Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    djvita wrote: »
    Goldy wrote: »
    No, your wrong mate, increased my arena power today and back to easy nodes 11 and 12, (was previously just 12, then 11, then 11 was hard, now it ain't)

    Let me guess ... your Arena squad is composed of your 5 strongest (highest power) heroes, yes?

    thats what ive been doing to increase too

    current arena team

    max team

    guild number

    Point is, you don't have to win with them to affect GW. If you want that guild ranking to show a higher Arena power, then yes, you have to win. But the number in that list means nothing to GW difficulty.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Get ready to see gear 12 toons in node 11/12 next month! :s
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    djvita wrote: »
    Get ready to see gear 12 toons in node 11/12 next month! :s

    Geez, i'm dreading for it already...
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    Goldy wrote: »
    No, your wrong mate, increased my arena power today and back to easy nodes 11 and 12, (was previously just 12, then 11, then 11 was hard, now it ain't)

    He's really not wrong. Most likely what you're seeing is when you increased your arena team's power, it also increased your top 5's power.

    Before the latest adjustment, after I maxed out Chewie, I started getting the easy mode node 12. After the recent adjustment, I'm back to getting real matchups all throughout (similar to the power chart he provided earlier), but this time all the matchups seem to be legit matchups and not the impossible nodes I was getting before.

    I think they actually finally figured out how to properly account for the power boost mods were providing. Or, at least for my power level.
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    node 9 stuck. 10000 power AI. God, I hate EA.

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    Stuck at 9, 2nd day in a row. F you EA.
  • dstelma
    17 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I would honestly like to know what EA thinks is a fair rate for players to be able to beat GW. I'm curious what the ratio is of players that beat GW versus those that don't.
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    Any chance we can see a T8/legendary Rancor raid with the update @EA_Jesse ?

    Guilds are already completing the rancor raid in 20 min and it's just going to increase with level increase.

    We are excited for the new Tank Raid but would be nice to up the challenge on Rancor as well
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    TLDR: spot check on GW N12 power level agrees with deconstructed power curve.

    Today my N12 showed me a severely tanky team which interested me enough to take a closer look. Adding up their power levels gave me a total of 47,211. Have a look:RXgSESf.jpg
    RG with full health mods, 10,048 all by himself! z9mXwP4.jpg
    Empire (+Lando) = 39,416 power for the win! tEO4r3J.jpg

    My current Top5 power is sitting at 41822. I decided to plot it on my power curve. Guess what? 112.9% power ratio. A tick higher than expected, but right in there. Sorry, I did not record the power levels of the previous 11 nodes.cpTVdr6.png

  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    TLDR: spot check on GW N12 power level agrees with deconstructed power curve.

    Today my N12 showed me a severely tanky team which interested me enough to take a closer look. Adding up their power levels gave me a total of 47,211. Have a look:RXgSESf.jpg
    RG with full health mods, 10,048 all by himself! z9mXwP4.jpg
    Empire (+Lando) = 39,416 power for the win! tEO4r3J.jpg

    My current Top5 power is sitting at 41822. I decided to plot it on my power curve. Guess what? 112.9% power ratio. A tick higher than expected, but right in there. Sorry, I did not record the power levels of the previous 11 nodes.cpTVdr6.png


    I've seen this too - power doesn't make any sense and certainly not available to us as players - these teams must have Gear 11/12.

    EA "cheats" to make GW "challenging" and "working as intended"!
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    Boo wrote: »
    I've seen this too - power doesn't make any sense and certainly not available to us as players - these teams must have Gear 11/12.

    EA "cheats" to make GW "challenging" and "working as intended"!

    Cheating? I don't follow. The gear levels are clearly shown. Qui-Gon, Anakin, FOTP all at gear XI, Vader and RG at gear X. All 7*, level 80. They all have 5* L15 Health mods, with a few Defense mods as well. I showed you an example with RG.
    How is this cheating? If you get those 5 characters and build them the same way, you will have a 47k power squad too.
    Power is mostly influenced by your characters' health. You should know this by now, it's available by observation. The RG above is a great example; he's mostly health and protection and has the highest power I've ever seen. That's not cheating, that's gearing and modding.
    The GW power curve is what provides the challenge. If you use this curve, you have a good idea what's coming up next, and can plan for it. Use the knowledge to plan your assault and conquer the GW.
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    Well, i have 44,6k arena team and some times i lose to 39k empire teams as well... But my team is pretty much made of Jedi, so i start losing against EP... Usually i win by taking him out first... But when his AoE shock works, i'm pretty much F*kd
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    Haha. I just got smoked on node 11 by ig88. He literally took out a whole team of gear 10+ teebo qfj rey fives and lumi without my team getting a turn. Craziness. The thing that bothers me is the incosistency. I have guild mates who get cake (broken) nodes at 11 and 12. Ive had the "broken" nodes before but not consistently for some reason. The whole thing needs to be redone and be consistent across the board. Its either too easy or too hard. And its too easy for players bc they get broken nodes, which again is inconsistency. But at this point the devs have made it very clear they intended it to be like this. Which is sad since they apparantly made a broken inconsistent game mode that is broken.
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    Lol, just got owned by a level 68 team on node 3. Also being stalked by an easily offended moderator. And the devs were still the devs. Is there a mod for frustration?

