The whole Nightsister thing


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    tried NS team (mt lead, daka, acolyte, av, low level zombie) in arena to replace my 1-20 cls lead team (depends if i have time to attack). w/ a ~ 80k power ns team I can time out a zbarriss team w/ cls +/- dn/thrawn etc but have a hard time winning due to lack of dps. most are g10-11, only zeta is mt

    is ventress zeta better lead than mt? do you need zeta on rampage for ventress to deal enough dps to actually kill somebody or is my 6* g10 acolyte just need to get stronger to allow the zombie/acolyte loop to actually work?

    You need to find a way to keep funneling attacks to zombie so it feeds into assaj's offense bonuses. I like to use R2 to stealth every one but zombie and you should have a zeta on assaj so she moves faster and hits harder
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    tried NS team (mt lead, daka, acolyte, av, low level zombie) in arena to replace my 1-20 cls lead team (depends if i have time to attack). w/ a ~ 80k power ns team I can time out a zbarriss team w/ cls +/- dn/thrawn etc but have a hard time winning due to lack of dps. most are g10-11, only zeta is mt

    is ventress zeta better lead than mt? do you need zeta on rampage for ventress to deal enough dps to actually kill somebody or is my 6* g10 acolyte just need to get stronger to allow the zombie/acolyte loop to actually work?

    You need to find a way to keep funneling attacks to zombie so it feeds into assaj's offense bonuses. I like to use R2 to stealth every one but zombie and you should have a zeta on assaj so she moves faster and hits harder

    Jumped from top 100 with nightsisters to 10 yesterday only difference was I zetaed ventress. She's that important. Dec. 2015 shard with lots of ti.
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    ProximaB1_ wrote: »
    Jumped from top 100 with nightsisters to 10 yesterday only difference was I zetaed ventress. She's that important. Dec. 2015 shard with lots of ti.

    What is your team?

    If you don't mind, i'm interested by your code ally in pm to have access on your NS leader

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    @Preemo_Magin I whaled for Talzin. Gonna take awhile to gear up. I’m unsure if I will Zeta leadership or go with Assaj.

    I will report Raid results, but I imagine it will be a month or so as I’m not in a super rush.

    I want to try an arena team of Talzin(l), zombie, GK, JKA, and Sidious. It will take me even longer to put that together.

    I’ve been haunting the forums about them and the Zeta Assaj lead also seems promisimg with the aoe TM removal from MT once plague is spread around. If that’s a better way to go, I’d sacrafice Sidious. I only want him for his aoe expose so JKA slam hurts more and his TM gain from zombie deaths. Plus he is another source of healing immunity to make it more difficult to shake the plague.

    By the time I’m ready to rock, NS will be forgotten about probably.
  • DasMurich
    245 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Dear devs, I believe it would be absolutely reasonable to give Savage Opress the Nightsisters tag. Please, please do so. This would be EXACTLY the same thing as what you recently did with Chopper, so that he would work well with Phoenix AND Droids. Some might believe this would create an unfair scenario the way Overpower and Plague could work together BUT that synergy is already in play with Savage and Sitg Assassin. Please please.
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    Why make a char like the Zombie.......(censored)
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    Another thing with NS, after working on them and trying them out, I think it would be nice to have MT convert protection to health, as does DN. Even if it were 100% protection to +50% health. They're heavily reliant on heals and a lot of their skills kick in with gains and drops. The protection doesn't seem to play in to anything about how they're programmed and kind of feels unnecessary IMO. Having a DN style conversion would make sense. Just the conversion, no health steal increase.

    Also, tag Savage Opress for NS. Don't change a thing about his kit, just tag him Sith AND Nightsisters.
  • LordStyling
    1461 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    All you guys saying no other squads are viable are wrong.

    Lots of teams can beat lots of teams. But go outside meta and you'll get targeted.

    No mater what happens, there's always a "better squad", and one that will dominate leader boards

    plus.... it's long before getting 5 new toons to the current gear level. Not having gold in arena will also make you a target.

    Lots of people are currently farming to be competitive in TB.

    So that being said; once DS TB's comes out, expect a shift in the arena meta, as people will be farming DS toons a lot more! (and I'm assuming by then, maybe a new game changing toon will come out)

    No matter what tho... we'll always see Rex lead teams lol.
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    NS seem pretty viable in arena to me, at least in my shard. I went from 400 to below 100 with a waaayyy incomplete NS team (lacking zetas on assaj and only one on talzin). My zombie still 2 star and only g8, my acolyte still g8 as well. And im already rocking some magic on teams with 30 000+ more power than me.
    So far I'm only bothered by zarris and death trooper. Chaze can still get annoying but I tend to steamroll it anyway.
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    Currently I do not see squad however I see 5x most powerful characters where one of them stands out.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    I’m not talking about building teams you don’t like. Go ahead and use whoever you want. I’m commenting in the fanboy hubris of “I don’t consider these characters as part of Star Wars.”

