The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    Carrie was a live producer and had more power in making decisions and on how to proceed, doja isn't in the same position so he can't promise intent since he isn't as high ranked as carrie was

    The Carrie comment had nothing to do with Doja. Merely pointing out that since Carrie left and Mark took over there have been very few player friendly changes.

    So moved "don't really do anything player friendly" to "very few player friendly changes" now.

    It's like a hobby for you.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    I think a great idea would be like a round table discussion with YouTubers like you, Ahnald, Cubs and Urz, maybe even Hynsey to discuss things like this.
    No. The last thing we need is a.bunch of clickbait clowns claiming to speak for us.

    I mean if you don’t like their content, don’t watch it. However for the 250K+ subscribers between them (not including mobile gamer) I’m sure that all of those people would enjoy seeing something like this.
    There’s a difference between not watching content and turning a blind eye if these guys were put forward as some kind of community spokesman.

    Or in some cases a shoutsman.

    Town crier

    This town barely has anyone employed otherwise.
    I need a new message here.
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    Stupid filter...“X statement leads to Y reaction, even if LESS feedback IS the reaction.” I missed “less” in my previous post.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    Carrie was a live producer and had more power in making decisions and on how to proceed, doja isn't in the same position so he can't promise intent since he isn't as high ranked as carrie was

    The Carrie comment had nothing to do with Doja. Merely pointing out that since Carrie left and Mark took over there have been very few player friendly changes.

    So moved "don't really do anything player friendly" to "very few player friendly changes" now.

    It's like a hobby for you.

    Those two literally mean the same thing lol
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    So the fact that he made 3 comments on this topic in that time doesnt matter, got it.

    We've been over this. He hasn't really made 3 comments on this topic. But whatever.

    Sure, it matters, but 1 comment on the general topic of this raid every 3 weeks doesn't really count as "the one guy that talks to us." Though it is 3 more total comments than Crumb or TopHat have made on the subject.

    Honestly, I just expect anyone with a title of community manager to step in and say *something* far sooner than 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks being between his comment in this thread on 12/9 and his comment today, discounting the (your words) "too corporate" response since that didn't actually address our concerns from this thread.

    His first comment said they are listening, not specifically limiting to any particular feedback or point on this topic, so that's one.

    He just commented again, this time specific to what you wanted, there is 2.

    He also commented on this topic "the raid" in between, just not what you wanted him to say, so that's 3.

    You may consider this a different topic than what the topic of the thread is, but that's not really the way it works.

    Maybe it's just when compared to the number of times you've commented versus the number of times the community managers have communicated, their part seems a little shy of what we'd hope for.

    It's not a contest. ( @CG_Doja_Fett , you have to pump those numbers up)

    But that doesnt make his comments count any less when they dont specifically address a point. As amazing as it sounds to have someone who is here just to communicate, he has other responsibilities that also do things for the community. And when he says hes paying attention, (you dont have to trust me), but trust me he is.

    I don't know who is responsible for the lack of communication (Doja can only say what he's allowed to say), but simply acknowledging that they are listening is not exactly quality communication. Why not actually answer some of the community questions? For example:

    Was this level of strict coordination actually an intended part of the design? Were people skipping through the phase during testing like we are now?

    Was the bug where the rancor wasn't scaling properly present when this was being tested? Did you realize that we literally can't take turns when the phase get under 20%?

    Are more or fewer guilds completing the raid than what you projected?

    How are the GLs performing in the raid vs your expectations?

    Someone on the staff could talk about things like this without ever committing to any type of changes in the raid and it would help give the community an idea of what's going on. Post a mini Q&A type thing on the forums or do an interview with a YouTuber (😉) and just talk about it for 5-10 minutes.

    I think a great idea would be like a round table discussion with YouTubers like you, Ahnald, Cubs and Urz, maybe even Hynsey to discuss things like this.
    No. The last thing we need is a.bunch of clickbait clowns claiming to speak for us.

    I mean if you don’t like their content, don’t watch it. However for the 250K+ subscribers between them (not including mobile gamer) I’m sure that all of those people would enjoy seeing something like this.
    There’s a difference between not watching content and turning a blind eye if these guys were put forward as some kind of community spokesman.

    Or in some cases a shoutsman.

    Town crier

    This town barely has anyone employed otherwise.

    The thread was about content creators. So that would be self employed snake's oil salesman.
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    Carrie was a live producer and had more power in making decisions and on how to proceed, doja isn't in the same position so he can't promise intent since he isn't as high ranked as carrie was

    The Carrie comment had nothing to do with Doja. Merely pointing out that since Carrie left and Mark took over there have been very few player friendly changes.

    So moved "don't really do anything player friendly" to "very few player friendly changes" now.

