GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    How is this fair? I'm a new player with a limited roster.
    I mean I'm still using Jawa for gods sake.

    I also use Jawa, and so what? At 7* and gear level 9 Jawa is actually not the worst character.
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    Zilo wrote: »
    I'm level 49, top 5 in server with no p2w characters. I usually finish galactic wars then just now I come across level 61 full purple gear team. Sid/lumi/JC/dooku/RestPilot. **** is that? 12 levels higher and full gear? Lol...

    top 5's aren't what they used to be.
  • Zilo
    38 posts Member
    It's a new server. Perhaps only one person spends hundreds. I've only spent $75.
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    I normally complete Galactic War with relative ease, but then this happened...
    Can a developer/anyone justify this? I'm lvl 65 & here's what I'm working with:

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    Welcome to the forum!

    You just *might* try using the search box located on the top of the forum, I seem to remember somebody posting a similar sentiment at one time.
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    That's not too bad considering it's Battle 10.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    LOL @BentWookie.
    @MattBroady - While frustrating, GW is meant to be challenging and you may not be able to finish it every time. The team you are facing is tough but not unbeatable with your squad.
    Try putting in a "beater" team of Chewie, Jawa and some other lowbies to tease out the specials from Sid, Phasma and Kylo. Then put your "A team" in and you should be able to handle it.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Yes not bad at all. I in the early/mid GW last night faced 3 strait Poe, QGJ DPS 7* Purples and faced that the whole streatch. Welcome to the new GW. A true war of attrition.

    Feed that team some fodder to draw out the AOE's and Victory March if lucky, then go in with your A team and take the now less hard hitting team out.

    GW is not broken. It is meant to be a Royal PITA
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    I should've prefaced this by saying I've completed Galactic War every day for the past few weeks & I've usually only faced teams 2-3 levels above me, so this came out of left field for me. Maybe I was just lucky up to this point, but it seems a bit ridiculous compared to what I'm used to.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    LOL @BentWookie.
    @MattBroady - While frustrating, GW is meant to be challenging and you may not be able to finish it every time. The team you are facing is tough but not unbeatable with your squad.
    Try putting in a "beater" team of Chewie, Jawa and some other lowbies to tease out the specials from Sid, Phasma and Kylo. Then put your "A team" in and you should be able to handle it.

    This is great in theory. I wish my B team could survive even a single round onslaught from 7* level 70 purple gear AOE team.

    Ever since turning level 58 I've been encountering just this team: full 7*, level 70, all purple gear. Not even at fight 12 either. Anywhere from 5 on up. Through level 57 I'd only failed to complete GW 2 times. Through levels 58-60, which I am now, I've only completed it twice. I continue to hit the road block of the team of complete devastation.

    I get that it's supposed to be challenging and a battle of attrition...but 10-12 levels higher, full starred and geared teams...come on now.
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    Did something change?????? You used to be able to have a dead meet squad to get your opponent in galactic war to spend their high attacks .. Burned thru 2 suicide squad and player ran special attacks thru all 5 rounds
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    Gw is getting boring because i keep vsing higher levels so i started messing doing auto seeing how far i could get.

    So im level 65 i got to round 10 going onto 11 with my b team
    Whats the farthest you got?
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    Gw is getting boring because i keep vsing higher levels so i started messing doing auto seeing how far i could get.

    So im level 65 i got to round 10 going onto 11 with my b team
    Whats the farthest you got?
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    I used to beat my GWs with auto battle only lol. Now I barely make it by with multiple retreats and heavy tactics.
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  • dkredsox
    242 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Faced quite the difficult test in my GW today. I was facing teams in the 60s (I'm 63) with multiple 7* from the 3rd battle onward. I can finally understand some of the pain of the forum posters on here who say that they get these boards everyday. I had never gotten a board so difficult yet. Fortunately, thanks to many, many "tactical retreats" I was able to complete it, only losing Chewie. 31 in a row!
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    I feel your pain. I'm level 62 and got all 68 purples on stage 3...luckily the next 2 were in 50s, but the I had 2 more 69.

    Still beat it so I am not complaining. Took over a hour though
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    I walk a 7* purple walk from start to finish daily, 6* here and there. I feel your pain.

