Territory Battles: Imperial - difficulty feedback


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    Total balance fail. My 4 zeta(2x gear 12, 3x gear 11) FO team only just squeaked by.
    The Vader mission is a joke. Rebel buff circle **** is crazy OP.
  • Metroplex79
    837 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Yeah, my half-decent Empire team got wrecked in the Special Mission as well.

    All the other Combats started at Level 40, which was fantastic for an easy 1/4. Especially for all those younger than Level 75.

    At least with the Rebels Special Missions, the Mission Unit is placed on the 5th slot. Not the 1st as the lead.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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    Galaxy of rebels. /s

    I hear ya. Im sure this was not intentional on 2* requirements, right? I’ll give em a small pass since its thanksgiving and all. Incoming apology tomorrow. <3
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    Yup. Ain’t it grande!
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    Yeah I had this I barely scraped by with my DK lead it's thanks to my mods that I even did this mission
  • Nerksi
    2 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    old point system - Phase 1 = 24,000 -> 51,000 -> 91,000 -> 144,000 -> 211,000 -> 291,000
    New point system - Phase 1 = 24,000 -> 51,000 -> 91,000 -> 144,000
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    I found the special mission to be easy (noone lost more than 10% protection), but the normal missions were unbelievable. Entire guild struggling as well.
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    I think the difficulty is okay. We just need to discover the right teams for this game mode. For example a zMaul lead sith team is a bad team for DS TB but if you use Nihilus as a leader instead you should be fine.

    Also a lot of people have better mods on their LS characters so they might perceive LS TB easier.
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    As an apology, we’ll be receiving those OP Rebel toons tomorrow morning in our inbox. Because, you know, Rebels!
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    3/4 all missions, its the last wave thats just ridiculous
    2x 5 elites, and 1x 4 elites for last wave on my three combat missions, with massive health pools, constant healing, debuffing, taunting, stealth and big damage. failed special mission too
    definitely far too hard for first phase. whats the next phase going to be like not too mention the rest of the phases??

    teams: special mission: vader (g10), TFP (g10), RG (g10), snow trooper (g7), tarkin(g7)
    EP (g11), maul (g10), sid (g10), talia (g8), boba (g10)
    Phasma (g8), kylo (g8), FOTP (g11), FOO (g7), FOST (g7)
    Hk47 (g9), ig88, (g9) ig86, (g9), ig100 (g9), greedo (g8)

    yes my DS suuuucks but would still expect to beat phase one combat missions with these but it wasnt even close, was utterly slaughtered on 4th wave. with all the taunting, stealthing, debuffing healing etc didnt even manage a single kill on any of the 4th waves

    first 3 waves easy as should be but think theres perhaps a mistake on the difficulty of the 4th wave
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    Is this a joke? All my teams got wrecked...
  • TVF
    36762 posts Member
    Vicarious wrote: »
    I hope whoever programmed it is fired or dies a slow terrible death.

    I'm glad to see you have sense of perspective.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Gimpyviper
    31 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    There's a couple of theories going around:
    1 - The map was reversed but the difficulty was not, i.e. it'll get easier with each successive phase.
    2 - They removed Waves 4,5 instead of 5,6 so you get the equivalent of 1,2,3 then 6 on difficulty.
    3 - Number of elite you face is calculated as an average across waves 4-6 normally but they forgot to adjust this for 4 vs 6. So you get a disproportionate number of elites in wave 4.
    4 - Some combination of the above....

    guess we'll see.... but yeah, very very hard for a P1... I'm 2.5 M GP and only managed 10/12 + Special mission. Only one I got 4/4 was with Zaul + Zavage and only JUST.
    (In game - Veran - Officer of ALLIΔNCE Nu)
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    The combats are definitely doable. The only team that could not 4/4 is the second one.
    In order of appearance:
    Team1: G11, G10, G10, G8, G8
    Team2: G9, G11, G10, G9, G7
    Team3: G11, G11, G10, G11, G10
    Team4: G11, G12, G8, G10, G9, G10
    All of them are more or less properly modded. Zeta only on Vader and Maul.

    The only quite easy battle was Team1's special mission. Zader's Force Crush and Culling Blade abilities did most of the work. The others were only assisting. No one died, though.
    I know that Team2 is lame, but with all of that brutal crit damage they could only take out one enemy before completely wiped out. Even Daka's revive and heal could not help.
    Team4 was not that bad, but I lost both of the tanks. Nevertheless, EP's leader ability was of great help.
    But Team3's battle was ridiculous. Dooku couldn't apply any stuns or ability blocks with his 90% potency. Zaul has been wiped out really soon after the 4th wave started (from max. health and prot). He didn't dodge. Not even once. DN was the saviour of the day. He could Annihilate 3(!) enemy toons in wave 4, and his dispel on his basic was really helpful. Him and SA were the only survivors.