    It's like a hobby for you.

    Those two literally mean the same thing lol

    First time hearing the word "really"?
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Dropping this comment to let y'all know the community sentiment regarding coordination efforts for Rancor CT have been relayed to the devs. No idea what the result (if any) will be, but it's being discussed.

    Wait am I dreaming? Did a dev just acknowledge the stacking mechanic causing a demand for ungodly coordination??? What is going on hear????

    No. You saw a community manager acknowledge that he told the devs we hate it. He also pointed out that (probably) nothing is going to change as a result.
    He quite rightly did not say whether things would change or not. That is not in his power to decide.

    Right. He obviously didn't say things wouldn't change. He added the caveat. But come on. We all know what will happen.
    Do we? I don't and unless you have an inside.line to the dev team and they have already decided, neither do you. You may suspect what will (or will not) happen but you cannot know.

    You are free to have your own suspicions and opinions but please don't flirt with misquoting the one guy with a direct line to the dev team who is actually talking with us.

    Wait, he makes one comment on the subject in 6 weeks and he's "the one guy that talks to us"? Interesting logic.

    And no, I don't actually know. But I've been here long enough. Ever since Carrie left, they don't really do anything player friendly. If they had intent to change this, they would have said so by now.

    Carrie was a live producer and had more power in making decisions and on how to proceed, doja isn't in the same position so he can't promise intent since he isn't as high ranked as carrie was

    The Carrie comment had nothing to do with Doja. Merely pointing out that since Carrie left and Mark took over there have been very few player friendly changes.

    So moved "don't really do anything player friendly" to "very few player friendly changes" now.

    It's like a hobby for you.

    Those two literally mean the same thing lol

    First time hearing the word "really"?

    First time hearing the phrase "don't really"?

    As far as I'm reading it, "they don't really do anything player friendly" would mean that they don't do much that is player friendly, whereas something like "they really don't do anything player friendly" would mean that they don't do anything player friendly at all. Different degrees of certainty.
  • Scabb
    3 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    Hey kids! Great news from Disney Plus! Our crack marketing team has informed us that The Mandalorian is 38% more enjoyable when you watch it with friends. So, for your enjoyment, in Season 3 we are requiring Group Streaming. The episode will only stream if you start it together with 50 of your closest friends, all using different streaming devices. You can use any 3rd party app to talk and coordinate your favorite plot theories, because our developers tell us we don't need to provide that. It's all up to you! And you can start the streaming *any time* that you like, just make sure it's convenient for all 50 of you! Plus, to promote world harmony you have to ensure that at least 30% of your friend group is watching from another country and time zone. 12 hours difference is best! And, to share the danger The Mandalorian faces each week, if anyone in your group interrupts the streaming it will end for everyone and you won't be able to watch it again until next Friday. Better not drink too much coffee and need the bathroom! Get ready to send flaming hate mail to your (ex)friend who screwed it up! Enjoy, much love - your friends at Disney Plus.

    TL;DR - This is the new Rancor raid. Losing the ability to time shift as group is a bad change.
  • LordDirt
    5206 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    The rewards sure are crazy.

    2 of us got the 8 R8 material.
    I got 15 stun gun salvage and 15 Kryotech shock prod salvage.
    He got one full stun gun, 15 stun gun salvage and 15 amratek holo lens salvage.

    A guy that got 3 R8 material got 25 stun gun salvage, one full piece of Kryotech computer prototype and 20 czerka implant salvage.

    Crazy way to disperse rewards!

    Post edited by LordDirt on
    We needed Cobb Vanth shards for Krayt Dragon raid, Endor Gear Luke shards for Speeder Bike raid and Anakin Skywalker shards for Battle for Naboo raid?
  • Options
    It seems like the gear rewards may actually be somewhat flat. Unfortunately, they are so variable, it's hard to say for sure at this point.
  • Options
    It seems like the gear rewards may actually be somewhat flat. Unfortunately, they are so variable, it's hard to say for sure at this point.

    The post above yours describes gear rewards that are far from flat.
  • Options
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    It seems like the gear rewards may actually be somewhat flat. Unfortunately, they are so variable, it's hard to say for sure at this point.

    The post above yours describes gear rewards that are far from flat.

    Sounds like one of us misunderstood him XD

    That post aside, my feels (no actual data) based on rewards screenshot sharing in my guild's discord lead me to believe that the gear rewards are probably flatter than HSR. Though, as I said earlier, extremely variable.
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    We don't have data on gearboxes so there's no way to know if they're flat or not.

    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    It seems like the gear rewards may actually be somewhat flat. Unfortunately, they are so variable, it's hard to say for sure at this point.

    The post above yours describes gear rewards that are far from flat.

