Bryan's Talk



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    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    I hate to break the news man....but Phasma/First order synergy is very sub-par at the moment. I worked on my Phasma and Kylo in the beginning, then strayed away as I learned more. FOTP is hardcore and a nice, big hitter for any team. Of course you could always farm the Jedi speed meta if you really want to climb the ranks, but it will take a while. I would use your FO setup to chip away and try to hold rank as you work on a speed team. Rebel synergy teams led my The Admiral are pretty fast and serious. And seem pretty easy and quick to farm. My best advice is to sway away from First Order until they get a buff. Hope this helps man.

    Thanks, brough. So, no Phasma. But if my team is not mostly Jedi (I will keep FOTP and GS), then a leader like QGJ is not a huge boost. Akbar boosts only rebels, I think.

    I guess I'm still having trouble focusing on who I need to lead, and whether or not I need a tank-taunt (Poe, RG, or STH).

    Thanks though for the insight. I have some things to think about and explore.
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    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    EM650 wrote: »
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    Hey guys and gals. I have all characters unlocked and stay on top 5 arena in my server. Maybe someone from my server will recognize my name. If anyone needs any info on characters or abilities....I will be glad to help the best I can. Like I said. All are unlocked

    How is GG? I have all toons, but him and Veers unlocked.

    I have a 5 star GG....just haven't upgraded him because he wouldn't fit in the current meta....however, he is very Powerful at max level, gear, stars, and abilities. He has almost 2k power. Pretty impressive. I have heard lots of mixed feelings on him from different people. When I get enough shards to get him to 6*, I will start upgrading him to check him out. I hear he is viable there. I can imagine he would be great as leader if you are playing against a team with high crit toons. His AOE with turn meter reduction seems hardcore too.

    GG is not good at all even at 7* in the current state of the game. Not sure who you would have heard from that he is okay at 6, but whoever said that is either full of it, bad or just talking about his usefulness in the droid challenge.

    Anyone who has enough to 7* him won't use him because there are at least 20 better toons than him.

    At this point he is not worth the effort and anyone sacrificing there progress on other toons for him are handicapping themselves. Unless they are a super whale.
    Team iNstinct --
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    Kingken85 wrote: »
    Any input on nightsister teams? My arena (currently ranked 1) team is
    All max gear minus the equipment for lumi that needs 50 pieces.

    After maxing sid I started to buy ventress shards in hopes of getting a speed team of nightsisters
    Ventress (lead)
    Nightsister initiate
    What do you think?

    I'm fearful of Nightsister right now. I think Daka has a better place in the current meta. She is pretty awesome right now with Dooku(L), RG, and two big hitters like GS or Leia/FOTP. I think you wouldn't be happy going all Nightsister....but would be a fun change
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    can u make an ewok video?
    whos the best for the last spot
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    I understand that you have all toons unlocked, and in doing so, a good number of folks look to you for advice. I'm all for you imparting your knowledge to those who seek it, as I truly believe these forums need folks who are willing to share what they have experienced. That will only make for a better game and community.

    I do take issue with you on one particular point- unlocking all toons does not grant you the authority to give advice that you have yet to actually partake in.

    For example, I feel your recent post about Grievous is misleading. In current meta, Greivous is a joke. It takes a lot of effort and time to unlock and gear him. He may get better once these new changes are made, but as it stands right now, he is no good.

    You acknowledge that you haven't starred or geared him, so I just think it's bad form for you to try to tell people about what you, yourself, have yet to do.

    Just saying... please be conscious of what you say, as many may take heed to your words more than you may know.
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    I understand that you have all toons unlocked, and in doing so, a good number of folks look to you for advice. I'm all for you imparting your knowledge to those who seek it, as I truly believe these forums need folks who are willing to share what they have experienced. That will only make for a better game and community.

    I do take issue with you on one particular point- unlocking all toons does not grant you the authority to give advice that you have yet to actually partake in.

    For example, I feel your recent post about Grievous is misleading. In current meta, Greivous is a joke. It takes a lot of effort and time to unlock and gear him. He may get better once these new changes are made, but as it stands right now, he is no good.