    No one cares what you think. They’re canon.

    ha ha, you're right about that. and I'm sure I don't care what you think either. This is a discussion thread on the internet for a mobile game. If I wanted to talk about what is canon in the Star Wars universe, I'd 100% do it elsewhere.

    I didn't mean to antagonise any sensitive souls with my comments, I just saw some discussion on the Nightsister's and thought I'd thrown in my two pence about why I don't look to use them.

    Obviously the part where I wrote, "just my opinion", was clearly overlooked.

    Yeah NicWester has a thing for the Nightsisters and has a thing for overlooking the "just my opinion" part.... Nic- no one is saying that they aren't cannon- some people are just saying they don't like them. I don't like Pao or Eeth Koth either, but yeah they're cannon. Get off your high horse.
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    very curious about if the bonus to ventress and daka persists when the are rez'ed, or resets if they die?
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    It persists until the end of the match, doesn't reset. Why Asajj can deal so much damage in HAAT if you run them long enough.
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    You have to zeta both of Ventress' zetable abilities to fully benefit, leader one is helpful but unique makes them shine.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    Managed to 5* MT - which gives me a happy. Zombie is geared - the Acolyte is a little bit of a bottle neck - she was always the worse... but, as is often the case - now she's necessary for the team.
    I want to try and 4* zombie - though I'm not sure it's even necessary. lv85 and that Omega on the unique is all.
    Funny thing is, it's the first time in FOREVER I've wanted to do GW to test out NS. It won't last, but... for now.'
    Speaking of Forever... 6* and 7 * for MT... still looks like ~10 months from where I'm standing... yeah... this NS excitement won't last. It's sad to think I'll have the Vet's and new Rey 7* before then.
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    Zombie's utility seems fine right off the bat. I have her 3 star, got the pack with her and Spirit. She's not too difficult go gear either. To be honest I would have gone for her 7* so she isn't locked out of raids or late phase DS TB whenever that shows up but it feels like we got the short end of the stick on whatever nonsense this is that CG is doing. I only ended up with her at 2* and 7/30 shards after BOTH times the event ran. The norm seems to be you end up with 3*, 15/30 shards, and then a $9.99 pack that gives you 25 shards so you really start the farming at 4*, 10/65. So with zombie it's like needing an extra, what, 63 shards? Kitten joke. I have Talzin at 7* and think the 2 year farming wall is ridiculous for any F2P. Spirit and Zombie need to show up in Cantina fast because the kitten pulled with this rework is kittened.
  • christopher152003
    381 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Loose_Lee wrote: »
    First off... whats easy about farming mother talzin? She is the key component of nightsister teams... and at 10 shards per month it'll be years b4 i 7* her unless something gives?

    The "Key" component? Are you really suggesting that NS are no good without MT? I must be doing something wrong then on my day 1 server. BTW I am the NS. Since when did * have anything to do wth usefulness in arena, she is plenty useful at 6 *. My 2 * NSZ says different too.

  • DasMurich
    245 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Nicely played sir. Where are your zetas?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    DasMurich wrote: »
    Nicely played sir. Where are your zetas?

    @christopher152003 - if you would respond at your earliest convenience please. I'm asking for a friend. ;)

    ETA: That video is not from a day 1 server. I'm also on a launch server and there isn't anyone in the top 10 (usually) with less than 100k power.
    Post edited by Nikoms565 on
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • christopher152003
    381 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    DasMurich wrote: »
    Nicely played sir. Where are your zetas?

    @christopher152003 - if you would respond at your earliest convenience please. I'm asking for a friend. ;)

    ETA: That video is not from a day 1 server. I'm also on a launch server and there isn't anyone in the top 10 (usually) with less than 100k power.

    Asajj Ventrezz (dual), NSA (single), MT is 3 away from her leader Zeta, then she will be put on team. I had Asajj zeta'ed as soon as they gave her zeta's.

    These aren't their normal teams most of the top guys aren't able to use their preferred heroes atm, their normal characters had to change to adapt to what I am now able to bring. If you like i'll show you all my other videos of just about everyone sitting at over 100k as I climbed to #1. And not that I need proof but here you go. I accept your apology.
  • christopher152003
    381 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Asajj Ventrezz (dual zeta), NSA (single), MT is 3 away, then she will be on team.

    Btw, if you really want to, follow the video link and watch my other videos of me beating teams with 108k power.

