***TOURNAMENT MEGATHREAD*** (All related posts here)


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    I feel that sense of complete and total waste because even though I placed high the only actual raid gear I recieved was some furnace salvage while I am watching guild mates recieve full pieces placing in the hundred and even thousands.

    Absolute waste.
  • DarthBlartMC
    595 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    leef wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    the lack of desire to ban cheaters because they spend money, it's deplorable.

    Ooohwee. This is the part that really gets to me the most. I have played plenty of mmo's where they ban people without warning whenever they choose to exploit the system or abuse bugs. They don't care if you pay a membership, buy in-game items, or straight up throw your cash in an envelope and mail it to them. You cheat in other games, you will be banned. I don't understand why they allow it to run so rampant here.

    because it's not considered a cheat by the developers, just by some players.

    LOL. It sounds like someone has dabbled in some exploits, huh? Do they consider ANYTHING a cheat? Exploit after exploit they just look the other way. "they designed the event with these issues" isn't an excuse. This tournament is just one of many examples.

    I haven't dabbled in exploits at all. I personally think that guildhopping, alt factory and buddy-ing in tournaments etc. are all cheesy and lame, so i didn't do any of those. I think the devs should put systems in place that block loopholes like these. But my personal oppinion on these matters is irrelevant, only the developers can decide whether something is, or is not a cheat/exploit.
    Since the developers clearly don't consider the above mentioned "tactics" cheating or exploiting it's completely unfair to take action against players who use these "tactics".
    I think the devs even went out of their way to still keep a loophole that allows altfarming and players to do twice as much raids as conventional guilds.
    At the end of the day you can call them cheaters/exploiters all you want, but it's simply not true. Now you have a choice; also use those "tactics" or find a way to be okay with it happening, because if the past has taught us anything, it's that noone will be banned for "outsmarting" the system. claiming multiple rewards that just show up in your inbox on the other hand does get your account susspended. Crazy huh, just claiming something that magically shows up is an offence, but putting in crazy much effort to con the system isnt.
    But like i said, my personal oppinion is irrelevant. I don't know what their angle is to keep allowing loopholes like this one, but taking action agianst other stuff. But they probably have their reasons and we just have to deal with the decisions they make.

    From EAJesse
    "We are also aware that some players are colluding to quickly gain points in the Tournament. This behavior is not something we encourage and we will be taking steps to prevent this in future tournaments."

    This sounds to me like the devs are calling the exploit a cheat. Why they continued the tournament knowing this is beyond me.
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    Aegamin33 wrote: »
    Is this WAI?

    Or did this guild all just spend £100,000 on refresh? The whole guild is top of tournament.



    Leaderboard full with guildies from "Mighty Chlorians" exploiting the defence system. And EA does nothing. This tournament has become such a joke.

    I'm actually impressed that they figured out the registration rules and managed to get their whole guild on a single server.
    Manowar wrote: »
    There also needs to be more separation of lvl 80 players. Jus cause you are at lvl 80 doesn't mean that you have a full roster of fully moded and fully geared up characters.


    The power divisions were too wide. My highest possible squad power was just over 42k but most of the guys around me had 46-48k power.

    I disagree. I think all level 80s should be thrown into a single server with a lot bigger prize pool. Like 25 slots for 7* Shore or something.
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    For me it was zero fun and almost burnt me out from the game totally. I'de be happy if it never showed up in this form again. Though everything new is designed to bleed is dry I don't see a large overhaul incoming
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Drexnaw wrote: »
    That tournament was garbage, if it weren't for all the exploiters I would've easily been top 100. Finished at 150 and feel completely robbed of my time and crystals.

    Me too! - not to mention the refreshes were completely outta whack - I couldn't strategize my time participating in the tournament when the refreshes were completely wrong.

    I ended up having to spend a ton of crystals - EA had better compensate for this, it was a joke.

    I'm sure it screwed over a lot of people, not just me.
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Event review:

    1) was it about rewards? For 95% of players no, it was not. Even rank 158 above only got 5 more shards than I got at 574. Basically means 7 star shore in 2000 never.

    2) was it about fun? That depends. Do you consider hitting a refresh button looking for the only non wiggs landakin option to throw your garbage toons at hoping for a win fun? Honestly using my garbage toons reminded me how bad the battle system in this game can be.

