Message from the CM


  • Iyaoyas
    120 posts Member
    Can we get an answer if reverting the mods update is on the table? Back to no mods, and a playable game?
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    This is the problem. We make great investment based on previous aspect of the game. Now suddenly you guys flip the table and turn our hard earned investment into a waste of time.

    This happened once during the protection update. Now, seems like you guys don't learn from your previous mistake.

    How we could trust what you said if we couldn't accurately predict what you guys are going to do?

    We thought that you guys are going to adjust the mods system in a good way. Rather, you nerfed our hard earned gears. Worse, you nerfed the mods drop rate to peanuts! At the same time, you adjust the cost of modding sky high.

    We want predictable solution to real problem, not some **** surprise that works like voodoo rather than 21st century solution!
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    @EA_Jesse I have one question, please. How did we go from 500 crystals when something went wrong, to 350 crystals, to Chewie shards?
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    Not complaining here, how about thay boba fett rework? I hear everyone wants that the most!!!.....
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    I am speaking with the dev team about all of your concerns, including the 100% drop rate on the 5* Mods. I can't give additional details if I don't have them, I'm waiting on more that I can share with you all.
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
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    You're clearly just trolling the community at this point. You release an update that is disliked by the majority of the community, caused many to quit which destroyed guilds, and you're worried about tone...good lord.
  • digsmartins
    170 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    "Stop hurting us, we didn't nothing to you guys" :(

    A company want to work with people and is now crying about being bashed when this people are unsatisfied with they work.

    Have your heard about customers rights?

    For the love of InsertYourDeity
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    I have to say this in part of the problem. I understand that you can't give us details about the fixes because they aren't set in stone yet, but how about giving us an idea of what problems you are working to address? There have been a lot identified lately.

    This method of not telling us about it until it's done is what leads to more problems - such as needing gear to somehow make up for overpowered mods. Had you told us that that was your plan, we wouldn't be in this situation today as many people would have given their opinions - and now those same people are upset because it was done as a "stealth nerf".

    People here want to help find solutions, but an information blackout does not let us do that.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    I've never seen the community more united lol. Like this is unilateral discontent from all your customers whale to ftp. If you guys want to call our bluff then enjoy unemployment.
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    Thanks for starting your testing of mods two days after releasing them. That's helpful! Thanks!

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    You're clearly just trolling the community at this point. You release an update that is disliked by the majority of the community, caused many to quit which destroyed guilds, and you're worried about tone...good lord.

    I mean can you blame him? He's the community manager and the forum has been filled with flaming hate posts and garbage all day. Don't shoot the messenger
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @C3POwn community asked for Jedi Knight Anakin to be adjusted, so we did. There's the 1 you asked for!

    Unless your offices are located inside a glacier, i think it's glaringly apparent that people would gladly trade back a slightly buffed JKA for an update that isn't haphazardly rushed out that pretty much set the entire community on its collective ear.
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    We have posted contructive feedback for the last 3 months or so asking for:

    Cool characters
    More credits
    And fixing bugs

    And since none of that feedback has been listened to we have resorted to negative lash outs.

    You really have not listened to our polite feedback whatsoever for months! So this is what happens...
    And censoring the forums doesn't make us any happier.

    Please Immediately revert all mods and refund mod purchases and work on the above 3 issues and the back lash will stop. Plain and simple.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    Go_Blue wrote: »
    Jesse -

    I think the concern is that when people complained about mods, your first step as a team was to make things much, much worse. You created a precraft 2.0 problem, made mods harder to get, and made all sorts of other unannounced changes to the game. So, when you say "we're making massive changes to mods" that reads as "the millions of credits and thousands of crystals you've spent over the past few days" were for nothing. The changes that were made "in response to the customer base" we're changes none of the customers asked for or wanted. It's a very scary position for all of us who have spent lots of time and money on the game.

    This +1 billion, which is probably the current cash grab target.
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    Please address the GW issue
    Many of us that rank 1 in arena faced impossible modded teams from node 6 and couldn't finish
    Please say a few words about that
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    Jesse, thanks for the post, my issue with this post though is that all you said is you're making changes to mods; I get not wanting to state specifics but you could state specifically what all you are looking into.

    Potency / tenacity changes were made today, can you address the outrage there?
    Cost changes were made that were considerably different than what nraj set as an expectation.
    We weren't told new mods would drop in raids, why not?
    Our toons that we paid money to get are useless because of some of these changes and we feel bamboozled.... Can u address whether you're looking into this?

    While the "mods update" caused the issue our outrage isn't just mods and all you really said is exactly what nraj said yesterday.

    I can't speak for everyone but our guild is quite upset.
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    I think we'd really really like to hear specifics...or at least "generals" of what's being looked at. Sorta feel like we're wondering in the wilderness. The game has become The Wild West since updated, and no one knows what to do...let alone guild leaders desperately trying to throttle raid damage so people aren't left out.

