Game Update 6/7/2017 Megathread


  • Boycey
    29 posts Member
    BulYwif wrote: »
    Boycey wrote: »
    Can only think thrawn will be part of the new meta. Pictures in the forums of dead whales as many FTP had caught up with the current meta and therefore maybe a lack of revenue, they needed a fraction no one really had invested in to get people to spend again. I get it, it is a business.

    Soften the blow with double drops for 3 days!? Looks like they did not consult many players given the hate

    No body invested in them because they were not farmable. From now on, you'll see more and more Pheonix toons in the game). They are good toons, maybe not the best to be top 10 actually but balanced, especially in good teams. I think Ezra and Sabine will be the next toons to appear in arena squads.

    Yeah only battled a team in GW with Sabrine, not in arena yet and she is naughty and needs to be dealt with accordingly. Had to retreat a couple of times to get it right.

    They were farmable tho if u paid money for packs.

    They should have chosen resistance. Most have aspects of them, not many have them geared or stared enough, they are not complete garbage and useful in raids once zeta'd, plus I am sure more characters will be released in time that will make them the new meta at some point.

    Just not enough lore perhaps although could be corrected
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    Darknessie wrote: »
    SeeeD wrote: »
    Darknessie wrote: »
    Bet you are very proud of your gaming skills :)

    They call them selfs gamer but playing mobile games?? Lmao
    Edit: i was in this doods guild. Left it mostly cuz of his trash talk

    And then he comes on boasting about being a whale and he only goes to 6*

    Epic fail!

    And don't forget being offended over being called a dolphin.
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    Q. What's got 36 stars and no use?
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    This is a slap in the face, make it all rebels. Screw the phoenix squad.

    Way to really try to milk your customers with the "fan favorite". Talk about a money grab.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Stranderer wrote: »
    Is Ezra useful just for the selective assist? I'll probably farm him anyway for my Jedi team which needs work, but I don't understand his usefulness over other useful Jedi

    He calls assist, dispell buff, double attack. More than a lot of Jedis. Since he's a rebel, I also use him in GW with Wiggs, Cassian and K2.
  • Options
    Darknessie wrote: »
    SeeeD wrote: »
    Darknessie wrote: »
    Bet you are very proud of your gaming skills :)

    They call them selfs gamer but playing mobile games?? Lmao
    Edit: i was in this doods guild. Left it mostly cuz of his trash talk

    And then he comes on boasting about being a whale and he only goes to 6*

    Epic fail!

    Sadly, there's only so many refreshes one can do in said allotted time. Even a straight up baller like me has no control over that.

  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    Advice before you call yourself a whale next time. Make sure the characters you are showing off are max gear and seven stars or use photoshop and make it look believable at least :lol:
  • CrownV87
    143 posts Member
    Why do you people think you deserve everything for free? I want the brand spanking new character and its basicly behind a pat wall... Boo hoo, they are putting in a character the boards have been blowing up asking for and they have made it so yout able to get it 100% for free now you might not get it the second you want it for free you spoiled self entitled dbs
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    If you are a whale, you can use DS in arena: your mods will outclass all your opponents' ones and you could run any team.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Anyone got some good drops? Are they worth it or should I use crystals on cantina energy instead?
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    My point was more that this game is a marathon and all come to those who are patient.
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    It's really hard suggesting advice, but all I can say is that crystals on cantina energy is probably the smarter move.
  • swgohfan29
    1147 posts Member
    specically theyre on the top middle
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Bobby777 wrote: »
    It's really hard suggesting advice, but all I can say is that crystals on cantina energy is probably the smarter move.

    You might be right RNG is not my friend :D

    But its shards for every phoenix characters right?
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    Bobby777 wrote: »
    It's really hard suggesting advice, but all I can say is that crystals on cantina energy is probably the smarter move.

    You might be right RNG is not my friend :D

    But its shards for every phoenix characters right?

    I think it's just the shards for one character....... probably better luck using crystals for the cantina energy........
  • Olga
    1333 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Phil242 wrote: »
    I hope only they dosnt release a op Monster.
    They haven't released any details yet, but openly letting people farm Phoenix. This probably means they don't want people to know how underwhelimg he is haha. Well we can just wait and see what happens.
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    I know I know, all hell broke loose. Let's just write down what happened.