    3) was it about $$$? Yes.
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    How did the number of teams w 42K power and above reside in the top 100 for the majority of the tourney to being all the way through the top 400 at the very end?! Did several groups of battles all-of-a-sudden get bunched together after the last refresh? Wasted hundreds of credits gaining no ground on the rewards chart.
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    Anybody every figure out a logical reason they would allow unlimited resets on defensive squads?

    The cynic in me says it was designed to be exploited as a cash grab of those with addictive personalities. The optimist in me is strangely silent....
  • crzydroid
    7390 posts Moderator
    I've seen, the frustration on the forums, but I can only speak for my own experience.

    For MY part, I enjoyed it once I figured out what was going on. I'm not at the top by any means; I'm level 61 with lower star and gear levels than those around me in arena, so I was happy to place about 500 in a tournament that went all the way to level 69. I was satisfied with the prizes at that tier.

    I also didn't mind blowing all my daily f2p crystals on refreshes, as it was only three days. But I get what people are saying about not refreshing for surviving characters, since in my victories, they would usually all survive. I can understand the appeal in making it more like GW or raids, but it depends on if the focus is more on huge roster than strong synergy teams. Maybe they could have both types of tournaments available at different times.

    Assuming timers are fixed, and all characters are available from the beginning, I'm looking forward to the next one.
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Stormy wrote: »
    I said it before, and I'll put my stamp on it all the way to HQ- Worst gaming experience ever.

    You never played superman 64
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    No exploiting here and didn't go much over my daily arena winnings every day. Finished 30th on my shard. We didn't have too many cheaters it seems. Did have big spenders though lol

    Yay Shoretrooper and 10 shards. I guess
  • scuba
    14189 posts Member
    Spent more crystals than I should have, 100 spent, finished rank 177.
    I reliaze it could have been worst. The #1 and #2 on my leaderboard probably finished around 10K points, I saw another where the #1 from same guild as the #1 and # 2 on my leader board finished with probably 35K points.

    7* shoretrooper at 1/3 the price!! this made me laugh.

    So my thoughts free stuff Great!! They can't fix the buddy system so either it will stay or this event is done.
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    The way I see it: Without investment (crystals) I got credits, raid pieces, gear, ability and omega mats and a few shoretrooper shards. Glad to have it. I'll take and use it.
    Will I invest in improving other toons outside my plan or invest in the next tourney to get better results. No. Just take whatever rewards.
    Cheers everybody.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Personally, I finished in the top 1,000. These were my issues with this format:

    1 - The loophole should have been found prior to rollout. As with most games, THIS one ESPECIALLY, players will always find a way to buck the system. How long did it take to "fix" guild hopping? How long did it take to "fix" alt farming? This bidding war, errrr, "Tournament" could have been SO much better. Yeah, Jesse said they didn't "encourage it" but they did NOTHING to stop it. Tournament should have been shut down, crystals refunded and rolled out after they fixed the loopholes AND the refresh times. Not only that, but the loophole probably cut into their bottom line in this.

    2 - The rewards drop-off. It was CONSIDERABLE. I could have pushed it today and I didn't. Why? The rewards were nowhere near the crystal cost. Not even close. #1 got a 7* and everyone else got less.

    3 - The shard RNG. We've seen proof that some heavy hitters got in shards that had 3k points. Others, well, look at SkyKrak and PCX and that Ti heavy shard. The other shard was Midi Chlorians. I'm sure the Asian shards were NSC and other whale guilds. That's absolutely BOGUS.

    4 - Crystals and the amount of time spent. I wasn't going to play 24 / 7. There's no way. @Stormy said it was complete burn out. Should have capped the refreshes.

    5 - The overall blatant cash grab and highest bidder get Sloretrooper. I refuse to call him Shoretrooper because CG totally macked him and put him on the corner of the Vegas strip.

    I hope to never see a "tournament" like this again in this format with all the variables and exploit and rewards system. I implore the dev team to go back to the drawing board with this one. This was trash can lid juice.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »

    5 - The overall blatant cash grab and highest bidder get Sloretrooper. I refuse to call him Shoretrooper because CG totally macked him and put him on the corner of the Vegas strip.

