Upcoming Sith Raid Changes [MEGA THREAD]


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    3pourr2 wrote: »
    3pourr2 wrote: »
    This would take a guild of 50 about two weeks to complete with meta sith teams at theintended level requirements.

    Cool, . .. and your point? Use squads that work, It makes a huge difference, throw any old whatever in there and don’t be surprised if it works out poorly.

    I cleary stated my point with pictures,guess i could use crayons to better relate. The squads that work will not work at the intended levels. Its not a lack of knowledge as you,so passive aggressively,insist on implying. Lets not act like other people cannot have an opinion and try to add something that benifits the thread. I get you attacked the guy for the g12 comment wasnt me dont take others opinions so personally.

    Nothing personal lol, a picture with requirements circled, which we all know are never accurate, requires something more then a crayon circle on a picture.

    Since day one requirements listed are always , . . .. a little out of touch. Using the stated requirements to try prove something doesn’t accomplish much.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Ooooh what you mean to say is “bump”
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    While i agree “recommended” is of and usually translates to what level it unlocks.
    However, there is a clear difference between the two words.
  • Captain_Apollo
    423 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    3pourr2 wrote: »
    While i agree “recommended” is of and usually translates to what level it unlocks.
    However, there is a clear difference between the two words.

    Yes for those claiming everything is fine pray tell how intended or recommended is an appropriate word for tier 1 difficultly where the description clearly indicates the devs anticipate 1* toons being used (and the dev OP clearly indicates t1-6 is not supposed to take 7+ days to clear). Do tell what uber phase 1 team unlocks at 1*, and requires no mods, omegas, or zetas to overcome phase 1 mechanics to be on par with jtr.
  • MntMan
    281 posts Member
    JTR is not the only toon that works for sure, but try doing Heroic in a guild when no one has her. Yes it takes several proper squads to to complete the raid but it's not a 3 legged stool. It's a 3 legged stool with NS, IT and Chex Mix and then you have a table next to it that is just JTR. If you don't show up with JTR, but you can interchange some of the stool components. Maybe a nice FO squad as an example. With JTR though that's the hold up. People will argue this, but it doens't matter. For Heroic it is required. You may not have JTR and you do Heroic, but that's only because enough people in your guild have JTR. If no one did and you were all sitting on 7 star G12+3 IT, NS, Chex, FO, DOT Squad, whatever all zeta'd to the ying yang then you're not getting it done. You can however do it if no one has Snowtrooper. I.e. no other single character has such an impact.

    That character though has also has an impact in non-heroic and can greatly influence the time to complete. Give everyone in a Tier 4 or 5 a G12+3 Asajji zeta'd up and the impact on time will be minimum. I'll even allow that you give everyone in your squad a whole NS squad. Give everyone a JTR and bam, especially since after refresh you can use here again.

    The raid is catered towards one particular character. The rest, especially in heroic, help and help a lot, but none are as influential as her. Influential is the key word here.

    But hey that ship has sailed. They're not changing that so let's get over it. My only hope is that:

    1) They actually look at each tier through the proper lens. Not that a guild that could complete a tier 5 is doing tier 2 or 3 for speed. If you look at numbers and stats today you will get an inaccurate picture because a) Guilds that are non-heroic STR guilds are doing tiers much lower than what they could do for the currency only. b) By now so many people are sick of STR and disenchanted with and participation is low. Maybe a guild that could do Tier 5 in 3 days is taking 8 days because only a dozen people are actually bothering with it.

