[Feedback] Last update broke everything about the Sith team in my opinion


  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Saraleb wrote: »
    Wow just wow.. busy weekend and missed this
    Been playing for 2+ years and on forums for most of that but wow never have i been so shocked at a companys response to a post... not just the initial one but it just continued and continued..

    Starting to use these forums less and less and when you see this just backs up my thoughts why..

    I mean no offense to those CG people that are helpful and constructive but this thread was a let down for all of the forum and "community"

    Good to see an old poster, all emotions aside. The post was left up to not hide it away from view and as you said just saw it today. So hopefully if nothing else that means something in the bigger picture, also sometimes growing moments aren’t from the best side of ourselves but if something better comes in the wake, that is hopefully the better side for us all.
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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    Since this seems to be the only non-censored official thread, can we please get two basic questions answered?

    1) Why have loot box odds not been posted when it is clear in Apple Terms of service that they must be?

    2) Why is there no notification for legendary events that cause panic farming?

    The answer (yes just one answer to both) is clear, but it would be nice to hear it from a dev/moderator. And...it would be nice to forward to my senator (and to those that scoff at the idea: https://www.playusa.com/hassan-loot-boxes-ftc/ ; https://www.rollingstone.com/glixel/news/esrb-loot-boxes-microtransactions-policy-w517158)

    Change starts somewhere
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Well, my feelings is this is an overreaction from you. All of the points you highlighted from his post were made fun of for being hyperbole or poor grammar. Then you misrepresented everything he said even though you highlight the exact statements he made. Where did he say to stop playing the game? Where did he undermine the promotion of the game? I've personally defended the CG studio before from upset players that are waaaay more aggressive against the promotion and well being of this game and its community with absolutely no attention from the moderators. Why is this post being made an example of? This is mild frustration at best and I can't help but get the feeling that @CG_RyDiggs is being unfair.

    heya @harbingerofrock

    Tks for your thoughts:

    Specifically where I call out where @Tromedlov13 says:

    Don't invest in any Sith especially Sion.


    This won't be tolerated.

    I could have been focused directly on that one line, agreed. Your feedback that I was harsh or insensitive is noted. I'll work on that.

    I absolutely appreciate you contributing to the conversation!

    Yes, I'm making an example of this post so WE as a community can have this conversation :) and so I can clarify for other players what the expectations are on these forums.


    Lol "Don't invest in any sith, especially Sion"... this won't be tolerated by moderators bc stating that encourages people to not pay for crystals for him when he becomes available in shipments. Direct counter to money-grab business plan, that's why they don't like it OP didn't say anything wrong.
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    Boofpoof wrote: »
    SoonerJBD wrote: »
    Boofpoof wrote: »

    Your response here once again is unprofessional and condescending. The community is extremely upset with how this new raid was handled. Continuing to belittle customers is not a good business model, no matter what they said.

    A big issue we have is the picking and choosing of what you decide to actually respond to. You say valid and constructive criticism is welcome, but yet many posts go unanswered. You spent a great deal of time on this post, but refuse to answer questions regarding useless gear as rewards, numerous bugs still in the game, etc.

    You bring up the bug forum and why we are in general chat, it’s because we have numerous bugs still in the game that don’t get addressed. We feel we have no other option than to post in general when valid concerns appear to be ignored.

    Many love the game still, but with continuous bugs, nerfing to fix mistakes not caught in testing, condescending attitudes, etc, make its very hard to want to keep investing.

    This reminds me of my profession of law enforcement. The community (at times) acts like the citizen who gets upset that::

    A) It took too long to get there to respond to their complaint
    Bee) Generalize that the last time they made a similar complaint that the police didn't do "kitten"
    C) Are not satisfied with the response given to them by the law enforcement officer now that he is there actively engaging them

    Which then leads to other people coming out of the wood works to throw out more kitten and after the officer has listened to this abuse for weeks and weeks (or months) he flips the script and comes off as a pompous kitten. And then the same people have the audacity to blame the officer for being sarcastic or "salty" or whatever you want to call it. The point? The officer is screwed no matter what. He goes the nice route and tries to explain what he can do within the confines of the law and the citizen isn't happy. He goes the salty route and basically turns the tables on the citizen and then the citizen gets their feathers ruffled even more by saying "You can't talk to me like that. My taxes pay your salary!" and then it just snow balls from there. There is no way to make everyone happy. Period.

