Hoth Rebel Soldier Territory Battle Requirements [Clarification]


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    Mydnight wrote: »
    Was thinking about that $60 pack, but now I'm not so sure. Poor communication and a real let down :-\

    Noted for sure. We can and will do better.
    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
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    Wow... this is the kind of response you would get from lame salesperson who conned people.
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Mydnight wrote: »
    Was thinking about that $60 pack, but now I'm not so sure. Poor communication and a real let down :-\

    Noted for sure. We can and will do better.

    This response states that you acknowledged a misrepresentation on your part or that of your team that misled people to purchase items being sold by your team, and your team clearly used that misinformation to mislead people to proceed with the transaction under false assumptions made with the misinformation.

    I'd say in legal terms, you may have put your team in a rather precarious position.
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    I like spending some money on this game, which I also like. But I lose confidence in doing so at every bait and switch, which this 7* business was.
    Ooba hutar.
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    Can we use DS ships for combat missions?
    yes or no?
    Simple question. That has yet to be answered.
    ship content is very limited I understand that nothing was said as final. Ok. You guys saying better communication will happen.
    Answer this one question for the community.
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    I see the upvotes that don't contain memes are the one you remove the quickest...
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    You know in all the responses I have yet to see an attempt at an explanation on why the change was made. Maybe I missed it, but all I saw was "we can do what we want and in the future we will try a better approach at communicating".
    So why was the change made, especially at the last minute with no warning?

    If I see one more **** attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself!
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    Goober1_ wrote: »
    Widowailer wrote: »
    As much as I complained about CLS event, wanted to drop a line and say thanks for the shards/gems as well. I also.wanted to say this is how you plan an event! Good job all involved. We had a lot of transparency in what was coming, and no last minute farm rush! Those who complained about it not releasing on time would be the same who complained if it didn't work right. Ignore That kind of feedback! This is the kind of content that makes me want to spend money on this game. Kudos!

    I agree,
    Not perfect on all points but the new content is great.
    G12 farmable is great.
    Give the devs 8 out of 10

    1/10 for the bait and switch on HR Soldier. A very, very large percentage of the content of TB is beyond a pay wall. Pretty disappointing.
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    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Also think this deserves an announcement tag so it stays relevant in the forum before it gets buried in page 2. Just saying

    Clearly intentional. Trying to let it slide.
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    Unimatrix wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Mydnight wrote: »
    Was thinking about that $60 pack, but now I'm not so sure. Poor communication and a real let down :-\

    Noted for sure. We can and will do better.

    This response states that you acknowledged a misrepresentation on your part or that of your team that misled people to purchase items being sold by your team, and your team clearly used that misinformation to mislead people to proceed with the transaction under false assumptions made with the misinformation.

    I'd say in legal terms, you may have put your team in a rather precarious position.


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    Sadly this is the world we live in nowadays, when I buy a bag of crisps (chips in the US) and there is more air in the packet then tasty maize snack; when my fried chicken is sold to me with the knowledge that it was hand corn fed and lived a life of luxury I can only aspire to, I know this means it was battery fed and chemically injected to within an inch of it's life. And I understand it, this is the consumer world we live in. But I know this, I also know that this was not a mistake or an off day with community feedback. It was done on purpose, to make more money. Crack on. I should know better. And I certainly know I am <redacted>in the wind coming here and asking the internet to treat me like a special snowflake. Trust me if your product was tangible and you sold me that product from a bricks and mortar store, I would have had a refund by now. But that is not what is galling.
    What is sickening, is that community reps are being wheeled out to lie about it, so have some respect for me and your company and don't feed us this ****.

    Potentially there is a need to hide the content behind a wall to give more longevity to the new content, so give everyone another 100 shards or so and before we get to see later phases increase the difficulty there, we will never know about it and you look like you did the right thing.
    Stop taking the Pixels
  • AC_
    82 posts Member
    Bottom line is information released by sponsored content creators with the approval of official CG/EA employees wasn't accurate, at this point trust has been broken and moving forward how could anyone trust the content creators or CG/EA employees regarding this game?

    I don't blame the content creators as they were once again set up to fail, we all remember the thrawn live stream fiasco, honestly I don't blame the devs in the forum for this but this has to sit with someone above with authority within CG/EA seems like it was an executive decision financially motivated to make the changes to the star requirements and let the blame fall on those below.
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    Between this and the misdirection in the $10 Han Pack, it seems like groundwork for that future class action lawsuit.

    So disappointing that such stringent restrictions are placed on the content. A previously unusable character that you have to farm for over a year is now needed to farm another character that is highly desirable and needed for another part of the content? Approximately 2% of the game's population has HRSo at 7* and now we all need to find a way to as well? It's so convenient that we can suddenly open our wallets and get him..