    Not that I need to prove anything but here you go. I accept your apology for calling me a liar.
    Post edited by christopher152003 on
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    I rarely ever have a fight go down to just Acolyte and Zombie left alive. Even as a NS player, I'd be fine if they nerfed that nonsense. A real NS team doesn't need it to get wins.
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    Okay... from what I've gathered from seeing other NS teams... the zeta order is like this.

    1.) Talzin- leadership... (the great mother) charges asajj's offense faster than than zeta'ing her first. And the other perks make it superior.

    2.) Talzin- Plaugebearer... amps up talzins tm alot... this allows you to use her attacks more frequently in particular the "spirit blade assault" aka group hug... which is key to overcoming zarris teams in arena/GW.

    3.) Assaj- Rampage... more turns and a bit more offense, crit chance & hp... the only reason she is 3rd (because it is a great zeta) is because making your first 2 nightsister zetas on talzin means assaj will die more often than non rampage zeta'd assaj and having her assist from the graveyard on basics is killer (her offense still stacks!) so in my humble opinion zeta her AFTER talzin.

    I have only encountered a couple teams with zeta daka and there was no zeta on talzins leadership so i cannot say how great that really is having her hp stack...
  • DasMurich
    245 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I would venture to guess the health stack + revive cooldown (and healing) might work wonders in raids where her and Asajj just keep stacking. That and Asajj has Vader's zeta ability if she were lead. Daka would be stacking health, healing for 50% of her max (I believe) with Asajj granting 50% TM everytime they drop below 100% + Vader's TM reduction ability.

    No biggie, I only need like 73 zetas and umpteen hundred omegas lol.
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    For pit or p3 of HAAT... but the other HAAT phases are immune to tm reduction so talzin zeta lead is probably better in those phases since all those deaths only add more to asajj's offense... and talzin lead ensure death is not an issue since theres plenty of cannons & droids to revive on. Your gonna get more offense on asajj faster with talzin than with asajj leadership.

    Not to say asajj's zeta leadership is bad, it's great... but talzin zeta lead makes Asajj a rockstar faster.
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    Teague wrote: »
    I rarely ever have a fight go down to just Acolyte and Zombie left alive. Even as a NS player, I'd be fine if they nerfed that nonsense. A real NS team doesn't need it to get wins.

    First off you are lying, I have read several of your posts where you are saying that this is what saves you and then with MT they come back, so yes you do use this method. Also show us some videos of your team beating someone over 100k power then you can talk about a real NS team, because as of right now you do not know what a real NS team is. If you did you wouldn't brag about stuff you never prove, we also know you are not on a day 1 server as per your posts.

    2nd My NS team would smoke your NS team, you rely on MT I can win with lead MT, Asajj, Daka or Talia.
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    Asajj Ventrezz (dual zeta), NSA (single), MT is 3 away, then she will be on team.

    Btw, if you really want to, follow the video link and watch my other videos of me beating teams with 108k power.

    Not that I need to prove anything but here you go. I accept your apology for calling me a liar.

    Lol - stop being overly dramatic. The first video you posted was a bunch of 95k power teams (or weaker). Thank you for answering the zeta question and posting the second video showing the victory against a real meta team. Apologies if you thought I was calling you a liar.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • HeavilyModerated
    20 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Asajj Ventrezz (dual zeta), NSA (single), MT is 3 away, then she will be on team.

    Btw, if you really want to, follow the video link and watch my other videos of me beating teams with 108k power.

    Not that I need to prove anything but here you go. I accept your apology for calling me a liar.

    Lol - stop being overly dramatic. The first video you posted was a bunch of 95k power teams (or weaker). Thank you for answering the zeta question and posting the second video showing the victory against a real meta team. Apologies if you thought I was calling you a liar.

    Thats cause the top 20 had to change their teams to adjust for NS. Alot of GL 11 barriss with GK, which btw are easy to beat. I have several videos posted, a bunch from arena, and I Have all 4 phases of AAT up.
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    Teague wrote: »
    I rarely ever have a fight go down to just Acolyte and Zombie left alive. Even as a NS player, I'd be fine if they nerfed that nonsense. A real NS team doesn't need it to get wins.

    First off you are lying, I have read several of your posts where you are saying that this is what saves you and then with MT they come back, so yes you do use this method. Also show us some videos of your team beating someone over 100k power then you can talk about a real NS team, because as of right now you do not know what a real NS team is. If you did you wouldn't brag about stuff you never prove, we also know you are not on a day 1 server as per your posts.

    2nd My NS team would smoke your NS team, you rely on MT I can win with lead MT, Asajj, Daka or Talia.

    You sure seem to think starting the game 3 months before someone else means you're the best and your arena shard is 10x harder to win in. You're like a 35 year old telling a 31 year old he's just too young to understand, lol.
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