    There is another word that rhymes with "shore" that would fit here...
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »

    5 - The overall blatant cash grab and highest bidder get Sloretrooper. I refuse to call him Shoretrooper because CG totally macked him and put him on the corner of the Vegas strip.

    There is another word that rhymes with "shore" that would fit here...

    That's the word I use in Discord chat.....They really did "shore" him out.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Tannjam
    420 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Came in 158. Spent 75 crystals total (50 this morning - 25 probably unnecessarily) - rewards below. Not impressed. Honestly, entire tournament was a big let down, imho. The mediocre rewards (I get better gear from the T7 raids every other day) are just the rotten cherry on top of the garbage sundae this whole "event" was.


    I'd say you made out like a bandit:
    • You made 2.3M credits. A Credit Mega-Pack in the store results in 560K-1.68M Credits and costs 595 crystals. You got 1.3x the max reward.
    • You got 3 Omega mats. To refresh an Omega event twice (for two extra) it costs 600 crystals.
    • You got 25 character shards which equates to 1-2 chromium pack purchases (350 crystals).
    • You got one fully crafted piece of gear that sells in shipments for 273-300 crystals.
    • You got 40 furnace prototypes. You could get slightly less (36) in a Galactic Gear Pack for 599 crystals.
    • You got 12 MK3 ability mats. I'd estimate their value at at least 2 Cantina refreshes (200 crystals).

    All told, I'd put your reward worth at nearly 2800 crystals for an investment of 75. I'm no investment banker, but I'd say you did well.

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    @Rogan_Ban84 @Taramel Thanks guys!

    Despite the sleep deprivation, I actually had a lot of fun! It's cool to see you guys move as a guild. Really forced me to glue myself to the phone for 3 days to keep that spot.

    Glad you guys enjoyed it!
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    I still feel the defensive shifting was entirely by design, an intentional component of the strategy, and the "we will address this in future tournaments" is as much as saying we'll charge crystals to change defense in the future as it's suggesting defenses will be locked, so that aspect didn't bother me, it also meant I had 0 chance at the top 10 so I approached it that way. I spent crystals I was comfortable parting with for the rewards, invested no new $, and now have a working strategy and set of expectations for future tournaments so I can't complain. Also, as soon as they announced the crystal refresh for attempts, everyone had to be suspecting this would be purely p2w, and if anyone didn't, after that first battle, it should have been blantantly obvious. I don't like that format (don't think much of arena either) and since I'm not willing to get into a bidding war for the available rewards, it was dissapointing but I can't say I felt cheated.

    I think there's a lot of room for improvement (not holding my breath but still hopeful) and if this is going to be a common/long term strategy for farming new characters, I really hope they rotate in a new one every couple events and rotate out the old one to GW, Arena, PvE, Shipments, or some such thing but please not cantina! That or improve the shard drops for those who don't have 7* or equivalent with each tournament until the character changes.

    Oh, and EA/CG, if you're listening you'll get a lot more of my money for guaranteed rewards than you ever will with lotteries like these.

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    @warmonkey1024 Hope you had fun. Your drive was honorable and fun to watch. Sorry about the sleep deprivation and I hope you enjoy your new toon. Just for fun, would you happen to release the amount of crystals spent in this endeavor?
    2761 posts Member
    djvita wrote: »
    @RAYRAY you were around the spot i was 24hrs ago
    you missed some easy def team waves last night.

    I figured I went to bed too early.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Tannjam wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Came in 158. Spent 75 crystals total (50 this morning - 25 probably unnecessarily) - rewards below. Not impressed. Honestly, entire tournament was a big let down, imho. The mediocre rewards (I get better gear from the T7 raids every other day) are just the rotten cherry on top of the garbage sundae this whole "event" was.


    I'd say you made out like a bandit:
    • You made 2.3M credits. A Credit Mega-Pack in the store results in 560K-1.68M Credits and costs 595 crystals. You got 1.3x the max reward.
    • You got 3 Omega mats. To refresh an Omega event twice (for two extra) it costs 600 crystals.
    • You got 25 character shards which equates to 1-2 chromium pack purchases (350 crystals).
    • You got one fully crafted piece of gear that sells in shipments for 273-300 crystals.
    • You got 40 furnace prototypes. You could get slightly less (36) in a Galactic Gear Pack for 599 crystals.
    • You got 12 MK3 ability mats. I'd estimate their value at at least 2 Cantina refreshes (200 crystals).

