The whole Nightsister thing


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    Also the empire troopers are already a known counter for NS with Veers lead.
  • angrythumbs
    334 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Literally everyone complaining about them has put ZERO thought into counters already available that exist and it’s an indictment of their own failure to adapt with the tools ALREADY AVAILABLE. They want to just stack whale toons and call it good with zero thought to strategy. Mind boggling how little they actually put as far as effort into this.

    so I zeta'ed MT lead and special and rampage on ventress. using MT as lead.
    1) I went for CD/CC on ventress b/c base speed is too slow to benefit from speed mod bonus.

    2) I went speed on acolyte and MT. is this the right move or should I just go cc/cd on acolyte?

    3) still having trouble w/ all the plagues landing and sticking. I have tried to go w/ a potenc cross mod on ventress so she is ~ 37% before talzin buff and MT is at ~ 50% baseline now

    1) who to target first when going against meta teams w/ gk/gat/cls/zolo/barriss? I usually aways go for GK, then GAT or DN. this sometimes allows DN to annihilate somebody other than zombie which takes them out completely.

    2) when using ventress on MT lead, first attack should be aoe or basic to hope for a lucky stun (50% chance baseline on the basic).

    not sure if the link will work, here is my profile
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    Literally everyone complaining about them has put ZERO thought into counters already available that exist and it’s an indictment of their own failure to adapt with the tools ALREADY AVAILABLE. They want to just stack whale toons and call it good with zero thought to strategy. Mind boggling how little they actually put as far as effort into this.

    so I zeta'ed MT lead and special and rampage on ventress. using MT as lead.
    1) I went for CD/CC on ventress b/c base speed is too slow to benefit from speed mod bonus.

    2) I went speed on acolyte and MT. is this the right move or should I just go cc/cd on acolyte?

    3) still having trouble w/ all the plagues landing and sticking. I have tried to go w/ a potenc cross mod on ventress so she is ~ 37% before talzin buff and MT is at ~ 50% baseline now

    1) who to target first when going against meta teams w/ gk/gat/cls/zolo/barriss? I usually aways go for GK, then GAT or DN. this sometimes allows DN to annihilate somebody other than zombie which takes them out completely.

    2) when using ventress on MT lead, first attack should be aoe or basic to hope for a lucky stun (50% chance baseline on the basic).

    not sure if the link will work, here is my profile

    I try and target the tank first baze, gk etc., otherwise I go for r2 I always save CLS for last. As for do you use Asajj aoe, I rarely use her aoe in the beginning not only does it not apply plague to everyone only the hero targeted, but it is asking to die against the meta teams. I use it once Asajj has enough stacks to survive 5 counter attacks.

    On my MT and Daka I went potency they both sit at 108 potency, my acolyte and Asajj CD/health with all having good speed secondaries. If you get your Asajj up high enough in speed there is only 1 hero that will go before you Han Zolo.
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    Speaking about potency how does it work exactly ?
    Do I have a better chance at stunning someone with 90% chance at 50 potency
    Or a better chance with 50% at 90 potency ?
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    Literally everyone complaining about them has put ZERO thought into counters already available that exist and it’s an indictment of their own failure to adapt with the tools ALREADY AVAILABLE. They want to just stack whale toons and call it good with zero thought to strategy. Mind boggling how little they actually put as far as effort into this.

    so I zeta'ed MT lead and special and rampage on ventress. using MT as lead.
    1) I went for CD/CC on ventress b/c base speed is too slow to benefit from speed mod bonus.

    2) I went speed on acolyte and MT. is this the right move or should I just go cc/cd on acolyte?

    3) still having trouble w/ all the plagues landing and sticking. I have tried to go w/ a potenc cross mod on ventress so she is ~ 37% before talzin buff and MT is at ~ 50% baseline now

    1) who to target first when going against meta teams w/ gk/gat/cls/zolo/barriss? I usually aways go for GK, then GAT or DN. this sometimes allows DN to annihilate somebody other than zombie which takes them out completely.

