    Let's nerf this game to oblivion, EP, GW, wiggs, Rex, STH, Lando, arena, raids, clones, imp, rebels, QGJs extra long lightsaber, and droids. That way everything is fair and everyone can press one big auto button where CUP dominates the emperor of the galactic empire, about right?

    Seriously bros and brahs nerf threads are useless and it is getting out of control. If you need help with something look for a solution to overcome your problem and ask for help. Problem solving skills are clutch.

    #rantmuch? #nonerf2016
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    On a scale of how many characters I lose per GW run I'd give it a 0/10 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Yeah its impossible now.i had the easy node now im getting luger kleim past 6 days in a row its impassable
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    Um, Galactic War is easy dude. Are you a noob or something? Like new player? I've been playing since early January but galactic war is not hard at all currently. I beat the whole thing with 1 squad each time.
    Guild: Order 66 501st Division
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    What is the exploit?
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    How to post a pic to the chat
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    i'd love it if the people who complain about GW would list their rosters instead of just saying its too hard. If you have one team and are expecting to win GW you are the problem not GW.

    If anyone who complains about GW being too difficult doesnt have 2-3 solid teams then they need to stop complaining about GW and see how it is after they get 2-3 solid teams, its not meant to be beaten every day or at all until you progress that far

    I really don't get the big deal over GW. I've finished every campaign since level 40 with the same team.

    Phasma (L)

    Granted I did use a different team before I unlocked Luminara and Phasma, but still completed it everyday. Sometimes I'll sub in Jedi Consular if I need an extra heal but 6 characters is not bad to complete GW. Usually takes me around 30 mins, up to 45 if I get an extra hard node or two somewhere in between.
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    Honestly ... only, because some ppl got their top 5 (its not the arena squad anymore btw) high enough to face 3*, level 78-80, blue gear noobs at nodes 11 and 12 (or atleast node 12), doesnt make GW easy to those, who started later and did not maxed out their top chars. GW is broken in a way, its maybe not "unbeatable" if you get your work/progress done the right way, but its still broken. (IMO)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Boo wrote: »
    I levelled up some high ranking toons the other day - now I seem stuck on node 11 battle. I know node 12 is easy, but just can't break past node 11 for the last few days.

    Well back to beating it again.

    GW does seem so much better than it was. Either the Devs have done something and not admitted it or truly growing and upgrading your roster of toons and creating diverse teams really does do it.

    However, I have yet to face this infamous Lugal Kleim (whatever his name is)...
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    Lol, when did the fan boys take over? GW is designed to be unfair and the AI is boosted so that EA can keep extending the game without adding any real new content.

    I routinely lose to inferior (in theory) teams, and earlier and earlier. Used to be node 9, now it's node sometimes 6. If this didn't happen to you, hurray for you.

    If EA would just admit it, people would realize that it's an intentionally unfair revenue stream and EA would get blasted.

    Do you think they care that there are 16,000 comments? They don't. If they did, they'd have some actual customer facing reps. I'm pretty sure the current forum rep is a bot, anyway. He definitely wouldn't pass the Turing test. Has he ever actually answered anyone's question?
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    Day 19 withe same Lugal person at node 12 it is soooo lame no change up, even if I do beat him facing the same guy day in and day out really bites , at the very least EA fix who we face on node 12
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    My 5 more potent toons: 33.597. Yesterday 12 node: almost 40k.

    Gear 11 Ray one shooting everything, even from my second team. She was hitting for 40k while my strongest one has around 20k HP and ... of course 0 protection (yeah, the tank). TM advantage from node 11? Gone after dodge dodge dodge deflect. My team with Lumi as leader dodges? 0.

    Not pretty at all.

    **** is deflect anyway?
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    Yeah its impossible now.i had the easy node now im getting luger kleim past 6 days in a row its impassable

    you too? He has a maxed out sun fac, RG, anakin, five, and Qgj. After using my A team of g10 Rey, RG, ig86' ig88, and qgj, and something like 25 toons of 7* G8, I couldn't kill more than ONE of his toon. He has been my node 12 since GW got changed
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