    BUT (and this is a huge but):
    I don't think that those battles are balanced in PHASE 1, which make one of my best DS squad looks like a bunch of drunken Gamorrean Guards who can't find their weapons, and try to fight the enemy with their back. If more than half of this team were wiped out in P4, I wouldn't complain at all. But in P1 with 4 elites out of 6 toons?!? In LS P1 my much more undergeared and non-meta toons are laughing at the enemy. (I like to experiment there with weaker LS toons, like 5* G7 ROLO and CHS, G9 Farmboy Luke, etc.) If I use my best rebels (@ G10-11-12), they complete the battle without losing any protection. Not that 3 of them dies...

    Not to mention the platoons, which should be filled from a much smaller pool of toons. OK, it's fine for P1, and perhaps P2 and really perhaps P3. But after that... Sure, now we have new goals to work for. Besides the dozen goals that we already have in this game

    It really looks like that EA ordered all of their developer teams to create games which provide a sense of pride and accomplishment. In the next 10 years or so.
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    It's about time something might be a challenge. Although I'm not sure why everyone is saying it was hard. I thought it was very easy.
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    The difficulty is tough and the toons that are generally regarded as usable / preferable are required in platoons as well. It does feel that there are too many missions for the number of toons available. I struggled with decently geared toons, but I think I’m seeing some strategy I’ll need to adjust. Debuffs seem essential, especially heal and buff immunities.

    While it’s tough, I have faith CG will address it. They addressed issues after the first LS TB too. In the mean time, CG knocked rewards out of the park with the 2y anniversary (including the playful troll gift of Chewbacca shards, lol). The stores keep getting better and alleviating gear roadblocks. It’ll take me a long time to max everyone but it at least seems possible now. I’ve played since dec 2015 and if that GW update is the first step in time saving QoL, I could not be happier overall.

    CG may not be communicating well but this update said a lot of good things. Hope to see the TB feedback addressed after they spend time with their families during this American holiday.
  • TVF
    36762 posts Member
    edited November 2017
  • LukeDukem8
    609 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Come to think of it, why is vader required on phase 1? He comes in AFTER you take over the generators. If you follow the battle, it would be snow trooper, veers, THEN vader.
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    These devs remain employed
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    They said DS Territory Battles was going to be harder then Light Side on more then one occasion.
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    Skykraker wrote: »
    It's about time something might be a challenge. Although I'm not sure why everyone is saying it was hard. I thought it was very easy.
    Skykraker wrote: »
    It's about time something might be a challenge. Although I'm not sure why everyone is saying it was hard. I thought it was very easy.

    I wish we could all be just like you!
    Your the man!
    Give me a break.
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    Several in my guild posted 4/4s. And we're just a little 43m gp guild...
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    One thing they should address is the amount of toons required to fill platoons.

    It is tough to have 4 DS squads ready to complete those hard missions and still have characters remaining to fill 2 platoons.
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    By the way, I really appreciate the devs' hard work, and commitment to provide us new content. And—despite the occasional ups and downs—I really enjoy this game since launch. But I think that it would have been better if they'd only focus on one aspect of the game: DS TB or TW.

    Nevertheless, keep up the good work.
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    So yet again most people here are complaining. What a surprise. Now everyone wants a simple walkthrough DS TB. Then they’ll all complain the game isn’t challenging enough.
    CG when will you learn? You have to give each player every toon maxed and modded for free to make them happy. While you’re at it give everyone a million crystals each in case you missed anything.
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    Y’all need to go read the game news update from @CG_Kozispoon - who is a rock star doing work on thanksgiving. They hear us, they’ll handle it appropriately. Enjoy the holiday!
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    Thanks to the devs for noticing quickly! I blasted through one of the battles (I was using Thrawn, EP, DT, Krennic, and Stormtrooper, so fighting Rebels was easy peasy), but then got slaughtered on the rest as soon as I got to battle 4.

    Have to say, this has reaffirmed my confidence in my decision to go for Deathtrooper and Krennic. They destroy Rebels SOOOO hard.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Incase it was missed
    Hiya Holotable Heroes!

    There has been some discussion in the forums around the difficulty of the Dark Side Territory Battle and the number of Territory Points. In particular, we discovered that players are receiving the incorrect number of Territory Points after completing missions.

    Additionally, we are aware that the battles are extremely difficult, particularly in phase 1 which is unaffected by Platoon Missions. While it was intended to be difficult, there are a number of factors that may be making it too hard, especially in the first few phases. However, we can make changes only after the Territory Battle is complete.

    We will be monitoring the end of the Battle very closely and will provide additional information next week about compensating players for any errors we discover as we dig through the results of the first Territory Battle.

    Again, thank you all so very much for your participation and support. Battle on!

    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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