GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    Puglio wrote: »
    Congrats on the run. If you were to condense this into some kill order and team composition strategies we could keep in mind, what would it be?

    I normally go for rezzers (Daka and Ewok Elder), if present. Then Darth Sidious (he is in almost every team), then the other healers. Dooku sometimes dead last because attacking him does so much damage to your own team. Then again leaving him alive also does a lot of damage to your team, plus stuns.

    Just get lucky with 12 easy teams is the moral of this story.
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    If your a team died in node 3 then make it better
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    Did you forget to retreat?
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    Team iNstinct --
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    murton09 wrote: »
    If your a team died in node 3 then make it better
    IG1066 wrote: »
    Did you forget to retreat?
    Natok205 wrote: »
    Ugh ur right, GW grief threads need to stop. What's your "a" team. What's your current max level, roster.

    Really? Hes clearly frustrated and u have to admit in some servers it can be a bit harsh. And murton, there is no way in this world that anyone should lose to a 3rd node team, so dont say that. His team is probably fine and he knows its bull. I agree that with all of these super competitive and p2w teams on the rise, it can challenge f2p people. I had to vs a team with 7* FOTP and 7* leia 2 days ago on 7th node. It can be a little frustrating
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    GW is meant to be hard according to devs. I asked to see what his roster and level was, no response. I can't offer insight if I don't know what's wrong. I face super whale teams too. Today was GS, FOTP, jinn, Poe, maul. I used my fodder and B team to wear down and won. You have infinite retries to try and beat RNG. Ftp will always have a harder time, nature of IAP games. Power creep is inevitable. If you start the game today, your level 45 in GW will be harder than my level 45 back in Dec.
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    Every time someone creates a post about how easy GW is.

    The force kills a youngling.

    Please think of the younglings

    Your gear and the opponents u face is different from what others have or face
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    SpeedWeed wrote: »
    Every time someone creates a post about how easy GW is.

    The force kills a youngling.

    Please think of the younglings

    Your gear and the opponents u face is different from what others have or face

    I didn't say it was easy, though today was easier than average which is likely how I got a perfect run.
  • Knite
    14 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Hey guys,

    I'm a bit frustrated by some of my Galactic War opponents I've been seeing. I can understand the latter stages should be a bit of a challenge, but I'm seeing enemies that are 10 OR MORE levels above me. At that point, no amount of strategy makes any difference because the numbers are too stacked against you. Even with the retreat method, it is an impossible fight to win.

    I am wondering, does anyone else think that there should be a hard cap on the amount of levels above you you're matched against? Again, I do appreciate a challenge and I feel accomplished when I'm able to overcome a stronger team, but even after a couple dozen fights with different team setups, 1-2 of my characters a dead in the opening salvo with no hope of defending against it. It's just too big of a level gap.

    TL;DR you can't strategize against hard numbers and 10 levels worth of those numbers is in my opinion too much of a spread.

    Interested to hear your take on this!
  • Nyteshade81
    120 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Makes post about how easy GW is.
    All teams faced were 3+ levels below his team, and most characters fought were 2-3 stars less than his own.

    Here's the brick wall I came against:
    + 7* Sid, level 67

    The team I wiped just getting the Sid down. The last three died because I mistakenly thought "Hey, I could still salvage this" and kept going. All dead before I got another turn.
    Bottom left, the currently selected roster are the highest remaining living toons.
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    I have fought and beaten someone who was 13 levels higher. So.... Try harder?
  • Rheen
    269 posts Member
    Puglio wrote: »
    Congrats on the run. If you were to condense this into some kill order and team composition strategies we could keep in mind, what would it be?

    I normally go for rezzers (Daka and Ewok Elder), if present. Then Darth Sidious (he is in almost every team), then the other healers. Dooku sometimes dead last because attacking him does so much damage to your own team. Then again leaving him alive also does a lot of damage to your team, plus stuns.

    This might help--discussion of GW strategies and kill orders:

    Guide to Beating Galactic War from Team Instinct -- Community Site and Home to Team Instinct
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    I had to use pretty much all my toons to clear the 5th node today. 10 levels higher than my a team with purple gear leia, phasma, poggle, ig86 and lumi. Absolute nightmare
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    Puglio wrote: »
    This has to stop.

    stop sucking at life.
  • InternetSwag
    2658 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Why even bother posting a screenshot of his roster and the enemy team?

    All anyone is gonna say is 'omg i would stomp that team' or 'lol i would kill for that combo on 3rd node'

    or... 'huehue i stomp nubs at 7* and your head is shaped like a banana'

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    It doesn't even matter what my team is, because matchmaking should be able to match it. The table unlocks at what, level 40 or something? There are squads from levels 1 through 70 for it to choose from. You are going to tell me I am so low on the left end of the bell curve that this is my fault? Get real. I have nothing to prove.