    You acknowledge that you haven't starred or geared him, so I just think it's bad form for you to try to tell people about what you, yourself, have yet to do.

    Just saying... please be conscious of what you say, as many may take heed to your words more than you may know.

    Bro....maybe you mis read what I said about him. I said he doesn't fit in the current meta. I gather a lot of advice from lots of people. That's why my statements on him were all assumptions. As I stated. I also stated that I haven't upgraded him. Even some people from FTB (our guild) defend him. But that is only Bc they love him from the movies. Maybe you just didn't read what I said correctly.
    Post edited by Bryan1986 on
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Therefore, some of my advice comes from other experienced members in our guild. What I don't know I will ask there. Then transfer here. Sorry if I offended you in any way brother. My knowledge doesn't come from having all toons comes from having a huge community of the best members in the game, who share knowledge with one another. I wouldn't have a clue about most things pertinent to the game without FTB. Best of the best!!!
    Post edited by Bryan1986 on
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    I'm also not claiming what I say to be 100% accurate. But it is the best knowledge I have right now and don't mind sharing it with anyone that wants to ask.
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited March 2016

    Well seems Phasma may become useful again with the upcoming updates. I wouldn't turn her down just yet. I am saving up mats and gear to see how the changes will affect the gameplay. Hopefully Maul and FOTP will survive a bit longer on def to make a difference. Let's pray for a good change. Haha
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    Bryan1986 wrote: »

    Well seems Phasma may become useful again with the upcoming updates. I wouldn't turn her down just yet. I am saving up mats and gear to see how the changes will affect the gameplay. Hopefully Maul and FOTP will survive a bit longer on def to make a difference. Let's pray for a good change. Haha

    Dude stop calling him brother unless your his real brother.

    Who the frack you think you are son

    this joker thinks he unlocked all the characters and he thinks his something.

    well your nobody son

    what a joker
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    Bryan1986 wrote: »

    Well seems Phasma may become useful again with the upcoming updates. I wouldn't turn her down just yet. I am saving up mats and gear to see how the changes will affect the gameplay. Hopefully Maul and FOTP will survive a bit longer on def to make a difference. Let's pray for a good change. Haha

    Dude stop calling him brother unless your his real brother.

    Who the frack you think you are son

    this joker thinks he unlocked all the characters and he thinks his something.

    well your nobody son

    what a joker

    Thanks for your contribution here... (sarcasm extremely emphasized). Now, please post somewhere else.
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    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    Therefore, some of my advice comes from other experienced members in our guild. What I don't know I will ask there. Then transfer here. Sorry if I offended you in any way brother. My knowledge doesn't come from having all toons comes from having a huge community of some of the best members that share knowledge with one another. I wouldn't have a clue about anything pertinent to this game without others helping me along the way.
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    Therefore, some of my advice comes from other experienced members in our guild. What I don't know I will ask there. Then transfer here. Sorry if I offended you in any way brother. My knowledge doesn't come from having all toons comes from having a huge community of some of the best members that share knowledge with one another. I wouldn't have a clue about anything pertinent to this game without others helping me along the way.
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    I'm also not claiming what I say to be 100% accurate. But it is the best knowledge I have right now and don't mind sharing it with anyone that wants to ask.


    I wasn't offended by the nature of your posts, as I pointed out first during my response. I think sharing information is a good thing.
    I just wanted to ensure that your guidance reflects personal experience. Too often folks discuss matters that they have no in-depth knowledge of. That creates a scenario akin to the "Rush Limbaugh effect". Whatever is spewed out of that guys mouth becomes a listener's "truth", and said person then relates that information to others as though they, themselves, have somehow become an expert on a subject. From an advice givers standpoint, you must realize that others may take heed to your forum posts and influence the actions of many.