    All told, I'd put your reward worth at nearly 2800 crystals for an investment of 75. I'm no investment banker, but I'd say you did well.

    I understand what you are saying, but as a primarily f2p player:

    - I don't buy credit packs (instead, 2.3 million credits is one run at the heist)
    - I don't refresh the omega events (nor does virtually anyone save for whales in the upper 70s levels), so that refresh cost is irrelevant
    - 25 character shards - yes, that is a good deal. And I will have a viable shoretrooper in about 13-14 more tournaments.
    - Raid gear - as mentioned, better rewards in T7 raids.
    - Mk3 ability mats - that was about 3 challenge runs worth.

    I stated that the rewards were mediocre - for a 3 day event. And that the event, in general, was a let down and poorly executed. I stand by those statements - and apparently there are a number of people posting on the forum that agree.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    @Rogan_Ban84 @Taramel Thanks guys!

    Despite the sleep deprivation, I actually had a lot of fun! It's cool to see you guys move as a guild. Really forced me to glue myself to the phone for 3 days to keep that spot.

    Glad you guys enjoyed it!

    Congratulations, you really earned it. Despite all the nay-sayers and the fact that you bested us, as a guild we really enjoyed the tournament, and are proud to have a worthy adversary.
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    DieInFire wrote: »
    Synfreak wrote: »
    DieInFire wrote: »
    Synfreak wrote: »
    DieInFire wrote: »
    Synfreak wrote: »
    Without 'blue teams' in defense, f2p would have never stood a chance in hell at this. Think about that.

    Not true

    Classic! Yea good luck refreshing Lando and Anakin till u bleed your savings account dry!

    @Synfreak You mad bro?
    How many points did you get in the tournament?
    I'm f2p and spend about two days of arena payout in the tournament, and got a 3* shore trooper.
    Stop talking **** about others without knowing. Ohh and I didn't use anakin, he's far from being max gear.

    Ez weakling shard for a ez noob! Thank the devs! Next time they better put u in one similar to mine and the other way around see if you keep acting tough again!

    @Synfreak you are an **** ****. I asked you that to show you that you probably did more points than me. I did less than 2800, quantity that on many shards would be rank 599, but I got lucky, and I'm f2p.

    this was your original post:
    Synfreak wrote: »
    Without 'blue teams' in defense, f2p would have never stood a chance in hell at this. Think about that.
    I showed you that a f2p like me had a chance without "blue teams", nothing else, but your **** brain doesn't allow for a basic idea like that.

    Why don't you do what your username suggests and stop bothering me. You are ****.
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    My 2 cents...

    So on day one I was around 400+ in the tournament, but within just a few short hours was 3500+. I knew at that point that the tournament was going to be pointless to partake in, but I stuck with it as best I could.


    I'm not sure why I had to set a defensive squad when they didn't actually earn me any points, nor was there any summary of their activity, win/loss stats etc.

    The big issue with Defensive squads was also the fact that it limited the diversity of the tournament. We all know PvP eventually results in taunt wars and this tournament was no exception and virtually every person I fought had Royal Guard.


    I get that money has to be made and have no problem with that, but asking for crystals to reset your best squad ticked me off. Most people (those not cheating!) set their toughest defensive toons and the only way to get past those is with your top team.

    I'm not sure about everyone else but trying to get past numerous RG, Rey, ST Han combos with your weaker teams was like pulling teeth.

    I spent a few crystals on the second day in an attempt to get a decent score but after putting the game down for a few hours and returning to find I'd been pushed back a 1000 ranks made me realise that I was simply wasting crystals.


    Ultimately this tournament proved that the rewards were not worth the risk (the risk being crystals). I ended up with a green box, a few hundred thousand credits and a handful of Shoretrooper shards. It was just meh!

    At the very least every participant should receive purple/gold boxes for placing in the tournament. With the ultimate prizes being more character shards (Vader, Palpatine, Gen Grievous, Maul, Yoda).


    Frustrating, felt like a cash cow, garbage rewards, lack of purpose for defensive teams and open to exploitation. Overall not fun.

