Pop up crystal sale and Boba Fett pack [MERGE]


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    i think its kinda dumb (sorry, couldnt think of a better word than this) that it has to be a pop up for 25% off, which is a deal we have gotten before....

    now if it was like 50% off or something we havent gotten before (SPECIAL deal) then i could understand it just coming up in a pop up and not in the store.....sorry just a little upset cause i saved some money to buy the crystal packs and they never appeared...now i gotta go spend it in another game :(
  • Twi
    209 posts Member
    Just had the $20 crystal ad pop again... second time...
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    @CG_Kozispoon please convey our frustration to your overlords. This is ridiculous, especially since it comes right on the heels of the StarWars.com offer mishap and the BF2 debacle. And oh yeah, it's also happening on Christmas. Ridiculous. It's like this whole thing was tailor-made to alienate your players and convince us to NOT spend.

    @CG_RyDiggs that's not a typo. If the post had stated "5300" or "350" (and so on) instead of the correct "3500," you could call it a typo. Posting about a vault instead of a pack is simply a screwup.
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    I got the $20 pop up today but when I clicked on it my screen went black like it was waiting to load something and nothing happened. At least it's coming now......
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    So many people flipping out about these packs.
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Whoever had the idea to have a "sale" but only make it accessible via a buggy pop-up...just stop. Here's a marketing tip: customers don't enjoy feeling tricked.

    I think they've proven time and time again that's not true.
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    No pop up for me and i have 80 bucks worth of google play money well i guess they domt want my monwy
  • Sunnie1978
    2937 posts Moderator
    If you have not seen the Boba Fett or the 3,500 crystal pop up yet, please file a bug report on EA Answers so the Devs can look into the issue. Please note due to holiday scheduling, it probably will be after the new year before bug tickets will be resolved.

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    Sunnie1978 wrote: »
    If you have not seen the Boba Fett or the 3,500 crystal pop up yet, please file a bug report on EA Answers so the Devs can look into the issue. Please note due to holiday scheduling, it probably will be after the new year before bug tickets will be resolved.


    I'm just going to click "me too."
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    Sunnie1978 wrote: »
    If you have not seen the Boba Fett or the 3,500 crystal pop up yet, please file a bug report on EA Answers so the Devs can look into the issue. Please note due to holiday scheduling, it probably will be after the new year before bug tickets will be resolved.


    Really? We don't need to file big reports.... The size of this thread should be all the devs need. Large numbers of people are not getting a sale offer. And some of us will be spending our money elsewhere.

    Some of us will be buying crystals at normal prices asked feeling properly ripped off for having to do so. But the omega packs are limited time so we have to do it. Will the devs recognise that and retroactively gift those who bought crystal packs (of any size... Right up to vault) the extra 25% worth of crystals?

    After this debacle I think that is about the least that needs to happen to recover some goodwill from the player base.
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    3 days no pop up ads, I want to buy boba and the crystals packs.
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    73 hours...no pop-ups. Bug report filed 25 hours ago, no response.
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    Checked "my cases" and it said I had no open cases. So they closed it with no feedback to me? Nice. Opened another case.
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    Sunnie1978 wrote: »
    If you have not seen the Boba Fett or the 3,500 crystal pop up yet, please file a bug report on EA Answers so the Devs can look into the issue. Please note due to holiday scheduling, it probably will be after the new year before bug tickets will be resolved.


    I understand you are the messenger but this is well beyond a bug report. The issue is gigantic and being discussed well beyond the relm of these forums. Not to mention the integrity piece surrounding which packs were getting the bonus. And tbe fact that it was CHRISTMAS should not be forgotten....
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    3 days no pop-ups at all, i decide to go from F2p to drop some cash and i cant!
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    I have to say i am also someone who has had Zero pop ups for any of the Boba or crystal packs only thing that pops up is the Bounty hunter pack that will take me to the store to try and buy it with crystals.No thanks that blows i was really on hoping to buy the 20 dollar pack for more crystals.
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    Not happy still nothing.
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    Just got the bobba pop up... bought it, then it popped up again... i did not try to buy a second time... but what a **** up.
    No crystal pop up though...
    I got 1000 crystals from the bobba pack which is what i needed for the omega pack today...
    i will now wait until the devs answer about this mess before buying any more crystals...
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    Can we just get them displayed in the store versus waiting for a pop up to show? I mean if I want to purchase the crystals I shouldn’t have to wait for the pop up to do so.
  • DigitalLime2
    259 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Zaraos wrote: »
    Well i'm not happy been waiting 2 days for a pop up too so i decided to test a theory. I went to the store and bought the cheapest pack there (the 220 crystal one). Within 2 mins of purchasing i got the popup for the chest of crystals as i expected. Seems to me the idea of the marketing is, give people hope for a popup, wait for them to give up and purchase crystals for regular price and then tempt them to get the deal after they have payed full price. I'm speechless........

    You shouldn't be

    That's funny as there is only a discount for the crate. Nice try
    Edit: nvm I'm confusing the crate for the chest
  • lumberzach
    5 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I rarely post on the forums, but I would also like to chime in on this. I added a lot of money to iOS account in order to buy the promised vault. In fact, I anticipated (perhaps foolishly) that the normal crystal sales would still apply, just in pop-up form. Because of this belief I added about $200 to my account. Needless to say, I am quite dissappointed. However, unlike many, I have seen (and purchased) the $20 pop-up and the boba fett pop-up.
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    I’m so confused as to why these are random pop-ups and not available for purchase (even if it’s just 1x) in the store. I don’t get why EA is making it so hard to take my money.
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    Just a thought here.... Global game with thousands and thousands of players.

    You'd think they would have some staff in on holidays or at least a person on cover to be able to ring and make decisions quickly about things like this wouldn't you?

    So as well as all offers in store in future and not in pop up form I'd also like to suggest having staff on hand at weekends and holidays....
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    Sunnie1978 wrote: »
    If you have not seen the Boba Fett or the 3,500 crystal pop up yet, please file a bug report on EA Answers so the Devs can look into the issue. Please note due to holiday scheduling, it probably will be after the new year before bug tickets will be resolved.


    So a company who appears to be pretty cheap on the support staff expense front decided to rather resolve 50 thousand cases 1 at a time instead of simply putting those packs in the store? That is a pretty interesting approach...
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    Omega packs are done don't really need gear, glad the ad didn't pop up #savings
  • Smack
    36 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    So ....No omega packs for any of us who were hoping to buy the pop up deal? Because nobody is available until AFTER the omega packs are gone..
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    I just had the $20/25% pop up, minimized to upload gift card, maximized, app restarted, no popup since :/
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    Sometimes I can't help but think the business model of EA is :
    1. Locate foot.
    2. Aim.
    3. FIRE!

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I was on hold for an hour yesterday with customer support. The answer they came back with is that the pop ups come up randomly and restarting a couple more times should make it come up. I’ve tried tons of restarts and even reloaded the app several times, nothing. They were no help at all. I’m really disappointed because I have been saving up for the Christmas deals. Guess they don’t want my money!
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    I got the Boba Fett offer to show up. I’d pay for the crystal offer, but it isn’t appearing.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Sometimes I can't help but think the business model of EA is :
    1. Locate foot.
    2. Aim.
    3. FIRE!

    I'm actually picturing the "Firing Squad" skit from that old show 'You Can't Do That on Television'. For those in Canada, you might remember that old show.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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