    2) They don't just get rid of challenge gear and call it a day. Look at the gear. Compare it to Pit and AAT, recognize this is supposed to be a more challenging raid than those other two and adjust gear accordingly to create a progression. Toss in the chance for some fully made Carbs. I don't think anyone would argue that challenge gear. Or full droid calls, stun cuffs, etc. Again the chance for. Not guaranteed. Also maybe a few G11 items even for tier 4 or 5 for the top scorers to help them progress and push their guild. Remember not everyone in a guild needs G9 or G8 gear. Some heavy hitters that are helping out guildmates and sticking around need stuff to keep them interested and involved. Else what's the point? If I drop twice the damage in a raid and finish top 3 it's probably because of my roster and where I am in the game. Don't forget those people either. Else I'll stick with just HAAT and HPit which offer better rewards, I can solo and do so faster than it takes my entire guild to do Tier 3 of STR.
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    MntMan wrote: »
    JTR is not the only toon that works for sure, but try doing Heroic in a guild when no one has her. Yes it takes several proper squads to to complete the raid but it's not a 3 legged stool. It's a 3 legged stool with NS, IT and Chex Mix and then you have a table next to it that is just JTR. If you don't show up with JTR, but you can interchange some of the stool components. Maybe a nice FO squad as an example. With JTR though that's the hold up. People will argue this, but it doens't matter. For Heroic it is required. You may not have JTR and you do Heroic, but that's only because enough people in your guild have JTR. If no one did and you were all sitting on 7 star G12+3 IT, NS, Chex, FO, DOT Squad, whatever all zeta'd to the ying yang then you're not getting it done. You can however do it if no one has Snowtrooper. I.e. no other single character has such an impact.

    That character though has also has an impact in non-heroic and can greatly influence the time to complete. Give everyone in a Tier 4 or 5 a G12+3 Asajji zeta'd up and the impact on time will be minimum. I'll even allow that you give everyone in your squad a whole NS squad. Give everyone a JTR and bam, especially since after refresh you can use here again.

    The raid is catered towards one particular character. The rest, especially in heroic, help and help a lot, but none are as influential as her. Influential is the key word here.

    But hey that ship has sailed. They're not changing that so let's get over it. My only hope is that:

    1) They actually look at each tier through the proper lens. Not that a guild that could complete a tier 5 is doing tier 2 or 3 for speed. If you look at numbers and stats today you will get an inaccurate picture because a) Guilds that are non-heroic STR guilds are doing tiers much lower than what they could do for the currency only. b) By now so many people are sick of STR and disenchanted with and participation is low. Maybe a guild that could do Tier 5 in 3 days is taking 8 days because only a dozen people are actually bothering with it.

    2) They don't just get rid of challenge gear and call it a day. Look at the gear. Compare it to Pit and AAT, recognize this is supposed to be a more challenging raid than those other two and adjust gear accordingly to create a progression. Toss in the chance for some fully made Carbs. I don't think anyone would argue that challenge gear. Or full droid calls, stun cuffs, etc. Again the chance for. Not guaranteed. Also maybe a few G11 items even for tier 4 or 5 for the top scorers to help them progress and push their guild. Remember not everyone in a guild needs G9 or G8 gear. Some heavy hitters that are helping out guildmates and sticking around need stuff to keep them interested and involved. Else what's the point? If I drop twice the damage in a raid and finish top 3 it's probably because of my roster and where I am in the game. Don't forget those people either. Else I'll stick with just HAAT and HPit which offer better rewards, I can solo and do so faster than it takes my entire guild to do Tier 3 of STR.

    Your first point is what has me most worried, the dev OP indicates their internal stats show some guilds take up to a week to complete. But I very much doubt that a guild that can only do tier 3 could get one completition in less than a month if they bother to try at all any more. In no small part because I don't see how you can chew through phase 1 in a timely manner without jtr (something the devs acknowledged when they said they wanted to see what more jtr in the wild did to non-heroic completition times).

    I'm especially worried that they won't take into account any of your points and do only a very minor tweak that will maybe bring down completion time for a few runs until apathy sets in again (unless they basically make every tier rewards so go everyone becomes eager to slog through a raid for 7 days (with the level of apathy everyone has I assume it would take rewards on par with hsith in one way or another to get that kind of motivation back into the player base, and I doubt the devs would do that ).
  • MntMan
    281 posts Member
    I have to be honest I'm getting a little burned out though. I mean I was happy they responded at all and thought it doesn't matter how long it takes so long as they get it right. Or at the very least I hoped they are open to phased improvements. I.e. tinker a bit, see how the community works with it and then be prepared to quickly step in and move the dial a little more until it's right. I.e. don't make this the one and only fix they're willing to do.