    I'm not here to defend the Devs. There are many issues that have legitimately discussed in length recently (Sith raid, nerfing JTR/exposes, etc...). I agree that the sentiment is that the general community is extemely upset with these issues. Anger has the tendency to make people more vocal. But when people come in here with a chip on their shoulder (not saying YOU clark) and get called on it (and in my opinion I think he made his point very clear no matter what the salt content was) I don't think it's an unreasonable thing to say that the response was justified. I've seen much worse. But like my job I don't catch everyone. Sometimes an example needs to be made and that's what I see this as. No more. No less. Lets move on and see if we can make strides to fix some of these issues that has made a lot of people upset (myself included!).

    @Boofpoof If you are in law enforcement, I sincerely hope that you have been trained to take the polite route and not be salty/pompous. My experience working with law enforcement has shown me that the best officers all the way up the ranks are those who maintain professionalism. Taking your stress out on the public is a recipe for disaster. It escalates situations that could and should be de-escalated. Quite frankly, this is the case in any industry that involves interaction with the public. Customers are often going to be wrong. They will even be emotional and rude sometimes while they are wrong. The OP in this post was wrong, for that matter. But that does not justify the arrogant and hostile attitude in response, which is what prompted the eventual apology here and by the higher-ups. Someone working for CG should not be lowering themselves to the kind of confrontational and hostile tone that you might expect from your average forum poster. When you are officially representing your company or your local government (as law enforcement) part of your job is to maintain professionalism when dealing with the public.

    @SoonerJBD I had a post typed up and somehow editing it to mention you caused it to disappear (just plain weird). But yes I am trained to be professional and respectful. However I will also throw out there that it is easier said than to do at times. As human beings we are falliable. One of the best lines from The Last Jedi was from Yoda in that failure is a great teacher. I think that what caused this whole thing to spiral out of control is exactly that. A failure on both sides of the equation to communicate their frustrations/expectations/etc. Does it justify the salty response? I cant say that it totally exonerates Ry because as you said he is expected to take the high road. But at the same time I know how it happens. You go months and months taking complaint after complaint and 99 times out of 100 it doesnt get to you. But that one time that you lose that focus and let someone hold it (in this case with a polite response that even I recognized it for the salty response that it was) then people lose their kitten. Justified. Unjustified. We could argue both sides of the coin and I doubt it would solve anything other than make for entertaining reading.

    Yes he is held to a higher standard. I wont argue that he should have held the higher morale ground. But the hostility in this place recently due to all the issues made this an ideal breeding ground for the fall out that followed. Again I am not defending the actions. I am just saying I truly understand how it happened and some people just used it to fuel more hate. The Dark side are they...

    Kudos to @CG_RyDiggs for having some introspective and backbone to apologize and hope that we move forward.

    I don’t disagree with you about how it happens or that humans make mistakes. A salty response could be forgiven easily enough. The real problem was doubling down over and over for hours while everyone tried to tell him he was being inappropriate, including many who did so diplomatically. The appearance here based on the apology the next day along with an apology from his bosses is that he was told to apologize by his supervisors. Lose your cool and make a snide remark? OK. Understandable. Spend half your workday alienating your customer base even when many level-headed people politely explain why your original comment was problematic? Less OK. I’m not calling for anyone to be fired or disciplined. I’m just explaining why it was a bigger deal than a momentary lapse in judgment.
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    BoboFoot wrote: »
    @CG_RyDiggs hello sir

    While you may feel justified in how you handled this thread and your reasoning behind that, I do not.

    As a customer I expect a certain level of customer service. The OP here is a customer and, whether or not his point was made well, he does not deserve to be belittled and ridiculed by the customer service staff.

