The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


  • Options
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    Ooof, R8 requirements would be hugely divisive. Although I'm sure they'd release the R8 packs again in store as soon as those new GLs go live though. Imagine HAVING to put R8 on a garbage toon.

    Anyone that would spend on those packs would be fools and sell outs with how CG’s been lately. It’s like rewarding bad behavior
  • Iy4oy4s
    2947 posts Member
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    Ooof, R8 requirements would be hugely divisive. Although I'm sure they'd release the R8 packs again in store as soon as those new GLs go live though. Imagine HAVING to put R8 on a garbage toon.

    R5 Rose raises her hand.

    If they did it with her to R5, they will do it with R8. They do not care about the blowback at all.
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I got this at 8th spot yesterday. By far the best box I got. I have gotten another full once before; a mk3 sienar.


    I have zero idea why those garbage mk7 weapon techs are even in that box. It’s so awful.

    There are too many garbage options and I suspect all the options have the same chance unlike hstr. I think this is why a box can be awesome or complete garbage depending on rng.

    For the R5 reqs to just try, paired with the ungodly coordination from the stacking mechanic, they really messed up this raid. Congrats on your rank 1 finish! Enjoy your 15
    Mk7 weapon tech mod pieces...traaaaaaaash

    I mean that does ignore the r8 mats you'll need for the next GL so.....

    Oh yeah half the required mats which you need hundreds of G12 gear to make the other of. You think making R8 a req for the next GL goes over well without any changes to this garbage raid? Good luck with that lol

    Where did I say it would go over well, of course it wouldn't.
    I need a new message here.
  • CG_Doja_Fett_MINI
    520 posts EA Community Manager
    edited January 2021
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff).
    You did say that, but it took you 6 weeks. It should have been pretty obvious prior to the holiday that we all hate it, and you could have told them before the break that we hated it.

    But maybe that would have been too soon. So you wait until you get back. But you waited more than a week after, even though it was clear we still hate it.
    Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.
    It did not. It was pretty clear that we hated it on the 9th, 11 calendar days (7 business days) prior to break. And it was 12 calendar days (10 business days) after you got back before you told the devs we hate it.
    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?
    I fully support switching this to puns, as there is no point in us continuing to tell you that we hate your new raid.
  • CG_Doja_Fett_MINI
    520 posts EA Community Manager
    edited January 2021
    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    This is a fair take on the situation. I appreciate the suggestions.

    I've been spending a lot of time laying the groundwork for conveying information to players in a different way than previous Q&A's have looked. I know there are issues that need to be addressed, questions that need to be answered, and I'd like to have other ways of delivering these points to y'all. While there will always be things we can't address due to myriad reasons, my goal for this year is to introduce new methods of community engagement and more of it. I know this doesn't add much to the immediate discussion, but it's a step toward the goal of more community-focused efforts I'm trying to implement over the next few months.

    As far as that under 20% not being able to take a turn comment, it does get pretty insane doesn't it? But...Han shoots first, so we zerg'd w that and got lucky with some counter attacks for the finish.

    I'll also bark up some trees and see if I can provide answers for some of the other points you raised.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Options
    Doja, I think it would help if the developers played the game. Maybe invite them to your guild...walk them through it. Make them an officer and have them coordinate...I am thinking going through that experience would be helpful in the discussion.
  • Options
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    Wow. A real response. And, someone on the payroll actually plays the game! It's a
    New Years
    MLK Day Miracle!

    Thank you Doja. I have been particularly frustrated with this situation since the raid dropped. Yo have restored some degree of faith in this game - at least for me. May the Force be with you.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff).
    You did say that, but it took you 6 weeks. It should have been pretty obvious prior to the holiday that we all hate it, and you could have told them before the break that we hated it.

    But maybe that would have been too soon. So you wait until you get back. But you waited more than a week after, even though it was clear we still hate it.
    Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.
    It did not. It was pretty clear that we hated it on the 9th, 11 calendar days (7 business days) prior to break. And it was 12 calendar days (10 business days) after you got back before you told the devs we hate it.
    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?
    I fully support switching this to puns, as there is no point in us continuing to tell you that we hate your new raid.

