New Training Droid Pack in store!


Here's the description of the pack:
Limited time training droid pack! Buy today to receive 30% off 45 tier 5 training droids, enough to take a single character from level 1 to 58. Provide immense XP to units through training. Pack is available for repeat purchase until Feb. 4th.
My Ally Code: 663-767-459

Only accepting requests above level 65

Daily player | Maximizing ally points | <200 Arena | Day 1 player


  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    I was just thinking about how I dont think Ill ever run out of these lol
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    All I saw was a droid pack... oops
  • Vodo
    332 posts Member
    I just checked and I don't see this. Maybe I need to reststart the game.
    But I guess I wouldn't buy anyway, it's just 5 crystals less compared to the in game shipments. So where's the 30% off?
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    I cant c it eighter
  • Wifi
    36 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    ****, I don't have this in my store! And I restarted the App several times. What's going on here?
  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    Wifi wrote: »
    ****, I don't have this in my store! And I restarted the App several times. What's going on here?

    You're not the only one... I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet... like the QGJ shipment notification it didn't pop up until 16 hours after it was suppose to have been sent according to my notification inbox! Probably just have to wait a day or something
    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Vodo
    332 posts Member
    I just hope they won't raise the price for the shipment droids. Maybe I should buy them right now......
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    Where exactly is the 30% off coming in to play? I'm confused
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    @EA_Jesse - thank you for this new product, but I would like come clarity as well - what is this 30% off from?
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    Vodo wrote: »
    I just checked and I don't see this. Maybe I need to reststart the game.
    But I guess I wouldn't buy anyway, it's just 5 crystals less compared to the in game shipments. So where's the 30% off?

    Yes you are right sir,

    Shipment droid:
    60 crystal for 7 t5 = 1 t5 equal to 8.57 crystal

    Droid pack:
    380 crystal for 45 t5 = 1 t5 equal to 8.44 crystal (1.5% cheaper than shipment droid)

    Almost got me there EA ..
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    who cares about training droids if we dont have the credits to actually use them. Trying to get more than 8 characters to max level is becoming annoying
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    I saw that droid pack a few hours ago when my client crashed and forced a cold restart. I'm on iOS 9.2.1.

    I would rather they bring out a better value credit pack as there r so many heroes to level but limited funds to do so.
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    Omg pls note as ppl have posted....

    By buying the pack u save 5 gems i.e. 1.5% NOT 30%. Unless you factor in crystal refresh cost.

    But come on....we've got patience, we can wait for shipments to refresh.

    1.5% vs 30%?! What on earth is this?
  • Jaqen_Hghar
    491 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    The pack ends on Feb 4th... Feb is when the new patch is coming.. Feb 4th is a Thursday... Thursday is usually when patches drop... CONSPIRACY
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    who cares about training droids if we dont have the credits to actually use them. Trying to get more than 8 characters to max level is becoming annoying

    Credits have never been a issue?? Training droids were was in short supply. Not sure why your having issue with credits?
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    Reddplague wrote: »
    who cares about training droids if we dont have the credits to actually use them. Trying to get more than 8 characters to max level is becoming annoying

    Credits have never been a issue?? Training droids were was in short supply. Not sure why your having issue with credits?

    7 stars cost a million to upgrade. I'm lvl 66,it costs near 130~160k to upgrade any toon from 65 to 66. Of course, I still need to buy all shipments and gear up. I've got 4 toons 7 starred, 2 6 starred and most of the top 3 rows at least 4 starred. Apart from the 1st row, non are level 66. I still need a deep bench for GW. You can well imagine the kind of enemies I get there.

    Still confused why someone is low on credits? BTW, have 1k plus each of the 2 lowest star training droids.

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    I have a lot of droids left, what i might need is money.
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    Reddplague wrote: »
    who cares about training droids if we dont have the credits to actually use them. Trying to get more than 8 characters to max level is becoming annoying

    Credits have never been a issue?? Training droids were was in short supply. Not sure why your having issue with credits?

    You have no 7* toons. You'll learn soon enough.