    If you worked in a restaurant and treated the customer like that you’d, in all likelihood, get disciplinary action or be fired. It was thoroughly unprofessional.

    As someone who spends multiple hundreds every month, who has friends who also spend the same, I shall be highlighting this thread to my friends and advising that they strongly consider their investment in the game until we receive a level of customer service that we expect.

    I will not entertain a response so please do not waste your time, just endeavour to act professional and in an appropriate manner going forward. Your customers are watching and, despite what you may believe, your actions here are far more likely to lower profits than what the op said.

    Thank you for your time

    (This is just like Office Space.. The engineers can't/dont know how to talk to the customers/clients...)

    Agreed.. Sorry @CG_RyDiggs but the game determines how much I spend and the effort I put into it. Please don't insult my intelligence by thinking I'm going to change where/how I invest my time and $ because someone said in a forum not to invest in Sith or Scion.

    Like many others, I've spent hundred of dollars on this cell phone game. Not because someone told me to, but because I enjoy it. However, I've stopped spending real cash because of the game. I also have thousands of worthless pieces of gear, over 10,000 training droids, and just finished top 3 in each of the 3 raids and got nothing but salvage. I rec'd challenge salvage and stuff that's not even used.

    Again, this is what effects how much ppl play and spend. Not some post I may or may not see/read.

    Thanks for listening.
  • Cridiron
    158 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Gul_Ski73 wrote: »
    BoboFoot wrote: »
    @CG_RyDiggs hello sir

    While you may feel justified in how you handled this thread and your reasoning behind that, I do not.

    As a customer I expect a certain level of customer service. The OP here is a customer and, whether or not his point was made well, he does not deserve to be belittled and ridiculed by the customer service staff.

    If you worked in a restaurant and treated the customer like that you’d, in all likelihood, get disciplinary action or be fired. It was thoroughly unprofessional.

    As someone who spends multiple hundreds every month, who has friends who also spend the same, I shall be highlighting this thread to my friends and advising that they strongly consider their investment in the game until we receive a level of customer service that we expect.

    I will not entertain a response so please do not waste your time, just endeavour to act professional and in an appropriate manner going forward. Your customers are watching and, despite what you may believe, your actions here are far more likely to lower profits than what the op said.

    Thank you for your time

    (This is just like Office Space.. The engineers can't/dont know how to talk to the customers/clients...)

    Agreed.. Sorry @CG_RyDiggs but the game determines how much I spend and the effort I put into it. Please don't insult my intelligence by thinking I'm going to change where/how I invest my time and $ because someone said in a forum not to invest in Sith or Scion.

    Like many others, I've spent hundred of dollars on this cell phone game. Not because someone told me to, but because I enjoy it. However, I've stopped spending real cash because of the game. I also have thousands of worthless pieces of gear, over 10,000 training droids, and just finished top 3 in each of the 3 raids and got nothing but salvage. I rec'd challenge salvage and stuff that's not even used.

    Again, this is what effects how much ppl play and spend. Not some post I may or may not see/read.

    Thanks for listening.

    THIS. Give us a decent quality game, which you have, and give us even halfway decent customer service and people will play and pay.

    Give us buggy content, like really buggy, seemingly untested content, and people will complain and/or quit.

    Even worse, when your releases and even your fixes break other parts of the game too, aren't just buggy themselves, people will stop playing and/or paying.

    EVEN WORSE when bug reports go unanswered and unsolved with no communication for long periods of time, people will stop playing and/or paying.

    Finally, somehow even worse that that, when your players complain, trivialize their complaints ("hyperbole" anyone?), use condescending tones, and just plain ignore any and all reasonable questions, and people will stop playing and/or paying.

    Isn't this business and customer service 101? I mean really, isn't this decent human being 101?


    Edit: sorry, not meaning to say you aren't a decent human being @CG_RyDiggs. But ultimately, the way you and your company have been treating your customers on your own forum has been, to put it nicely, not the way one would treat a decent human being.
    Post edited by Cridiron on
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    Can we all agree that General Grievous should be the next character to get a rework and Separatists should be the next faction pass (or at least bounty hunters but they're in a better shape then seps right now) :)
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    The bottom line is it's important to just talk to people. You withheld all the info about the sith raid until just before it dropped, and you drop Jedi Rey's second event with two days notice. These are problems.