    And yes I could have retreated before finishing and tried it again, but honestly I wasn't about to waste more time on a so clearly borked GW for the day. Eventually you just run out of fight and stop caring.
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    They should add a ban factor into GW. You get to ban 1 character from showing up in GW, but the ban only lasts for 1 GW and you can't ban the same character again for a week.
    It would add depth to these Poe RNG festivals.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    Sorry this game is too hard for you. My friend the door is that way..
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Today was the first time I couldn't complete GW. I think rank had to do with it. I was always ranked 2 or below but today before I started GW I went to arena and sniped a new, easy rank 1 and replaced him. Since then all matches are nightmare, at least five levels higher than my squad and better geared. I don't have that many toons to suicide so I call it a day. Someone take rank 1 from me pls, I just want rank 2 or below for easy GW completion, not abandoning after 3 matches like today.
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    I recently started to clear the GW just about everyday. I use Phasma/Daka/QGJ/JC/Lumi with Dooku & Sid for backups. Don't forget to use your retreats if you want to try a match again with a different set of toons.
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    My GW team is

    Five star lumi lead
    Four star talia
    Five star Poe
    Three star Lea
    Five star Kylo

    Swap in two star JC if my cool downs on healers makes it an issue.

    Taunt Poe. Have him soak damage. Kill FOTP, Lea, Sid whatever the glass cannon target before the opp team taunts. Kill taunt, heal with Talia. Let damage distribute one or two turns and heal with lumi. Rinse... Repeat.

    I don't lose GW or any toons at all anymore. Last round I sub my sid, fives and Kylo just for fun and don't bring a healer.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Back when I was a kid, I didn't write Nintendo a letter complaining about how that dang Water temple was too hard. I kept playing it until I beat it. And then I was happy.
  • pachikn0
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Back when I was a kid, I didn't write Nintendo a letter complaining about how that dang Water temple was too hard. I kept playing it until I beat it. And then I was happy.

    made me laugh!
    that water temple tho...
    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm doing GW right now. I'm Lv67..

    Battle 1-5 is kind of easy (i retreated once)
    Battle 6 - i need to use suicide squad and my main Roster can beat it easily.
    Battle 7 - one of my main roster(Kylo) got killed but he can be place able.
    Battle 8- Full 7stars team screenshot in below - at this point i'm stuck and i need to think a way to beat it without lose my main Roster. After few attempted i gave up and i need to use my Suicide squad again. Still have trouble even use my Squad B.

    Well I'm honor to fight hard battle.. if I can't complete today i will try to complete it next GW. Don't give up!

  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Honestly today was easier than most, generally I can take my primary team to around Battle 9 or 10 before I have to start making substitutions or send in pawns to absorb the special abilities. Normally I would try to take my primary team to Battle 10 and then send in pawns first then send in my D Team, then my C Team, then my B team at which point I'm on Battle 12 and my opponent only has a few characters left then I just send in my primary team to clean up.

    I have 22 characters level 60 and up, all 4 star or higher, and Tier 6 or better. Then I have 7 level 50s, 13 level 40s, and 2 level 26s. Every character under level 60 is a pawn to me to absorb specials and hopefully take an enemy or 2 with them. I will always retreat if I lose one of my primary team members and I will often try a new kill order or even try using different attack abilities before making substitutions or sending in pawns. The reason being is the AI will change it's target and it's attacks based on your target and attacks. For example if they are focusing Jedi Consular and he's dying over and over I will simply change my kill order and possibly my attack ability and the AI will change to a different target and use different abilities than they were normally using.

    This was my first perfect run, the closest I have come to a perfect run before was Battle 11 but I played it safe and brought in secondary teams to weaken the last opponents down before cleaning up with my primary team. I didn't start winning Galactic Warfare consistently until I had 2 or 3 full level 60 teams. I hope this was of some help to someone here.

    My B Team: Boba Fett, IG-86, Biggs, Greedo, Grand Moff Tarkin

    My C Team: Count Dooku, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Asajj Ventress, Old Daka

    My D Team: Jedi Knight Anakin, Talia, Jawa, Ahsoka Tano, Luke Skywalker

    All are level 60 or higher. Questions are welcome

    Best post ever. To thrive in GW you must suck at Arena. This is a great Evidence. He never even once faces a same level opponent.

    Since is started sucking at Arena (ie. Top 50 or so before I climb back) GW has become a baby ride. No need to do amazing trickery. Just use basic strategy. Today I didn't even send fodder.

    The important thing is...let your squad drip in Arena, then climb back. Do not stay at one high position, best just Climb-Climb-Climb back all at once.

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    Hello All,

    Sorry if this is a duplicate post. I searched for a bit but found nothing terribly useful. The last couple of day I have struggled to complete galactic war past the 6th-9th nodes. Prior to this, I was regularly clearing GW's. Did something change? I'm seeing teams 5+ levels above me with all purple gear way early in GW. I'm level 55 and seeing level 60+ players this early in GW? Is that usual for anyone else?

    Changed? You tell us...had tou improved your Arena rankings???

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    Just faced 5 team like this yersterday
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  • fberbert
    593 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    In my server I am currently rank #1 in arena, got level 70 yesterday and there are only another 2 guys at level 70 here. I always cleared GW easily, but today I faced 3 squads in rounds 10, 11 and 12 that I am pretty sure they are not from my server.

    3 top squads with no healers or Poe? AI self-generated teams for sure.

    I completed, but with only 3 toons alive and nobody left in the bench lol

    Mestre Fábio - My YouTube Channel - My SwGOH profile - Brazilian player? Come to play with us, AAT heroic, contact me
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    Literally everyone will face teams like that in GW. Nothing that needs to be posted

    simply, fodder team Ben debuff and Poe taunt
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