    Hey, EA? Go, um, yourself.
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    No way am I using up my B or C squad on Node 3. Turns out, I couldn't use my B squad either. Had to do with A, and it took my 80 RG (gear 9) with it. Hey EA, um, you.
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    This is a bug, Post it in bugs and issues

    This happens everywhere, not only GW
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    Well GW is again a joke. I have a ton of toons but to get to the last node with a full blown team I simply can't ever finish. I was able to finish before when I would face the last green team but no more. Oh well
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    My top 5 now 34.2k arena team 33.9k (none of top 5 on arena team) with pretty even roster for top 28 toons. Had tm on 15 toons but got absolutely wiped out by a team with 44.5k power. It was EP, Rey, RG, StH, QGJ lowest speed was 148, EP had 188. I can't see how they feel this match up is only challenging or "hard" the team was 130% my top 5.
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    Today I flipped from having legit matchups all the way through to the easymode node 12. My top 5 went from 43189 to 43921. So it appears the magic number is somewhere in that range to start getting the gimme nodes at the end.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    I'm having the easy node 12.... The only problem is to get there... Nodes 6, 9 and 11 are pretty much impossible these last few days lol
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    The0n3 wrote: »
    I'm having the easy node 12.... The only problem is to get there... Nodes 6, 9 and 11 are pretty much impossible these last few days lol

    Can't imagine why?!?

    I prep my A team (EP, QGJ, Rey, RG, Daka) in node 1. Prep B team (Ackbar, Lando, Anakin, StHan, Leia) in node 2.

    From node 3 I run 47, 86, 88, Phasma and JE. JE usually dies in node 6, then I switch to Luminara. Node 8 is usually the last one I finish with droids, but quite often it's node 10.

    Then i clean up the rest with either A or B without caring if I lose a toon or three. Node 12 is always easy mode.

    What can I say? You have 5 nodes to prep TM for your guys, why not use it wisely?
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    Naw wrote: »
    The0n3 wrote: »
    I'm having the easy node 12.... The only problem is to get there... Nodes 6, 9 and 11 are pretty much impossible these last few days lol

    Can't imagine why?!?

    I prep my A team (EP, QGJ, Rey, RG, Daka) in node 1. Prep B team (Ackbar, Lando, Anakin, StHan, Leia) in node 2.

    From node 3 I run 47, 86, 88, Phasma and JE. JE usually dies in node 6, then I switch to Luminara. Node 8 is usually the last one I finish with droids, but quite often it's node 10.

    Then i clean up the rest with either A or B without caring if I lose a toon or three. Node 12 is always easy mode.

    What can I say? You have 5 nodes to prep TM for your guys, why not use it wisely?

    Where did you read me saying i didn't use the TM boost from the first 5 nodes? I don't run droids, but i boost my A team in node 1 without using any special skills, just basic, then i have something like 7 other 7* toons that can be mixed and used as team B from node 2 to 6 (where i usually lose 3 to 4 toons)... I can beat node 9 with lots of retreats and adjustments in my strategy, but usually lose 1-2 toons... Node 10 is piece of cake usually, node 11 is hell. If i get through node 11, i'll have the blessed easy node 12.... But as i said, getting there is trouble.

    Surely you have a deeper roster than mine and several more hours played, so you can't really compare us both because even if i use the same tactics as you do, i still don't have as many lvled up/geared toons as you do.

    So "using TM wisely" sure looks like a smart answer... But it is not. The game is different for each one of us.

    PS: Also, ppl with deeper rosters than yours are having 'impossible' GW nodes even though they're p2w, how does that have anything to do with "using TM wisely"? Just admit GW is broken.