    Also, it's important to note, that even knowing how much we hated your raid, you actually buffed it on 12/16, a few days before going on vacation. So, there was plenty of time to make us HATE IT MORE, but not enough time for you to tell the devs that we hated it, or enough time for them to, you know, not make it worse than it was. But you didn't, and they did.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Except he's not a dev. We have no reason to believe the devs actually play the game. He said himself in his response he has no control over whether they change it or not, even though one of their own high profile employees doesn't like it.
  • CG_Doja_Fett_MINI
    520 posts EA Community Manager
    edited January 2021
    you could have told them before the break that we hated it.

    What makes you think I didn't relay community sentiment about the raid before the break?

    It's not like I can be like, "hey everybody, listen up! Take a knee. Alright, there's some bad community sentiment surrounding the raid, so let's cancel our holiday break, create a whole new strategy, write the code, test it, put it through quality assurance, schedule a release on the fly, and get a new raid out the door!"

    But what I could do is raise awareness regarding player sentiment, which I did.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Oh snap! What else is on the bingo card??
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Oh snap! What else is on the bingo card??

    Kyno, can you keep this thread on topic please?
  • Options
    And now all my comments are filtering through to a review queue because I tried to edit to fix the broken quotes? le sigh.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Except he's not a dev. We have no reason to believe the devs actually play the game. He said himself in his response he has no control over whether they change it or not, even though one of their own high profile employees doesn't like it.

    that is probably the most pessimist take away to doja’s posts

    The devs play the game and they had a certain intention with the raid co-ordination and whether or not it was a success is being discussed

    Fortunately, this is a challenge tier raid and now a full blown new raid, and if CG is planning on any new raids this was challenge raid was a good way to get feedback on what ideas not to try in the future
  • Options
    What makes you think I didn't relay community sentiment about the raid before the break?

    It's not like I can be like, "hey everybody, listen up! Take a knee. Alright, there's some bad community sentiment surrounding the raid, so let's cancel our holiday break, create a whole new strategy, write the code, test it, put it through quality assurance, schedule a release on the fly, and get a new raid out the door!"

    But what I could do is raise awareness regarding player sentiment, which I did.

    I mean, we have no way to know what you say to them. All we see is that you ignored the issue (specifically the airplane mode/coordination) from 12/9 until 1/15.

    And no, but maybe you could have convinced them it was a bad idea to buff the raid and make us hate it more than we already did. But I don't know off-hand what else was in that release, or if it was possible to pull just that piece out.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Except he's not a dev. We have no reason to believe the devs actually play the game. He said himself in his response he has no control over whether they change it or not, even though one of their own high profile employees doesn't like it.
    The devs play the game and they had a certain intention with the raid co-ordination and whether or not it was a success is being discussed[...]

    Do they? You know for a fact that all the devs play the game? And are in guilds doing end-game content? Because otherwise it matters little for most of the things we complain about when we ask if they play their own game.

    I also don't buy they had any kind of intention other than to screw with us.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Oh snap! What else is on the bingo card??

    “Literally Unplayable”
    “Slap in the face”
    “2x0 = 0”
    “Reskinned {content name}”
    “Cash Grab”
    “Wallet = Closed”
    “Game is dying”
    “Too expensive”


    I’m sure the game is dying phrase will make a popular return

    “Now that Disney has stopped EA’s exclusivity deal CG studios is dying and are making one final push to get as money kraken Money as possible”
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Except he's not a dev. We have no reason to believe the devs actually play the game. He said himself in his response he has no control over whether they change it or not, even though one of their own high profile employees doesn't like it.
    The devs play the game and they had a certain intention with the raid co-ordination and whether or not it was a success is being discussed[...]

    Do they? You know for a fact that all the devs play the game? And are in guilds doing end-game content? Because otherwise it matters little for most of the things we complain about when we ask if they play their own game.