    Give us regular updates about what's going on and people will be much happier. People like being talked to.

    Lastly, the behavior of a group is a reflection of their leadership. If you believe the playerbase on your forum is becoming toxic, it's because you're managing your forum poorly.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Was_Whut wrote: »
    Mzee wrote: »
    I also understand the initial overreaction from RyDiggs. The developers are human, and the community seems to expect them to never express frustration and to act like robots all the time essentially. Frankly, I have been tired of staff that behave like robots all the time in video game forums so I like to see them behave like humans. It has got to be frustrating for CG members to see all their hard work trashed around so much among the community, and the heat has been pretty heavy since the Sith-raid release.
    I think RyDiggs is a customer service representative, not a dev.
    Yes, of course they are human, what a strange statement. Did anyone suggest that they were anything else? Joke.

    You're correct, that everyone does experience frustration at work sometimes. Venting that frustration at, or in front of your customers is not something that can ever be considered a good idea, under any circumstances, if you wish to retain those customers.

    He may well simply be the messenger pigeon, but if that pigeon defecates on you, you're not going to react well.

    RyDiggs recognised this & has apologised for his overreaction.
    His superiors recognised this and hurriedly put together an emergency Q & A to placate the community.
    Why are people still debating this? Move on, nothing to see here.

    He may not be a dev, but he is still part of the company and a representative for it, so bashing the developers and the decisions of the game is still bashing him. Yes, I agree that expressing the frustration in that manner was going overboard, but I can empathize with it, which is what I am trying to express. I have worked in a company that dealt with clients, and there were some clients that I had to really hold my tongue with. One client worked with us, and then our bosses couldn't handle her anymore so she went to our competitors and then they couldn't handle her so she came back to us. People are still debating it cause it is towards the top of the sub-forum, and many people had not noticed the thread until later. This was still recent, and not everyone checks the forum every day.

  • Well_I_Never
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Mzee wrote: »
    He may not be a dev, but he is still part of the company and a representative for it, so bashing the developers and the decisions of the game is still bashing him.
    No, no it's not. I didn't get the impression that he was a snowflake. I've worked for companies that have had disgruntled customers. Never once when they were raging about how poor their service was, did I feel or infer that they were remotely suggesting how poor I was.
    If someone who works in a different department from you messes up and someone impacted by it complains to you about this, are they complaining about you? No.
    Mzee wrote: »
    Yes, I agree that expressing the frustration in that manner was going overboard, but I can empathize with it, which is what I am trying to express.
    Noted & agreed, I also empathise, but I do not condone.
    Mzee wrote: »
    I have worked in a company that dealt with clients, and there were some clients that I had to really hold my tongue with.
    Precisely the point. You behaved professionally & held your tongue, despite how you felt at the time.
    That is not what happened here, so there is no comparison.
    Mzee wrote: »
    People are still debating it cause it is towards the top of the sub-forum, and many people had not noticed the thread until later. This was still recent, and not everyone checks the forum every day.
    Fair enough, but when they read it and see that RyDiggs recognised that his behaviour was incorrect and, rightly, apologised for it, then they see that his superiors also felt the same way from the Q&A that was launched as direct response to this, they have already accepted accountability and culpability.
    That's why there is no debate to be had here. The points that people are still raising have a) already been comprehensively covered in this thread & b) do not matter if the company & the individual have accepted and apologised for their part in the situation.
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Allow me to chime in here on Sion's uselessness.

    Spent $100 to get him 5 star. Spent another 1/200 to get Tier 11. Stopped playing it not even a few days later due to the lack of any actual accomplishment. He ended up just being an expensive filler that really is lacking potential in PVP and PVE.

    Lets be honest here, he should have replaced or been on par with Kenobi. He is the Lord of Pain and one of the strongest Sith to ever exist, yet he really adds little value to any composition unless Nihilus is present (and still adds little value).

