Bryan's Talk


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    It takes so much time to upgrade all the characters and upgrade my main crew....but I will get there!!
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Check this bad boy out:
    He is a glass cannon....but his criticals are second to none. Hit a 14.9k crit today as I one shot Sid top 5 arena battle a bit ago. His power is now higher than my GS....and both are maxed for my level
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    Just sent request to add TheBossOfYou. Hope it was the right one.
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    It's sad when I have so many purple mats...and have to wait on blue ones. Lol
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    Drayden wrote: »
    I am basically F2P. Who do you guys suggest as a 5th for arena in the following team:
    Would it have to be 88? He dies so fast... (whenever I pay against him).
    I habe 27k Arena currency and no idea what to spend it on (Sid is 7*). HK-47 I did not start yet. My other toons:
    5*: Kylo,QGJ, JC, IG86, Savage,Anakin

    Thanks for the heads up :)

    There is someone on my server that uses Fives in the fifth spot of your team :)
    He is good to hold the line with his high health and counterattacks after the droids weaken the team and get picked off one by one. I know he is not in the characters you mentioned, but he is effective.

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    HeHateMe wrote: »
    Hey Bryan is you have any free ally spots please invite me. I have a question about my team I can not crack below 20 anymore. I am 20-50 now in arena

    The characters I have
    Sid 7
    Lumi 7
    Phasma 7
    Dooku 6 almost 7
    Kylo 7
    Poogle 7
    Ig 86 6
    Qgj 6
    Gs 5
    Rey 5
    Daka 5
    I used to be top 5-10 before last patch with
    But after patch I am getting owned any advise on what I should do. I feel like making another account but I like mine because I make it through Gw. Any advice on what team I should use would be great or who I should work on.

    I have a few 31/35 allies currently. I would love to add you. With your current character layout...I would definitely run:

    Phasma (L)
    Lumi (Daka if you get her upgraded)

    I have a guy in my server that runs that currently and he stays top 10 always because the defensive (AI) of that squad is amazing. Now Daka is what he runs and she almost seems necessary because of her revive and stun....but as you know, keep pounding away at QGJ, Rey, and GS....because with those 3 and a Poe/RG/haun and a great can climb back to the top hands down and never lose an offensive battle. Phasma was nerfed....but still shouldn't be underrated as she is a bad **** on defense and still can give me a run for my money. As a matter of fact, Phasma led teams and droid teams are two best defensively. When you get to where you can farm FOTP, he can be a longer term goal as he would synergise beautifully with Phasma/Kylo. Once this speed meta is nerfed, you are gonna be glad you have a First Order team....I can almost guarantee you will see Phasma and Sid led teams on top again until QGJ reaches Max capacity and can give 23 speed to all characters. Hope this helped a bit brother.
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    Ally request sent brother.
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    wait you have more blue mats then purple is that even possible? I have like 232 + blues and like 4 purples :S lol
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    Thanks for the help, Bryan! I've been getting kicked in the teeth, but I'm grinding away at a droid squad (my daughter loves Poggle, so that made up my mind). I don't have a 7* character yet. How hard should I run at that goal? Is that the next, immediate goal that I have, or should I try to synergize it with developing my droid squad? Can I afford to wait until I have Poggle at 7*, for example, or should I try to get Sid there as soon as I can because he's the closest?
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    Hey Bryan, I am needing some help to decide what to do next. . I never seem to have enough credits to promote the toons I have enough shards for. I have about 2 million and will need half to promote Dooku tonight. Currently my arena team is 7* Lumi, Sid, QGJ (L), GS & 6* Dooku (95/100 shards). All are maxed gear and abilities. Is this a team that is my best bet with my other current options? I have the following other toons (7* JC, Cad Bane. 6* Daka (67/100), Kylo 24/100, Eeth 101/100, Poe 32/100, Tarkin 8/100, Poggle 100/100, 5* 5's 65/85, Mace 84/85, Barris 9/85, Yoda 0/85, FOTP 19/85, Teebo 20/85, Maul 19/85, Anakin 16/85, Rex 87/85, Elder 55/85 and 4* Rey 31/65, 86 122/65, 88. 24/65, RG 19/65, Phasma 69/65, Vader 51/65 and 15 or so more that I can't or haven't started farming. Level 70 toons are GS, Lumi, QGJ, JC, Sid, Daka, Dooku, 5's, Kylo Barris & Poe. The rest are between 1 & 63.
    Also with the Jedi challenge, do I have a team that could beat even the 6 star event with Mace or should I try to level Anakin, Barris, or someone else since Kit is only 46/65 and Aayla is 4/65 (not farmable) Tano maybe? Thanks for any insight. It is definitely appreciated!
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Thanks for the help, Bryan! I've been getting kicked in the teeth, but I'm grinding away at a droid squad (my daughter loves Poggle, so that made up my mind). I don't have a 7* character yet. How hard should I run at that goal? Is that the next, immediate goal that I have, or should I try to synergize it with developing my droid squad? Can I afford to wait until I have Poggle at 7*, for example, or should I try to get Sid there as soon as I can because he's the closest?