    (2.5 out of 10)
  • SmokeyJoe320
    931 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Here are the reasons why I am incredibly disappointed with the outcome of this 'tournament'. First here is my overall perspective on this game...

    I never spend money on this game because I don't trust a single thing in this game or anything the devs tell us. Nor do I think they look out for our best interest.... ever. However I do play it obsessively because I do enjoy the actual gameplay (as much as I don't trust it), I love Star Wars, and I want to remain competitive. One of the things I do like is you can invest time OR money. It doesn't have to be both. Money certainly gains you advantages but not so insurmountable that a good deal of time couldn't at least somewhat keep up with. This is how I've been since day one.

    Now I am disappointed because...

    1. I basically redirected 3 days worth of LS/DS and cantina refreshes into this tournament. I figured it was worth it as I could hold off on those rewards in the hopes of omega and raid gear, which is what I need more than anything. The results? I got 25 furnaces, 10 Walkie Talkies (which I have 350 of and need exactly 0 of them) and one omega. I finished at #956 on my shard with about 2,200 points. I have guild mates that finished with 1,500-1,800 points and wound up in the top 200 on their shard. Very disappointing.

    2. 9 of the top 20 spots on my leaderboard were all from the same guild. Call it cheating, call it an exploit, call it whatever.... that is not how this 'tournament' was intended to function.

    3. The top guy on my leaderboard wasn't even in that one guild and had over 31,000 points. How much did he spend?? A tournament that is supposed to reward a 'deep roster' did not do that at all. I have 35+ 7* toons with about 20 of them G9 or above.

    4. I went to bed last night at #736, woke up this morning at #1,030. So I'll have to do an extra refresh or two to get back into top 1000. My first two refreshes were my arena team, 41,580 in power against two teams that were over 8,000 points lower than mine. Those teams had the most ABSURD RNG possible and wiped out my arena team both times. I've seen some crazy **** but I've never seen that happen before. Literally a team with 31,000 power made up of Phasma, Daka, Dooku, StH, and Rey crushed my droid team of 41,580. 2 more battles with my B squad only clipped off a few toons to get me to #998, which I knew wasn't keeping me under 1000. Finally I saw a non-tank Akbar team. I ran my C Squad and refreshed one of my A toons and beat them to jump to #850 with 0 crystals left. Finish #956. What I should have been able to do in 1, maybe 2 refreshes this morning took me 5 refreshes because of horrendous RNG. Call me tinfoil hatty, but getting horrendous RNG when you are sitting only a few spots from jumping into a new prize level stinks to all hell.

    5. The one thing I buy consistently from the shipment store are the purple halo projectors whenever they appear (because I need 1000 of them), which isn't too often. Somehow, miraculously, every single day of this tournament there was a halo projector in the store when I used all my crystals on this useless tournament. As soon as it is over, no more halo projectors. More bad RNG right?? smh

    Basically I can't think of one single thing I enjoyed about this 'tournament'. This morning was the icing on the cake when I wasted 300 crystals just jump up a prize level, and only got 25 furnaces and a other **** I don't need.
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    Who's excited for ships!
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    They will be grouped by fico score.

    Better get Credit Karma, lol
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    Just quit the game...cold turkey bro!
  • Tannjam
    420 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I understand what you are saying, but as a primarily f2p player:

    - I don't buy credit packs (instead, 2.3 million credits is one run at the heist)
    - I don't refresh the omega events (nor does virtually anyone save for whales in the upper 70s levels), so that refresh cost is irrelevant
    - 25 character shards - yes, that is a good deal. And I will have a viable shoretrooper in about 13-14 more tournaments.
    - Raid gear - as mentioned, better rewards in T7 raids.
    - Mk3 ability mats - that was about 3 challenge runs worth.

    I stated that the rewards were mediocre - for a 3 day event. And that the event, in general, was a let down and poorly executed. I stand by those statements - and apparently there are a number of people posting on the forum that agree.
    That has nothing to do with the value of the items you got when compared to the cost to purchase in the store. You can be disappointed all you want... but for a modest investment of both time and crystals - you got back some comparatively good returns.
    It's your prerogative to be unhappy with them, with the tourney itself, etc. But I don't think you should be unhappy with the rewards compared to your investment (which is the overall point I'm trying to make).
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