    Seriously, how many different times and ways does your community have to tell you that we don't like surprises like this? Time and time again, update after update, there is some form of surprise. It's not fun. No one enjoys it. You are absolutely losing the faith of your audience. How long will that audience hang around with shenanigans constantly being afoot?
  • DarthScott
    292 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I have to ask: when did the decision to change things from 5 to 7* requirements happen? Those videos came out days ago, and were recorded before that. Developers had a voice in the making and the release of those videos. Plenty of EA and CG people read these forums and Reddit. You KNOW that people have been operating under these assumptions for days, yet no one felt the need to tell people the data in the videos was wrong. No one felt the need to remind us that it was "pre release information" and things like character requirements were subject to change.

    When those clarifications aren't put out here, and packs are released that could profit off of the out of date information, it certainly calls in to question your ethics. I usually am willing to give EA / CG the benefit of the doubt that their mistakes are miscommunications. Also, from all accounts everyone I know who has interacted with a member of the EA/CG staff has found them to be nice, honest people. From Jesse to Ryan and everyone in between, i have heard nothing but positive feedback on these people. However, this feels much more like outright deceit. Quite frankly, it feels very hard to believe that this was an honest error. And even if it was, an ethical company would own up to it by saying "Hey, you are right, we led you to believe X, so we are going to make the game do X" and put back the 5* requirements. If you lose a few bucks in the deal, so be it, it is the right thing to do.

    And yes, I am in one of the whalier (is that even a word) guilds in the game, and in general, the steeper the requirements are for FTP, the better it is for me, but this is by far the worst business practice I have seen from the producers of this game to date. And even though it doesn't benefit me much at all, the right thing to do would be to do right by your customers, which you are not trying to do. As it is, what happened is, at best, false advertisement, and at worst, an outright bait and switch scheme.

    I am disappointed and disillusioned.
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Mydnight wrote: »
    Was thinking about that $60 pack, but now I'm not so sure. Poor communication and a real let down :-\

    Noted for sure. We can and will do better.
    Can and will doesn't fix the problem of screwing over the people who bought this pack or the han pack. That needs to be addresses specifically.
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    DarthScott wrote: »
    I have to ask: when did the decision to change things from 5 to 7* requirements happen? Those videos came out days ago, and were recorded before that. Developers had a voice in the making and the release of those videos. Plenty of EA and CG people read these forums and Reddit. You KNOW that people have been operating under these assumptions for days, yet no one felt the need to tell people the data in the videos was wrong. No one felt the need to remind us that it was "pre release information" and things like character requirements were subject to change.

    This brings it to the point. I appreciate that CG people take a stand to this in this thread and even comment on posts which are rude imo. Saying we will be better in the future and giving 30 free shards is the wrong answer. Correcting the in-game requirements would be the correct answer to this.

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    I very much hope this doesn't curtail the communication between the devs and the community. Seeing game changers videos keeps me excited about new content. It's not a complicated thing. That 20 minute video above was all great, but could have been fixed by one sentence to say, "we don't yet know what the star requirements for this special mission will be." That would have avoided this whole mess.

    I would also like to say thank you for engaging with very angry fans of the game. Some are mad about the money they spent. But others are mad because we love the game, and the devs engagement with the community builds trust. And trust can be broken easily. You don't have to sit here reading angry people's insults, but you are. And that takes courage. I just hope that whoever has final say over how to deal with this issue has the courage to put it right, and go with what we were told originally about the requirements. That's the only thing that will start to repair the trust.[/quote]

    The problem is, a disclaimer wasn't given in the video with the developer. It was 1 week ago that video was made. One week out the game shouldn't be in BETA mode anymore. That should have been a production version in a developer environment. You know, how you do QA? Next let's look at all the other phases shown from all the videos. This mission is the only one that is changed. That seems odd.

    In the end, all this information was flying around. From videos of youtubers that EA/CG hand picked for the release information, one with a developer. Secone, all this information flying around on the Official Forums and Reddit (which developer's view and comment) but not a single word was said. Which is dissimulation.