    But now I'm like just do it. Running a non-heroic yesterday Phase 4. DN is up. Run my NS team and just auto it. Sorry can't be bothered any more though auto is less than efficient. Then figure what the heck. I'll toss another team at it to help the guild whittle it down. First annihilate by DN I'm prepped for an handle then keep going. Second one comes and I'm not even paying attention. Stupid me. Reset. Try again. I'll pay attention this time. Same thing. The first one I pay attention to then I space out. What???!!! What am I doing? Why can't I focus. One more try........same thing. I can't get myself to care enough to pay attention any more. It wasn't an RNG thing or bad timing or bad luck. I just couldn't pay attention. Anyways I step away from it and come back later to mop up. End up second place finish still. What do I get for rewards. X amount of some item I have 3,500 pieces of and will never need and Y amount of gear I have 3,100 pieces of. Yay??????

    Today we run again a tier lower. Overnight they clear Phase 1. There's a nice juicy Phase 2 sitting there for me when I wake up. I should be able to tap dance all over this thing..........I'll just play another game. Don't feel like raiding right now. I'll step in and help later maybe. Maybe. I mean what's the point now?

    I've stuck it out in my guild trying to help them out. 40 MM power. Not a bad group. Not expecting to run Heroic tomorrow by any stretch but no one is getting better to achieve that with the garbage we get and more people are dropping off or not contributing, myself included.

    How many Traya shards do I have? Zero. None and I'd be OK with that if somehow I was getting gear to make my other teams stronger for TW, TB etc. But I'm not so Arena I guess is all that matters so you get crystals as it really always has I guess, but this really makes it so. I've never really chased the top 50 before but always thought I could step in there every now and again. But what else do I have? In my shard the top 20 are all Traya. 19 of which have Traya lead and one Palp with Traya in the team. Rank #21 is Bastilla bless her little soul. From 21-50 only 10 are non-Traya teams. What am I doing with my squad/time? I mean I don't want to be the guy that jumps ship, but here I am standing at the stern tightening my life jacket.

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    MntMan wrote: »
    I have to be honest I'm getting a little burned out though. I mean I was happy they responded at all and thought it doesn't matter how long it takes so long as they get it right. Or at the very least I hoped they are open to phased improvements. I.e. tinker a bit, see how the community works with it and then be prepared to quickly step in and move the dial a little more until it's right. I.e. don't make this the one and only fix they're willing to do.

    But now I'm like just do it. Running a non-heroic yesterday Phase 4. DN is up. Run my NS team and just auto it. Sorry can't be bothered any more though auto is less than efficient. Then figure what the heck. I'll toss another team at it to help the guild whittle it down. First annihilate by DN I'm prepped for an handle then keep going. Second one comes and I'm not even paying attention. **** me. Reset. Try again. I'll pay attention this time. Same thing. The first one I pay attention to then I space out. What???!!! What am I doing? Why can't I focus. One more try........same thing. I can't get myself to care enough to pay attention any more. It wasn't an RNG thing or bad timing or bad luck. I just couldn't pay attention. Anyways I step away from it and come back later to mop up. End up second place finish still. What do I get for rewards. X amount of some item I have 3,500 pieces of and will never need and Y amount of gear I have 3,100 pieces of. Yay??????

    At this point with community apathy I don't think they have room to just tinker and tune the dial down later if they aren't happy with the results. I don't think the community will have patience and will likely just abandon the game if they're like "we eliminated 10% of the 50 million health pool" like yay now we only have to wade through 45 million? How will that be faster?

    I stopped caring about building hsith teams 4-5 months ago. I don't honestly see that changing in the near future unless the devs do better than the best the community hopes for with sith raid changes. The way the devs willfully screwed all but the top 10 of hsith guilds with the reward changes doesn't leave me feeling warm and fuzzy with optimism though.

    It's funny honestly. Before Sith Raid I was watching all the youtube channels, reading all the guides, and making a point to log in to do stuff as often as I could and spend a lot of time maximizing my arena rank payouts. Sith Raid came and I immediately changed to a "meh I no longer care if I'm top 150 or top 50 in arena, I have way more fun games to play."
  • maraexibil
    197 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Devs should be concerned that guilds have seen more players logging 0 damage in HPit & HAAT (24hr window) than STR<7 (3-5 days). Does server data show this trend to be significant?

    If yes, then you have a metric for STR-specific player apathy: relative fractions of guild members on HPit:HAAT:STR scoreboard.