    Sounds like one of us misunderstood him XD

    That post aside, my feels (no actual data) based on rewards screenshot sharing in my guild's discord lead me to believe that the gear rewards are probably flatter than HSR. Though, as I said earlier, extremely variable.

    I agree that the high end gear from HSR is much more exclusive to the top ranks and I've heard of good gear rewards for low ranks in CPit, but the fact that they're so variable makes it seem more like potentially flat instead of actually flat.
  • Options

    This is the opposite of flat rewards. I guess the word you are looking for is random.
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    I agree. And purely random, over enough time, averages out to flat. That is more what I meant.
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    I agree. And purely random, over enough time, averages out to flat. That is more what I meant.

    but for an individual at once a week, it'll take a very, very long time for that average to flatten
  • Options
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    I agree. And purely random, over enough time, averages out to flat. That is more what I meant.

    but for an individual at once a week, it'll take a very, very long time for that average to flatten

    Yup. 3 or 4 clears in, my gear rewards have been garbage. Sad panda :'(

    I would prefer less variability, without a doubt.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    We don't have data on gearboxes so there's no way to know if they're flat or not.

    We have many data points, just not enough to derive stats from.
  • Options
    I got this at 8th spot yesterday. By far the best box I got. I have gotten another full once before; a mk3 sienar.

  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    We don't have data on gearboxes so there's no way to know if they're flat or not.

    We have many data points, just not enough to derive stats from.

    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I got this at 8th spot yesterday. By far the best box I got. I have gotten another full once before; a mk3 sienar.


    I have zero idea why those garbage mk7 weapon techs are even in that box. It’s so awful.
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I got this at 8th spot yesterday. By far the best box I got. I have gotten another full once before; a mk3 sienar.


    I have zero idea why those garbage mk7 weapon techs are even in that box. It’s so awful.

    I was looking the boxes over this morning and the fact that there is ANY blue gear in them in a raid requiring R5 is just...
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I got this at 8th spot yesterday. By far the best box I got. I have gotten another full once before; a mk3 sienar.


    I have zero idea why those garbage mk7 weapon techs are even in that box. It’s so awful.

    There are too many garbage options and I suspect all the options have the same chance unlike hstr. I think this is why a box can be awesome or complete garbage depending on rng.
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I got this at 8th spot yesterday. By far the best box I got. I have gotten another full once before; a mk3 sienar.


    I have zero idea why those garbage mk7 weapon techs are even in that box. It’s so awful.

    There are too many garbage options and I suspect all the options have the same chance unlike hstr. I think this is why a box can be awesome or complete garbage depending on rng.

    For the R5 reqs to just try, paired with the ungodly coordination from the stacking mechanic, they really messed up this raid. Congrats on your rank 1 finish! Enjoy your 15
    Mk7 weapon tech mod pieces...traaaaaaaash
  • TVF
    36813 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I got this at 8th spot yesterday. By far the best box I got. I have gotten another full once before; a mk3 sienar.


    I have zero idea why those garbage mk7 weapon techs are even in that box. It’s so awful.

    There are too many garbage options and I suspect all the options have the same chance unlike hstr. I think this is why a box can be awesome or complete garbage depending on rng.

    For the R5 reqs to just try, paired with the ungodly coordination from the stacking mechanic, they really messed up this raid. Congrats on your rank 1 finish! Enjoy your 15
    Mk7 weapon tech mod pieces...traaaaaaaash

    I mean that does ignore the r8 mats you'll need for the next GL so.....
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I got this at 8th spot yesterday. By far the best box I got. I have gotten another full once before; a mk3 sienar.


    I have zero idea why those garbage mk7 weapon techs are even in that box. It’s so awful.

    There are too many garbage options and I suspect all the options have the same chance unlike hstr. I think this is why a box can be awesome or complete garbage depending on rng.

    For the R5 reqs to just try, paired with the ungodly coordination from the stacking mechanic, they really messed up this raid. Congrats on your rank 1 finish! Enjoy your 15
    Mk7 weapon tech mod pieces...traaaaaaaash

    I mean that does ignore the r8 mats you'll need for the next GL so.....

    Oh yeah half the required mats which you need hundreds of G12 gear to make the other of. You think making R8 a req for the next GL goes over well without any changes to this garbage raid? Good luck with that lol
  • Options
    Ooof, R8 requirements would be hugely divisive. Although I'm sure they'd release the R8 packs again in store as soon as those new GLs go live though. Imagine HAVING to put R8 on a garbage toon.
  • IronCross
    934 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    So the gear might be flat but the exclusive prize in the raid is definitely not and is not even close.

    First with 11and last with 1 only giving you 9% of the top prize. Total trash. That screen shot for MSF was so much more equitable. They do have a much better guild reward system than SWGOH.
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