Upcoming Sith Raid Changes [MEGA THREAD]


  • Bloodynubberz
    68 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    we have been doing T6 for quite a while, had a failed attempt at T7 and then brought in a Merc who is a friend of the GM's, he stayed for 3 heroics (for which we completed all of them), this gave us confidence and when he left (as he thought we was ready) we have now cleared it on our own, so 24 Treya shards each, happy days.

    Except during T6 i was sitting normally somewhere between 3rd and 8th, during the Herioc i am sitting 15/16th, which just goes to show the level of apathy people have for this raid prior to T7. This is life and i dont have a problem with this I am developing my teams and may be able to climb into the top 10 at some point.

    But at the moment heroic is fun and reasonably rewarding (only due to Treya shards), but when they are done and we all have Treya i have to ask what is the point if the rest of the rewards are all rubbish unless your in the top 10.

    I have no issue rewarding those that do better with better rewards, but the fact remains that we currently still need maximum effort with no stragglers or at this moment in time we would fail the heroic, but i do feel aggrieved that those outside of the top 10 have no chance at a crafted piece of kit, and once we all have Treya's this raid will still generate less interest that either HPIT or HAAT (for those that cant get into the top ten), Heroic is better because at least its over in a day and then you have to save tickets again, but its only better than banging your head against T1>T6 daily and never getting anywhere.

    All members of each raid T1>T7 need to get better rewards, maybe base it on a raid percent damage where those that do less than 5% of the overall raid get standard rubbish (same as everyone outside of the top ten gets now), and those that complete 6>15% get slightly better, those 16>25%, get better still, those 26%+ get the best (but all should get a change of a crafted bit of kit, even if the percentage match their damage category). Rewarding the top 10 will drop all interest in this raid the moment we all get 7 star Treya, give the raid some longevity, make it worth playing rather than just registering a score.

    Edit: Maybe a full crafted piece should be based on the individuals overall raid percentage *5, so if you do 20% of overall damage you have a 100% chance of getting a crafted piece, if you do 0% you have 0% of gaining the item, something like that would give the raid longevity
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    So the sith raid still hasn’t been updated? We just finished another irritating grind, nothing seems to have changed.
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    @CG_SBCrumb when you guys address the Sith raid, which includes the rewards, will it also address the challenge gear in the tank raid and rancor? I'm hoping so. I have had many top 5 rankings in both and more often than not I get something that I already have 1,000 or more. I appreciate the work you guys do.
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    So the sith raid still hasn’t been updated? We just finished another irritating grind, nothing seems to have changed.

    They said it would be changed some time after the mod update. It hasn't even been a week since the full mod update and they're still ironing out all the kinks with it. I imagine the Sith update is coming mid to late September.
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    Degs29 wrote: »
    So the sith raid still hasn’t been updated? We just finished another irritating grind, nothing seems to have changed.

    They said it would be changed some time after the mod update. It hasn't even been a week since the full mod update and they're still ironing out all the kinks with it. I imagine the Sith update is coming mid to late September.

    Thanks, I was under the impression that the sith raid was supposed to be updated at the same time as mods update was.
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    I won't wait on doing raids cause you're waiting for the update. Who knows when it'll be released. Hopefully they'll max out our tix again with the update.
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    3pourr2 wrote: »
    I hope the new update fixes the BH payout target issues.

    Yeah that's beyond incompetent.
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    Tanuki wrote: »
    I won't wait on doing raids cause you're waiting for the update. Who knows when it'll be released. Hopefully they'll max out our tix again with the update.

    We aren't waiting. We did for the mods update, but I had a brain fart.
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    I just hope it doesn't drop during a raid.
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    Just sitting here waiting
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    Vengence wrote: »
    Just sitting here waiting

    Like they say, "Soon™(™)[™]" ....
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    Vengence wrote: »
    Just sitting here waiting

    Good thing you aren’t standing, your legs would be really tired
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    The main problem is that sith raid takes too much time and it's boring, you don't feel you accomplish anything. Running 3 teams (JTR, Jedies and Machinegun Magma) now in p1 t5 just took me half an hour, it's boring, it's not time I want to spend on the raid. We are an 88m GP guild and when I checked only 10 people had participated in p1. The participation in p2 are higher about 30-40 people.

    Make the raid simmable.

    Every time you run a team that team's score are set as a "best score" for that phase. Only score done in one phase counts.
    You get a list of all the teams you have run in the current phase, and their best score (or the ten best if you want to make the simming harder to achieve)
    You can sim and you would make the same damage as your best score (or average or lowest of top 10, if you have 10) in 1 second.
    You can run the raid normally to try to improve your best score, if you don't succeed you get your current best score, if you succeed you improve your best score. This will make you feel you achieve something by running a raid. Not like now, when you feel you have accomplished nothing.