    If more players are not convinced to do at least zero damage in STR, then the rewards are simply not good enough.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    I used to hate sith raid but now we clear heroic easily. It's almost like HAAT, and hrancor were
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Sanaias
    21 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    By “strive towards” do you mean “give us money for” ? Seems like minimal needed changes to the raid so your pockets don’t feel lighter. The biggest feedback I’ve seen is the raid is boring, and people don’t even want to participate in phases like phase 1 and 4 RNG or not. I’d be bored too if I didn’t have JTR............. RNG is something that should be fixed yes, but people aren’t refusing to participate because of RNG... they’re refusing to participate because there’s only 1 viable team that does relatively well without getting absolutely perfect mods and spending a ton of money. I’ve also seen the dodge steal + stun on treya is absolutely ridiculous, taking clever and unique team comps that players “strived so hard” to achieve, completely out of the picture.

    It’s great that you want there to be end game content and challenge but please don’t make us feel like we need to fork over thousands of dollars to do so. I don’t see how you can even remotely express concern about people’s feelings toward the raid while still having nightsisters as the only viable team in phase 4.

    Addressing the payout for the raids, why even bother ? Oh boy you’re adding mod slicing into the pool of rewards, now we can spend slightly less time on the raid to get 2 or 3 mod slicing mats for a slight chance to improve a mod in the way we want, something we were previously able to do before the ability to strategically purchase or upgrade a mod with a specific secondary and get the stats we want was removed. It seems like you want so badly to add challenge and goals to this game, but take away our strategy to “strive” for them. If you were really paying attention to feedback you’d realize that people’s complaint about the rewards was more targeted toward the recent change of making gear 12 pieces exclusively available in the Sith raid, leaning toward heroic.. something players don’t even enjoy participating in, but is mandatory to progress.

    End game content is great, but shouldn’t be limited to a single Poorly designed Grindy raid, and certainly shouldn’t heavily lean on spending copious amounts of money to even be eligible to adequately contribute. Overall these changes are good and I agree with all of them, but these are being spun off like the community is being actively listened to and you’re reacting, when in reality these are more maintenance changes... things that really shouldn’t be a problem to begin with so you’re making efforts to correct them. That’s great, but please don’t pretend like we have this invaluable voice that reflects how this game is altered, it’s incredibly irritating and I’ve never seen a major positive change to this day that hasn’t been for the general profits of EA, manipulated to sound like you hear us and want to help.

    At this rate just sell customizable data cards with the gear we want in them for $200. but only put 1 piece of gear in each data card, and be sure to patch in a redundant odds disclaimer 3 years later so we know the chances are 100%.
    Post edited by Sanaias on
  • OldBoy
    33 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    MntMan wrote: »
    It's funny honestly. Before Sith Raid I was watching all the youtube channels, reading all the guides, and making a point to log in to do stuff as often as I could and spend a lot of time maximizing my arena rank payouts. Sith Raid came and I immediately changed to a "meh I no longer care if I'm top 150 or top 50 in arena, I have way more fun games to play."

    This!! So much this!! Before sith raid I was doing all I could, now, with so much RNG for this raid to get a good score, I really can't be bothered anymore.

    I've dropped from top 20 in arena to around top 100 and in ships dropped from top 50 to top 150 as I really can't be bothered and feel burnt out! Add in so many TW too and the fun is just gone for me (mostly) the only reason I actually haven't quit is the time I've invested, I can't just walk away from that
    Post edited by OldBoy on
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    Seriously, when are you guys going to change this? The raid is POINTLESS as is. Have completed 5 tier 5 rancor raids and haven't even made a DENT in this crap tier 3 Sith raid... And all for rewards of like 2 Rancors? Whoever made this is honestly a terrible person
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    I used to hate sith raid but now we clear heroic easily. It's almost like HAAT, and hrancor were
    My guild is clearing HSTR in about 12 hours now. Definitely softens the blow of the awfulness of it when I’m getting Traya shards and finishing in the teens in total ranking for it, but doesn’t change the fact that aside from the Traya shards, the rewards are trash and at the 1-6 tiers, the rewards are still beyond trash
  • Gannon
    1661 posts Member
    maybe I missed it, but did they give any indication yet of when this raid change will drop?
  • Krashxxxx
    226 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    I know "big" changes are in the works. But could we just get a hotfix on the lower tier rewards or lack there of, asap? I cannot imagine there is an overwhelming data entry workload or need for extensive testing for that fix. Remove ______ usless items from _______ prize boxes across the board. Done! Then screw around with the broken mechanics of the raid itself all you want. We are still running it, and still hating it, but we could at least be getting actual rewards for it.
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    Are the new changes to the sith raid live yet?
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    They said they'd be doing the updates to the Sith Raid after they completed the updates to Mods 2.0. The latter isn't quite complete yet, so the former will be coming Soon (TM).
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    They said they'd be doing the updates to the Sith Raid after they completed the updates to Mods 2.0. The latter isn't quite complete yet, so the former will be coming Soon (TM).