    I just unlocked 7* on both IG-86 and IG-88 but I also had to spend about a million credits to get Daka up to level 58 as well as continue getting my core 6 toons up to level 67.... So I'm about 1.7 mil short of starring up 86 and 88. AND I need to have another ~600k ready for another round of level upgrades tomorrow for level 68.

    It never ends.

  • StarSon
    7491 posts Member
    I enjoy the sentiment, but also confused how this is a savings.
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    Problem is, I am backed up with droids because credits are so low.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
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    Too expensive, won't get it. I'd rather just get one here and there from the shipments when I have enough crystals left to splurge, and/or I'm in dire need for training droids.
    548-145-651 | Playing since Dec 28th (:
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    Expect something like "Oh but you can only get 5 x T5 droids every 6 hours...and this fabulous offer, you can load up on an infinite amount of them! BUY NOW before it's too late!
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    You've always been able to buy credits with crystals, never training droids in large quantities. If you're going to buy the droids then just buy the credits too, rather simple. I just went ahead and leveled up nearly my entire roster to lvl 70 using these packs (and I have nearly every toon available).

    That being said I do agree with the false marketing of 30% sale. Nowhere near 30% savings here, that part is ****. @EA_Jesse thanks for adding this but honesty in the marketing is the better way. Yay for a roster of all lvl 70s, looking forward to GW tomorrow (not that it wasn't already easy generally).
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    I don't need training droids. I need about 7 or 8 million gold first. I am stuck with some 6 star chars and i can't 7 star them because I would need 1 million gold for each of them. And i can't train my LVL 66 chars to LVL 67. In end game you are drowning in training droids and shards but you are short of gold.
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    Same. Training droids aren't an issue, credits are.
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    who cares about training droids if we dont have the credits to actually use them. Trying to get more than 8 characters to max level is becoming annoying

    I couldn't agree more, I don't have enough credit to train let alone promote my cards lol.
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    I don't need training droids. I need about 7 or 8 million gold first. I am stuck with some 6 star chars and i can't 7 star them because I would need 1 million gold for each of them. And i can't train my LVL 66 chars to LVL 67. In end game you are drowning in training droids and shards but you are short of gold.

    Which is funny, because in most games, currency is usually what you are piling up.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Options
    Reddplague wrote: »
    who cares about training droids if we dont have the credits to actually use them. Trying to get more than 8 characters to max level is becoming annoying

    Credits have never been a issue?? Training droids were was in short supply. Not sure why your having issue with credits?

    I have enough droids to take at least 5 to 6 characters from 1 to max but dont have the credits to do so since you not only need to use them for training but alo star promotes and gearing to a lesser degree
    228 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Bad math EA/CG.. And even worst marketing.. Love the SW games, but please don't take your clients (either f2p, p2p and p2w) for ****. If math classes were an option for people in your company, you can see that this community are way better educated.

    Speaking of honesty or lack there of, is it me, or the credits bundle I was able to purchase in the store hasn't scaled with new level cap?

    What I mean is, from level 1 to level 60, the amount of credits I could purchase scaled according to my level (not sure if it was increment of 5 or 10 levels).

    From level 60 to 70, still same amount I can purchase... Is that because some devs forgot about that? Or is it on purpose?

    The conspiracy continues...

    "I got 100000753715 problems but a Poe ain't one"
  • Options
    Bad math EA/CG.. And even worst marketing.. Love the SW games, but please don't take your clients (either f2p, p2p and p2w) for ****. If math classes were an option for people in your company, you can see that this community are way better educated.

    Speaking of honesty or lack there of, is it me, or the credits bundle I was able to purchase in the store hasn't scaled with new level cap?

    What I mean is, from level 1 to level 60, the amount of credits I could purchase scaled according to my level (not sure if it was increment of 5 or 10 levels).

    From level 60 to 70, still same amount I can purchase... Is that because some devs forgot about that? Or is it on purpose?

    The conspiracy continues...

    "I got 100000753715 problems but a Poe ain't one"

    Let's add to conspiracies...

    Why are Qui Gon's eyes closed? Does he even have eyes? Why are they just slanty lines?
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