Territory Battles: Imperial - difficulty feedback


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    I think the counter attacks are too much.

    Almost everything seems to be counter attacking.

    HK, 88, 86 B2 and phasma.. all near max gear got wiped out... On a 2 star node.

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    I wonder if them removing two waves is the reason for the difficulty spike, apart from the fact the last wave is too strong for low-star characters?
    I mean, waves 1-3 progressed similarily to the LS ones, then it jumped through the roof to CLS-levels of difficulty. Could it be that they removed waves 4 and 5, and then forgot to scale wave 6 to a blend of 4 and 5?
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    So yet again most people here are complaining. What a surprise. Now everyone wants a simple walkthrough DS TB. Then they’ll all complain the game isn’t challenging enough.
    CG when will you learn? You have to give each player every toon maxed and modded for free to make them happy. While you’re at it give everyone a million crystals each in case you missed anything.

    This a difficulty feedback thread. Your post is uneeded.
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    So yet again most people here are complaining. What a surprise. Now everyone wants a simple walkthrough DS TB. Then they’ll all complain the game isn’t challenging enough.
    CG when will you learn? You have to give each player every toon maxed and modded for free to make them happy. While you’re at it give everyone a million crystals each in case you missed anything.

    I don't want simple walkthrough. I am totally fine with LS TB, where I am good until P5, but struggle in P6 with my much more upgraded rebels. But have you ever heard of the principle of gradience? That's what I miss here. I know that my DS toons are not quite good, so when I first heard about DS TB, I thought that I would be useful for my guild until P3, and I may get fair amount of points in P4 with some luck and struggle. But now I started to doubt that I will be useful at all in P2, not to mention P3. I don't want an all-CUP team in P6, but this difficulty is not proportional to the amount and quality of DS toons that are currently available in this game.
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    melisa wrote: »
    I think the difficulty is okay. We just need to discover the right teams for this game mode. For example a zMaul lead sith team is a bad team for DS TB but if you use Nihilus as a leader instead you should be fine.

    Also a lot of people have better mods on their LS characters so they might perceive LS TB easier.

    Did a Nihilus-led team. Slaughtered to the last man, although they did almost get all of them. G11-10 on my Sith, and mostly good mods.
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Several in my guild posted 4/4s. And we're just a little 43m gp guild...

    I got one 4/4 (and 2/2 on Vader, but nevermind that), the other one 3/4 and I haven't done the last one yet.
    4/4 was pure luck, with my General Veers nimbly dodging the blaster fire and killing off the last Rebel, his armor barely holding together.
    They said DS Territory Battles was going to be harder then Light Side on more then one occasion.

    Where exactly did they say this? I try to follow the news from this game as best I can, but cannot for the life of me remember them ever saying DS Territory Battles would be harder. Could you find a source or two for that, please?
  • Sarcodino
    394 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I was able to clear 4/4 the vader one with vader (11) RG(9) sht (8 and 6*) tfp (11) and EP (dont evenclost protection in any of them)
    Another 4/4 with boba (11) zam/ig88/dengar(G8) and trawn (12) (all 5 alive at the end, really kitten mods but trawn)

    Another 4/4 zaul zavage, sa, dn (g11) and dooku (g8 6*)

    Then my FO got crushed and 3/4... They have so bad mods... But lol it needs 2* chars xD

    I think dificult is set like last round TB... We just started from the dificult side! (Chek rebel assault noes for more info)

    Post edited by Ambassador on
  • scuba
    14165 posts Member
    Risz wrote: »
    My FO with my only zeta on Phasma went throught it easy peasy

    You shouldn't need a zeta for a battle that only requires 2* characters.
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    They said DS Territory Battles was going to be harder then Light Side on more then one occasion.

    Did they? Why should it be harder? Is it because all of those OP dark side characters??
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    So yet again most people here are complaining. What a surprise. Now everyone wants a simple walkthrough DS TB. Then they’ll all complain the game isn’t challenging enough.
    CG when will you learn? You have to give each player every toon maxed and modded for free to make them happy. While you’re at it give everyone a million crystals each in case you missed anything.

    This a difficulty feedback thread. Your post is uneeded.

    It might have been merged into here from another thread, to be fair.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I was looking forward to finally getting the 7th star on rebel officer Leia and cleaning up on guild event tokens this week. Now we're thrown into dark side territory battles and have to wait until whenever to do light side again.

    Sorry no way can I focus on farming light side and dark side at the same time for both territory battles even if I buy a couple vaults.

    agree.. I was surprised by how unprepared I was. All of my resources have gone towards Phoenix, R1, and paploo... I could barely put together 3 good DS teams. Most of my points are from deploying LS toons.
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    Let's remember folks, they are rotating LS and DS TB,
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    Let's remember folks, they are rotating LS and DS TB,

    Exactly! Cant we all have a turn? Why does everyone feel they have to succeed 100% at everything? And when they do they complain it's too easy. Just play the game geez.
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    The DS TB feels a bit rushed like two months too early. I will say there are enought DS toons for Platoons and CB missions and the toons required for Platoons seems mostly tanks which you need for CB missions to protect your attackers and supports so you have decide do i do the the combat missions or throw them into platoons hoping that with the Extra buffs will make the next phases easier. I do like the DS TB i love killing rebel scum. Also CG where is the Rogue one version of Vader where he was totally deystroying the Rebels. I feel the DS TB needs another 10 DS toons to make it even and balanced IMO. This just feels rushed.
  • nmelcer
    49 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Of COURSE you aren't supposed to get 100% completion on everything the first time they launch it, I get that.