    I can't ask if its August, so soon? I don't want to get into another raid before the update drops, but the cap is full... Good thing I'm not a guild leader.
  • Drazhar
    784 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    You sure took your time to realize that playing sith raid from tier 1 to 6 is pretty much useless and just frustrating apart from guild store currency. I hope for the best from this update, there are guilds which are completely ignoring the raid because it's useless and takes a lot of time and patience. I understand that you're probably ordered to not care about people who don't spend and maybe you're even told to discourage them from playing (otherwise I would hardly explain myself all this bashing on f2ps), but by doing this you are completely ignoring most of your customers. And I hope you won't use low communication tricks about this "removal of challenge gear". You perfectly know that there are a couple challenge gears which are highly needed by every player even if they're challenge gears. With this said, I really hope you can make the STR great also using the community feedback you often seem to completely ignore or even mock sometimes. There are great players with great ideas out there. And I also hope you find a way to fix the extreme gap between very big guilds and big/medium guilds, which is a gap YOU created and expanded in the last year. The impact your changes had on arenas is nothing less than apocalyptic and I hope you can notice that, because I'm not sure you did.

    I'd want to close by reiterating that this comment is actually positive.I'm not criticizing even if I was a little bit bitter, I'm just exposing the things that need to be addressed and the things I hope you have addressed/are addressing.
    Post edited by Drazhar on
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    @CG_SBCrumb any update before the long weekend as far as progress?
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    JiggyMoose wrote: »
    Gifafi wrote: »
    I used to hate sith raid but now we clear heroic easily. It's almost like HAAT, and hrancor were
    My guild is clearing HSTR in about 12 hours now. Definitely softens the blow of the awfulness of it when I’m getting Traya shards and finishing in the teens in total ranking for it, but doesn’t change the fact that aside from the Traya shards, the rewards are trash and at the 1-6 tiers, the rewards are still beyond trash

    agree, but heroic rewards haven't been bad for me (knocks furiously on wood), but man I don't miss those awful days of sth raids taking forever for bad rewards. keep at it everyone you'll get there
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb any update before the long weekend as far as progress?

    Haha, you’re funny!
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Gannon wrote: »
    maybe I missed it, but did they give any indication yet of when this raid change will drop?

    They said with the mods update...so they lied or are behind..
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Gannon wrote: »
    maybe I missed it, but did they give any indication yet of when this raid change will drop?

    They said with the mods update...so they lied or are behind..

    Crumb posted yesterday that now mods are done they can work more on sith raid. So it will be soon,just not very very very very very soon.
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    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Gannon wrote: »
    maybe I missed it, but did they give any indication yet of when this raid change will drop?

    They said with the mods update...so they lied or are behind..

    This is from page 1 of this thread:
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    SandurzGoH wrote: »
    Is there a timeframe in which these changes are expected to go live?
    We are hoping to go live with this shortly after the Mod changes are implemented but we need to do some additional testing before we can finalize our exactly solutions

    So no, they did not lie, and they are not behind.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Gannon wrote: »
    maybe I missed it, but did they give any indication yet of when this raid change will drop?

    They said with the mods update...so they lied or are behind..

    This is from page 1 of this thread:
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    SandurzGoH wrote: »
    Is there a timeframe in which these changes are expected to go live?
    We are hoping to go live with this shortly after the Mod changes are implemented but we need to do some additional testing before we can finalize our exactly solutions

    So no, they did not lie, and they are not behind.

    The second Mod Changes were done they were on the clock.... mathematically they are behind...

    unless they have yet to roll out the update to luxemborg or iceland or something....I guess

    so I'm right...from a certain point of view

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    I hope the new update fixes the BH payout target issues.
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    Can you please hurry and nerf this trash raid already?
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    No reason to fix raid if they to incompetent to fix whats been broken for months.
This discussion has been closed.