    Definitely shoot for poggle first. Sid has only become mediocre unless paired with Phasma (L) or a "have to fill" spot on a different team. (Unless you have an awesome AOE squad with a good Taunter). Poggle is way, way OP for a droid team and is highly recommended. Since you can farm Poggle and HK pretty easy...I would definitely make that priority man. IG-88 isn't too pertinent anymore. So I would try to use a GS or other high critical toon in his place if you have the option. Always remember my awesome droid team requires a good taunt to deter damage. Then when Poggle gives offense up, it's all over but the tears
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Hey Bryan, I am needing some help to decide what to do next. . I never seem to have enough credits to promote the toons I have enough shards for. I have about 2 million and will need half to promote Dooku tonight. Currently my arena team is 7* Lumi, Sid, QGJ (L), GS & 6* Dooku (95/100 shards). All are maxed gear and abilities. Is this a team that is my best bet with my other current options? I have the following other toons (7* JC, Cad Bane. 6* Daka (67/100), Kylo 24/100, Eeth 101/100, Poe 32/100, Tarkin 8/100, Poggle 100/100, 5* 5's 65/85, Mace 84/85, Barris 9/85, Yoda 0/85, FOTP 19/85, Teebo 20/85, Maul 19/85, Anakin 16/85, Rex 87/85, Elder 55/85 and 4* Rey 31/65, 86 122/65, 88. 24/65, RG 19/65, Phasma 69/65, Vader 51/65 and 15 or so more that I can't or haven't started farming. Level 70 toons are GS, Lumi, QGJ, JC, Sid, Daka, Dooku, 5's, Kylo Barris & Poe. The rest are between 1 & 63.
    Also with the Jedi challenge, do I have a team that could beat even the 6 star event with Mace or should I try to level Anakin, Barris, or someone else since Kit is only 46/65 and Aayla is 4/65 (not farmable) Tano maybe? Thanks for any insight. It is definitely appreciated!

    As for you bro...I would definitely run:
    Sid (considering he is maxed)

    The QGJ speed meta is and has been most effective with someone taunting right away. Poe is the man for the job. (Plus a turn meter reduction and possible expose....wreck town). RG is good with the meta too...but must be 7* to be effective at all. Keep this in mind though...if you face another QGJ led team, you might wanna swap Sid with that opening stun on QGJ is killer and a match changer!!!

    As for the Jedi challenge....I would say Barriss offee was and is a must for me in the leader position. QGJ's speed has nothing on the speed of Yoda....but Barriss' heal every turn and ability to heal was a must for me. I even used Barriss to easily conquer all of the light side battles as well. She sucks for now in arena (bc her attack is weaker than a soggy moth), but the Jedi challenge and light side challenges makes her matter again. Hope this helps bro.
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    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    Thanks for the help, Bryan! I've been getting kicked in the teeth, but I'm grinding away at a droid squad (my daughter loves Poggle, so that made up my mind). I don't have a 7* character yet. How hard should I run at that goal? Is that the next, immediate goal that I have, or should I try to synergize it with developing my droid squad? Can I afford to wait until I have Poggle at 7*, for example, or should I try to get Sid there as soon as I can because he's the closest?

    Definitely shoot for poggle first. Sid has only become mediocre unless paired with Phasma (L) or a "have to fill" spot on a different team. (Unless you have an awesome AOE squad with a good Taunter). Poggle is way, way OP for a droid team and is highly recommended. Since you can farm Poggle and HK pretty easy...I would definitely make that priority man. IG-88 isn't too pertinent anymore. So I would try to use a GS or other high critical toon in his place if you have the option. Always remember my awesome droid team requires a good taunt to deter damage. Then when Poggle gives offense up, it's all over but the tears

    Thanks for the advice! I've been working on Poe too - that's where all of my cantina shards are going. He should work for the taunter, right? I've been liking him on the way up, ever since I got him to gear level six or so. Before that he was paper thin. I'll lay off IG-88 then, and start working on HK. I confess that I hadn't been building toward arena success when I started work on the team, but HK-47 seems like he ought to help with that. I don't know why I didn't plan that way from the start. How useful is the shard shop, once I get there?

  • TheShadow1983
    187 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    @Bryan1986, nice of you to offer out the advice good for you. I'm chiming in to ask about Jedi Knight Anakin, I see some decent potential there just not sure how he runs at 7 star or where you have him at.
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Yes bro. Poe is the best taunter for a droid team....even though he was nerfed....his speed and expose work very well in the droid side of the equation. With HK lead and a quick taunt/ will one shot most of the toons you are facing while they are trying to wrestle Poe! The shard shop costs 300 blue gems to buy a couple of shards of a character. It changes out randomly. General Grevious is ridiculously expensive as I spent about 15k blue gems to get him unlocked. You get 15 blue gems for every shard over 100/100. In my isn't a great milestone to shoot for....but it does help with those extra couple Character shards of you are in need of them
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    Keep in the pics takes 20 extra character shards to collect 300 blue gems..hope it answered your question
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    Thank you Bryan! I will go ahead and get Dooku up to 7* tonight and start getting Poe shards instead of Daka. I wasn't sure which toons to level so this gives me more focus and I obviously need to gear Poe up before he is viable. Thank you again.

