The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


  • Iy4oy4s
    2947 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    It all boils down to the ol adage "Actions speak louder than words" CG has few words and even fewer actions.
  • Dagobond
    134 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    I am glad they are at least willing to listen to the feedback. I am a career professional in a guild with people who are scattered around the world. Never before has this game forced a large number of my guild members to have to try and somehow find time to simultaneously be on. Needless to say this raid is almost the tipping point for me to look elsewhere for my entertainment.

    For now I am not spending anymore on the game and this is coming from a player who has spent a fairly hefty amount over the years. Pretty much requiring people to coordinate in real life simultaneously truly starts to feel like a second job and as a player with a demanding career that isn't acceptable. Instead of dropping the game altogether now I will wait and see if the team realizes that some of us don't want a second job, we don't want to be told to move to another guild and we certainly aren't going to accept that only a small handful of hardcore guilds get to have relic 8 characters.
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    2 day long ABs say hi.
    I need a new message here.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    Carrie was a live producer and had more power in making decisions and on how to proceed, doja isn't in the same position so he can't promise intent since he isn't as high ranked as carrie was
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    I'd bet solid money you were one of the guys that hated Carrie's guts when she was around.
  • Options
    Jarvind wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    I'd bet solid money you were one of the guys that hated Carrie's guts when she was around.

    I think the only time we “hated” Carrie was the tip of the spear comment and the HSTR reward fiasco. However that last one hasn’t changed as even the top 10 rewards are getting worse. Tired of tank gear in any HSTR reward box.
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Jarvind wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    I'd bet solid money you were one of the guys that hated Carrie's guts when she was around.

    I think the only time we “hated” Carrie was the tip of the spear comment and the HSTR reward fiasco.

    I need a new message here.
  • Options
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    The rewards are the new mats you made along the way.

    (And the get)
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    Carrie was a live producer and had more power in making decisions and on how to proceed, doja isn't in the same position so he can't promise intent since he isn't as high ranked as carrie was

    The Carrie comment had nothing to do with Doja. Merely pointing out that since Carrie left and Mark took over there have been very few player friendly changes.
  • Options
    Ciontis wrote: »

    That’s just brutal....
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    I think a great idea would be like a round table discussion with YouTubers like you, Ahnald, Cubs and Urz, maybe even Hynsey to discuss things like this. If possible maybe see if a dev is willing to sit in (unlikely), but a major collaboration could be pretty cool in that respect. Maybe even get MobileBoomer back haha
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    I think a great idea would be like a round table discussion with YouTubers like you, Ahnald, Cubs and Urz, maybe even Hynsey to discuss things like this.
    No. The last thing we need is a.bunch of clickbait clowns claiming to speak for us.
  • Options
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    I think a great idea would be like a round table discussion with YouTubers like you, Ahnald, Cubs and Urz, maybe even Hynsey to discuss things like this.
    No. The last thing we need is a.bunch of clickbait clowns claiming to speak for us.

    I mean if you don’t like their content, don’t watch it. However for the 250K+ subscribers between them (not including mobile gamer) I’m sure that all of those people would enjoy seeing something like this.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    I think a great idea would be like a round table discussion with YouTubers like you, Ahnald, Cubs and Urz, maybe even Hynsey to discuss things like this.
    No. The last thing we need is a.bunch of clickbait clowns claiming to speak for us.

    I mean if you don’t like their content, don’t watch it. However for the 250K+ subscribers between them (not including mobile gamer) I’m sure that all of those people would enjoy seeing something like this.
    There’s a difference between not watching content and turning a blind eye if these guys were put forward as some kind of community spokesman.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    I think a great idea would be like a round table discussion with YouTubers like you, Ahnald, Cubs and Urz, maybe even Hynsey to discuss things like this.
    No. The last thing we need is a.bunch of clickbait clowns claiming to speak for us.

    I mean if you don’t like their content, don’t watch it. However for the 250K+ subscribers between them (not including mobile gamer) I’m sure that all of those people would enjoy seeing something like this.
    There’s a difference between not watching content and turning a blind eye if these guys were put forward as some kind of community spokesman.

    Or in some cases a shoutsman.
  • Options
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    I think a great idea would be like a round table discussion with YouTubers like you, Ahnald, Cubs and Urz, maybe even Hynsey to discuss things like this.
    No. The last thing we need is a.bunch of clickbait clowns claiming to speak for us.

    I mean if you don’t like their content, don’t watch it. However for the 250K+ subscribers between them (not including mobile gamer) I’m sure that all of those people would enjoy seeing something like this.
    There’s a difference between not watching content and turning a blind eye if these guys were put forward as some kind of community spokesman.

    Or in some cases a shoutsman.

    Town crier
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    Sure they could, but what does that change?

    How does knowing completion rate help us, or change anything? It is where they were expecting it, from my understanding.

    Do you think they had "exact numbers" for GLs? From my understanding the scores being posted are not raising red flags, but they are monitoring the situation.

