[Inquiry] In-Game Lineup Positions after the update


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    Since the toon placement change I've dropped 50 ranks over night. Please put it back the way it was
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    And the worst part is that they aren't even in order. I was running Troopers in GW earlier and short little Starck was in the farthest away position.
  • Jellyglob
    45 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    There is a very annoying delay between counter-attacks now with fleet arena and with squads going in different order in between phases for tb. It seem this new lineup position change brought unintended changes? I think we can all agree the change shouldn't have happen for offense. Very annoying this update.
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    Kyngzilla wrote: »
    TukkuRask wrote: »
    Do they actually beta test these changes or just rely on the internal QA group? I'd have to think from the responses here these ideas weren't exactly thought through properly, or tested to an active playerbase.

    Do you guys realize what you're complaining about? The ability or in ability to arrange characters to visually please you... Reread that and realize how ridiculous it sounds.

    This is such a minor thing to complain about. I'm sure 90% of the people playing this game have accidentally tapped the wrong character and wasted a turn, now that possibility it reduced saving headache for players.

    Maybe level up and gear up some taller toons if it's such an issue?

    And using this as a measure of the popularity of the change is flawed. A small percentage of daily users come to the forum. A smaller percentage post and an even smaller percentage have a problem with this, just so happens all 10 are in this thread.

    So a small amount of people complain that it’s a problem and it’s ok to change it but when a different small group of people complain they hate the change now it’s ridiculous? Pot meet kettle
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    I've enjoyed it.
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    I'm going to add my voice to the "I hate it" as well. By all means do it for defence teams, but don't change the order of my team. Especially if the re-order keeps changing like it does. So, please introduce a toggle to disable this feature for our own teams.
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    hi :) i'm a massive fan of the game and think the developers have done a really wonderful job creating something special. that bit of deserved praise duly noted, i'm kind of bummed to see the new rearranging units feature in action.

    i totally get how yoda could be blocked by vader and see how that needed to be addressed. but part of the fun for me was how i arranged my ships and characters into their squads. it was fun to have the millenium falcon, if you will, as my center ship leading the charge.

    i wish an alternative approach had been taken - i.e. the rearranging units feature would only take effect if there was a clear problem of two specific characters next to each other, instead of always automatically rearranging all characters regardless of if they posed a conflict to one another. it's taken a bit of the fun out of the game for me and if possible, i think a "re-arrange only when it's a clear problem for the user" patch in the future would be a nice middle ground.

    thanks as always to listening to our opinions and keep up the stellar work.
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    hi :) i'm a massive fan of the game and think the developers have done a really wonderful job creating something special. that bit of deserved praise duly noted, i'm kind of bummed to see the new rearranging units feature in action.

    i totally get how yoda could be blocked by vader and see how that needed to be addressed. but part of the fun for me was how i arranged my ships and characters into their squads. it was fun to have the millenium falcon, if you will, as my center ship leading the charge.

    i wish an alternative approach had been taken - i.e. the rearranging units feature would only take effect if there was a clear problem of two specific characters next to each other, instead of always automatically rearranging all characters regardless of if they posed a conflict to one another. it's taken a bit of the fun out of the game for me and if possible, i think a "re-arrange only when it's a clear problem for the user" patch in the future would be a nice middle ground.

    thanks as always to listening to our opinions and keep up the stellar work.

    "Only rearrange the defense" would solve all issues. We already had the ability to arrange our own as we saw fit.
  • DarthHebsie
    4 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Totally kitten that they changed this. I am shocked that the devs wouldn’t understand the OCD of a typically Star Wars fan. Will eagerly await a return to the previous set up.
    Post edited by Ambassador on
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Totally kitten that they changed this. I am shocked that the devs wouldn’t understand the OCD of a typically Star Wars fan. Will eagerly await a return to the previous set up.