    I also don't buy they had any kind of intention other than to screw with us.
    Yes, they have said so in multiple Q&As how internal devs play the game

    They even have weekly contests with each other where they all do mod slices every Monday (IIRC) and compete to see who gets the best secondary rolls etc
  • Options

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    Give people a chance,
    They'll raid the Capitol Games
    With six weeks' rancour.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Oh snap! What else is on the bingo card??

    “Literally Unplayable”
    “Slap in the face”
    “2x0 = 0”
    “Reskinned {content name}”
    “Cash Grab”
    “Wallet = Closed”
    “Game is dying”
    “Too expensive”


    I’m sure the game is dying phrase will make a popular return

    “Now that Disney has stopped EA’s exclusivity deal CG studios is dying and are making one final push to get as money kraken Money as possible”

    I think you missed one of my favorites..."launch shard". ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff). Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.

    I've already stated the sentiment has been conveyed and they're looking into it. But, I guess you really want me to say *something*, so here goes...

    My guild just finished our first victorious Rancor CT Raid over the weekend, and was quite an effort. The coordination required experience. We felt good about finishing it, but I personally would like to see changes be made in order to address the amount of airplane mode/guild coordination etc involved that is currently the prominent strategy for completing this raid. But, that's not my job or responsibility, nor a decision I get to make. When there's something substantial or concrete for me to report, I will do so.

    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?

    now the community can’t even use their favorite complaining phrase, “DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME CG” anymore

    It’ll be tougher to get a complaining bingo on the next community outrage

    Oh snap! What else is on the bingo card??

    “Literally Unplayable”
    “Slap in the face”
    “2x0 = 0”
    “Reskinned {content name}”
    “Cash Grab”
    “Wallet = Closed”
    “Game is dying”
    “Too expensive”


    I’m sure the game is dying phrase will make a popular return

    “Now that Disney has stopped EA’s exclusivity deal CG studios is dying and are making one final push to get as money kraken Money as possible”

    I think you missed one of my favorites..."launch shard". ;)

    show us your .gg
    data or it didn't happen

    How about we create a bingo thread and let this one be about the raid?
  • HK22
    645 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    Add to the Bingo Card "RNG Fest"
    Post edited by HK22 on
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    StarSon wrote: »
    What makes you think I didn't relay community sentiment about the raid before the break?

    It's not like I can be like, "hey everybody, listen up! Take a knee. Alright, there's some bad community sentiment surrounding the raid, so let's cancel our holiday break, create a whole new strategy, write the code, test it, put it through quality assurance, schedule a release on the fly, and get a new raid out the door!"

    But what I could do is raise awareness regarding player sentiment, which I did.

    I mean, we have no way to know what you say to them. All we see is that you ignored the issue (specifically the airplane mode/coordination) from 12/9 until 1/15.

    And no, but maybe you could have convinced them it was a bad idea to buff the raid and make us hate it more than we already did. But I don't know off-hand what else was in that release, or if it was possible to pull just that piece out.

    Yeah, if the overall cg machinery/system was a bit agile and responsive, they would at least have prevented the -insult to the injury- bug fix which solidified the current state of the raid.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2947 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    This is a fair take on the situation. I appreciate the suggestions.

    I've been spending a lot of time laying the groundwork for conveying information to players in a different way than previous Q&A's have looked. I know there are issues that need to be addressed, questions that need to be answered, and I'd like to have other ways of delivering these points to y'all. While there will always be things we can't address due to myriad reasons, my goal for this year is to introduce new methods of community engagement and more of it. I know this doesn't add much to the immediate discussion, but it's a step toward the goal of more community-focused efforts I'm trying to implement over the next few months.

    As far as that under 20% not being able to take a turn comment, it does get pretty insane doesn't it? But...Han shoots first, so we zerg'd w that and got lucky with some counter attacks for the finish.

    I'll also bark up some trees and see if I can provide answers for some of the other points you raised.

    Press X to doubt.