    I encourage you to keep your forum alive. You're doing a service to the community.
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    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    Therefore, some of my advice comes from other experienced members in our guild. What I don't know I will ask there. Then transfer here. Sorry if I offended you in any way brother. My knowledge doesn't come from having all toons comes from having a huge community of some of the best members that share knowledge with one another. I wouldn't have a clue about anything pertinent to this game without others helping me along the way.
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    Therefore, some of my advice comes from other experienced members in our guild. What I don't know I will ask there. Then transfer here. Sorry if I offended you in any way brother. My knowledge doesn't come from having all toons comes from having a huge community of some of the best members that share knowledge with one another. I wouldn't have a clue about anything pertinent to this game without others helping me along the way.
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    I'm also not claiming what I say to be 100% accurate. But it is the best knowledge I have right now and don't mind sharing it with anyone that wants to ask.


    I wasn't offended by the nature of your posts, as I pointed out first during my response. I think sharing information is a good thing.
    I just wanted to ensure that your guidance reflects personal experience. Too often folks discuss matters that they have no in-depth knowledge of. That creates a scenario akin to the "Rush Limbaugh effect". Whatever is spewed out of that guys mouth becomes a listener's "truth", and said person then relates that information to others as though they, themselves, have somehow become an expert on a subject. From an advice givers standpoint, you must realize that others may take heed to your forum posts and influence the actions of many.

    I encourage you to keep your forum alive. You're doing a service to the community.

    Ok man. Thanks for the heads up. I sure don't intend to point players in the wrong direction. I really enjoy posting here. I also know a lot about you and know you are, without a doubt, a very knowledgable member. Thanks for the advice. Let me know what how you feel about the upcoming updates. I'm hoping FOTP and Maul become more useful with the Fortitude addition. So many glass cannons can't withstand the first attack on def and really puts a damper on the play. Thanks again.
  • Drayden
    66 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Just finished GS in Cantina. Now I am wondering who to go for next. What do you guys suggest? Lando, Ben, Chief?

    I have JC 5* and Kylo 5* 53/85
    Not too keen on either to be honest.
    Dooku is maxed too.

    My other lineup:
    7*: Lumi, Sid, Phasma, GS, Poggle, 86, Dooku
    6*: QGJ, 88, HK, Rey
    5 and below: Rey (60/85), Kylo, JC, RG, Poe, Oppress

    Farming Resistance pilot, Biggs and Magma in GW. Arena I am farming currency till I know what the meta brings.

    Thanks for some insight :)
  • BertSidious
    108 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Dude, keep posting, i find you helpful and informative, as with yoyoyoda369. I am lucky enough to count you as an ally and your toons have helped me out a lot.

    I am also lucky to count TheVem as an ally and have used his 7* maxed GG, which seemed to me to be a great toon, but not a game changer.

    If yoyoyoda369 can add me as well, i would be a happy boy, access to as many top tier toons as possible is a massive plus for me.

    Just a thanks to all the big spenders really, haters gonna hate, but most are probably just jealous of your teams, imho?..........
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    Dude, keep posting, i find you helpful and informative, as with yoyoyoda369. I am lucky enough to count you as an ally and your toons have helped me out a lot.

    I am also lucky to count TheVem as an ally and have used his 7* maxed GG, which seemed to me to be a great toon, but not a game changer.

    If yoyoyoda369 can add me as well, i would be a happy boy, access to as many top tier toons as possible is a massive plus for me.

    Just a thanks to all the big spenders really, haters gonna hate, but most are probably just jealous of your teams, imho?..........

    Thanks man. Me and the Vem are in the same clan. I talk to him daily. Nice guy. I am happy to be your ally.
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Drayden wrote: »
    Just finished GS in Cantina. Now I am wondering who to go for next. What do you guys suggest? Lando, Ben, Chief?

    I have JC 5* and Kylo 5* 53/85
    Not too keen on either to be honest.
    Dooku is maxed too.

    My other lineup:
    7*: Lumi, Sid, Phasma, GS, Poggle, 86, Dooku
    6*: QGJ, 88, HK, Rey
    5 and below: Rey (60/85), Kylo, JC, RG, Poe, Oppress

    Farming Resistance pilot, Biggs and Magma in GW. Arena I am farming currency till I know what the meta brings.

