Pop up crystal sale and Boba Fett pack [MERGE]


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    This is **** me off i have 80 dollars woth of gifts for the store, and i am waiting for the pop ups but nothing is showing
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    That's what we're all doing...66 hours, zero pop-ups
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    We’re arguing semantics at this point. This wasn’t a typo by definition but most definitely a mistake. Mistakes happen. It’s how you handle them that defines you. Unfortunately, we have a pattern of not handling them well.

    Yeah a simple "Whoops sorry about the typo" isn't sufficient to have people trying all kinds of tricks with their phone for 2 days during the holidays in hopes of getting the vault popup.

    I'm beginning to wonder if this wasn't all just a ploy to get people extremely thirsty for a bonus vault, then it'll be put in the shop later to start the new year off with a nice profit.
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    ∆∆∆∆ I like this guy, he's smart
  • Blizzisme
    241 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I've gotten 2 pop ups so far, both for the scoundrel faction pack/mega pack... Would buy the boba if it pops, and haven't seen the video crystals yet.

    Not sure why they would change scoundrel to kitten, but thanks for the edit
    Post edited by Blizzisme on
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    Clicked on a pop-up for the 2800 crystals my game froze, pressed the home button multiple times nothing waited 2 minutes then took a screen shot. Phone snapped out of it then a message appeared purchase failed blah blah. This is my third attempt to purchase pack first 2 times clicked pop up and a confirm purchase window appeared at the bottom of my screen then disappeared in about a second or less. Pretty sure this is not working as intended please make it right.
  • Kyleslater
    438 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Just pop ups for the bounty hunter mega packs. Nothing for crystal pop ups at all. And I’ve definitely been wanting to buy them. Btw no cg response on this yet right?
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    Kyleslater wrote: »
    Just pop ups for the bounty hunter mega packs. Nothing for crystal pop ups at all. And I’ve definitely been wanting to buy them. Btw no cg response on this yet right?

    As usual when there's a screwup no one is around. Either it's during a weekend or when everyone goes on vacation. How convenient.
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    Kyleslater wrote: »
    Just pop ups for the bounty hunter mega packs. Nothing for crystal pop ups at all. And I’ve definitely been wanting to buy them. Btw no cg response on this yet right?

    In my view, choosing to not respond is a very clear response.
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    The Dev update on 12/21 stated a pop-up for bonus crystals would be starting on December 24. I have not seen it and EA support said they are “confident” it will pop-up but had no reason to say why it has not yet. Has anyone seen the bonus 25% crystal offer?
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    Yes I've seen it about 6 times today and he boba one 3 times.
    Can we rotate out the Moderators?
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    Ugh.. ok. Thank you! I have not seen either one. Weird.
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    I had my pop ups on the 24th right at 8am PST for Boba and crystals at 12 noon PST.
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    Merged new thread into existing [MERGE] topic.
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
  • UnknownJedi
    3 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Saw the Boba pop-up on the 24th but never any crystal pop-up. Sent a missing content notice and haven't heard back.
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    Still have not seen a pop up. Filled out a ticket on the 24th, no response. Battlefront 2.0, awesome job EA.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Yes I've seen it about 6 times today and he boba one 3 times.


    You've never bought a 3500-crystals-25% bonus pack when it was offered before in the past correct?
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    Zaraos wrote: »
    Well i'm not happy been waiting 2 days for a pop up too so i decided to test a theory. I went to the store and bought the cheapest pack there (the 220 crystal one). Within 2 mins of purchasing i got the popup for the chest of crystals as i expected. Seems to me the idea of the marketing is, give people hope for a popup, wait for them to give up and purchase crystals for regular price and then tempt them to get the deal after they have payed full price. I'm speechless........

    You shouldn't be
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    Finaly got the Pop up with 25% more crystals for 20€ again. I tried to buy it but the popup just closed and nothing happened...
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    Got the Boba pop up and clicked on it just for fun and my system reminded me I deactivated in-app purchases. I re-activated them and, soon after, I got the 21.99€ deal (2800->3500) which was the one I wanted. Bought it. No issue. End of story. Thanks CG!
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    I ave still not seen a single pop up on either one of my accounts. I was hoping to buy the omega pack ...
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    Day three is drawing to a close - still no popup on any of my accounts.
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    I’m not getting any pop ups period. Some people talked about the scoundrel pack pop ups and I haven’t even seen those, though they are in the store. I haven’t seen a single pop up for anything in over a week
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    I bought a case of crystals this morning and still have not seen a single pop-up
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    No pop ups here either
  • What_Why
    59 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Randomly just got the pop up again when I was in the middle of enhancing a ship.... After 3 days since I got the first pop up that closed itself then never reappeared till now. So stupid (can't say stu-pid here kids) how random it is for people. Everyone should have access to this offer at the same time.
  • BigBittner
    8 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Well, with my prior post deleted and under the fear of being banned, I must say EA has treated everybody perfectly and has only the best interest of their players in mind. They are quick to respond to players concerns and my family has been blessed with the opportunity to empty out our savings account to ensure their continued prosperity. I enjoy having to pay more than others for the exact same things and feel gratitude they increasely expect larger payments for nominal items.

    I only hope this statement is acceptable according to the terms of service.
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    I’ve only seen the Boba Fett pack a couple of times.
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    Day 3 coming to a close, no pop up of any kind the entire span. Wow, just wow. Plus no appreciable response.
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