    Give us some idea that you understand our actual concerns, because the emergency fix today made it you totally ignore what people are actually concerned with and change OTHER things.
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    "sorry sir, I've just burned your steak. and you are starving. please treat me well, and I will do another for you. meanwhile let me put a tape in your mouth so you don't scream out loud to other people about your burned steak"
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted a message to you all that is directly from me, one that isn’t patch notes :)

    I know that a number of you are upset with the latest series of updates, but know that we have heard you. As many of you saw, CG_NotReallyAJedi made a couple of posts recently addressing some of the concerns with Mods. We should have more to discuss tomorrow, but know that the team is doing quite a bit of work on Mods to change them. I want to avoid giving any specifics since all of the changes we’re looking at are being tested still, but know that adjustments will be made to Mods. There are also some other concerns you all have that I won’t list out here, but know that I’m talking to the development team about them as well.

    Now, in regards to all of the posts on the forums, we need to adjust the approach being taken by a number of posters. I’m going to ask that you please stop posting threads that do nothing to help the state of the game, I don’t want to remove anyone because they keep breaking the TOS and Forum Guidelines.

    Here are a couple of things that I’d like to see stop:
    • Posting threads telling people to quit, to stop spending on the game or to lower their review scores. This does nothing to help the state of the game. What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.
    • Do not create posts bashing EA, CG, the dev team or the moderators. Again, this does nothing to help the game.
    • Do not create posts on how the game is dead, or how it’s going to die, or anything along those lines.

    If any of the above is done after this posting action will be taken against your forum account, and we really don’t want to have to do that, so please, keep it civil and constructive so we can clearly see your feedback.


    Long story short, we could post whatever we wanted as long as it isn't...

    0. any discussion concerning any way in which people might express their displease through a demonstrative medium(monetary or ratings).
    1. critical of any person or persons connected to the code, design, monitization, architecture, or implementation of the game, or of any company who employs any of those people. in addition to not being critical of those persons/entities personally, we may not be critical of the choices/decisions they make either.
    2. commentary on what long-term effects any changes might have on the games' longevity.

    Would this be an accurate statement?
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I am speaking with the dev team about all of your concerns, including the 100% drop rate on the 5* Mods. I can't give additional details if I don't have them, I'm waiting on more that I can share with you all.

    Are you just not aware of the sweeping changes taking place in your game? Or how to fix them?
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Still waiting for a reasonable fix on pre rafting. Am I going to behind the 8 ball again because I didn't do the mods the first two days. Getting real tired of never having a chance to catch up
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    This post does very little to help the community. You have taken the credit crunch ( a problem the community has given feedback on over and over) and just made it 10x worse. The mod drop rate was made ludicrous and oh by the way take these tier 3 and tier 4 mods in the tier 5 challenege.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I am speaking with the dev team about all of your concerns, including the 100% drop rate on the 5* Mods. I can't give additional details if I don't have them, I'm waiting on more that I can share with you all.

    How about that you charged everyone 1400 crystals for scanners for increased potency and then nerfed it into the ground? That is actionable son.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Disney must be proud....
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    @EA_Jesse can you tell me what happened to the potency / tenacity in tier 7 raids?
    Is it intended to be higher?
    Is it a bug?
    I don't see any change with it in patch notes
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    You're clearly just trolling the community at this point. You release an update that is disliked by the majority of the community, caused many to quit which destroyed guilds, and you're worried about tone...good lord.

    Is that you morgoth?
  • Iyaoyas
    120 posts Member
    We want a reset back to before mods were here, it's the easiest thing to do at this point. Repay currency spent from the mods update, roll them back, tweak, reroll them back out. Problem solved
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    Go_Blue wrote: »
    Jesse -

    I think the concern is that when people complained about mods, your first step as a team was to make things much, much worse. You created a precraft 2.0 problem, made mods harder to get, and made all sorts of other unannounced changes to the game. So, when you say "we're making massive changes to mods" that reads as "the millions of credits and thousands of crystals you've spent over the past few days" were for nothing. The changes that were made "in response to the customer base" we're changes none of the customers asked for or wanted. It's a very scary position for all of us who have spent lots of time and money on the game.

    This, said so well.

    EA_Jesse, I'm rooting for you to be able to field this.
  • Paxus
    60 posts Member
    #1 request from me: Vision

    What is the short and long term vision for this game? What is the intention for these mods? How are they supposed to fit with gear? They are too powerful to be considered a small level of what are we supposed to expect? Where is this headed?
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    I want to be civil and say fair enough Jesse, we are or somehow have become a toxic bunch here but the state of this forum and this game is way out of sorts.
This discussion has been closed.