    I expect a Darth to have impact, and if you were to compare to last Feb's impact of the Sith, we took a step backwards. Palpatine/Darth rework was more impressive than anything Sion has managed to provide me, and that cost nothing.

    My Sith Trooper actually performs better than Sion, and that shouldn't be happening. (and my trooper is T10, not even 11)

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Good gracious. I go on vacation for 4 days....and look what you have all done to the place. :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Gair wrote: »
    Allow me to chime in here on Sion's uselessness.

    Spent $100 to get him 5 star. Spent another 1/200 to get Tier 11. Stopped playing it not even a few days later due to the lack of any actual accomplishment. He ended up just being an expensive filler that really is lacking potential in PVP and PVE.

    Lets be honest here, he should have replaced or been on par with Kenobi. He is the Lord of Pain and one of the strongest Sith to ever exist, yet he really adds little value to any composition unless Nihilus is present (and still adds little value).

    I expect a Darth to have impact, and if you were to compare to last Feb's impact of the Sith, we took a step backwards. Palpatine/Darth rework was more impressive than anything Sion has managed to provide me, and that cost nothing.

    My Sith Trooper actually performs better than Sion, and that shouldn't be happening. (and my trooper is T10, not even 11)

    Lol @Gair
    Learn to use him. He's insane. Basically carries the weak/exposed palp team with sith troop. And please do share your new experience when you learn to use him. :D
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    This thread provides an important core thought for the CG staff @CG_RyDiggs :

    SWGOH has always had one huge, glaring problem that makes it very inconsistent with the rest of the Star Wars universe. The factions Star Wars fans most want to play as are the Sith & the Jedi. Yet in SWGOH Sith & Jedi are two of the worst, most under-powered factions.

    I'm frankly surprised you haven't had many more frustrated fans on your hands.
    valjean913 or BHG Valjean#5571
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    Gair wrote: »
    Allow me to chime in here on Sion's uselessness.

    Spent $100 to get him 5 star. Spent another 1/200 to get Tier 11. Stopped playing it not even a few days later due to the lack of any actual accomplishment. He ended up just being an expensive filler that really is lacking potential in PVP and PVE.

    Lets be honest here, he should have replaced or been on par with Kenobi. He is the Lord of Pain and one of the strongest Sith to ever exist, yet he really adds little value to any composition unless Nihilus is present (and still adds little value).

    I expect a Darth to have impact, and if you were to compare to last Feb's impact of the Sith, we took a step backwards. Palpatine/Darth rework was more impressive than anything Sion has managed to provide me, and that cost nothing.

    My Sith Trooper actually performs better than Sion, and that shouldn't be happening. (and my trooper is T10, not even 11)

    Lol @Gair
    Learn to use him. He's insane. Basically carries the weak/exposed palp team with sith troop. And please do share your new experience when you learn to use him. :D

    Maybe provide some insight then? Seems a pretty common thought that Sion is basically useless at this point. If that's not the case, you could put this whole thread to rest probably by providing actual useable feedback, not "haha you're dumb, you don't know what you're doing."

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    Holy wow, this thread has been a wild ride from start to finish. Can't wait to see what kind of fallout comes out of this little dinner and a show.
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    Forgive me if this was mentioned in one of the many many other posts, but there is a clearly stated list of what is not tolerated in the Forum Guidelines post. The OP pretty unequivocally violated that. Now certain parts of the dev response were somewhat tactless, but giving a warning was reasonable. In fact, based on past observations I would have expected outright deletion of the thread with a private warning. (Which I think is still the general policy for guideline violations, as it should be. Nevertheless, that can come across as overly draconian so it's good to see an exception) Funnily enough it was implied that a similar post may have been tolerated in one of the other subforums like character strategy. Perhaps those of us interested in actual in depth conversation of various toons' pros and cons should give these areas outside of the main 'General' board more of our attention if differing types of feedback are mote freely permitted there.
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Hmmmm let’s get back in topic shall we :)

    Sion is fixed :smile:
    Let wait for CG to be back fo more update

    Let’s not throw more salt over each other yea :smile:
  • Well_I_Never
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Siukong wrote: »
    there is a clearly stated list of what is not tolerated in the Forum Guidelines post. The OP pretty unequivocally violated that.
    Please show where you feel that he did so? I will then happily show you how I feel (along with many others here) that he did not.
    It's a matter of perspective.
    Investment, to me, equates to my time being invested in this game.
    Investment, to you or others maybe, can be money invested in this game.
    Personally, I don't consider this an investment, simply a purchase.