    2) when using ventress on MT lead, first attack should be aoe or basic to hope for a lucky stun (50% chance baseline on the basic).

    not sure if the link will work, here is my profile

    I try and target the tank first baze, gk etc., otherwise I go for r2 I always save CLS for last. As for do you use Asajj aoe, I rarely use her aoe in the beginning not only does it not apply plague to everyone only the hero targeted, but it is asking to die against the meta teams. I use it once Asajj has enough stacks to survive 5 counter attacks.

    On my MT and Daka I went potency they both sit at 108 potency, my acolyte and Asajj CD/health with all having good speed secondaries. If you get your Asajj up high enough in speed there is only 1 hero that will go before you Han Zolo.

    thanks. I use asaj aoe just to land an extra plague. asaj goes first ... but then once the other teams is buffed, she is significantly slower.
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    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    I think it could be beneficial in this case to have talzin die quickly, since each time assaj or daka or zombie use their basic it feeds into assaj and daka's uniques. Daka should be stacking loads of health pretty quickly so she'll be incredibly difficult to take out with Zarris next door protecting her
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    Say hi to Chaze and Nihilus.
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    Naw wrote: »
    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    Say hi to Chaze and Nihilus.

    Nihilus is the most over rated character in the game. On defense he is a complete waste of a character slot. I run nightsisters if I see dn in a squad I attack for sure. Chaze is harder for nightsisters but beatable. Don't really know why you picked those characters there is better counters then those.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    ProximaB1_ wrote: »
    Naw wrote: »
    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    Say hi to Chaze and Nihilus.

    Nihilus is the most over rated character in the game. On defense he is a complete waste of a character slot. I run nightsisters if I see dn in a squad I attack for sure. Chaze is harder for nightsisters but beatable. Don't really know why you picked those characters there is better counters then those.

    You realize I responded to a specific team there. Not having any DPS besides Asajj is going to let DN eat every one of them?

    I could also say that whenever I see a NS team I attack them as they are poor on defense. I don’t get your point.
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    Naw wrote: »
    ProximaB1_ wrote: »
    Naw wrote: »
    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    Say hi to Chaze and Nihilus.

    Nihilus is the most over rated character in the game. On defense he is a complete waste of a character slot. I run nightsisters if I see dn in a squad I attack for sure. Chaze is harder for nightsisters but beatable. Don't really know why you picked those characters there is better counters then those.

    You realize I responded to a specific team there. Not having any DPS besides Asajj is going to let DN eat every one of them?

    I could also say that whenever I see a NS team I attack them as they are poor on defense. I don’t get your point.

    I personally think hermit Yoda would work better then zarriss but I don't think it would do that poorly against those toons. Yes zarriss will be a Target when zombie dies. But would make it harder to kill na. Which is the key to beating nightsisters. Also the time you spend beating zombie then zarriss will make Mt plague more effective. I was saying you could've chosen characters far better at beating nightsisters. For instance jka. Many squads that beat my nightsisters use characters that get enhanced from zombie deaths.
  • Dok
    140 posts Member
    How is this still in General Discussion lol
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    Dok wrote: »
    How is this still in General Discussion lol
    Honestly I don't know. I posted this almost a month ago.
    Ally code: 357613281
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    How do people deal with Baze and Chirrut teams? The healing dots + aoe thus far have been an impregnable wall.
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    Weaver9000 wrote: »
    How do people deal with Baze and Chirrut teams? The healing dots + aoe thus far have been an impregnable wall.

    Which specific team are you using? Acolyte can take Chirrut out from full health. So can Talzins assist special.
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    Weaver9000 wrote: »
    How do people deal with Baze and Chirrut teams? The healing dots + aoe thus far have been an impregnable wall.

    Which specific team are you using? Acolyte can take Chirrut out from full health. So can Talzins assist special.

    Talzin lead, asajj, acolyte, daka, zombie.