    Bryan1986 wrote: »
    Thanks for the help, Bryan! I've been getting kicked in the teeth, but I'm grinding away at a droid squad (my daughter loves Poggle, so that made up my mind). I don't have a 7* character yet. How hard should I run at that goal? Is that the next, immediate goal that I have, or should I try to synergize it with developing my droid squad? Can I afford to wait until I have Poggle at 7*, for example, or should I try to get Sid there as soon as I can because he's the closest?

    Definitely shoot for poggle first. Sid has only become mediocre unless paired with Phasma (L) or a "have to fill" spot on a different team. (Unless you have an awesome AOE squad with a good Taunter). Poggle is way, way OP for a droid team and is highly recommended. Since you can farm Poggle and HK pretty easy...I would definitely make that priority man. IG-88 isn't too pertinent anymore. So I would try to use a GS or other high critical toon in his place if you have the option. Always remember my awesome droid team requires a good taunt to deter damage. Then when Poggle gives offense up, it's all over but the tears

    Thanks for the advice! I've been working on Poe too - that's where all of my cantina shards are going. He should work for the taunter, right? I've been liking him on the way up, ever since I got him to gear level six or so. Before that he was paper thin. I'll lay off IG-88 then, and start working on HK. I confess that I hadn't been building toward arena success when I started work on the team, but HK-47 seems like he ought to help with that. I don't know why I didn't plan that way from the start. How useful is the shard shop, once I get there?

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    Thanks a ton, Brian! I won't sweat the shard shop, then. I wasn't sure how it worked - I thought I might be able to trade shards for characters I'm not interested in. If it's only shards beyond 7* that I can trade in, that's way less useful.
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    Anytime!!! PS...Daka is awesome on a Phasma led team. She stuns like crazy. You would think she was first order too. Lolol
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    Thanks a ton, Brian! I won't sweat the shard shop, then. I wasn't sure how it worked - I thought I might be able to trade shards for characters I'm not interested in. If it's only shards beyond 7* that I can trade in, that's way less useful.

    Absolutely. You are welcome. Glad to help bro.
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    Another thing to be in awe takes 450 character shards to convert to the 6,750 blue gems just to buy 30 General Grevious shards. 450 traded for 30!!!!!!!!! Common man!!
  • Bryan1986
    529 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Be back in a little over an hour. Wife wants to watch a movie. Time to see "The Proffesional" again. 1994 movie about a Hitman and a young girl (hitgirl). Nice classic to watch. Talk to you guys soon.
    (Sad when you think about it...1994 was 22 years ago. Lol!!)
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    Thanks for the add! I guess the movie is SW related since Portman was Padme. Did you know Luc Besson wrote The Professional as a side project because Bruce Willis had other commitments in the middle of production of The Fifth Element? Less than a month to write it and the movie was finished in under three months.
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    Tonatiuh10 wrote: »
    Thanks for the add! I guess the movie is SW related since Portman was Padme. Did you know Luc Besson wrote The Professional as a side project because Bruce Willis had other commitments in the middle of production of The Fifth Element? Less than a month to write it and the movie was finished in under three months.

    Haha. No bro. I had no idea! I now know....seems you have done quite a bit of research!
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    It's an excellent movie. One of my favorites. Luc Beson is a sick director.
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    Tonatiuh10 wrote: »
    It's an excellent movie. One of my favorites. Luc Beson is a sick director.

    No doubt it is a great movie!
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    Hey Bryan and co,

    Lots of great theory crafting in here so far!

    I have been considering the droid talk on page 3 and am now wondering about the usefulness of the droid bundle before it disappears forever from my shop. I am mostly f2p, but this bundle is praised everywhere and seems quite competitive.

    My current roster is: + poe is one shipment from unlock in Cantina.

    I am able to snipe <20 arena with my best finish being 3rd, but it is becoming more difficult, the server is ~1 week old. Lumi Sid and GS seem decent on my arena team, but JC and chewie feel quite flat.

    I have been focusing on sid, lumi and GS in shipments / shards up to this point as a minimal spender. Would the droid bundle be a big upgrade in my arena potential? They would make a solid b team for my GW as it gets harder. My goal is to place as highly in arena as possible, <10 would be great but I am not sure how viable that is as a new player who isn't planning on continuous spending.

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    Yes! The best advice I can give you as a free to play player is to go droids all the way. And Poe is the taunter you will need. The droid package is great if it is offered to you. That is the best F2P setup. My server has a droid team that finishes top 1 every day in Aussie time zone. Great squad. Get Poggle, HK, Poe, IG-86. 88 not so important...but if you can't get GS up...he is a viable option
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