    1. AT is officially coming to the game.

    2. He requires Phoenix squadron members to unlock.

    **And what did they do with it for the average F2P like me ?**

    1. Phoenix rebels are completely F2P now. And that's awesome.

    2. We got a little taste with a short double drop.

    3. We are getting a flash event ( just like the farm boy one ) with pretty sweet rewards.

    4. AT will be unlocked via a legendary event. That means he will come back eventually.

    So in short summary, there's not a lot bad things that have been done to the majority of the player base. Yeah yeah stop yelling what if AT is meta breaking etc. Well then P2P and P2W will have a advantage for few months - like it's supposed to be ?
    Stop raging over something that's bound to happen in Frieemium games. It's nothing unusual, they could have left 2 toons behind a paywall and let everyone chew on that for a bit. And we don't exactly know when the legendary event is coming, it might be a few weeks.
    There's a couple of things we should be concerned about in the world of SWGOH, like lack of content and over the top gear grind. Btw if they gave us a month of time to farm them - would you have the gear for them ? I wouldn't.
    Chill out fellow gamers, the sun will rise tomorrow.

    Yeah, make my day. Start the hate
  • NahWillis
    195 posts Member
    It's not terribly hard to get them to 5* just for the unlock, and if GAT (you forgot the Grand) is meta he'll still be useable at 5*.
  • Daemoe
    40 posts Member
    Its GRAND Admiral Thrawn. And by the way your nickname is "LukasPhoenixRebels" :D
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    5 toons hardly anyone wants are being forced down our throats for a toon everyone wants. It's not like Phoenix are an older faction that had diversity.

    How many people are going to use their g9+ 7* Phoenix after all that investment.

    And then on top of that you have the inevitable gear grind for thrawn.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Well atleast phoenix are getting used to something and they look fun to use.

    Still sucks that Fulcrum Ashoka isn't phoenix..
  • BzmR94
    231 posts Member
    So if the Thrawn event is like Yoda/Palp/R2 event we only need 5 toons of the required faction.

    So depending on when the event starts f2p players have the chance to at least 5* 5 of the phoenix toons.

    3 of them in shipments and 2 in 8-energy cantina battles.
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    I'd imagine the event will start sometime after the next 15 days. That's when the bundle/packs expire.
  • Olga
    1333 posts Member
    I think the events usually last a week, so it probably ends when the packs expire, rather than starting when they expire.
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Darknessie wrote: »
    5 toons hardly anyone wants are being forced down our throats for a toon everyone wants. It's not like Phoenix are an older faction that had diversity.

    How many people are going to use their g9+ 7* Phoenix after all that investment.

    And then on top of that you have the inevitable gear grind for thrawn.

    Here's the way I look at it:

    The Phoenix faction sux against the current meta. However, GAT will be so OP that he/Empire will destroy the current meta, and thus it'll require Phoenix to match him. It's a thought, but highly possible. The meta has shifted over stuff like this in the past. The Devs know they have to kill off the OP'ness of Rex and Chaze before too long.

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    Olga wrote: »
    I think the events usually last a week, so it probably ends when the packs expire, rather than starting when they expire.

    That's a good point. We shall find out shortly.

  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Here's the way I look at it:

    The Phoenix faction sux against the current meta. However, GAT may be so OP that he/Empire will destroy the current meta, and thus it'll require Phoenix to match him. It's a thought, but highly possible. The meta has shifted over stuff like this in the past. The Devs know they have to kill off the OP'ness of Rex and Chaze before too long.

    Others have made good points about future game modes/raids potentially having Phoenix/GAT synergies.
  • Lossberg
    457 posts Member
    I assume also Phoenix squad will be good in GW and maybe also capable of some high dmg in HAAT/future raids.
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    SkyeLeonne wrote: »
    Don't spend anything on those fraudulent packs

  • Lossberg
    457 posts Member
    If it will start in 8 days and end in 15, it should be enough for ftp to unlock but most probably we will short on time to 7*. Maybe it is the dev's goal to favor whales in this way
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