    Never seen acolyte one shotting an equally geared Chirrut before...maybe my mods need to be sorted out. Talzin never lines up a turn in which Baze doesn't have a taunt up. Basically my nightmare team is:

    CLS, Baze, Chirrut, zariss, r2. Or sometimes a GK instead of zariss.
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    Weaver9000 wrote: »
    How do people deal with Baze and Chirrut teams? The healing dots + aoe thus far have been an impregnable wall.

    Check this out.
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    Naw wrote: »
    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    Say hi to Chaze and Nihilus.

    I do, and they're fairly easy to beat on offense. My current set up is zzAssaj, zDaka, R2, thrawn, gear 2 zombie
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    Old Daka is useless? That character is literally more useful dead (under Talzin lead) than half the characters in this game alive!
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    Kaluan wrote: »
    Old Daka is useless? That character is literally more useful dead (under Talzin lead) than half the characters in this game alive!

    I wouldn't say she is useless I use her heal constantly against r2 zarriss and go squads puts on plague without any attack same with ventress cleanse. Half the time zarriss dies without even attacking her.
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    @ CG_Kozispoon ....can you folks rework Grevious already? =D please!
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    : B)
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Naw wrote: »
    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    Say hi to Chaze and Nihilus.

    I do, and they're fairly easy to beat on offense. My current set up is zzAssaj, zDaka, R2, thrawn, gear 2 zombie

    You realize I responded to your team proposition. What you have here is a completely different setup.

    I just don’t see that team have any offensive punch beyond Asajj, which in the end allows DN to eat them all :)
  • Options
    Naw wrote: »
    Naw wrote: »
    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    Say hi to Chaze and Nihilus.

    I do, and they're fairly easy to beat on offense. My current set up is zzAssaj, zDaka, R2, thrawn, gear 2 zombie

    You realize I responded to your team proposition. What you have here is a completely different setup.

    I just don’t see that team have any offensive punch beyond Asajj, which in the end allows DN to eat them all :)

    Most of the time, DN will be annihilating zombie.... That's kinda the point.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Naw wrote: »
    Naw wrote: »
    Has anybody tried this out?-- low geared and starred talzin with leadership zeta, low geared and starred zombie, maxed and zeta assaj, max and zeta daka, Zarris

    Say hi to Chaze and Nihilus.

    I do, and they're fairly easy to beat on offense. My current set up is zzAssaj, zDaka, R2, thrawn, gear 2 zombie

    You realize I responded to your team proposition. What you have here is a completely different setup.

    I just don’t see that team have any offensive punch beyond Asajj, which in the end allows DN to eat them all :)

    DN goes hungry when he's fractured and stunned for most of the match :)
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    Not happy with the removal of Mark 5 arakyd droid callers from the guild store, spent 4 weeks building up the sisters for you guys to make them now near on impossible to gear up - you either haven't thought this through or are just not very good at your jobs - get them put back in please your ruining the game
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    They're still there. AND you get 5 of them for less than before. Scroll down a little more in the store.
  • Dukesie
    8 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Not on mine they're not, they were available before the 9pm bst refresh but not since, was hoping to see them at the midnight refresh but still missing. Hopefully I'll see them at 6am but I not holding my breath - the mark 6's are available but they're not what I'm after
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    If you get your Asajj up high enough in speed there is only 1 hero that will go before you Han Zolo.

    That's cause han always shoots first
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    who do you guys target first on a GK and zbariss team? I used to target GK but then if MT does not land several plagues, DN may annihilate somebody aside from zombie first and it is tougher.

    Im having a bit better luck when I open w/ ventress trying to stun DN at least once as GK normally cleanses his plagues because of barriss anyway, then using specials on GK or even focusing on barriss.

    it seems that a lot of the RNG is on the first special for MT

    I use zzMT lead, zVentress, daka, acoylte, and zombie.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    @angrythumbs try using talia instead of acolyte... I know you get more dps on acolyte, but the stagger talia has now is perfect for keeping nihlus a step behind and the cleanse is certainly useful since your probably gonna face teams with at least r2/cls debuffing you... and he tends to go for her over asajj/daka/talzin for some reason and that's no huge loss... plus her basic heals all nightsisters quite a bit so exchanging blows with GK is no sweat with her...
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