    When a char is nerfed you can reduce all best scores with that char accordingly or wipe them.

    You will always have an incentive to improve your best score, make a new team that works better than your last, etc. While not having to run an endless number of runs, taking too much time.
    I think that would make this game better, because it would still be interesting to do good runs, but not force you to do it every time. And it would still make collecting an important part to succeed in the raids.

    There are so many other aspects of the game taking a lot of time, but at least with those you feel you accomplish something.
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    The main problem is that sith raid takes too much time and it's boring, you don't feel you accomplish anything. Running 3 teams (JTR, Jedies and Machinegun Magma) now in p1 t5 just took me half an hour, it's boring, it's not time I want to spend on the raid. We are an 88m GP guild and when I checked only 10 people had participated in p1. The participation in p2 are higher about 30-40 people.

    Make the raid simmable.

    Every time you run a team that team's score are set as a "best score" for that phase. Only score done in one phase counts.
    You get a list of all the teams you have run in the current phase, and their best score (or the ten best if you want to make the simming harder to achieve)
    You can sim and you would make the same damage as your best score (or average or lowest of top 10, if you have 10) in 1 second.
    You can run the raid normally to try to improve your best score, if you don't succeed you get your current best score, if you succeed you improve your best score. This will make you feel you achieve something by running a raid. Not like now, when you feel you have accomplished nothing.

    When a char is nerfed you can reduce all best scores with that char accordingly or wipe them.

    You will always have an incentive to improve your best score, make a new team that works better than your last, etc. While not having to run an endless number of runs, taking too much time.
    I think that would make this game better, because it would still be interesting to do good runs, but not force you to do it every time. And it would still make collecting an important part to succeed in the raids.

    There are so many other aspects of the game taking a lot of time, but at least with those you feel you accomplish something.

    It really is so boring. So so so boring..........
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    The main problem is that sith raid takes too much time and it's boring, you don't feel you accomplish anything. Running 3 teams (JTR, Jedies and Machinegun Magma) now in p1 t5 just took me half an hour, it's boring, it's not time I want to spend on the raid. We are an 88m GP guild and when I checked only 10 people had participated in p1. The participation in p2 are higher about 30-40 people.

    Make the raid simmable.

    Every time you run a team that team's score are set as a "best score" for that phase. Only score done in one phase counts.
    You get a list of all the teams you have run in the current phase, and their best score (or the ten best if you want to make the simming harder to achieve)
    You can sim and you would make the same damage as your best score (or average or lowest of top 10, if you have 10) in 1 second.
    You can run the raid normally to try to improve your best score, if you don't succeed you get your current best score, if you succeed you improve your best score. This will make you feel you achieve something by running a raid. Not like now, when you feel you have accomplished nothing.

    When a char is nerfed you can reduce all best scores with that char accordingly or wipe them.

    You will always have an incentive to improve your best score, make a new team that works better than your last, etc. While not having to run an endless number of runs, taking too much time.
    I think that would make this game better, because it would still be interesting to do good runs, but not force you to do it every time. And it would still make collecting an important part to succeed in the raids.

    There are so many other aspects of the game taking a lot of time, but at least with those you feel you accomplish something.

    Considering they went out of their way to make it so you couldn't auto it they'll never make it simmable.

    That said I agree with you. Unless they massively nerf the raid boss health so we can actually complete the hardest tier our guild is equipped for in 2 days or (ideally) 1 day or make the raid rewards worth 4 TBs I think they'd be better off writing off every tier except heroic and let people Sim those tiers. People already just auto it if they play it at all.
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    Pretty sure this will require more analysis, more data crunching, of course re-evaluation once they drop Not a Jedi Rey, the zombie nerf, how mods 6E affect the proposed changes, and any other foreseeable side note.

    Just play the raid, collect the raid store tokens and press on.
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    Verbal PVP at it's finest.
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    it would be nice to at least give a update or time frame for the fix and maybe some specifics about the changes coming. so many people losing interest and not even trying, it's getting ridiculous
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    I wonder if we'll ever get a response ... I love this game but I dread the moments I have to drag my resistance team through STR phase 1 again. This raid has truly become the bane of my SWGOH experience.
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    RawdSW wrote: »
    I wonder if we'll ever get a response ... I love this game but I dread the moments I have to drag my resistance team through STR phase 1 again. This raid has truly become the bane of my SWGOH experience.

    I've read talk (elsewhere) that they should create a "Most hated mission" award and give them to games deserving them. Trouble is, what would the trophy look like?
  • Chucko_marek
    3817 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    RawdSW wrote: »
    I wonder if we'll ever get a response ... I love this game but I dread the moments I have to drag my resistance team through STR phase 1 again. This raid has truly become the bane of my SWGOH experience.