    If they care enough to listen to the complaints. I'm kinda doubtful.
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    Retitled for organizational purposes.
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
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    Hate it, too! We could order how we wanted our toons previously. Now it’s this updated wreck.
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    There’s also strategy involved by relocating your toons occasionally to throw off your challengers learned habits (it works!).
    Post edited by SnakesOnAPlane on
  • Kughrak
    12 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    This isn't just an aesthetic issue. I used to be able to place the toons I would need to tap often at the bottom of the screen. Biggest hitboxes and no obstructions. No misclicks ever. Now they are littered throughout with smaller obstructed hitboxes (sometimes completely). Aside from that you now have to make a brief processing delay each time you select a toon that you didn't need before. Some of this could have been addressed by making the re-arrangement always happen consistently, but right now that's not the case.
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    It seems weird to say, but this is my least favorite change in the game. Ever.
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    Sza_Bo wrote: »
    It seems weird to say, but this is my least favorite change in the game. Ever.

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    +1 for being against this automatic reordering. I want my squad deployed the way I have it arranged, not based on some arbitrary positioning formula.
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    Ships is now significantly slower after the update due to a long pause that was entered in between attacks. Not sure why that was needed. If 4x was too fast for someone then they could've just slowed it down... Additionally, the ships change position each match (trying to beat Mace's 6 star challenge). Thanks for trying CG but let's just leave it as it was...
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    I don't really care about this one - but I do care they could have used the time fix character bugs that have been around for 5-6 months and other things already in game that aren't working.
    You know, the stuff we asked for... rather then this.... As usual, typical trolling move on the player base.
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    I've found personally no real difference in my arena, but fleet has become a nightmare.

    The only folks in my guild experiencing this issue like myself are those using predominantly dark side ships and in particular, the tie fighters. I don't think mine have dodged once since the update and we all know they're an annoying pair that do this at closer to a 50/50 ratio. Not only that but oddly I'm seeing them being targeted off the bat way more.

    Anyone else seeing this or should I check into my local lunatic asylum? Lol
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    I haven't noticed that at all. No difference.

    Of course it's a sample size of like three battles, so...
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Sza_Bo wrote: »
    It seems weird to say, but this is my least favorite change in the game. Ever.

    It isn't weird to say, it's probably one of the weirdest things for the developers to do. There's really no reason to have implemented this. Everyone had a choice how they wanted to set up their toons be it by height or for aesthetics. They took away a player's choice. It's just so unnecessary.
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    Can it PLEASE be fixed to go back to toons being arranged by power level when choosing for battle.
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    Don't do all caps in the subject. But I agree with you in the battle screen. Makes no sense.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    DasMurich wrote: »
    Sza_Bo wrote: »
    It seems weird to say, but this is my least favorite change in the game. Ever.

    It isn't weird to say, it's probably one of the weirdest things for the developers to do. There's really no reason to have implemented this. Everyone had a choice how they wanted to set up their toons be it by height or for aesthetics. They took away a player's choice. It's just so unnecessary.

    Hopefully they read the forums and undo this horrible change.
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    I understand why they made the change. There were times when it was difficult to select the correct toon. However, once the battles start, they need to be in the same location. Moving to a new phase can cause the toons to switch places. This is a pain to have to pay attention to. That is worse than the issue that occurred occasionally before.
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    phinfan309 wrote: »
    I understand why they made the change. There were times when it was difficult to select the correct toon. However, once the battles start, they need to be in the same location. Moving to a new phase can cause the toons to switch places. This is a pain to have to pay attention to. That is worse than the issue that occurred occasionally before.

    Before, you had the choice to place them wherever you wanted. If you placed them in bad spots, that's on you. There was no issue.
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    They put bigger enemy ships on the front row, so now they block the back row - the exact opposite of what they intended to do. 95% of this "qol update" has had the opposite effect.
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    I ABSOLUTELY HATE that my chosen layouts are forcedly changed.
    It affects my visual enjoyment of how I want my squad structured, and where I specifically need opponent AI to target a toon/ship, they are obviously who I place front+centre.
    This is a TERRIBLE way to clear up obstructed buff icons and difficulty selecting a toon.
    You essentially took away our rights to have our favourite heroes in our chosen configurations, which is affecting battle outcomes.
    Worst change you could possibly make.
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