    PS2: Most days i finish GW, let's say i win 4 of 6... Thanks to the easy node 12, which is a bug. But some days it is impossible. I don't complain about losing GW, it's only natural i won't win them all... The real problem, IMHO, is the time spended to finish it... It takes at least 1 hour on easy days... They should work that out...
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Use Palp lead, Wiggs plus 2 characters of your choice and GW becomes a cakewalk 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Still need EP in my roster T_T ... I've been farming rebels since the last event, i'll be ready for him next time!
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    Bottom line for me, I missed Palpatine so there isn't a way to get through more than 6 or 7 nodes. Destroys my A team in seconds. We can no longer earn Palp so he shouldn't have undefeatable power. There are teams you can't beat unless you've spent hundreds $. Hard is fine, but unbeatable sucks.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    ive ben thinking long and hard, this cap increase will make gw like it was at the beginning. those that max out early will find g11/12 only toons filling the hard nodes and the easy nodes will be filled with g9. i fear less people will clear a full gw and complaints here will increase a lot.

    for those that still clear, and have not maxed out all toons,start hoarding tokens we may get new p2p toons here or even fotp/hrsoldier
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    Given that there's been no change to GW is ages, and that includes the GW store, I'm guessing there is a change coming. Some kind of update, but I have no idea what it could mean. Hopefully it will level things out a bit. Those who coast through will get an actual challenge, while those who struggle to get past nodes 6 & 9 will get an easier go.

    But who knows...
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    Again today... last node with my full roster this time. Rex and lando wiped every combo I could try. I get like one turn. Guess I'll start settling to complete 11/12
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    I obviously echo the views of many regarding the difficulty. I've now written off GW as something I complete 10 nodes of each day, which at least gives me 2 batches of shards in the GW store.

    But my post is for something different. When my A team has been fried / sabred / blastered into oblivion on stage 11 I tend to leave GW as it is so that next morning I can send in some cannon fodder. They last about 10 seconds but it means I can tick off the GW daily activity without thinking about it.

    When I did that this morning, one of my team was the Scarif Rebel Pathfinder. He was up against 5s and Leia and was on his last legs when Leia sent him to meet the maker. I know he has revives down as an ability but he must have revived about 50 times. And that is an underestimation if anything!

    This just led to a frustrating few minutes of watching him die, revive, die, revive over and over and over again, but it did make me very determined to get this toon geared and starred if that's something F2P can do in the future!
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    The0n3 wrote: »
    Where did you read me saying i didn't use the TM boost from the first 5 nodes? I don't run droids,

    I don't know, sort of assumed that when complaints are of style "didn't get to move even once before losing two toons"?

    FYI, my droids are 7* but only glvl 8. They can still pack a punch and I usually beat node 6 without losing more than JE and/or one of the droids.
    Surely you have a deeper roster than mine and several more hours played, so you can't really compare us both because even if i use the same tactics as you do, i still don't have as many lvled up/geared toons as you do.

    I can field 6 squads that do something, but only 4 that are any good. Got them starred up, but not necessarily with more than lvl 70-78; the previous raise of lvl cap still shows.
    So "using TM wisely" sure looks like a smart answer... But it is not. The game is different for each one of us.

    A few months ago I was in a situation where my opponents were practically unbeatable in the end (clones, either rex or anakin lead, sun fac, aayla etc were the usual suspects) and I could face droids with JE on many nodes before reaching 11, my 12th was thus usually impossible. I did complain about it here also.

    I invested time and effort (not money) to gear up my five top toons, passed "the mark" for an easy GW.

    But I also changed my tactics, often I had 4 teams with TM advantage before hitting node 9, and started beating GW again.
    PS: Also, ppl with deeper rosters than yours are having 'impossible' GW nodes even though they're p2w, how does that have anything to do with "using TM wisely"? Just admit GW is broken.

    GW is not fun, not at all. Unfortunately I have to keep doing it, serious shortage in funds. I don't know what to tell those p2w guys other than spend more or spend time. A deep roster is never bad, it will help in events and future raids.
    PS2: The real problem, IMHO, is the time spended to finish it... It takes at least 1 hour on easy days... They should work that out...

    This is again the issue of having the "right" kind of roster. I use droids, but won't ever play them as my primary squad, most likely. Everyone knows they are effective, but not everyone invests in them, why?

    That is like saying you don't want to use TM reduction at Rancor because you shouldn't be required to do so, yet you know it is what works.

    So, you know that droids are good in GW but choose not to spend some time getting them?

    I leveled them just for GW and the Ewok event, it has paid off.
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