    Nice job though!!! Feels good to have it rough and succeed, right? Accomplishment.
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    I walk a 7* purple walk from start to finish daily, 6* here and there. I feel your pain.

    Nice job though!!! Feels good to have it rough and succeed, right? Accomplishment. hard, fail...try again, harder, fail...try again, harder, succeed?!?!

    Noooo, that can't be a model of success in anything in life.

    (Yeah, I know it is a simple phone game, but ****...people complain about some dumb stuff on here constantly. Success at anything in life follows the same model, whether it is your career, athletics...or yes, a simple phone game)
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    I walk a 7* purple walk from start to finish daily, 6* here and there. I feel your pain.

    Nice job though!!! Feels good to have it rough and succeed, right? Accomplishment.

    To a certain extent. Would I want this every day? No. Every other day? I wouldn't mind that. GW has been painfully easy for me prior to this.
  • Koth
    21 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I was struggling so hard in GW, rarely getting past the 9th node... then I read somewhere that you could retreat, and just restart the battle as normal with any previously defeated characters revived and reset as was before going into the battle to begin with.

    Apparently it keeps the same random seed, but I found that if you switch leaders, it resets the seed. Even if you don't like the new leader... just start the battle, immediately retreat, reset your initial leader, it will reseed again and you get another chance. Haven't lost a single GW since using this strategy.
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    Koth wrote: »
    I was struggling so hard in GW, rarely getting past the 9th node... then I read somewhere that you could retreat, and just restart the battle as normal with any previously defeated characters revived and reset as was before going into the battle to begin with.

    Apparently it keeps the same random seed, but I found that if you switch leaders, it resets the seed. Even if you don't like the new leader... just start the battle, immediately retreat, reset your initial leader, it will reseed again and you get another chance. Haven't lost a single GW since using this strategy.

    Yep, correct. Well I'm not sure about the same seed anymore, think they may have changed it based on recent experience. The previous "Retreat" option made GW even easier, as you could retreat and any damage/cooldowns/deaths remained upon re-entry. But they fixed that as well.
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    Gorilla wrote: »
    I used to beat my GWs with auto battle only lol. Now I barely make it by with multiple retreats and heavy tactics.

    Im the opposite lol i tried hard in the beginning but now i just dont want to spend that much time trying over and over to complete it
  • Koth
    21 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    yeah the seed is definitely in place, I had my Chewie (Leader), Lumi, Sid, Ewok Elder & JC team, try the same battle a dozen times and each time the AI performed eactly the same opening moves consecutively targeting the Ewok Elder taking him out with exactly the same special attacks. On the 13th attempt I changed leader from chewie to lumi... immediately retreated, switched from lumi back to chewie again, and the AI immediately changed tactics and no longer targeted my elder. Easy sauce.
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    I... uh. Wait, people use autobattle for GW? It takes me twenty minutes every day to plan my way through. I might use autobattle for fight 12 (since at that point I don't care if my A squad dies), but I am way too fond of finishing GW to leave it to the AI.
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    Hmm I never tried that. I enjoy the challenge of fighting the super builds again and again. It helped me realize nothing is OP you just need to know how to play it.
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    At level 48 my 4-6 battles regularly feature teams in the 60s, with my 7-9 battles being purple. There is something broken.
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    I was on 10 win streak. Last 2 days I've faced 6* ten levels teams above me with killer synergies on node 9 and node 12. I've tried everything to get past them, but no luck. They are so far above me that even after sending in a suicide squad to get them to use cool downs that I don't get enough reliable Sid heal debuffs to kill them before they are healed with my A teams. The node 12 one was disappointing being so close and not being able to kill it. I got through a ton of teams 5-6 levels above me but the 10 level difference causes such a problem that my abilities usually get resisted. Oh well.
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    That's my exact lineup. Lol
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    Dont listen to those guys above, they think theyre gu rus. That team is quite unbeatable and i know its frustrating when they tell u to use the suicide squad. like "i already know that".
    Ive faced a couple like that where i just dont even attempt. Just wait till the next day the restart.
    Id say those are 5 of the maybe 7 toons that are OP in GW. I agree that the opponent system needs a fix
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    That's when a tickler team goes to battle. Lucky that's battle 10. Sometimes I face lv 70 7* team on the 4th to 5th node
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