    Was it present in testing, I would suppose so, as that's how the test environment works, from my understanding. I believe the "very angry Rancor " in the last 20% is expected.

    Yes a high level of coordination was expected, but is the current solution may not be the player experience they are looking for.

    If I had to guess, I would think in partthey try not to share this information, because the player base makes assumptions about what they are doing.

    Them coming out and sharing the details you are asking for in a more direct way could lead to players not sharing feedback because they think CG is saying it is X way. The safer bet is for them to not directly share those thoughts. Talking about those specific points can also make feedback more centered on those points when other issues may be present, but because CG said Y, some get up in arms and and focus the conversation there.

    That type of QA could do more harm than good in the early stages.

    Also, as with all content and characters, there is an early period where the players are feeling things out and have "early feelings" that change as more players get involved and more things are played out by others. That tends to lead to a stability that isnt seen in the early stages, so "getting involved" in those early stages can be more of a reflex, and could not be necessary (necessary is a bad choice of word in this scenario, but I think you know what I mean).

    This is also a low frequency thing and gathering data can take time to get to a point where they can really look at it, so some times that can take longer than expected.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    Sure they could, but what does that change?

    How does knowing completion rate help us, or change anything? It is where they were expecting it, from my understanding.

    Do you think they had "exact numbers" for GLs? From my understanding the scores being posted are not raising red flags, but they are monitoring the situation.

    Was it present in testing, I would suppose so, as that's how the test environment works, from my understanding. I believe the "very angry Rancor " in the last 20% is expected.

    Yes a high level of coordination was expected, but is the current solution may not be the player experience they are looking for.

    If I had to guess, I would think in partthey try not to share this information, because the player base makes assumptions about what they are doing.

    Them coming out and sharing the details you are asking for in a more direct way could lead to players not sharing feedback because they think CG is saying it is X way. The safer bet is for them to not directly share those thoughts. Talking about those specific points can also make feedback more centered on those points when other issues may be present, but because CG said Y, some get up in arms and and focus the conversation there.

    That type of QA could do more harm than good in the early stages.

    Also, as with all content and characters, there is an early period where the players are feeling things out and have "early feelings" that change as more players get involved and more things are played out by others. That tends to lead to a stability that isnt seen in the early stages, so "getting involved" in those early stages can be more of a reflex, and could not be necessary (necessary is a bad choice of word in this scenario, but I think you know what I mean).

    This is also a low frequency thing and gathering data can take time to get to a point where they can really look at it, so some times that can take longer than expected.

    I don't even know how to respond to this. It just boggles my mind that you think being more open about the process and sharing the viewpoints of the devs could be a bad thing. Especially after you just criticized our suggestions for not knowing what the intentions of the devs were with the 20% mechanic!

  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    Sure they could, but what does that change?

    How does knowing completion rate help us, or change anything? It is where they were expecting it, from my understanding.

    Do you think they had "exact numbers" for GLs? From my understanding the scores being posted are not raising red flags, but they are monitoring the situation.

    Was it present in testing, I would suppose so, as that's how the test environment works, from my understanding. I believe the "very angry Rancor " in the last 20% is expected.

    Yes a high level of coordination was expected, but is the current solution may not be the player experience they are looking for.

    If I had to guess, I would think in partthey try not to share this information, because the player base makes assumptions about what they are doing.

    Them coming out and sharing the details you are asking for in a more direct way could lead to players not sharing feedback because they think CG is saying it is X way. The safer bet is for them to not directly share those thoughts. Talking about those specific points can also make feedback more centered on those points when other issues may be present, but because CG said Y, some get up in arms and and focus the conversation there.

    That type of QA could do more harm than good in the early stages.

    Also, as with all content and characters, there is an early period where the players are feeling things out and have "early feelings" that change as more players get involved and more things are played out by others. That tends to lead to a stability that isnt seen in the early stages, so "getting involved" in those early stages can be more of a reflex, and could not be necessary (necessary is a bad choice of word in this scenario, but I think you know what I mean).

    This is also a low frequency thing and gathering data can take time to get to a point where they can really look at it, so some times that can take longer than expected.

    And case in point with the whole speculation thing. Instead of being cryptic, he a forward, that will stop use from speculating as with drop rates, etc.

    Also I don’t see what data needs to be drawn from this. The universal mechanic sucks. Point blank period. It shouldn’t force people in international guilds to boot people for those with similar time zones, or expect people to uproot their own personal lives to dedicate to a singular raid in a mobile game.

    The data is in, they made a terrible mechanic that everyone hates that is ruining the player experience in the raid. The fact that we got only one post finally acknowledging it from Doja (who doesn’t even have the power to change anything) is ridiculous. It’s time for them to fix their mistake.
  • Options
    I think a Q&A would be great...I could then ask the devs when the next recycled content is supposed to be released with awesome new mechanics. June 2021 for challenge HAAT? What they need is to hire someone creative to make major “new” content. New = Game Modes. Maybe the underlying issue is no one wants to bang their head against the CPit mechanic because the content isn’t new. ...just regurgitated old raid. If they are just going down this path let’s regurgitate the daily challenges....on so on. My guess they threw this CPit thing together at the last minute and the quickest way to release was to change or buff a few mechanics. I doubt there was much thought to what it would do to guilds...along with them having any true expectations. That is why a response is not forthcoming and it may not for awhile...they really do not know what their shooting for...enough with the rancor. Seen that story before...over three/four years ago. This isn’t Force Awakens...we didn’t need a bigger Death Star. We needed a Death Star raid.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited January 2021
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    Sure they could, but what does that change?