    Saying "do not invest in character x" is not saying do not spend your money on this game.
    It is simply advising people not to invest, whichever their investment is, in this specific character.
    Anyone who was considering investing their money or time into this character will take this recommendation & do with it as they please.
    Some may decide to not invest, either their time or their money, into Sion. Some may ignore it.
    Of those who decide not to invest their time, or their money, there is no suggestion that they do not invest it into something else in the game, which is what most people are likely to do following this suggestion.

    Had he said "do not invest in this game", then fine, the warning for breaching forum rules would be appropriate. He did not, so it is not.

    The only, single thing that is detrimental to the product (the game), is not the OP, is the product (Sion).
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    There are still issues with the tm gain from EP's leadership. So not all the sith issues from the OP have been resolved.

    Interesting thread. Makes me ponder much...
  • Well_I_Never
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Also encountered issue with EP's Unique not doing the 20% damage at the start of enemy turns.
    Faced Ezra, Lumi & Mace & took all their protection away. None of them took any damage at the start of their turn. Ezra should be taking 40% of his Health.
    Faced another team with OB, who had 30K protection & 25k Health.
    At the start of his turn he should have taken 40% of 25k (10k or 1/3 of his protection) damage for being a Rebel & a Jedi.
    He took none.
    Post edited by Well_I_Never on
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Learn to use him. He's insane. Basically carries the weak/exposed palp team with sith troop. And please do share your new experience when you learn to use him. :D

    Thanks for clarifying you actually had no idea what you were talking about. EP still has issues, and Sion thankfully is being fixed, or was fixed.
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    ... dbl pst
  • Mo_man78
    54 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    This is about making money. Money. Money. Money. That’s why nobody is allowed to throw the game under the bus. They could lose a couple bucks. But they won’t. Yes the game is a lot of fun and frustrating at times. So is gambling and drinking. This game is an addiction that a lot of people will continue to pour cash in to and be taken advantage of (I’m FTP). CG/EA will fix problems when they’re good and ready. They’re not accountable to anyone. No one is watching them. And yes we’ll keep playing.
  • Options
    This is about making money. Money. Money. Money. That’s why nobody is allowed to throw the game under the bus. They could lose a couple bucks. But they won’t. Yes the game can be a lot of fun and frustrating at times. So is gambling and drinking. This game is an addiction that a lot of people will pour cash in to and be taken advantage of (I’m FTP). CG/EA will fix problems when they’re good and ready. They’re not accountable to anyone. No one is watching them. And yes we will keep playing.
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    The mods and development team have a generally poor attitude regarding any form of disparaging comments. I remember during the rey crystal promotion I started a post asking which stores are participating due to all the confusion. Kyno posted a link which stated all of them were and then closed the post down as answered before anyone could discuss. I took this info and bought some cards from tesco only for neither to work. When I messaged him personally about his mis-information he informed me that hes "Not here to help people, I'm here to moderate". I then posted his response on the forum and I got a warning for it whereas nothing was said to him as far as I know! I did not recieve any respect or apology from anyone. The rey shards took over 2 months to arrive into my account because of Ea's terrible complaints system... and I bet I'll get a warning for this also
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    Tbf having looked at the post it wasn't kyno that quoted that. It was a seperate mod that said "I'm here to mod, not help" but it was kyno who warned me for the post regarding his attitude.
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    Tbf having just looked it wasn't kyno who come out with that statement. He warned me for a comment I posted about the other mod who did say it but he didn't say anything.
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    It's not bad, you're just bad, tell me why I win against team full of resistant with bb8 296 speed
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