    I've read talk (elsewhere) that they should create a "Most hated mission" award and give them to games deserving them. Trouble is, what would the trophy look like?

    A crying Sion being consoled by a sad Nihilus? Also at the base, Traya and Luke can be searching for their hands.
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    I honestly think they don't have any real plans to change anything worthwhile to this guild destroying raid. At most we may get some cosmetic changes but everything probably stays the same. G12 being gated behind hstr. The awards being the same with top 10 raking in and the rest getting garbage.

    Several guides have adopted a rotating system to give everybody a chance to be in the top 10 and get decent pieces but that is rare. The ones posting top 10 constantly don't want to give up their free farm. It's why I think anybody who knows they can't make top 10 should just avoid the raid completely. Let the top 10 beat it since they get everything the raid offers while the rest gets peanuts. That may sound harsh but it's the truth for any guild not doing a rotation system.

    Hopefully CG will actually do the right thing and make the rewards better all around since it's a team effort it's jacked the whole guild helps kill the raid but only the top 10 get the loot. They also need to drastically reduce the RNG especially on the DN phase. It's beyond frustrating having to restart because he drains and if he gets enough on drain instantly annihilates. They should give a pause to at least give the player a chance.

    All of that is really just the tip of the iceberg with what's wrong with that raid. They need to shelve it and redo it completely. I know they won't they will just keeping making small garbage changes that does nothing to fix the fact that STR is literally destroying the game along with all the other stuff going on.
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    This post is getting old. Devs, we do not forget promises.
  • BAST420
    33 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    I have go say, hearing Sion will also lose health is disappointing, I don't know about anyone else but that's the phase where I collect the majority of my overall damage done. With that phase ending faster I'm looking at lower ranks when all is said and done. That was the only phase of the raid where extreme levels of profanity wasn't being yelled out lol.
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    Warp3dM1nd wrote: »
    I honestly think they don't have any real plans to change anything worthwhile to this guild destroying raid. At most we may get some cosmetic changes but everything probably stays the same. G12 being gated behind hstr. The awards being the same with top 10 raking in and the rest getting garbage.

    Several guides have adopted a rotating system to give everybody a chance to be in the top 10 and get decent pieces but that is rare. The ones posting top 10 constantly don't want to give up their free farm. It's why I think anybody who knows they can't make top 10 should just avoid the raid completely. Let the top 10 beat it since they get everything the raid offers while the rest gets peanuts. That may sound harsh but it's the truth for any guild not doing a rotation system.

    Hopefully CG will actually do the right thing and make the rewards better all around since it's a team effort it's jacked the whole guild helps kill the raid but only the top 10 get the loot. They also need to drastically reduce the RNG especially on the DN phase. It's beyond frustrating having to restart because he drains and if he gets enough on drain instantly annihilates. They should give a pause to at least give the player a chance.

    All of that is really just the tip of the iceberg with what's wrong with that raid. They need to shelve it and redo it completely. I know they won't they will just keeping making small garbage changes that does nothing to fix the fact that STR is literally destroying the game along with all the other stuff going on.

    Pretty much my thoughts, SRT was designed to bring in a need for stronger more diverse squads, causing us to spend more, albeit time, or money, or both. It truly is the epitome of revenues matter more then player loyalty. But, ok, now we know. And can adjust to that thought process. Game on.
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    BAST420 wrote: »
    I have go say, hearing Sion will also lose health is disappointing, I don't know about anyone else but that's the phase where I collect the majority of my overall damage done. With that phase ending faster I'm looking at lower ranks when all is said and done. That was the only phase of the raid where extreme levels of profanity wasn't being yelled out lol.

    As awful as that is, I'm looking forward to the raid being easier and at this point where I stand in ranking doesn't much matter anymore, the rewards aren't that good. Hopefully they'll be much better..
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    Why the heck has nothing happened yet. You promise changes a month ago (changes that would hardly even make a difference mind you) and you have still yet to even do anything. Trash company confirmed.
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    Well just lost another of our top 3 out of our guild to join another to get traya.
    Pushing us further away and demoralizing the 40 of us left.

    I hate this raid so so much. And not because it is hard for me. I have my teams in order. Thanks cg for destroying guilds that actually grew close over the first few years.
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    MeervalMan wrote: »
    Well just lost another of our top 3 out of our guild to join another to get traya.
    Pushing us further away and demoralizing the 40 of us left.

    I hate this raid so so much. And not because it is hard for me. I have my teams in order. Thanks cg for destroying guilds that actually grew close over the first few years.

    Totally agree with you. EA just keep making this game worse. They do nothing to improve it :((
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    @CG_Carrie @CG_SBCrumb Can we maybe get an update on when these intended changes will be implemented? I think the majority of guilds have suffered through the sith raid long enough.
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