    How does knowing completion rate help us, or change anything? It is where they were expecting it, from my understanding.

    Do you think they had "exact numbers" for GLs? From my understanding the scores being posted are not raising red flags, but they are monitoring the situation.

    Was it present in testing, I would suppose so, as that's how the test environment works, from my understanding. I believe the "very angry Rancor " in the last 20% is expected.

    Yes a high level of coordination was expected, but is the current solution may not be the player experience they are looking for.

    If I had to guess, I would think in partthey try not to share this information, because the player base makes assumptions about what they are doing.

    Them coming out and sharing the details you are asking for in a more direct way could lead to players not sharing feedback because they think CG is saying it is X way. The safer bet is for them to not directly share those thoughts. Talking about those specific points can also make feedback more centered on those points when other issues may be present, but because CG said Y, some get up in arms and and focus the conversation there.

    That type of QA could do more harm than good in the early stages.

    Also, as with all content and characters, there is an early period where the players are feeling things out and have "early feelings" that change as more players get involved and more things are played out by others. That tends to lead to a stability that isnt seen in the early stages, so "getting involved" in those early stages can be more of a reflex, and could not be necessary (necessary is a bad choice of word in this scenario, but I think you know what I mean).

    This is also a low frequency thing and gathering data can take time to get to a point where they can really look at it, so some times that can take longer than expected.

    I don't even know how to respond to this. It just boggles my mind that you think being more open about the process and sharing the viewpoints of the devs could be a bad thing. Especially after you just criticized our suggestions for not knowing what the intentions of the devs were with the 20% mechanic!

    You assume they can be more open about comments in the early stages.

    I will admit that I assume that them saying, yes this is hitting X data point will mean to a segment of the community, "they think its fine, and they wont change anything". I dont know why I think that....but this isn't my call, just my thoughts on what you asked.

    Believe it or not, I am always one of the ones asking for them to communicate more and even in a similar way you as asking, I just dont ask them to only talk to a particular subset of player. Mainly because anything they could say there, they could just say to everyone in a more public way.

    Yes I did point out a flaw in the proposed plan, it had less to do with not knowing their intentions, and more to do with balancing out what you are taking away and adding in to keep similar levels of difficulty across the board.

    One thing I can point to, is his comment before the holidays, you can notice how the conversation from that point changed, as it moved away from feedback to talking more about how they dont know X or they are not listening. This is a mild observation that can apply to the scenario you are describing, and how it may not always help.

    Similar has happened in the past when things happened like you were talking and youtubers getting exclusive conversations and the conversation revolves around that more than the player feedback on the game. Which is fine in general, but may not be as productive when it comes to specific content like this raid.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    @Bulldog1205 I 100% think they should communicate more.

    I feel like once something is in game or close enough they can share thoughts on it, as it's not taking away from the "surprise element" they like to use, they should try to put out more information.

    I just feel like some of what you are proposing does things that are either a net neutral or could have a bad effect, in certain situations due to timing and where the players are at in its lifecycle.

    I can't imagine they want to direct feedback or focus the conversation on any particular points, which may happen as a result of certain answers.

    That creates a similar problem to the QA where players start to claim they only take the "easy Answers" and that again is a net neutral for any real effect from this "round table".

    Does that mean they shouldn't do it, no. I am just responding to your post. I'm sure you can see some of these points or have seen examples of what I'm saying in the past. At no point am I saying they should not communicate more.
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    I believe the stacking mechanic was not working when released, so it is a valid question to ask if it was working during testing.

    Also, in regard to the sentiment of statement X causing Y reaction, this doesn’t exactly make “quality response silence” the best route, either. I understand that you want them to communicate more, so just addressing your examples presented.
  • Options
    Yup, it was giving somewhat managable ramping before which was -a bug-.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Konju wrote: »
    I believe the stacking mechanic was not working when released, so it is a valid question to ask if it was working during testing.

    Also, in regard to the sentiment of statement X causing Y reaction, this doesn’t exactly make “quality response silence” the best route, either. I understand that you want them to communicate more, so just addressing your examples presented.

    I didnt say it wasnt a valid question, if it was not working at release it was not likely to be working in testing.

    Sorry, did I talk about reactions? There are always going to be reactions, but the issue comes when responses push feedback away or direct away from people providing feedback because they think it's WAI, which early responses from the team could be perceived as.

    I'm just trying to point out that a round table about things early on can have an effect on the feedback provided and that may not always be good, because we are not talking about alpha or beta feedback where it could influence the development more.
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