    That's not to say it's not going to happen, but we have been fed this line before, so I'm smashing that X button.
    I really hope that what you said does in fact come true, because it's sorely needed. It never made any sense to me that communication is so hard with this studio. Other studios seem to communicate just fine. I have two requests for this new communication. 1: Please make it happen quickly and routinely. 2: Include someone other than GWR. I still do not understand why CG lets personal feelings get in the way of business. Ahnald (I know some people don't like him and that's fair) has the biggest audience for this game, yet CG refuses to work with him...its a huge missed opportunity.

    Also, pun threads are good and all, and I think that they rub some people the wrong way because of the lack of regular communication. If we got frequent, meaningful and informative communication, nobody could say anything bad about a pun thread, in fact, I bet they would welcome it.

    Doja, what rank did you get in the Cpit? Were you happy with your rewards and did you find it equal to the effort that was put into the raid?

    EDIT: How can "NEW CONTENT" not be on the Bingo card already....that's my addition.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    And no, but maybe you could have convinced them it was a bad idea to buff the raid and make us hate it more than we already did. But I don't know off-hand what else was in that release, or if it was possible to pull just that piece out.

    I’m pretty happy they fixed the bug before the holidays.
    Yes, it made the raid an even more horrible experience than it was, short term pretty bad change.
    But without the fix/buff, they couldn’t fully see the impact of this hopeless mechanic.

    My humble hope is that it will now be even more evident that another Avenue need to be pursued to achieve whatever this dumb mechanic was intended to achieve.
    Be it hard cap on number of teams or player or phase or something else.
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff).
    You did say that, but it took you 6 weeks. It should have been pretty obvious prior to the holiday that we all hate it, and you could have told them before the break that we hated it.

    But maybe that would have been too soon. So you wait until you get back. But you waited more than a week after, even though it was clear we still hate it.
    Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.
    It did not. It was pretty clear that we hated it on the 9th, 11 calendar days (7 business days) prior to break. And it was 12 calendar days (10 business days) after you got back before you told the devs we hate it.
    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?
    I fully support switching this to puns, as there is no point in us continuing to tell you that we hate your new raid.

    Also, it's important to note, that even knowing how much we hated your raid, you actually buffed it on 12/16, a few days before going on vacation. So, there was plenty of time to make us HATE IT MORE, but not enough time for you to tell the devs that we hated it, or enough time for them to, you know, not make it worse than it was. But you didn't, and they did.

    Lol fixing a bug /= buffing the raid.

    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    Ok, so given the fact that I can't announce things until I am certain they will happen (because I'm unwilling to make promises that may not come true), I am left with the following options for responses/statements regarding this matter: "they are looking into it" (which is happening), "I've relayed community sentiment to the devs" (which I've done), "I anticipate no changes" (we're not at that point), or starting a pun thread (which is awesome, but some people don't like because it's levity or fluff).
    You did say that, but it took you 6 weeks. It should have been pretty obvious prior to the holiday that we all hate it, and you could have told them before the break that we hated it.

    But maybe that would have been too soon. So you wait until you get back. But you waited more than a week after, even though it was clear we still hate it.
    Let's also not forget this issue fell over the holiday studio closure.
    It did not. It was pretty clear that we hated it on the 9th, 11 calendar days (7 business days) prior to break. And it was 12 calendar days (10 business days) after you got back before you told the devs we hate it.
    So, should we start kicking off the puns now or nah?
    I fully support switching this to puns, as there is no point in us continuing to tell you that we hate your new raid.

    Also, it's important to note, that even knowing how much we hated your raid, you actually buffed it on 12/16, a few days before going on vacation. So, there was plenty of time to make us HATE IT MORE, but not enough time for you to tell the devs that we hated it, or enough time for them to, you know, not make it worse than it was. But you didn't, and they did.

    Lol fixing a bug /= buffing the raid.

    It sometimes is when they are the ones what's wai at their leisure and have been known to keep many things as is even though it didn't fit with the original vision. And this time the outcome objectively buffed the raid.
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