Game Update 10/11/2016 (Comments and Questions) ***MEGATHREAD***


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    New gear levels are insane
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    With level cap increase, omega ability material will be available in challenges, Carina battle etc...

    Go to daily activity completion and click on omega. And then will see many places where omega can be achieved
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    Title says it all. We're still only getting 5 GEMS when the event clearly says double drops. Please fix ASAP.
  • XeenMcKenna
    143 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Ing256 wrote: »
    They are never going to lower the gear grind... Its kinda dumb to even ask... Gear grind is part of what the game is... What are you guys looking for? Auto to max everything? There are bottlenecks in every game for a reason, getting there is all the fun and work. If its not fun for you, then may I suggest Hello Kitty Online

    No one asked for the grind to be gone, just to make it more tolerable.
    There is a difference between grinding towards a target and throwing 2 refreshes each day to get nothing.
    We were already at that point, now they think to keep their income sustainable they need to make it a lot worse.
    Haven't they understood yet that if they scare all players away it's not going to be very profitable?

    Never said anyone asked for it to be gone, just said that they are never going to lower the grind... as we get new gear levels the grind will incrementally increase... can it be annoying? Yep, but every game like this has that high end grind that you can either fight through or buy off.
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    @EA_Jesse Can you please take the new notifications away? I don't need to know when my guildmates upgrade to a new gear level, raise a star level or unlock a new character. What we had prior was perfect, i.e. Raid announcements, people coming/leaving the guild, etc. Thank you!
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    Crystals are never included in double drops. And as for GEMS yeah I just got 800 on the last node
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    @EA_Jesse Can you please take the new notifications away? I don't need to know when my guildmates upgrade to a new gear level, raise a star level or unlock a new character. What we had prior was perfect, i.e. Raid announcements, people coming/leaving the guild, etc. Thank you!

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    Remember you get TIE fighter pilot for your daily activity at the end of the month.
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    Cashavelli wrote: »
    New Raid postponed again?

    Really? Pay attention to developer updates.

    No mention in TODAYS update. So as I said...
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    So can you get the new gear piece from the galactic pack early? Since it shows as possible drop
    Line: xSNAKEMAN
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    Is really stupid...we don't care if our guild members activated or promoted a toon to whatever star.
    Leader and co-founder of BHG
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    Daily gear upgrade to toons is lame

    Guild notification is terrible

    This new gear grind is unbearable.

    I'm fine with a cap level increase but making gear twice as difficult is stupid.

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    Hey Dev, this is not your fault, you just did what you had been told...and who give you this idea to implement, I've to say he/she is a GENIUS...

    Now all useful messages in the guild chat channel will be flooded instantly by all useless info such as whom promote someone and even whom get a mod...WTH...this GENIUS makes the almost useless guild chat ultimate useless now.

    This is my negative feedback, over.
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    Holy moly, that new gear wall.... the new raid better be giving some of the hard to earn purple gear... Some of the next level gear requires that purple gear!
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    I will just throw in some (probably good) news:
    looks like we are going to get omega mats from the new challenge tier and from the new cantina levels
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    I dont understand why they continue to implement things that the community has no thought of mentioning.
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    You can disable it...
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    You can disable it...
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    Alot of us would like to have been informed when the update would go live. It is only common courtesy for your player base.

    Games like battlefront and battlefield (games im familiar with and both published by EA) communities, are notified on the Ea Star wars social media accounts, when patches are coming. I find it hard to belive this game cant have the same or something similar.

    Alot of us are frustrated with how the game is run. We are pasionate about it because its a good game, but with a great community and a lil heads up it can be a great game.

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    You can disable it...

    And thus turning off when raids are started and when phases are completed...poorly implemented...
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Please let's get rid of all these useless and frankly, incessant notifications in the guild chat. But please keep the raids notifications, we like those as THEY ARE ACTUALLY USEFUL AND MEANINGFUL. I really don't need to know if someone in my guild just got a new toon from a bronzium pack and I really don't care to broadcast all the moves I make... This is so annoying!
  • Yesac
    362 posts Member
    I was halfway through GW when the double drops started. I missed out on some double drops which I don't mind but now I don't have a multiple of 400! Nooooooo!
    ^^^ This +100000000000002
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    Can we please get rid of all these useless and frankly, incessant notifications in the guild chat. But please keep the raids notifications, we like those as THEY ARE ACTUALLY USEFUL AND MEANINGFUL. I really don't need to know if someone in my guild just got a new toon from a bronzium pack or upgraded gear or a mod, and I really don't care to broadcast all the moves I make either... This is so annoying!
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    Don't read it....
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    You know, I was pretty vocal about how bad the last double rewards was when I missed two days because of lack of clarity.

    So I figure I should also be vocal about how well the email in my in-game mail box with the exact end time for this double rewards has been received.

    Well played, SWGOH developer people, well played.
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    Agreed well done here.
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    Wicket wrote: »
    Don't read it....

    The problem is bigger than that! It scrolls out useful information left on the board for all members to know, such as raid times etc... Wow! What a troll... Jeez...

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    Anychance you could change the characters in gw rewards.
  • thryshe
    16 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    They give you double drops and all you do is complain. If I were a dev I wouldn't give you anything anymore so you don't have a reason to complain.
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    JPBrunel wrote: »
    Wicket wrote: »
    Don't read it....

    The problem is bigger than that! It scrolls out useful information left on the board for all members to know, such as raid times etc... Wow! What a troll... Jeez...

    You know what I never thought about that. So what your saying is that it's a full thumb scroll away.... I can't imagine the pain of a thumb scroll and it might even be two. Now that I think if it I spent more time typing than I will scrolling 5 lines in guild chat.

    Total troll ....
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