    Thanks for some insight :)

    Hey man. Thanks for posting here. If I was you, I would run Dooku(L), GS, Poggle, 86, Lumi/Phasma. I have seen that lineup amoung the top players now, since Dooku lead ability was buffed (corrected). RP is a good farm. I'm not sure how well magma performs yet, since I haven't seen him as max. Good idea on storing currency until the update. That is what I am doing as well. Also store those purple mats. I have only about 5 million credits. But have been lucky to save 150 purple mats for the update. Rey is one to focus on in farming at the moment....she will is OP now, however, they may hurt her in the update. I have a strong feeling that First Order is gonna rise....the advantage perk is gonna make them better. As far as cantina goes, I am 19 shards away from maxing Daka, so I would suggest her, however, you may be better off saving those cantina rewards to use after the update. Just in case they bring a whole new meta. Hope this helped bro.
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    Thanks so far so good :). Who do you think I should farm in Cantina missions though? Ben, Chief, Lando, Barris?
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    Drayden wrote: »
    Thanks so far so good :). Who do you think I should farm in Cantina missions though? Ben, Chief, Lando, Barris?

    I am pulling Barriss from cantina right now. She is great for various aspects. Ben is not a concern to me anymore since Yoda exists. Chief and Lando may become viable toons in the future, but I haven't focused on them at all right now. My pick would be Barriss.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Hey Bryan we have 2 shards merging into a guild so far around 30 committed need 20 more if your interested or know anyone. I haven't chatted with you in awhile how you like update
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    Hey man. Thanks for the offer!!! I have been in FTB main division for a few months now and really enjoy it. Would definitely join you if I wasn't. The update is cool with me. GW takes a bit longer, but it's nice to see a change really. How are you doing man??
  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    @Mol Elizio
    If you are here bro...I would like to speak with you. You have many accounts I believe and enjoy battling with you in our server.
    Lol your taking advice from someone who writes this.. No game knowledge... Just 7* everyone.. Most of your advice is very bad please play the game for more than 1 day and try again with actual good advice.
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    Thanks for your input. That was before I knew the name was default. Hope your evening is going well.
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Dario wrote: »
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    @Mol Elizio
    If you are here bro...I would like to speak with you. You have many accounts I believe and enjoy battling with you in our server.
    Lol your taking advice from someone who writes this.. No game knowledge... Just 7* everyone.. Most of your advice is very bad please play the game for more than 1 day and try again with actual good advice.

    As of now, I am in one of the best guilds in the game and recieve the best advice. Take something from 2 months ago and use it against me. Lolol. Don't be jealous bro. Just stick to Reddit...
  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    Dario wrote: »
    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    @Mol Elizio
    If you are here bro...I would like to speak with you. You have many accounts I believe and enjoy battling with you in our server.
    Lol your taking advice from someone who writes this.. No game knowledge... Just 7* everyone.. Most of your advice is very bad please play the game for more than 1 day and try again with actual good advice.

    As of now, I am in one of the best guilds in the game and recieve the best advice. Take something from 2 months ago and use it against me. Lolol. Don't be jealous bro. Just stick to Reddit....
    Just noticed this is an old post dug back up lol I thought it was recent.. My evening is going good tar ur self?
    Ps not jealous I have more stars and levels ;)
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    @dario Ok man. Well then sorry about the last post. Lol. My evening is going well too. Just laid up in a motel doing some line chat and GOH.
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Been working on character and squad strategy since the update. so many nerfss/buffs to find out about and adjust to man.
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    Finally Barriss makes sense....
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    Yeah man. I got a late start on the game. Only about half of the toons are 7* and it has become too expensive for me to up anymore. Especially the ones that aren't viable. I only have 12 toons at lvl 75 and a handful at 74. The gear grind is real for everyone right now. Sucks RG and 5s take almost the same gear at 9. The protection is pretty awesome.
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    Thread closed at request of OP.
This discussion has been closed.