    What I feel like they did, and maybe I'm wrong because I've only seen the first phase, is make every verticle phase equal in difficulty? My thought is...if the FIRST 2* required battle is this difficult, how ridiculously impossible is the 6th phase round 4/4 going to be?!? Maybe it stays the same difficulty? In which case because pretty much ANY lvl 85 with 3 DS teams can get 3/4 with no problem, it is going to be the lamest progression scale ever. So I'm hoping that is not the idea here, and that they litterally just screwed up with the difficulty level (after not realizing for the past year that the Rebel teams as super OP AF, they probably just kept the same "gear level/power level" as the 6/6 LS TB, but forgot DS characters are wet noodles slapping a rancor tooth, even at gXII.)
    Post edited by Ambassador on
  • nmelcer
    49 posts Member
    edited November 2017

    Yeah...you'd think they didn't even do these battles themselves....like....what team of overpowered G12 zeta maxed steroid using Dark Side characters would they even have used to think for one second it was "balanced"..? Amirite?
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    Shaking my head over how bad I got smoked. My DS may not be the greatest, but I've got a couple of solid teams and fully expected to make it through all the phase 1 battles because....phase 1. I can auto-battle my teams on the first 3 phases in LS TB, but this is just ridiculous!
  • Ironjehoshaphat
    335 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    These first vertical slices are incredibly difficult. I used my best DS toons and got wiped on the 4th node. PLUS, those very same toons are needed for platoons!!! Wow.
    Edit: I love the officer order things. It is cool that the guild leaders can help direct in where to go and not have to rely on the chat feature.
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    Can we please get some consensus on what the difficulty ought to be, other than, "I should be able to do it" or "I did it"?

    I suggested that for p1, EA/CG look at the average roster of all players who have just reached level 85, then engineer the difficulty so that at least one DS squad on the average new-Level85 player's roster will be able to achieve full victory on a combat mission.

    Just as a guess, since it's much harder to remember where I was in power after a few weeks at level 85, I suggested the difficulty increase from there such that the average roster of someone who has been level 85 for 6 weeks longer than in t he previous phase be able to fully defeat on combat mission.

    Averages are just that, but this is something that EA/GG can actually use (even if they reject the specifics in favor of something that better fits their theory of game development, this provides a metric by which one proposal can be compared against another).

    So. Is "brand-new level 85" the right difficulty for a mission that requires 2* toons? If not, should it be set at a level lower than 85, or based on 85 plus some number of weeks of further development?
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    before you start attacking me about my lack of DS teams, hear me out.

    The difficulty scaled ridiculously quickly in the TB CMs, and yet we arent awarded a decent number of points (a 4/4 completion nets 100k TP). Hence we can't even 6*/6 Phase ONE.

    Plus, the difficulty scaling is horrid. In LS Phase One g8-9 can clear the last wave. in DS TB Krennic, Thrawn and Shoretrooper got picked apart.

    Please, fix this horrible fiasco of a TB.
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    Hahahaha yeah the scaling is a bad joke, that last phase is a buzzsaw, I don't have the strongest DS either but my sith team with g11s got shredded! That's just not right
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    exactly. Only 1 person in my guild got 4/4, and he had full g12 BHs
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    and for reference my guild is nearing 90M GP, and can obtain 37* in LS TB.
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    The other TB still needs fixing too
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    Yup I'm in a 105 mil gp guild and very few of our members were able to go 4/4 on any of the CMs, and this is the first phase
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    The other TB still needs fixing too

    no it doesnt, WAI. first TB is well thought out, balanced, and good. This fiasco isn't.
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    When you have zeta teams getting rekt on day one in something that's supposed to be tuned for 2*, you can bet they hosed it before releasing it.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    It's not a matter of being frustrated over failure lol this was definitely too soon which is borne out by the fact that the difficulty scale is comepletely broken, being frustrated over failure is quite understandable when squads made up of the best DS toons in the game at g11 and 12 are getting wiped out in the first phase, this was clearly rushed and should have been released much later in order to work out the kinks and give us time to prepare
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    The other TB still needs fixing too

    no it doesnt, WAI. first TB is well thought out, balanced, and good. This fiasco isn't.

    The other Tb crashes mid combat and our guild never got credit for special mission in node 6.

    Dev acknowledge both are unresolved problems .

    I agree this TB is a fiasco, reminds of when AAT was released and we could barely do it in a week lol
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    I don’t understand how DS can be too soon when it comes months after LS. There was a lot more time to prepare for DS TB than LS. If you didn’t use that time to do so that’s your own fault. Prioritizing LS was certainly not a dumb choice, but you should have understood the consequences of ignoring DS. We all knew this was coming.
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    The other TB still needs fixing too

    no it doesnt, WAI. first TB is well thought out, balanced, and good. This fiasco isn't.

    The other Tb crashes mid combat and our guild never got credit for special mission in node 6.

    Dev acknowledge both are unresolved problems .

    I agree this TB is a fiasco, reminds of when AAT was released and we could barely do it in a week lol

    TB crashing and not getting credit is bad, but this nonsense is tenfold worse.
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