    I'm not f20, I'm a whale. I would have spent. If up front it would have said 7*, no biggie would have been there already, instead 5* g11. I would have finished off the last two stars today because 5* is useless. But this was straight deception to the light spenders and f2p who spent in hopes of something, which would be to better their gaming experience. Shame on you EA.
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    You know what, I actually agree with this. This is the first time I've seen them say sorry, we messed up, it will not happen again. I gotta give a little bit of props here.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    They've been very vocal today. It's really nice to see
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    Well I think everything needs a change if we want to continue playing and devs want to keep creating. There is a very bad rift here, something gems, shards, and ability mats won't fix. I suggest a very big healing on here. We the players play because we enjoy. These are the Dev jobs that I'm sure they enjoy to create something, especially Star Wars related. How cool! How awesome. You have a community here that is so passionate and knowledgeable - why deceive ? Why not interact with the community in a healthy way. And I understand devs can't just come out and say certain things against their company that pays them but there has to be a better way to improve the relationship on the forums. I thought that was the plan. I thought improvements on communication was something we were all striving for. I know we the players represent a small amount of the total people playing but I am sure we generate the most money and activity. Even in a business aspect isn't that reason enough to better engage with this community. I really hope this changes things for the better, finally. If there is any silver lining I hope everyone can learn from this and change from it.
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    Until recently, I've spent very little money in this game. That all changed when they announced TB's. I went out and spent way more than I ever had. I was a "trickle spender" that would have been long-term, but thanks to this blatant action on your part, this leaky faucet is fixed.
    The Academy of the Fallen
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    Shortly after I started playing this game I witnessed the citadel packs. Remember those? 3000 crystals for like 10 character shards or something terrible like that.

    On that day I vowed to remain F2P and I have ever since. Stuff like this ensures I do.

    Caveat emptor...
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
  • Kevern_Zaksor
    894 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    pac0naut wrote: »
    You know what, I actually agree with this. This is the first time I've seen them say sorry, we messed up, it will not happen again. I gotta give a little bit of props here.

    How does that help anyone who spent $60 under false pretenses? The only right move here is to change the requirements back.

    Edit: you did say "little bit." Okay, fair enough
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
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    DarthScott wrote: »
    I have to ask: when did the decision to change things from 5 to 7* requirements happen? Those videos came out days ago, and were recorded before that. Developers had a voice in the making and the release of those videos. Plenty of EA and CG people read these forums and Reddit. You KNOW that people have been operating under these assumptions for days, yet no one felt the need to tell people the data in the videos was wrong. No one felt the need to remind us that it was "pre release information" and things like character requirements were subject to change.

    When those clarifications aren't put out here, and packs are released that could profit off of the out of date information, it certainly calls in to question your ethics. I usually am willing to give EA / CG the benefit of the doubt that their mistakes are miscommunications. Also, from all accounts everyone I know who has interacted with a member of the EA/CG staff has found them to be nice, honest people. From Jesse to Ryan and everyone in between, i have heard nothing but positive feedback on these people. However, this feels much more like outright deceit. Quite frankly, it feels very hard to believe that this was an honest error. And even if it was, an ethical company would own up to it by saying "Hey, you are right, we led you to believe X, so we are going to make the game do X" and put back the 5* requirements. If you lose a few bucks in the deal, so be it, it is the right thing to do.

    Sad thing is, they wouldn't lose money. Probably would have made more money. Think about people who might have been waiting for their payday or were busy and would have waited until the day of to purchase. Those people aren't whales and would have probably spent more than they normally do or for the first time.
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    This is totally unacceptable to have the information out that the requirements where one way. Sell the packs and then change the requirements. The only reason I bought the pack was because I felt that I was letting down my guild because I didn't meet the requirements. Now that I have spent the money the requirements change. I would have never spent that kind of money if I'd know that I was still unable to to help my other guild mates out.
  • DarthScott
    292 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Somehow this thread is not bumping back to the top of discussions so more people see it. A very convenient glitch.
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    I'm just copying and pasting someone's post from earlier cus quite frankly CG doesn't deserve my time for me to write my own words in my own way. Shame on you CG for this clear bait and switch and screw you for removing the crystal subscription. I stopped giving you money back in January when you started raising prices on packs just to see how much you could get away with. You won't be getting any more money from me any time soon.

    "So wait you guys knew who got the sneak peaks. You controlled the messaging. But you're going to blame them for misleading people? You guys knew what was in the videos. You saw the forum conversations about what people expected and you STILL let people go right on thinking a 5* HRS was all that was required after those packs dropped but before people found the truth. I didn't spend on this so it doesn't affect me, but I find this entire thing shady and you guys trying to pass blame to the bloggers that YOU let see the previews completely unacceptable."
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    You know what, I actually agree with this. This is the first time I've seen them say sorry, we messed up, it will not happen again. I gotta give a little bit of props here.

    How does that help anyone who spent $60 under false pretenses? The only right move here is to change the requirements back.

    Edit: you did say "little bit." Okay, fair enough

    I agree. The right move would be to change it back, even if it's just temporary. Say for the next X weeks it will be 5* and then will go back to the 7* the way they really want it.
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    So, I've been unable to buy anything in game, every time I try, I get a message that my Play Store password is invalid... I was narf'd about it cuz I really wanted to buy the packs. Now I'm really happy I can't... I've been f2p since tournaments, and I was going to spend again to help out with TB, but now that I see it was all a scam I just have to say thank you password bug, you saved me some cash!
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I thought the bright side was that I never have to spend money or trust CG/EA to do the right thing ever again. There's that too. :D

    This. +1
This discussion has been closed.